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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53169984 No.53169984 [Reply] [Original]

rank 5
rank 24

Where did everything go so wrong?

>> No.53169999

token not needed

>> No.53170009
File: 30 KB, 1165x189, nomofuddertears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm pretty sure i can speak for all of us who make these threads, but it all went wrong when i lost everything on celsius
now i'm stuck making fud threads 24/7
i dont think anyone has ever sold or unstaked because of a single post i made
but i cant really do anything else
hopefully we can at least crack 1k tokens apiece before the singularity while these fucking staking chads get to farm their rewards in the meantime

>> No.53170016

eric advised him to stop eating, but he wouldnt stop

>> No.53170026

I never had a single Link on Celsius or Bancor, everything is on my hardware wallet

You’re just a coping nigger who thinks every “FUD” thread is made by Linkies who lost their stack

>> No.53170064

well yeah i mean i ALSO usually claim that i didnt lose anything but... i'm just letting you know that i hurt WITH you over our bad decisions on lending platforms
you aren't alone
and we WILL get through this and make as many fud threads as we need to to try and get back in the game
yours in love and healing
fellow fudsister

>> No.53170074
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The massive and constant BTC suppression.

>> No.53170103

Even if this were true (it’s very likely not) doesn’t this prove Link is a trash investment?

>inb4 you need to hold for atleast a decade!!1!

>> No.53170112

>Even if this were true (it’s very likely not)
It's true even if you believe it's a conspiracy or not. It literally happened, and kept happening.

>> No.53170133

alternative, maybe sergay is retarded or purposely timing the top of the market. Either options, is not a good investment

>> No.53170148

1) Sergey did not decide to implement that Compound integration (or the AP partnership, or the Eric Schmidt shoutout, etc.) so he's not timing anything.

2) how the fuck would Sergey know precisely when Bitcoin or even the entire stock market was about to crash into the abyss?

Fucking full-blown schizo shit, fuck off.

>> No.53170171
File: 193 KB, 803x932, AA526B58-BE25-4EFE-AF6D-1037828E8D34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You legitimately believe the ENTIRE crypto market is conspiring against Link and you’re calling people schizos?

Meds asap

>> No.53170173


see >>53170112
>It's true even if you believe it's a conspiracy or not

>> No.53170181

Then that would make a coincidence, but even if you assume its some higher power, then link is a shit investment. Because god know how long they can keep this up.

>> No.53170183

So you’re admit you’re insane?

Your meme pic doesn’t prove anything

>> No.53170190

Whether you think it's a conspiracy or a recurring coincidence doesn't matter.

>Your meme pic doesn’t prove anything
It proves Bitcoin dumped HARD on big Link news, preventing link from pricing in the news.

>> No.53170191


>> No.53170328

calm down, fudsister
don't let them upset you
remember - we have the Calm-Room channel set up in the Free-bleed Fudder discord for moments like these where you can just go listen to calming music and just imagine a reality where you have your stack back in your possession and you aren't being mocked for posting fud
you have to keep those mental wellness checks going - i dont want to lose any more of my people to suicide because they keep getting mocked by stake chads

>> No.53170331

so funny maymays shillsister, thanks for correcting the record, just staked 100k more

>> No.53170349

oh is it time to switch ids?
yeah thats right - you dont want to have to have too many posts under a particular id or they might guess correctly in that we care about link a lot
and dont even joke about staking - that's a distant pipe dream for people still trying to accumulate like us
just stay strong and try to ignore the chads already staking

>> No.53170387
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Holy checked

>> No.53170537

Checked, just sold everything

>> No.53170585
File: 201 KB, 1206x364, fudinception.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant believe we all feel for bancor, celcius and rug pulls.
I am so bitter about my poor financial decisions i must continuously make fud threads on 4chan so everyone can be as miserable as me.
i hope everyone dies, then i can kys.

>> No.53170593

>CLU banned
>Official team will only do support on GitHub now
>Community actively rejected
>LINK drops to $5 and soon below

>> No.53171344
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>> No.53171842

bumping for chainshitters to see

>> No.53171949


>> No.53171952

checked, chainshit.

>> No.53171994

the main culprit is working remotely. I will keep saying this. Working remotely, especially when you are a startup, is retarded.
Chainlink needs to be cohesive and have a strong vision. The aura should be radiant.
None of those things are even possible when the entire company is fragmented across the world. it becomes lethargic, slothful. i hate it.

>> No.53172260

sergey doesn't want to sit in an office. he extracted over half a billion dollars of investor money for himself, he just wants to do the bare minimum, who could blame him

>> No.53172528

>he extracted over half a billion dollars of investor money for himself, he just wants to do the bare minimum, who could blame him
I think thats a good summary. Shame on biz for falling for this potemkin village of a crypto project.

>> No.53172549
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>checking yourself
My expectations for people who lost their stacks on lending platforms are never high, but this is just sad.

>> No.53172568

bro....how did you know I lost everything on Celsius and Bancor

I had 350k Link!

>> No.53173897

Exactly what Eric Schmidt tried to beat into his head in front of thousands. Only thing he didn’t agree on. He’s in drastic need of replacement as ceo because his employees are lazy and plodding

>> No.53173992

u held it to near nothing so might as well hodl for next 4 yrs

>> No.53175574

Your mother decided to keep you and it went downhill from there

>> No.53176208

Rank 1 This Year.

