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53160964 No.53160964 [Reply] [Original]

You are forced into an underground mma fight to the death against midgets.

You HAVE to battle against 1 (one) midget to leave alive with 2 million dollars.

Your captors offer you 2 million dollars per midget to fight against you inside the ring, a fight to the death, how many midgets would you add to the fight? All the midgets fight you at the same time, its midgets vs you. All midgets worth 2 mil. What do?

Pro tip: midgets are 3-4ft tall and weigh 50lbs.

>> No.53161000

0 midgets. I will not murder anyone for money.

>> No.53161034

I dont kill for money I'd rather submit and die.

>> No.53161037

I would take on 2.

>> No.53161050
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>> No.53161063

I’d do one. $2mm is plenty and 2 is a risk

>> No.53161067

I'm okay with that

>> No.53161072

50 pounds?
realistically they can't strike any vital areas, other than your wang
assuming they couldn't bite me, 3 would be no trouble at all, knock them out, then choke the remaining one to death, then repeat

>> No.53161097

I think 2 is a nice number. I think they would actually put up a really good fight. 2 coming at you wouldn't be too easy
Hottest chick in existence

>> No.53161111

>engaging a professional fighter in a fight to the death
No. Not even against a midget.

>> No.53161129

i'd ask for everyone they have, then team up with them, break out of the ring, go to the police and get the criminals arrested. then i'd say goodbye to the guys, maybe talk about it later over a beer

>> No.53161144
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Lmao I just watched this and the ref literally had to pull this horny dwarf off her because he kept getting top position but was just dry humping her

>> No.53161151
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I consider myself to be pretty average in most ways. 5'11", 180 lbs. I feel confident I could kill two 50 lb trashMidgets for $4mil. Just grab one and use as a weapon against the other one. They would be easy fodder. $4mil is enough to retire pretty fat in Thailand, or have a regular middle-class retirement in the US. Easy deal. Where do I sign up?

>> No.53161173


>> No.53161316

High IQ answer, 2 midgets are a problem because one could distract you and the other can punch you in the balls and then you're rekt, they're not really a problem but the risk isn't worth it just to go from 2 mil to 4 mil.
If you're gonna risk it at least chose 10 midgets for 20million$ which is the minimum to make it in 2023, take one and throw him on the others.

>> No.53161351

fucking midge

>> No.53161488
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i'm 6'1'' sportive, so i guess i should be able to take 2-3 midgets. if the midgets are trained then its gonna be a tough fight, but they can't really strike lethal blows with short extremities.
I'm a little worried about special moves midgets could do by teaming up like climbing on the ropes and doing all sort of crazy shit.

>> No.53161684
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>> No.53162807

I think I could safely take 2 midgets on at once - could easily retire off 4m.

I think any more and you risk a swarming attacking while attempting to incapacitate one - not worth.

>> No.53163046

lmao wtf is this shit
link to the whole fight pls

>> No.53163225

20 midgets.
I'm fucking massive. I would DESTROY 20 midgets with a smile on my face. The only issue I see is I might become distracted by my erection.

>> No.53163267

>Pro tip: midgets are 3-4ft tall and weigh 50lbs.
If this were true I could take 3 but I dont think this is even true. The one in the pic weighs 124 apparantly
They are bulky sons of bitches

>> No.53163270

>2-3 midgets
fucking pathetic
Are you guys trolling me?

>> No.53163296
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oh me, oh my... YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.53163336

are these random ass midgets or midgets that have been raised to slay lengthlets?

>> No.53163426

They will swarm you and rend your flesh with their midget teeth in seconds.

>> No.53163632

Cheeki Peeki

>> No.53163655

>weeman vs she-tran

>> No.53163680
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this dude fucks, he's got two broads on him.

>> No.53163750

1 midget. For all I know these aren't regular midgets and they are some kind of super midget.
$2 million goes a long way in Eastern Europe.

>> No.53163788

I think 2 would be good. Might be enough to kill me, but I'd still have 100 lbs on them and I can Thai kick

>> No.53163799

also holy shit the 3v3.

>> No.53163819
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>> No.53163856


>> No.53163888

claimed trips of righteousness

>> No.53164256
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Very nice digits friendo