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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53164759 No.53164759 [Reply] [Original]

If your net worth is under 1 million usd and you are 30y old, consider suicide.

>> No.53164775
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>130k net worth
I'm just gunna go on living and there is nothing you can do about it

>> No.53164791

OP is so edgy - Imagine not being able to lead a good life with $900,000 in the bank.

>> No.53164806

imagine being so close to your goal of 1million and still failing, lmao faggot

>> No.53164840

Just curious where is this coming from? Did you make it to $1m just before 30 so now you're drawing an arbitrary line to make yourself feel better than others?

>> No.53164890

You're very handsome, look kinda like Zelenskyy.
I am now considering suicide. Thanks

>> No.53164907

I was at 1.5MM in 2021. Sold at 1.1MM, paid 200k in taxes, lost 150k (unrealized) in my portfolio. I guess I'm at like ~900K now.

Rustle status:
[] unrustled
[X] rustled

>> No.53165050

/biz/ is a board of broke teenagers lying about making it and neets claiming they wfh making 500k total comp. Literally a larp board based on artificial bullshit, like andrew tate.

>> No.53165133

Unironically if you weren’t born a multimillionaire please kill yourself
Your bloodline is pathetic

>> No.53165154

done. thanks

>> No.53165231

thanks bro, whats your nick on grindr?

>> No.53165488

not 30 yet but considering regardless

>> No.53165503

Way ahead of you, buddy.

>> No.53165521

this, bloodline is everything

>> No.53165551

Yeah but I have a gf

>> No.53165559

haha i still have 10 months and only 900k to go

>> No.53165567


I know someone who made a little over 1 mil off doge at 24, didn’t pay taxes, then lost it all on some other shitcoin gamble and he’s back to square one now. I’m currently 28 with 620k NW (mostly in index funds) and feel fine. Slow and steady wins the race

>> No.53165591

>Having $1m usd
>Not having $1m company doing $20k/month profit by 26
>Thinking you are doing well
I guess you can live for like 7 years on that money anon.

>> No.53165936

Well I turn 31 tomorrow so better off myself right now

>> No.53165984

So you want all the peasants who work for you to kill themselves leaving no foundation to the system that your wealth depends on.

>> No.53166017

Jokes on you am 33

>> No.53166982
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I still have 10 months left to be 30, I WILL get there.

>> No.53167176

40 yo
living with parents
i should kill myself really

>> No.53167212

zelenskyy looks like that???

>> No.53167220

I was a trillionaire during the crypto pricing bug. Be envious, OP.

>> No.53167230

lmao you must be a newfag, crypto has made lots of people here millionaires

>> No.53167436

I'm 36 and consider suicide everyday I got less than 400 to my name.
I was the anon who made the trips to kms thread, I worked 11 hours today instead...

>> No.53167473

1 million usd is not a lot of money

>> No.53167485

Hell 10k is a lot of money kek.

>> No.53167499

Seethe, wfh overemployed is ez gains.

>> No.53167505

$1 million at 30 is pathetic OP. Anyone worth a fucking damn should have started making $300k+ by 25 at the latest. That's $1.5-$2m of income.

>> No.53167543

Kill yourself nigger
losing it all freed me

>> No.53168949

thanks, I had never considered it
maybe if my vinu bags don't make it this month I'll use a shotgun while I let the samsung ringtone take me to heaven

>> No.53169018

Nah ill take the rest of you with me

>> No.53169068

Is this guy reasonably handsome? He looks like me.

>> No.53169786

Net worth 170k


>> No.53169847

This exactly, board is nothing but larps and shills scamming each other.

>> No.53169865
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>net worth 84k

>> No.53169936

>600 eth
is that enough to get a loving gf /biz/?

>> No.53169949

7-8/10. Be glad for your good netics

>> No.53171981

Made over 2.5mil since 9 years ago buying/selling/smuggling phones laptops tablets from usa to overseas markets…bad trades brought me back down wellllll below that again. 2020 of course brought all that to an end since travel bans and what not…since last year started back up and on track to make 1.5 this year so nah I won’t consider sui (as enticing as it sounds) because my ambition will carry me over that setback. Give up? I’ll pass on that my friend, never had a real job besides being an owner operator tractor/trailer driver…something about not knowing where your next $ comes from lights a fire under your ass and you become a driven beast. Went from 450k to 10k once, then from there 2.5mil back to 50k, now I know and understand how to keep it moving and keep $ for rainy days. Never give up.

>> No.53172024

it's unironically easier to become a millionaire than it is to get a gf

>> No.53172836

You're unpaid mortgage doesn't count nigga. That's not liquid and you're an idiot for buying it.

>> No.53173470

>smuggling tech from usa to oversea markets
>Carry merch from the most expensive market in the world to cheaper markets.
>somehow make a profit
2/10 larp. You must be educated by the american system

>> No.53173498

Wow people actually get baited by this. I have 3 grand at 29 and I'm fucking great. Money means fuck all to me.

>> No.53173533

bruh no millionaires wasting time on biz this place is pure scammers and poor people

>> No.53173554

Kekked hard

>> No.53173792

Sure kid whatever floats your boat…phone smuggling from USA to any Middle East country nets roughly $200-220/unit. 50-100pcs at a time every few months that’s not including what I wholesale here.

>> No.53173837

Also america is cheaper than almost any other country for cell phones what’re you smoking bro?? Palestine/Jordan/Pakistan iPhone 14pm 128gb sells for $1400 wholesale $1550 retail.

>> No.53174009

1 million USD still is a lot of money. look around you, most people live paycheck to paycheck or are in serious debt.

>> No.53174165

I decided years ago that I didn't want to work for some private company, so that more or less resigned me to public service jobs and low pay. It is what it is.

>> No.53174275

luckily im over 30. thanks for heads up tho OP

>> No.53174287

wtf no-one on /biz/ can help? :(

>> No.53174320

The seething (you)‘s this produced proves it true. Everyone here talks about the gorillions they make but the amount of threads from literal retail and fast food wagies proves this untrue.

>> No.53174333

So 99% of people should consider suicide?

>> No.53174340

no one over 30 uses this site

>> No.53174406
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>> No.53174427
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>> No.53174428

>37 years old
>$1.5M net worth
>but you need $5M+ to retire now

There is no hope guys even if you become a millionaire you’re still poor now because of inflation. I think about reaching for the rope every day.

>> No.53174476

Did he make and lose the $1M in the same year or different years? Cuz if he sold and profited $1M doge in 2021 then bought other shitcoin and held it until 2022 and lost it then he still has to pay taxes on the $1M and the IRS will guranteed be coming for him. Kek that prob enough for prison too