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53162241 No.53162241 [Reply] [Original]

Russia rumored to announce the start of mobilizing 500k men sometime around 15th Jan.
Would this development dump stocks and crypto?

>> No.53162273

I actually feel bad for these guys

>> No.53162283

>Would this development dump stocks and crypto?
I doubt it.
More troops going in means more orders sent to the MIC to bolster NATO stocks.
More Russian boots getting called up means more international trade for the resources needed to arm and equip them, meaning an uptick in crypto usage.
Invest in companies commonly associated with western military procurement and privacy cryptos.

>> No.53162313

I believe the Ukraine war has already been priced in. More or less troops doesn't change anything. A victory on any side could influence the market, but not really anything else, except for WW3 of course.

>> No.53162346

Source: secret ukranigger documents.
Why the fuck would you even consider this a possibility? They've already lied about le epic general mobilization on 5th (and like a dozen times before that)

>> No.53162353

civilians should start abducting and torturing police and military wherever they enter their commieblocks

>> No.53162359

>I believe the Ukraine war has already been priced in.
I'm not 100% sure about that, I think there's still a lot of uncertainty involved with it.
I'm not so much speaking towards who will win or lose but moreso to the actual dollar cost of the war on both sides, I don't think anyone can concretely say how long this war will last and as such it might be a lot harder to predict the long term effect it could have economically.

>> No.53162362

Go to Russia you faggot

>> No.53162391

imagine dying/getting crippeled/ptsd to protect the elite

>> No.53162399

2 more weeks

>> No.53162433

If you've ever been in the army (not just military, but green army) you know the feeling of being at the mercy of an industrial casino and your life can depend on a gamble that you have no control over.
Incompetent chain of command? dead
Bad Weather? dead
The thing didn't show up? dead
Flat tire on the wrong truck? dead
Bad ammo? dead
Going up against the most technologically advanced adversaries while trying to invade somebody's homeland with an enemy that speaks the same language and shares the same culture as you...
Also it's cold out, and thermals are cheaper than ever.

>> No.53162479

how nice of them to announce it
and through the Ukrainian intel no less!

>> No.53162548

500k mobilization would be a massive escalation and markets tend to panic easy.

>> No.53162566

General Dynamics and Raytheon continue to pump

back to moscow

easier said than done when there's 20 of them and they have AK's and an armored vehicle outside.

>> No.53162581

Lmao sirves them right for being goycattle and singing up to join the military.
Bet the majority of them thought that they will never be deployed and can get gibsmedat for getting ass fucked at the camp.

>> No.53162613

>signing up
They aren't all voluntary

>> No.53162615

Of course it's only my opinion, I'm just a random anon.

It could create a small temporary dump but not more imo. Russian gaz has already been cut and we're all already suffering from sanctions, what could be worse except WW3 ?

>> No.53162636

>easier said than done when there's 20 of them and they have AK's and an armored vehicle outside.

5 gallons of boiling hot oil thrown down a narrow stairwell will fuck up anyone, regardless of whether or not they're wearing armor.

>> No.53162639

They are, there wasn't a draft (yet)

>> No.53162691

There is mandatory military service in the Russian Federation, that pipeline is full of people that were conscripted
Military age males throughout Ukraine are being conscripted by both the Ukrainian Armed Forces and Russian Army.
Military age males over the age of 18 were not able to leave Ukraine this year.

>> No.53162712

russia? they conscripted a lot already. there's even videos floating around of fat retard russian "officers" beating and humiliating and threatening to kill conscripts because their (rightful) cowardice got volunteers killed.

>> No.53162731


there's another version with subtitles somewhere. he's beating conscripts.

>> No.53162743

Invest in defense contractor stocks. Good performance and they also pay dividends.

LMT - 12.00 $(Lockheed Martin)
NOC - 6.92 $(Northrop Grumman)
GD - 5.04 $ (General Dynamics)
BA - 8.22 $ (Boeing)

>> No.53162753

They announced the invasion through CIA intel many months in advance

It won't affect the markets except some commodities perhaps. The most shocking thing has been how little Russia matters to the global economy. The impact of cutting them off might just as well have been a statistical rounding error.

>> No.53162818

>They announced the invasion
They put 250,000 troops on the border of a country with nearly a million Ukrainians who had spent the last 9 years being trained and equipped by NATO, and Washington was warning everybody Putin was going to invade but it seemed like such a retarded move with only 250,000 troops nobody believed it.
Even the Ukrainians right up until the 24th of February were telling everybody to calm down and that the White House was being 'hysterical'
this entire war is retarded.

