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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.70 MB, 888x1025, 1620977114851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53164268 No.53164268 [Reply] [Original]

January 13th your life changes forever

>> No.53164278
File: 99 KB, 767x767, 1667232916652743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i be inside too? let me in!

>> No.53164284
File: 119 KB, 720x736, 1640977496264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>September 2017
Link: 20 cents
BNB: 20 cents

>January 2023
Link: $5
BNB: $270

>> No.53164285

No it won't

>> No.53164289
File: 1.71 MB, 960x720, 1636433859483.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the copium is real

>> No.53164298

Is that when staking comes out?

>> No.53164300

>Friday the 13th

>> No.53164326
File: 1.73 MB, 317x498, vomiting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the thing: "your life changes forever" every day.
Every single day shapes every future day.

Also, why do people post shit like this?
If it's just to take a screenshot so that on the off chance their guess was correct, they can claim "see I told you so?"
Even a stopped watch is right twice a day...
But if that's all it is, why lie about being an "insider?"

/biz/ is a fucking cesspool

>> No.53164368

It's paid fudders doing it to demoralise Chainlink holders. They will do it every few days.

>> No.53164398
File: 164 KB, 500x442, soexcited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God im so excited for you crazy kids! Just 2 more weeks now.. The singularity is so close you can almost smell it. Trust the plan marines!!

>> No.53164427

Bro I fud link for free...it's honestly fun

>> No.53164500



>> No.53164521

More like every fucking 10 minutes

>> No.53164545

01/06/23(Fri)23:31:34 No.53164500▶


>>53164268 (OP)
novncproxy: code 404, message File not found. Bug #1433894 reported
[error 404] / [FUD spam] inactive

>> No.53164567


>>53164268 (OP)

Anonymous (ID: WsM5S0Ip) 01/06/23(Fri)23:34:01 No.53164521▶

Anonymous (ID: s9AhJ3Df) 01/06/23(Fri)23:36:57 No.53164545▶

01/06/23(Fri)23:31:34 No.53164500▶


>>53164268 (OP) (OP)
> >>/biz/?task=search2&ghost=yes&search_text=&search_subject=&search_username=&search_tripcode=&search_email=&search_filename=1620977114851.png&search_datefrom=&search_dateto=&search_op=all&search_del=dontcare&search_int=dontcare&search_ord=old&search_capcode=all&search_res=post
novncproxy: code 404, message File not found. Bug #1433894 reported
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) error 505: HTTP Version Not Supported Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) error 505: HTTP Version Not Supported

>> No.53164574

Based. This board is so dead, nothing is new or original anymore, only same copy pasta spam all over

>> No.53164580
File: 208 KB, 892x1016, cant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention Moderators and Cleaners!
It's time to nip this embarrassing display in the bud. No more linkshit leaking out everywhere. Time to force these misbehaving delinquents in to their own general containment thread. With text analysis I have determined 94% of the Link threads are created by
3 individuals with 56% of them simply created by one person. It's time to stop this person in their tracks and bring sanity back to /biz/ once more.


>> No.53164646

The federal reserve of the United States is literally rolling out CBDCs on the XRPL at a military occupied satellite island to test the waters and you niggers have absolutely nothing to do about it

>> No.53165707

You are like a janny. You do something of value for someone else for no pay.
lmao even

>> No.53166280

Everyone who owns link at this point is underwater 80% from buying last bullrun, or took an embarrassing round trip from nothing to vast riches to nothing.

Their investment advice is incredibly bad and they should be too ashamed to post.