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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53162586 No.53162586 [Reply] [Original]

You can't deny it survived the bear

>> No.53162814

Who runs this coin?

>> No.53162998

Either Justin has a 4d plan or he truly is the biggest retard I've ever seen. The very copy of his token that has no leadership or community is barely able to break upwards and there is nothing happening with dog bat other then a few retards going to the unofficial sol bonk tg to spam stickers.
At this point I wish this shit rugged so I can move on

>> No.53163007
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>> No.53163012

This coin will pump so hard

>> No.53163026

i need to sart my life soon plz pump

>> No.53163130

At the peak of the bull dogbat only had 20k holders after a month of visibility, it was the biggest BSC token that month
but sol's ripoff somehow gained 100k holders in a few days? blatantly botted
it would be amazing if it just rocketed to ATH marketcap today
but thats small potatoes compared to shitter-named and less recognized tokens that have hit 1b

>> No.53163323

It was a fucking pain in the arse for normies to buy and sell to be fair. If they had spent the marketing budget on lobbying exchanges instead of fucking billboards things mightve been different

>> No.53163879

don't for get NorthWest Equi-tities
hindsights 20/20 but imagine if we had competent people running this coin who had the foresight too set aside 100k for a suddenly occurring oppertuinty? instead they litterally handed it over to a marketing proposals jeet

>> No.53164100

it'll get back to ath next year. the second btc and bnb stir, this will follow

>> No.53166325
File: 223 KB, 1014x1283, Screenshot (382) - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder if, or when, D0B0 will eventually get back to it's 20 to 30 million market-cap from this time last year.

>> No.53166378

I guess the jannies have seen the light about dogbat if they arent nuking our threads anymore.

>> No.53166417
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>> No.53166471

Justin knows what he's doing, he made his money off d0b0 so his fucks given are about 0 right now. Community members have been the ones carrying this project since the summer, but I doubt he's actually abandoned dogbat for good, he just doesn't want to deal with any of us anymore until its profitable to do so

>> No.53167157
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Posting in the blessed thread

>> No.53167189

Some bongfag I think

>> No.53167265

nah its just dobaggies seething that bonk overtook them in 5 days so they spam the catty hoping for exit liquidity

>> No.53167354

Eggs is new gold

you can buy EGGS here

>Smart Contract :


>> No.53167653

Put 50 in for lols.

>> No.53167723


>> No.53167757

Oh well I'll survive.

>> No.53167816

you could live like a king in mumbi for a week with that 50

>> No.53167892

Rolling for 50B as usual

>> No.53167928

I enjoy my job here. Make little but have great satisfaction.

>> No.53167931

were we too cocky bros? rolling for some good news

>> No.53167941

EGGS is taking off. fun to watch

>> No.53167996

mumbi wins again. i told you