>> No.53162957
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I legit feel bad for these guys. All of them on both sides. The best thing they can do is end the war as is. Two state solution like Israel. This would do a lot to bring down food and fuel costs.

>> No.53163031

NG n CL trading at lows + i'm making money on $LMT
fuck the peace

>> No.53163041

From Putin's perspective the war has accelerated the economic collapse of the West's 'fiat' system (where we all just mindlessly work without consuming and the output is pissed away by a massive government) but it came at a huge human and politcal cost for Russia, the Chinese are pissed for a few reasons

>> No.53163075

They won't do it there for the same reason they won't do it here. People only revolt when they're beginning to starve and believe an alternative could be better than the current government.

>> No.53163468

I am anxious. Financially speaking.

>> No.53163504

>Chinese are pissed for a few reasons

Don't the Chinese just get to sell Russia weapons

>> No.53163660

BASED fuck Ukraine and fuck all the normies and web sites constantly with their fucking faggot Ukraine flags. It's all so fucking tiresome.

>> No.53164194
File: 2.15 MB, 640x360, 1673005226188569.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 more weeks comrade RT has blessed us with good news this Christmas

>> No.53164222

>that webm
Where do they come up with this stuff?

>> No.53164225

literally projection, Russians are literally freezing and starving right now

>> No.53164252

haven't paid attention in a while, but wow that is some sweet RT seethe

>> No.53164310

holy levels of russian copium

>> No.53164321

lmao yeah sure let's listen to RT, only they tell the truth
the dirty western media is lying about me having electricity and food

>> No.53164363

vatniggers and jewkrainians dying is bullish for human progress, that's all I know.

>> No.53164367

>Russia rumored to announce the start of mobilizing 500k men
something something don't gamble more than you can afford to losed

>> No.53164388

Yeah they can fuck around a bit, but the USA drew a red line around certain things and extended it to items in commercial aviation/industry etc.
Basically the USA told the Chinese that they're either with them or with the west. sort of all in or out, it's probably why the Chinese have suddenly started to make noises about Americans being "not so gay anymore" etc.
I think i saw something about a chinese diplomat this week basically saying America is cool blah blah
Russia is/was doing really well under Putin, objectively. It COULD have done better, but they have no debt, they were attracting some foreign investment and the standard of living as going up. The Birthrate was higher than the USA for a little while recently, and in 2014 that basically shattered and now probably cratered.
If he had just been patient and waited we would have fucked ourselves with the money printing and basically robbing ourselves blind (we can't help it it's human nature), they would have done well.
Now it's a lot more complicated to argue to invest in Russia.

>> No.53164389

>Russia rumored to announce the start of mobilizing 500k men sometime around 15th Jan.
This is not going to do anything besides making (((them))) richer and fucking over Ukraine and Russia even more. But seeing how retarded the Kremlin is, they will most likely do it.

>> No.53164465
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>Russians are literally freezing and starving right now
Western dog lies we use nuclear power to not only heat are homes but warships as well.
>The nuclear reactor powering the ship failed the required tests as its launch was aborted, while the vessel’s radiation protection system also turned out to be faulty. It was found that the outdated protection of graphite rods, produced back in 1980, has been damaged by corrosion.
>According to available information, most of the high-quality components are missing due to Russian defense factories being unable to produce them.
>“In preparation for transferring the aircraft carrier from the dock to the factory for further repairs, it was discovered that the ship could not move on its own. It was decided to tow the ship, but it was found that the survivability standard could not be maintained due to deep corrosion of the decks below the third, outer hull of the vessel, as well as the presence of water in the holds. Accordingly, there is a risk that the ship will capsize to one side or sink during towing, so the process was postponed indefinitely,” the source informed.
>At the same time, the report says the crews of both ships have been formed anyway.

>> No.53164486

I had one of the most vivid dreams BTC dumped to 12k. There were pink threads again and they were sticked too

>> No.53164488

Russia is like from a 1950s sci-fi novel about galactic empire regressing into pre-space technology and starting to believe in magic

>> No.53164499


Look at the zoomer at the back left, bro is like, 'fuck bruh, no way I'm here bro..."

