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53164938 No.53164938 [Reply] [Original]

>try to introduce my kids to crypto in a fun and productive way
>wife gets mad and says not to indoctrinate them into my cult
am i in the wrong here?

>> No.53164982

Tell your wife to shut the fuck up

>> No.53165018


>> No.53165063

Your kids will be cleaning toilets for a living. Your wife is right and will probably leave you sooner than later.

>> No.53165176

The idea is good, the coins are shit.

>> No.53165224

probably bait but on the offchance it isn't
your wife is absolutely right
anon, i live and breathe crypto to the point you're a normalfag compared to me, but i would never push it on my kids
all problems blockchain solve are mostly relevant to adults, teenagers at most. sneaking in shitcoin rewards for doing kid stuff is going the exact wrong way. you're supposed to be a role model to your kids, setting good values for them

>> No.53165232

this, shes a total normie brainwashed by media.
you're the man right? you make the decisions. theres a good chance these crypto assets are the first iterations of something valuable in the future

>> No.53165234

I don't know how to feel about this. what is the end game?

>> No.53165308

>no lock yourself in a dark room and eat oatmeal chainlink challenge

>> No.53165576

fpbp. Get your balls out of your wife's purse, OP.

>> No.53165786

just give them real money + your stupid shitcoins

>> No.53165794
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>trying to teach your kids about crypti by giving them chores and rewarding them with obsolete shitcoins

>> No.53165809

this, just give them btc and/or eth

>> No.53165836
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>> No.53165842

>getting paid for playing xbox
what the fuck are you doing

>> No.53165852

god i hope this is a meme

>> No.53165964


anyone can launch a token. children and teenagers launching nfts will be commonplace in the future

getting them into the ecosystem, helping them understand the systems and its value so they an apply their own imagination and motivation towards it is invaluable

well done OP, very based

>> No.53166083

I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant. She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.

We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.

But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."

All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.

Do with this information what you will.

>> No.53166110
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