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53157113 No.53157113 [Reply] [Original]

any coin with “bagholders” that “failed” like LINK did just faded and never got talked about much no matter how shilled it was. Occasional threads akin to coinmetro threads or something at most.

People just move on, forget, stop caring or post about it rarely.
LINK? Its literally dozens of threads a day, a handful reaching hundreds of posts filled about 85% with seething, anger “fud”(i dont really call it fud anymore as it reads way to bitterly/mentally deranged these days).

It is absolutely unprecedented. I guarantee nobody is being paid to do it either.

>> No.53157135

And i have to add 90% of these threads is started not as a shill, but as said bitter/seething/misery

>> No.53157147

Because a large proportion of this board staked their lives on the success of the project. Watching its excruciating slow decline is driving the board into madness.

>> No.53157148

no shit, was the biggest long running scam.

>> No.53157172


People argue and seethe over this kind of post but it’s exactly what I see.
There isnt wny fud at all anymore. It changed dramatically around october, and then after staking seems like its reached its final peak in current form.

It just reads and looks like a handful of people who are extremely bitter, miserable, depressed, dejected, angry and even seething over what they perceive to be the current events and state if their circumstances. It doesnt read like fud at all.

The funny thing is Eth never had this much on here even when it dumped 95% last bullrun which even LINK didnt manage yet

>> No.53157174

>w-well it's definitely not paid fud a-at all
>it's definitely over fellow 4chan biz link holders!
>t. faggots from the same discord
/spit, s, and h

>> No.53157185

token not needed

>> No.53157231

there are no discord. Im telling its a scam

>> No.53157235


Im not in any discord mate.
I still hold LINK and just set my horizons further. I’ve been one of the longest running spoon feeders.
Im merely commenting on how i dont see the current “fud” as fud. Fud is something that attempts to discredit a project or make people question its fundamentals. All i see posted lately is seethe, bitterness, aggression and depressive anger. Like venting. Nobody would take it as fud, its more like spam.

I expected us to be a better price now, wont lie. I also lost some link in the bullrun on leverage. Instead of seething about it on here i just adapted my life. Opened an e-commerce shop, learned web development and started to make money and work towards something else.
Hopefully LINK still works out but i cant sit around waiting anymore. Still holding my stack and eager to see the project grow.

I realise im basically capitulating in a way, and im sure all of this misery/bitter/anger “fud” is a form of it too.

>> No.53157247
File: 64 KB, 1836x216, Screenshot 2022-07-27 223330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nice so when are you going back discord shill?

>> No.53157254


Like this comment.
Can you really call this fud? To me it just reads like a bitter upset women writing a bad review on yahoo because the waiter didnt smile enough so calls the restaurant “a sham”

>> No.53157280

I just see a bunch of deflated people who haven't come to terms with the market. It's time for them to ignore the space for a year or so and come back, or to sell and not return. It will help clear the space out to what it should be.

>> No.53157297

no, that just ur emotion pouring out on a meaningless text. I am just saying its a scam

>> No.53157306


Ok karen

>> No.53157319

this is what denial looks like anon
>but muh eth
Eth was never as popular in the beginning as Link was, it became popular AFTER it pumped in 2016
Link created a cult-like community promising Eth gains without ever pumping as much
lots of promises, abysmal results
price action creates hype, expectations and strong communities in crypto and in hindsight, link simply didn't deserve any of it

>> No.53157373


Eth had a massive cult pre 2017 you fucking newfag.

The seething was there when it dumped 95%, just not on biz so much. It was spread around the internet and occasionally on biz. I used to read some really angry butter stuff about eth around the 2018 bottom and after

>> No.53157393

>pre 2017
yes dumbfuck, that cult was created in 2016 after the initial pump is what I'm saying, it didn't exist in 2015
Link's cult was created in late 2017, thanks to assblaster

>> No.53157429

whats the matter, u dont like the word scam? CHAINLINK IS A SCAM

>> No.53157449

It is how it is man.
Most of /biz/ is low IQ wagies who expected to get rich from their 1k USD thrown in 2018-2019. For them, $1k LINK was pretty much the lowest possible price at which they've made it. For them, LINK wasn't a high-risk high-reward play, nor was it a long-term investment that will gradually mature as real world assets are tokenized and traded through smart contracts. It was a meme stonk that would make them rich enough to call their boss a slur and drive off in their lambo while getting road head.
Their are taking it hard because they don't have other skills, don't want to improve themselves, don't have a life outside of /biz/ and worst of all, for a moment they thought they'll get to be the smartest person in the room (which is why they invested so much effort into fudding normalfags, they didn't just want to make it, they also wanted nobody else to make it).