>> No.53164557

>I actually feel bad for these guys
we should kill more of them to save them, if we kill them slowly Putin will feed them all to meat-grinder, if we kill lots of them fast, they rout

>> No.53164946

one new years it was 13 degrees celcius
I was in a tshirt at work
meanwhile their soldiers are freezing their asses off in trenches of eastern ukraine

>> No.53165015

i hope the war ends soon. everyone loses here

>> No.53165036

if we crush Putin without mercy many peoples can gain freedom

>> No.53165215

I wonder if Russia ever told its citizens just what a bunch of pieces of shit we are when we first started invading Iraq and Iran and Afghanistan.
Doubt it. I'm pretty sure that they know what logic and reason is and can come to those conclusions on their own.

>> No.53165221

>>I actually feel bad for these guys
I dont. Fuck slavs.

>> No.53165229
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Is this from something?
great sentence kek

>> No.53165240


>> No.53165260
File: 67 KB, 496x721, Bel_Riose_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bel Riose was the last great general of the Galactic Empire, serving under Cleon II. He dreamed of glory and often expressed a negative opinion towards the Empire's cultural and technological decline.

>Riose learns of the Foundation from Ducem Barr, a noble of the planet Siwenna. Correctly interpreting Barr's tales of "magicians" as the remnants of science in the Periphery, and witnessing some scientific advances made by the Foundation itself in the form of a personal force-shield, he decides to conquer the Foundation and utilize its scientific resources to revitalize the dying Empire. En route to the Foundation, he captures one of its Traders, Lathan Devers, and holds him hostage alongside Barr in an attempt to gain intelligence over the Foundation.

>Although Devers and Barr escape Riose and make their way to Trantor in an attempt to gain an audience with the Emperor, the forces of history make their efforts meaningless. Fearing Riose's power, Cleon II orders him back to Trantor and has him executed for treason, as per Hari Seldon's prediction that by the end of the Empire, any military officer who was to gain enough power to threaten the Foundation would be prevented from causing harm by the central government's own fear of rebellion.

Bel Riose is a wordplay on the Roman general Belisarius

>> No.53165295

this time next motnh, somewhere in the trench near Bakhmut: it's bussin' here fr no cap, diz mortar fire is sus

>> No.53166744

most of those men in that picture dying. yeah i hope that affects my market. ugh someone take putin out already

>> No.53166850

imagine all the russian and ukrainian cuties who will be left with no man to take care of them. i'm planning having harems

>> No.53166894

Already priced in. The wildcard is a nuclear weapon. IF one detonates...

>> No.53167045
File: 76 KB, 431x437, liketearsintherain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would this development dump stocks and crypto?
No. Russia is not connected to the EU/USA/G7 etc etc economies any more. They did the thing with gas it made not much difference, other energy supply lines have popped up and Russia has lost its best and nearest customers and is sanctioned on everything rom heavy electric motors to marine navigation, to graphics cards to computers to cars and trucks. People are just entertained by watching Russians get vaporised by advanced weapons for their worthless dictator.
I don't fuck them most Russians support Putin. All they do is export left and right extremism and threats of nuclear war, their 'country' is a corrupt worthless shithole and has spent 100 years pimping marxism atheism stalin lenin and putin. Not a month passes without some Riussian dictator threating to invade someone, murder someone or nuke someone. Fuck them. All the do is try and incite riots and murder and hate. Awful fucking place. Ukraine is playing a good game and handing them their boasting violent rapist murdering asses

>> No.53167184

Russian here, though I live in Canuckistan now.

I don't think there is any outcome where Russia would have done "well" under the current government. Post-Soviet Russia has always had sort of a weird interdependency with the West in that the West needs its hydrocarbons and Russia needs Western money and investments. But there was also absolutely massive corruption, on a level that you will never really understand. You're seeing the results of that playing out on the battlefield now. All that Russian tax money that was spent on the military was really just stolen by the system. The standard of living was going up in certain places, like Moscow and St. Petersburg, but most of the country was and still is desperately poor (including my hometown of Chelyabinsk). The whole system was fragile, the 2014 annexation and this most recent war only served to expose the fragility.

>> No.53167240

No it'd create a pump, once the dump happens buy longs. War is money fren.

>> No.53167259

That last part reminded me of when someone here once said that Russia's military is incompetent by design; the leaders are fearful of a competent military overthrowing the government.

>> No.53167287

They’re fighting globohomo. They’re heroes.

