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53158032 No.53158032 [Reply] [Original]

why do people with money by expensive cars? isnt that the most retarded thing you could buy?

>> No.53158041

Because people with money don't care about money. Money is fake. Only poor people care about money.

>> No.53158088

If you can afford it why not?

>> No.53158429

it just seems like a stereotype. why do so many people do this the second they get money. is it because of what they watch on tv or movies? some kind of small dick thing to impress men and get women? its one of the least useful things you can buy compared to an ordinary car and it just loses its value in most cases. But almost without fail any time someone gets money they blow it on some car they dont need.

>> No.53158495

Having a lot of money doesn't necessarily make a dumb normalfag stop being a dumb normalfag. As an adult capable of introspection, you might not care about dumb material goods and aesthetics like that, but believe it or not, normalfags are still easily impressed with and entertained by those things.

For me, a lot of money would rather be spent on a nice home away from you-know-whats.

>> No.53158511

>is it because of what they watch on tv or movies?
Yes, that is exactly it.

>> No.53158540

Because being smart enough to make money doesn't exclude you from being a retarded consoomer. We had that thread a couple days ago with that guy bragging about his BMW crossover's interior and he never realized how much of an NPC he was.

>> No.53158559

>don’t tell anon about super yachts

>> No.53158595

Maybe you're just not a car guy. Cars are fun

>> No.53159638

If you think everbody with nicer objects than you has a small dick, maybe you need to evaluate yourself

>> No.53159860

Because they’re safer. I feel better in my E-Class than driving some tin can toyota or a deathtrap dacia.
As soon as I have a family I’m putting them in a big SUV, because the safety of my family is my top priority, even at the expense of the poorfags that can’t afford safer cars.

>> No.53159880
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>be american
>buy expenive car
>drive around
>get crushed in an accident by some sleepy housewife

>> No.53160798


It gives social status, a lot more than you think. I didn't believe it either until I rented an SUV to go on a road trip through the mountains. Lucked into a brand new SUV that had less than 100 miles on it and was pristine. Every day of that trip I got random, unsolicited compliments from random strangers in the parking lot about the car.

At certain social levels I'm sure it's practically mandatory. Upper crust people simply won't associate with you without one. It's why everyone makes a big fucking deal about Warren Buffett allegedly driving an old beater; it's just that much of a departure from what's expected.

>> No.53161083

If it was about how people perceive you I feel like you could use that money you would spend on some expensive car, and use it on nice clothing and some plastic surgery and you would be much better off if it was just about how youre perceived. besides this is a business board, an expensive car is both a huge cost but depreciates massively the second you buy it.

In your example about theoretical social events you could just rent a nice car, none of those snooty assholes would notice the difference.

>> No.53161108

Based, less poorfags clogging the roadways

>> No.53161128

theres no reason for it. Buying a huge house is retarded but typically retains its value or it goes up over time. buying a rolex or something flashy is retarded but it still keeps it value even though its a little dick item. with an expensive car its probably the most retarded thing you can buy.

>> No.53161174

If the first thing someone does when they get some money is buy a cool guy car I hope their family is already doing reasonably well.
Niggers will buy a $250k chain but their mom still lives in the hood
Aside from that some people want attention and some don’t.
Brown people also tend to really need to validate themselves through materialism for some reason.
White people will have millions and drive a Toyota while browns will have a $2,000 month lease because they got a job making $105k/yr as a pharmacist

>> No.53161251

To get pussy

>> No.53161308

/biz/ness wise you can turn any liability including expensive cars into assets that make money for you.

>turning expensive cars like Rolls Royce into luxurious taxi service

>> No.53161422


You're 95% correct, it's why people buy fashionable clothes and get plastic surgery. Both of those things are something you should consider if you've got some big time ambitions. At the very least invest in a good haircut, my life improved DRAMATICALLY when I finally ditched the low effort autism buzz cut. People see a buzz cut and think "Slave or conscript, possibly both", and you don't get the respect or consideration you deserve.

>Just rent

That's what many people do. They lease the latest and greatest so they can afford to stay at the top of that social heirarchy. I genuinely believe that it's a borderline necessary expense if you expect to maintain a significant leadership position in an organization/social circle. People are animals and respond to that shit. Don't know why, they just do.

The only thing I disagree with in your post is the notion of these people being "snooty assholes". It's not just the snooty assholes; it's an overwhelming segment of the population, including a lot of NPC rubes. You need the little people to think you're cool if you want to have influence. By the same token, the little people want to feel like big people, but don't have the ambition to actually make it happen, so they do a little cosplay and LARP.

I also wouldn't call it theoretical. I've done it myself personally, and the entire auto leasing industry is more or less predicated on this social dynamic.