>> No.53157460

I love how the pitchfork-level stockbashing cockroaches in this thread dogpiled on this comment almost immediately
The 24/7 fud spam is obviously mostly paid and their efforts lately have been to write up whole paragraphs pretending that it isn't, which is the point of the op's blogposts here along with the coordinated supporting comments.
Allll fieeellllds

>> No.53157470

currently most of the deranged noise comes from LPL retards speedrunning the 5 stages of grief lol

>> No.53157482

>Link created a cult-like community promising Eth gains without ever pumping as much
Friendly reminder that OG linkies were up 500x during the last bullrun. No amount of fud can wipe out the dramatic gains that me and my fellow stinkers made in that time frame. Even those late to the party did a 100x or more.

>> No.53157487
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>> No.53157510

are yoy seriously equating Eth ROI to Link's? even Xrp has a higher all time ROI anon...I guarantee you not a single Eth og cares about your unrealized 500x top

>> No.53157539

For some reason fudders can’t stop posting threads about it.
Just let it fucking go away already, christ almighty

>> No.53157556


Lol true.
I’ve watched this board with LINK since the start. I stand by my OP, and there are definitely some people on the opposite end accusing absolutely everything of fud and discord, even me. I am a bagholder, i made that clear(although im still up since 2017), and i see all the “fud” lately as seething bitter resentment and depression, while a few anons mixed in are in a different stage being hyper sensitive and almost scitzo about calling what is clearly just stupid dumbfuck bahgolder resentment spam as some kind of serious fud organised on discord lol.

>> No.53157584

Except there were always spammy fud threads, it has literally nothing to do with Link going up, sideways, or down.

>> No.53157636


You havent noticed how its changed form lately?

The seething/anger/bitterness is off the scales now

>> No.53157651


As a 2017 LINK holder 50k+
I am mad because it is judged more harshly than any token in crypto
It is the only token that is judged "as is" with impossibly high standards, whereas seemingly every other project can pump effortlessly higher based on future developments

LINK is already critical infrastructure with no real competition. Regardless of L1, there will be no advancement in crypto without LINK. If that changes and there's competition I'll understand but for now, it's the best asset in the space.

>> No.53157671


I used to get irritated by this but idk i have passed into acceptance now. Thats just how it is. Why? Idk, but i also dont care anymore. Thats just the deal with link. I have accepted it.

Still have my bag, still waiting, just not sitting on my hands waiting anymore.

>> No.53157721

>LINK is already critical infrastructure with no real competition

Link has 2 use cases;
1- it generates random numbers for the handful of crypto lotteries out there
2-it confirms the price of shitcoin for decentralized leverage protocols such as GNS

That's it, those are the only use cases of chainlink. Oh and the token isnt even needed to perform those tasks.

>> No.53157730

The fud threads are actually made by fed up link holders who have made ZERO gains vs eth/btc since mainnet launch. Do you actually think people holding link are happy? Kek

>> No.53157755

Ok and how does this “critical infrastructure” trickle down to the token? Kek. We are still in the denial phase

>> No.53157787

It’s always been like this.

>> No.53157801


You need to pay LINK to use the oracles on both sides of the equation (provider + user). Network is bootstrapped right now so protocols can use it w/o getting raped by gas fees. Soon, subsidies will end, and only scalable blockchains like Avalanche will be able to advance.

This is why Vitalik seethes, he knows once the free ride is over Ethereum will be too expensive to run - users already get fucked when gas is high, it will be worse when oracle requests are the same price. It will be doomsday for any chain that can't scale.


You're a fucking faggot

>> No.53157812

it's because we've stopped getting dubs and trips in LINK threads, Kek has abandoned us.

>> No.53157820

Ok so the network has enabled trillions. Yet link has made no gains vs eth since mainnet release. Yet vitalik is seething you claim? Lol

>> No.53157862

see? No fucking dubs.