>> No.53167302

kys vatnigger better than dying face down in the mud for putin after you've been gangbanged by fat chechens

>> No.53167313

>It won't affect the markets except some commodities perhaps. The most shocking thing has been how little Russia matters to the global economy. The impact of cutting them off might just as well have been a statistical rounding error.


>> No.53167352

500k conscripted would be a very big jump in the numbers of troops, Ukraine would be forced to conscript even more men as well so youre talking about a war where over a million men total are fighting, thats pretty big.
I don't really believe OP though, no source provided

>> No.53167367

This war is going to end with soldiers from each side turning around and putting their presidents head on a pike by the end of the year
Screencast this

>> No.53167372
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>500k mobilization would be a massive escalation
Not Reall we had a 190000 strong invasion force of Russians and then a 300000 mobilisation. 500,000 is just a bigger pile of Russian corpses in the mud,.
>markets tend to panic easy.
Markets don't give a shit about Russia, it is about as economically relevant as North Korea now and there won't be any inward investment into Russia for a generation (at least) after the Russian state banned stock sales and is threatening nationalisation. Russias an irrelevant basketcase committing national suicide with zero chance of winning in Ukraine at this point. Markets don't care if Russians want to kill their kids. Even with Putin gone there will be no investment into Russia or aid like in 1991. Game over. The Ukrainians have ripped the Russian military apart.

>> No.53167382

This war is fake and gay. Putin is in on the reset. China, Russia and the US are all working together to destroy Europe

>> No.53167387

I hope for your sake you are baiting and not actually fucking retarded (you)

>> No.53167423

mobilizers gonna mob

>> No.53167550

Very much this. If anything it just hastens the collapse of that aids infested shit hole. Good riddance

>> No.53167573

Based. They’re a fucking slave race, and let essentially a 4’10 mobster run them, a country of 140 million like it’s the sopranos. Utterly pathetic

>> No.53168524

Why doesn't Jannie delete this dog shit that has nothing to do with biz, retard literally quotes ukraine mod, pajeet tier intelligence

>> No.53168535

You're not allowed to use that word lefty. -15 points from your EGS score.

>> No.53168562

They should have done that 90 years ago.

No one said you were going to survive.

>> No.53168590

They're really not, if you looked into how Russia actually functions instead of just eating /pol/'s propaganda about it being the white man's last bastion or whatever you'd see how pointless this all is.

>> No.53168621
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OP is a faggot and thread is full of State Department and political shills

>> No.53168636

That's bad juju mein neger.


Russian exports are getting rerouted.

>> No.53168680

The effects of gas sanctions wont be fully felt until next winter because Western Europe wont have the opportunity to stock up on as much Russian gas AND global prices will be much higher the summer of 2023 than 2023.

>> No.53168686
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This is what losing looks like. Remember when they were taking Kiev in three days?

>> No.53168698

I don't know what the situation was like in Ukraine before the war, but as far as Russia goes the young men there who haven't left the country by now were all in a living hell anyway, the draft is basically assisted suicide for them.

>> No.53168732
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It's over.

>> No.53168746


>> No.53168757
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Me too. They just are kids sent to the jewish meatgrinder for some nonsensical, genocidal kikery only designed to make few banksters and corrupt politicians richer.
This fake ass war is nothing but a giant humans sacrifice to Moloch. Already 250K deaths, how many more are needed?

And what's really frightening is no countries are trying to initiate the peace process / pourparlers. It's like they want this war to drag indefinitely. Why do we pay for so many globohomo supra-national institutions and so many ambassadors if they aren't here to seek a peace treaty?
I'm asking for a refund on my taxes.

>> No.53168768

zelensky is definetly getting ousted in a military revolution by right wing veterans after this ends If ukraine wins and i hope putting gets fucked too, 1917 style but without commies.

>> No.53168774

Fixed, kek.

>> No.53168780

>white Russian conscripts getting the piss beat out them by some Chechen thug for not dying in a ZOG war

Communism really just irredeemably fucked Russia, huh

>> No.53169385
File: 33 KB, 640x360, get-fucking-rekt-ivan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's 'em hamsters tasting now, u genocidal Putin arselickeling fuckups?

>> No.53169404

>be large Ivan
>get rolled into Ukraine
>get shot

>> No.53169405

Lol imagine losing a half million men trying to conquer a total shithole for no reason when you only invaded because the CIA told everyone you wanted to and you didnt want to look like a cuck