>> No.53176302

This. Sir Gay robbed billions from home as NEET masterrace why would he want to sit in traffic everyday?

>> No.53176310
File: 43 KB, 654x669, f3ruh1w8oq7a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this.
Also, checked.

BTW, I brought it when it was 0.5 (some bald /g/ youtube shill it to me) and I sold everything @23. At the time, /biz/ shit really hard on me, they even repost my screenshots when it was close to 50. But I made good money. What did the holders get? FUCK ALL!

The trick is to never look back. Is like when you arrive at an intersession, and you see a car coming. Either you commit and go for it, or you wait for the car to pass. Never change your mind half-way.

>> No.53177211


>> No.53177410

easy, the black one

>> No.53178043

looks like link and matic are heading in opposite directions, polygon is heading to the top 3 lmao

>> No.53179392

it's okay, I got rugged by stink pool. Fuck that overweight horsefucker

>> No.53179556

Yes. I still kind of trust Sergey but he has to snap out of it, or be replaced. I actually don't think he has any ill will but his company is in a precarious situation and it really hurts me to see that he's not taking the necessary steps to get out of it. Working remotely has dulled his brain it seems, he needs to snap out of it and take reigns in his own hands again. Step number one is getting back into the office.

>> No.53181285
File: 107 KB, 1170x1067, C2D4044D-FA34-44AE-B516-19539DCB663C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT deranged Chainshitters seething

>> No.53181875


Chainshitters need to see this

>> No.53182125

>Where did everything go so wrong?
he made ~$600M, it was a wild success

>> No.53182264

Working in person would force the top guys to actually get work done, too much to ask. Where does boneh and juels work? Dahlia? Steve? Working all over the country means time zone differences and a lack of “get it done now”, hence we have no working ccip, deco or fss

>> No.53182488

Yep. Been saying this for a while now. Work from home is good for the wagies, but terrible if you're actually trying to run a business and solve complex problems. I say this as someone who has benefited immensely from WFH the last few years, but even I think it's getting absolutely ridiculous how literally nothing gets done.

>> No.53183734

Nice work CLG, based zach false flagging on the fudder shills

>> No.53183764
File: 3 KB, 211x239, images (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>link is suppressed by the WEF illuminati Bulgarian trannies
>its not allowed to pump, any time it does btc is dumped

>biz retard: wow I better buy this!
>wtf im down 90%! How come it never pumps?!

>> No.53185705
File: 223 KB, 1200x948, itsOVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over.
sirgay = fat.

>> No.53185932

based king thank you chainlinkgod

>> No.53185988

He overpromised: Mixicles, Deco, hinted at Docusign, Swift since 2017, town crier, CCIP, staking, etc.

He underdelivered: mainnet 2 years after the project started and you needed kyc and to be selected to run a node, staking 5 years after the project started and the number is limited and you can't have your own neetnode since there is still no decentralised reputation system implemented.

He dumped a shit ton of tokens on the market, more than a billion $ worth of tokens (he sold during the bullrun), which stopped the price of the token to climb like everything else and thus effectively cucked us into bagholding since we didn't perform like meme coins. The cause for the dumps is only greed, the project is one of those that can be coded by a team of 10 engineers MAX, if not 5 or less, so they didn't need billions of $ for it.

Summary is that he shilled lots of functionalities and didn't implement them and did it to keep people holding the token, when the price of everything started rising he dumped first and got extremely rich from it, the whole austic larp and same shirt etc is part of the act, he's a very high IQ scammer but a scammer all the same.

I would have killed the fat fuck if I was American and had guns, I'm still all in and went from 7 figures to low 6 figures and if we dump more I'm going to 5 figures.

>> No.53186007

unironically a good post

>> No.53186038

and yet, the bulgarian was blamed

>> No.53186066
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The whole it's "le Bulgarians fault" is schizophrenic tier ramblings. There is an anon who keeps posting his shitty collage to prove it's true.

It's basically the GME version with hedgies

>> No.53186094

this. Lets see if US investors can do some justice to this betrayal.

>> No.53186208

One thing I learned is if people obsessively talk about something then you are too late to the party. This means anything shilled on /biz everyday has already had its early adopters in place. The only way to make the gains, we can all agree, is to be there early. Stinkies are stinky for a reason. You know what it tastes like without having to tasting it.

>> No.53186275

based and redpilled thank you chainlinkgod based king

>> No.53186410

Sir Gay Nasty Slob to CZ in a private Zoom conference
>"Keep the price of ChainLink suppressed"
>"I want my baggies out of their fucking minds, man"
CZ was apparently shocked at this showing of Chinese greed by a Russian Jew and only reluctantly agreed after Sir Gay offered to give him an unknown amount of LINK for free

>> No.53187373

Maybe that's why Sergey is always weirdly nervous about Chainlink and not getting in trouble with regulators. The way he was behaving with Schmidt was some of the most embarrassing, pathetic shit I've ever seen. Completely unacceptable for a leader. Consider this: what you've just described is everything we know publicly. Imagine what kind of stuff has happened that we don't know about?