>> No.53157877

Link board. Why are you on a link board if you're not here to talk about or hold link? Weird guys.

>> No.53157903

You were supposed to sell in '21

>> No.53158142

Eth and btc are lower than they were 5 years ago so those benchmarks arent great (link is 4x on the same timeframe)

>> No.53158207

you're to dim witted to get why we are acting this way

>> No.53158286
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Bulgaria has no right to exist.

>> No.53158326
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Link holders reached the despair level months ago, and now it's going to be even worse.

Let them cope by shit posting while link is still worth more than a dollar.

>> No.53158355
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By summoning all the dark FUD powers, I will infest the spirit of linkies so that they use their tokens and capital to destroy their overlords. What havok and rage... Turn linkies against their masters. Shorting and prolonged bear markets shall prevail, and linkies who did not heed my warnings shall pay the ultimate price. While the Schwablords powers fade, MINE will flourish! Linkies will never inherit MY domain, for I am making the marines MINE! Linkies will soon understand and come to desire MY magic. It IS inevitable! You shall see... By this dark determination I swear, by this BLUE CROWN (hexagon) the source of all my dark power, SO BE IT... now... AND FOREVER!

>> No.53158406

I tell you why:

Sergey has been in the crypto game as long as Vitalik. Vitalik focused on smart contracts, Sergey thought on step further and focused on the data intput for smart contracts. Yet Sergeys project has done worse than even the most silly bitcoin clone (LTC), not even mentioning how bad his performance is relative to Vitalik's project.

So Sergeys vision was good and ahead of everyone. Thats what all people with IQ > 120 see as well, which is they put a lot of money into his project. Yet despite being a visionary, Sergey has proven to be a poor business leader. A piss poor business leader actually. A fraud like Hoskinson with no ideas is running circles around Sergey. Chainlink is down relative to BTC, relative to ETH, down to basically everything.
Lets not compare ATH because it may dilute the message (something may have spiked a lot). Lets not even look at the big ex-post winners like DOGE or MATIC or whatever became big since then, lets just look at the big ones during a relatively stable period just before the lockdowns began:

17 Feb 2020 to 6 Dec 2023
ETH: $275 -> $1246 (+ 350%)
BTC: $9965 ->$16727 (+ 68%)
ADA: $0.06 -> $0.27 (+ 500%)
BNB: $23 -> $256 (+ 1013%)

LINK: $4.25 -> $5.60 (+ 31%)

You could have basically picked any of the other big coins at the time and would have made fortune. Even the safest option, Bitcoin, would have more than DOUBLED your returns.

Sergey Nazarov is just a piss poor business leader, which is probably why he chose not to enter this world. In a proper company the shareholders could vote or buy him out. In crypto, these tokens are meaningless and no matter how poor of performance he will keep showing, there will be no way to force him out of the CEO role. A guy like Schmidt would have turned the company into a market cap of $100bn easily, and while Sergey's vision has managed to pull Schmidt into an advisory role, his thick stubborn head is too arrogant? stupid? blind? to listen to the advice he is giving.

>> No.53158434

>And i have to add 90% of these threads is started not as a shill, but as said bitter/seething/misery
Can confirm that is the case for some non-trivial percentage of them as I am guilty.

>> No.53158497

Oracles must be free. By virtue of their own intention they have to be freely accessible to as many data streams as possible to claim even a semblance of accuracy. Chainlink's entire business model is a larp contingent on name dropping partnerships which go nowhere and an implied false promise that institutions are going to buy linktards' bags at some point, which is never gonna happen.

>> No.53158673

Pretty much this. Part of the reason I feel so angry about everything (and I'm sure there are other people who feel the same way) is because you have the numbers you presented, and you juxtapose that with the opportunity costs they've completely blown at this point. I mean, Cardano doing a 500% between Feb 2020 and now? What in the fuck has it done to justify that? Literally nothing. It's just incredibly frustrating that Chainlink is the thing that has enabled one of the only novel things that can be done with blockchains and what has Sergey done to capitalize on this? Pretty much nothing. There are a lot of things they could have done to generate more interest in the project and the thing that I just don't get is that Sergey stands to benefit from this immensely. Consider how many tokens he sold during the bullrun. If Chainlink actually went on a decent pump during the bullrun then Chainlink would have benefited a lot considering how many tokens they sold.

