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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 80 KB, 509x995, 1672447659466462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53169625 No.53169625 [Reply] [Original]

do you guys have any charts infographics videos books or documentaries showing how the economy today has changed versus our parents generation? People say that accounting for inflation things are still completely out of whack but i rarely if ever see hard data or facts.

>> No.53169638

Google "inflation calculator" retard.

>> No.53169686

people say that accounting for inflation it still doesnt add up.

>> No.53169700
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>> No.53169707
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>> No.53169714
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>> No.53169719

i have a postgrad in economics what do u want to know

>> No.53169728

oh nvm youre an eth baggie you wouldnt understand a thing i say

>> No.53169752
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most people married,
average marriage of women was 20 years

>> No.53169758
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>> No.53169764

marriage age*

>> No.53169862

Is taking economic courses a meme or would it actually help me in my life somehow? I feel like lots of courses colleges offer are largely common sense or things your intuition can teach you, or outdated info. do you think i should take some courses?

i want to know why people say we have less opportunities today. i want to understand the contrast between today and the 1990s-2000s or perhaps even far back like the 80s or 70s. people keep saying everything is getting worse for the common man but i want to see it backs up in data i can understand.

>> No.53170021

everything is better for the common man. the biggest change was the internet and digital technology which has launched our standards of living through the roof compared to the 70s. people today can consume far far more than back then. tech has created so much wealth for us all it's absolutely staggering but everybody takes it for granted. This is the hedonic treadmill.

I don't know why you're on a business and finance board or have crypto related images saved if you think economics is a meme. probably an incel loser like the rest of the people here who think college and education is a meme. do better doomer faggot

>> No.53170080

Everything you said is stupid. What metrics are you using to say everything is better today for the common man? Do you think the lifestyle the average person has today growing up is healthier than what they did 20 or more years ago?

Degrees dont guarantee jobs anymore, socially people are fucked now because of the internet and the way its changed people. Friendships dating, and everything else. Consume what? There is more to life than consuming netflix shows and youtube garbage. You have to sift through a huge amount of garbage to find anything of value in the first place

. You could make a lot of mistakes growing up in the past and still end up doing okay, now people lose their jobs because of an opinion they shared on facebook or a comment they made online. (not even getting into the argument that stuff people get sacked for often times were ordinary opinions to hold 20 years ago) so now people cant even live their lives without things potentially following them their entire lives. The world today is completely unhealthy. and none of that is even getting to the point about the economy itself and peoples purchasing power.

I asked about economic courses because im open minded but ive been through college before and a lot of course in different fields pad the fuck out of what they offer with garbage that you can teach yourself, is intuitive if you observe anything, or is out right outdated and wrong.

>> No.53170130

i used the metric of consumption. if you can intuitively tell me the purpose of an economy you could understand why that is a good measure of economic welfare today (which is what you asked for, not "uhwwhh but but socially and and kids growing up its")

you sound like a lost cause. peak dunning-kruger curve like the rest of the drones and eth-heads out there. bye

>> No.53171486

not my fault you portrayed it in a vague way. how are you framing consumption anyway? just because people can buy certain things doesnt mean they can buy the things they actually want. impulse purchases like fast food or whatever arent the same as buying a car or a house or being financially stable. some arguments have even been made that people who are worse off financially (or unhappy) get stuck in a cycle of buying more cheap garbage because they are upset with their current circumstances. They cant change them so they distract themselves with small purchases. so consumption is too vague of an answer. you gave a complete non answer. what chart are you even going off of with your argument in the first place to back up what youre trying to suggest, whatever it even is?

>> No.53171723
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>postgrad in economics

>> No.53171745
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things you dont need are cheaper than ever. things you do need are increasingly unobtainable.

>> No.53171765

yeah that guy is a fucking retard

>> No.53171814

The issue with housing is a direct result of a two things: regulation surrounding minimum capital adequacy for banks, and bad money.

Housing has for decades now been classed as lower risk for banks when issuing a loan compared to corporate and personal loans. This means the minimum capital they require on hand to issue the mortgage is less. These amounts are set by the regulators, but simply, for whatever capital a bank has available they can issue more mortgages with that capital than any other loan, which means more interest for them, which is more profit. Prior to the regulation changes the majority of loans issued were business loans. In the past 4 or so decades, this has flipped completely. Banks are now a mortgage issuing entity more than both personal and business loans put together.

You can still work for a couple years to live in a house, it costs 30k-50k, but this is leveraged with a mortgage. Since everybody can now get a mortgage, then the price of housing must go up dramatically to accommodate for the demand.

Bad money impacts housing even more. Money no longer fulfils it's role as a long term store of value, thus the rich seek property as a money instead. There are far far more investment properties out there with nobody living in them than you would think. This is a great argument for a Bitcoin standard.

>> No.53171825

Yeah dude I'm a massive fucking retard and you're massive smart I know

>> No.53171830
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The simplest illustration of what our parents and grandparents had versus today is this:
Assuming your grandfather was a typical American, he was able to provide for an unemployed wife and child. The car he drove is probably still functional today. The house he lived in was made of strong material and was large enough for his whole family. He could quickly form friendships with his neighbors because they shared similar backgrounds and had similar interests and values. He could achieve all of this doing simple manual labor from 9 AM to 5 PM five days a week, having nothing more than a basic high school education.

Today a typical man with an advanced degree in a technical discipline would not be able to afford that standard of living. His wife would have to work. As a consequence they would likely need to procure day care for their children, which is a monthly expense comparable to rent. To that point they are almost definitely renting their home, which is likely 1/2 the size of their grandfather's house. His car if he can afford it is likely foreign made of cheap materials and will not have a lifespan longer than 5 years. It is impossible for them to form relationships with their neighbors because they do not speak the same language and even if they did they would find they have nothing in common.

>> No.53171841

you *are* stupid. The shit people buy today they "consoom" doesn't improve their lives. it numbs them enough to not think about their inability to improve their lives.

>> No.53171857

You're a hopeless doomer with no education and no drive to improve yourself. Just kill yourself now and save the capital you consume for someone else

>> No.53171868

you have a lot of insults and keep replying but you still havent made a single solid argument. just save face and admit youre wrong or made an ridiculous statement. modern life has some convenient day to day pleasures that distract people but they dont outweigh how everything else has changed.

>> No.53171883
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similar story for housing + higher ed + healthcare

>> No.53171914

It is. As any economist could tell you, any kind of government intervention in a free market creates inefficiencies which destroy capital. those are all great examples. we could relive the golden days we envision our parents and grandparents living if we moved to a btc standard.

>> No.53172389

coward faggot

>> No.53172786
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>> No.53173103

big shlong ....hes our guy............

>> No.53173187
File: 371 KB, 1665x1766, DPJ_-q-WkAM3GuJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he needs to bulk. time for you to get /fit/ vit

>> No.53173887

>no drive to improve yourself
haha keep coping selfimprooooover faggot. u cant self improve

>> No.53173921


>> No.53174036

The answer, of course, is immigration. The lagging effect of immigration and naturalization laws from the 60s.

>> No.53174402

i dont like clicking links give me a quic rundown

>> No.53174495

Wait is pic related real? Everything seems to be on spot

>> No.53174575


>> No.53175318

Zoomers and millenials can seethe all they want about silent gen and boomers living in golden era of america. Instead of crying try to accept that it's never coming back, it was one time thing. Being middle/working class was always shit except in rare ocassions of abundance and wealth ie. peaks of civilizations. Accept that and take advantage of new turbulent ages.