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53168384 No.53168384 [Reply] [Original]

How is it in any way fair that you can buy an empty plot of land in a desirable area with the assuredness that it will increase in value? Landlords are literally parasites, and the reason that they can charge the rents that they do is nothing more than a government-granted monopoly. We should socialise land rent, and leave everything else (that is value that people actually produce) to market forces. Discuss.

>> No.53168565

Stay poor, faggot.

>> No.53168578

You and your friends can go buy a house together and share the expenses and the profit

>> No.53168596

Nobody is allowed to own land in the USA aside from churches and Indians. Everyone else has to pay taxes or the government will send men with guns to come drag you out of their house and throw you in a cage. .

>> No.53168601

Hating Landlords is dumb.

>> No.53168603

But it's cool to buy bitcoin and wait for it to go up?

>> No.53168627
File: 15 KB, 450x245, Choubapi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin isn't a government-granted monopoly.
Keep acting so uppity and this might just happen to you.

>> No.53168633
File: 25 KB, 540x353, 1654908874642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>socialise land rent
You are a dumb nigger who lives in a blue state where property taxes are almost nothing, but they are soooo progressive and hate the rich. Thus, it costs nothing to hold the most limited, non-fungible, in-demand resource on the planet. Not only that, the landholders get all sorts of tax breaks. You wouldn't know this because you are too poor to own a house. If you want more affordable real estate move to a red state where the property taxes are high so rich people don't just sit on all the land. Or keep buying the bullshit the commies you vote for are selling you instead of a house.

>> No.53168654

I'm not a commie, retard. Literally the opposite. I'm all laissez-faire for everything except property and intellectual property rights, which are government-granted monopolies.

>> No.53168770
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>I'm not a commie
>socialize land rent
What do you think communism is?

>> No.53168783

Explain how high property taxes doesn't benefit people using land to turn profit and punish people that just want a home?
If government intervention is your solution, why not just outlaw renting out property?

>> No.53168789

think the path to the least resistance, is communism. We are going to drag u out of the street

>> No.53168828

mostly because I'm pretty sure the population will increase.

>> No.53168866
File: 171 KB, 367x349, chineseexecution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chinese solved their landlord problem 60 years ago.
We'd do this but we're too cowardly.

>> No.53168867

>Explain how high property taxes doesn't benefit people using land to turn profit and punish people that just want a home?
>what is the homestead exemption
>what is the social security exemption
>what is the standard deduction
honestly though just move if you hate it. we definitely do not need federal property taxes.

>> No.53168908

I'm all in favor of the chinese method of dealing with landlords if you own more than one house you're getting shot if you're a corporation the board of directors chief operators and stock holders will be shit

>> No.53168937

Smells like commie in itt.

>> No.53168941

Native Americans pay taxes they're exempt from income taxes, fag.

>> No.53168947

>What do you think communism is?
Definitely not socialist.
The term you're looking for is Georgism.

>> No.53168948

Holy shit. I was right. No wonder it reeks like commie itt.

>> No.53169030
File: 255 KB, 326x322, 1654740143607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Explain how high property taxes doesn't benefit people using land to turn profit and punish people that just want a home?

It costs nothing to hold land > land concentrates in hands of wealthy > supply decreases > wealthy don't need to make productive/efficient use of land > wealthy get more and more wealthy just by holding it > they have no incentive to sell > they don't want to build housing for anyone because then they would have to deal with dumb commie niggers like you > they would rather just have a private 50,000 acres to hunt on for 2 weeks every year > you can't afford a house > you can't afford rent > you turn on Jew media and they never tell you this > they tell you some shit about systemic racism instead of pointing out that the low property taxes in blue states are the hidden massively regressive tax structure that made your housing so unaffordable > they tell you we need to socialize land ownership > you agree > landholdings concentrate further into fewer hands > you live in a pod and eat bugs because you thought communism was great.

In short, higher property taxes promotes productive use of land and discourages concentration of land ownership in fewer hands. Understand now?

>> No.53169045

If blue states were really "commie" they would just seize the assets of the rich. In Vietnam all citizens were given plots of lands to farm to support themselves, no property tax bs.
You can set different rules for people owning homes and people owning large swaths of land.

>> No.53169092

work to buy a property and become a landlord, if you can't handle it, join them.
even if buying something like this still costs an arm and a leg, I'm starting to doubt myself even though I have a lot of money in sora

>> No.53169108

this anon gets it.

also OP while the average rentoid is spending all their money, people who own houses also work too. However instead of spending their paycheck on star wars figurines, starbucks and netflix they save it. They forgo immediate small reward for a larger, delayed one.

>> No.53169164
File: 815 KB, 907x1172, 9B7A0044-9CD4-45C4-AA11-AAEC19E951D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing is assured to go up. A lot of people lost money on real estate. People who make money get rewarded for projecting where people want to live in the future and providing fitting housing for those future customers. Its their responsibility to upkeep the whole property, to follow building codes, deal with the gov, renters, etc. They risks their money upfront in the hopes of create value for someone in the future. People who manage to that get rewarded. No imagine this process is not done by people who want to create economic value (and get punished if they don’t) but by bureaucrats who are only answering to political parties, donors and Lobby’s.

>> No.53169180

Yeah they solved it and not houses there are super unaffordable. The Chinese government is working to keep housing prices high by demolishing buildings. Also, you don’t own the house. The government does. You just have a lease on the property. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AuWH2GdH1w

>> No.53169320

They don't pay taxes on there Indian land they own.

>> No.53169327

I would literally rape you in public and install you as a public glory hole that children can piss in too

>> No.53169499

Your not there yet. Your small little mind is still struggling with the gears of economics. I recommend reading some books as a shortcut; you wont get there on your own.

This country is run for profit. You think the rules dont make sense because you dont know anything.
Nobody cares about what your saying,your complaints are meaningless, and your thoughts are unoriginal.

>> No.53169524

>In short, higher property taxes promotes productive use of land and discourages concentration of land ownership in fewer hands. Understand now?

Thats a very similar argument to inflation; you have to spend your cash while it still has value.
A well functioning economy finds all these ways to force people to participate, whereas corruption looks for capital capture methods.

>> No.53169527

Your theory is naive; it ignores the fact that govt. laws & FED fiscal policy actively rigs housing prices.

>> No.53169529

we need a land reform cuz as it stands it's a lot of wasted productivity being eaten by leeches

>> No.53169531

noone needs bitcoin to survive the winter

>> No.53169534


>> No.53169537

you are already a commie, for support the current policy

>> No.53169540

what a retarded post

>> No.53169561

property taxes are one of the only ways municipalities can really raise money. if it wasnt the municipalities collecting it, they would just bake it into state or federal taxes. theres no free meal without having to tip uncle sam. pay your taxes or lawyer up to fight the irs. simple as.