Then we get to the really painful stuff where we realize it's been half a decade now, and what do we have exactly in terms of a functioning protocol and token utility? Basically nothing. I really don't get it. They've hired talent from top companies, they got top academic researchers. The staking releases were horribly managed, and in a concerning pattern we're seeing more and more out of touch, questionable decisions from Chainlink. On what planet did anyone think it was a reasonable timeline to say that between v0.1 and v1 it would be 12-24 months? Let's not forget whitepaper 2.0 came out in 2021... what in the fuck have they been doing this whole time?

The community is very justifiably jaded and outright pissed off at this point. Chainlink has burned just about any goodwill they had and unfortunately looks more and more scammy, as shocking as that sounds when you consider how things started.

>> No.53158726

>price action bad therefore sergey bad
Great argument

>> No.53158735

The team owe you niggers literally nothing. Instead of crying about the performance and writing estrogenic paragraphs of text you can sell and buy Doge and Cardano. Developing things takes time and in the grand scheme of things the short-term price is unimportant.

>> No.53158743
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You're viewing it through a retail lens. Link's price is clearly being manipulated to allow for institutional/enterprise accumulation. Retail don't care about link's utility, they only care about it's speculative value. Retail isn't going to be running nodes or smartcontracts. Once the big players have finished trading their bitcoin for link, bitcoin will be abandoned and link will become the defacto standard, as it's a true utility token.

Why do you think there is so much fud here everyday? You really think people are spending their free time to fud a token which they don't own?

Enterprises have their own deadlines too, and it will be enterprise adoption which will drive the token to heights never seen before, not normie money, which is paltry in comparison.

>> No.53158787

>Why do you think there is so much fud here everyday? You really think people are spending their free time to fud a token which they don't own?
We spend our free time fudding a token which we do own.

>> No.53158804

> Instead of crying about the performance and writing estrogenic paragraphs of text you can sell and buy Doge and Cardano

Yes. Actually yes. Now just give me a time-machine to go back 3 years and undo alll the trust and money I put into Chainlink and Sergey. I will be more than happy to having bought Cardano and sitting on a +500% 3-year profit instead of a measly 30% with Chainlink.

Just send me the time-machine or give me the profits from investing in ADA. Any option is fine by me.

>> No.53158814

>price action bad therefore the team did nothing wrong I'm in it for the tech anyway
>developing takes time, trust the process, low time preference ngmi
yet here you claim it's declining?>>53157147
>schizoposting about manipulating whales
kek the baggies are utterly deranged at this point

>> No.53158861 [DELETED] 
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>> No.53158882
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>there are no discord. Im telling its a scam

>> No.53158899

>Link's price is clearly being manipulated to allow for institutional/enterprise accumulation.

>> No.53158919

it did like a 250x, big dawg

>> No.53158926


>> No.53158948

Sure. Get a life buddy. If the token were as worthless as you say you wouldn't need to fud it. The price is already low enough.

>> No.53158988
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>> No.53159008

ladies and gentlemen

crypto cuk0lds!

>> No.53159027

>It is absolutely unprecedented. I guarantee nobody is being paid to do it either.
Thats where you are wrong or being disingenuous on purpose. No way anyone would fud this much for years on end without being paid. Also the fact they have a very obvious script and words like Chainlink Labs which No one but them has ever used

>> No.53159096

>Get a life buddy
Don't think I will "buddy", I spent New year's day, and Christmas fudding the token in every thread I could find and I'm not stopping anytime soon.

>> No.53159132

> >>53157113 (OP)
>It is absolutely unprecedented. I guarantee nobody is being paid to do it either.
Thats where you are wrong or being disingenuous on purpose. No way anyone would fud this much for years on end without being paid. Also the fact they have a very obvious script and words like Chainlink Labs which No one but them has ever used

Anonymous (ID: ka+FKeWn) 01/06/23(Fri)16:52:43 No.53159096▶

>Get a life buddy
Don't think I will "buddy", I spent New year's day, and Christmas fudding the token in every thread I could find and I'm not stopping anytime soon.

API Error API Error Code HTTP Code
EXISTENT_CPG 14 409 [FUD] active
NON_EXISTENT_CPG 15 404 Not Found
EXISTENT_HOST 16 409 4channel spam [active]

>> No.53159159

Lmao screenshotted

>> No.53159189

>>53159132 (You)
>>53159132 (You)
Lmao screenshotted
>>53159132 (You)
>>53159132 (You)
Lmao screenshotted
>>53159132 (You)
>>53159132 (You)
Lmao screenshotted
>>53159132 (You)
>>53159132 (You)
Lmao screenshotted
'Error 503 backend fetch failed'

>> No.53159236

It seems like the only people obsessively posting about link with unhinged levels of confirmation bias are those who insist upon a completely fictionalized current and future outlook for the project.

Does DeFi still run overwhelmingly off the reliability of link Oracles? Yes. Any project that wants a safeguard against exploits uses link Oracles.

Is Chainlink Labs still leading the space in developer activity? Yep.

Is Chainlink still launching features in a metered, time tested and heavily audited fashion rather than rushing unfinished products that are inevitably exploited? Yep.

>> No.53159242
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This right here. I have no mercy or sympathy for the most subhuman, autistic, fat fucking incel retard losers to ever plague this godforsaken board. The euphoria I feel at seeing these fat fucking skillless jobless incel chud faggots seething and roping is unironically better than sex.

>> No.53159286

The cause for the seethe is because a lot of people with nothing going for them except this investment frequent this board. Instead of taking profits and developing themselves while preparing for the singularity they just shitposted and more or less wasted 3 years waiting for their "real life" to begin and got nothing to show for it except a 5-6 fig bag of funny internet money

>> No.53159346

Meanwhile, you are a highly skilled professional who doesn't have time for such foolish and trivial pursuits... Oh wait a minute you are obsessed and live on this board like a faggot

>> No.53159367

Abject nonsense. The fud was always funny tongue in cheek only to dissuade Reddit investors, there are no funny green texts or original memes being generated by the current culprits, only factual incorrectness, misdirection, selective comparison and bitter seething

>> No.53159388

There are 24 hours a day
8 are spent sleeping
Personally I can't work productively more than 6-7 or so. That leaves 10 hours for other activities, I spend on average an hour here per day

>> No.53159498
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Sold at 40, thanks for your money nerds.

>> No.53159555
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stop engaging with them. that's what they're here for. when you see a thread like this where it's just a bunch of them screeching, post a screenshot if you want and leave. we gathered all the information we need over the past 5 years.

>> No.53159695

I don't mind posting here it will eventually turn around

>> No.53159722
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>> No.53159963
File: 166 KB, 887x923, 393F3BB2-42A2-42FD-AC40-F0FEC2DBF8C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and there is nothing like this
actually there is now, its called Avalanche.
if Chainlink is the Search Engine in the Analogy then Avalanche is the VPS and 'infrastructure as a Service'.
anyone can spin up a subnet in seconds with whatever Blockchain VM they want, isolated from niggercoin and pregantvitalikshibainu trades and never have to worry about the Consensus and everything thats beneath the VM level.
Thanks to Avalanche Warp Messaging which enables Subnet to Subnet communication the Oracle
messages from Chainlink can be forwarded to any other subnet. no need to boostrap oracles for every chain when every chain can import that data from the the Link Subnet in a trustless way.
thats a cost reduction of more than 1000x and speeds things up a lot because its the only Blockchain with a Sub Second Finality that allows for true decentralization.
Like Chainlink Labs, Ava Labs are targeting the really big use cases, their mission is to tokenize all the assets in the world and they already onboarded some trillion dollar industries like mortage backed securities, payment providers, cbdcs, reinsurance, tokenizing funds like KKR...everything will be tokenized on Avalanche.
the Chainlink Subnet will also give the Link token an additional staking use and actually there will be many Chainlink subnets, some will be permissioned and some will be permissionless and elastic.
Chainlink and Avalanche are the God Protocols.

>> No.53160119
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>> No.53160280
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>> No.53160298
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Chainnigger Labs meme detected


>> No.53160391
File: 260 KB, 1024x1024, 202867BB-A2A9-4C95-A6B6-1044BBFE79BE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frens, i made this for you

>> No.53160481

can't wait until we have a DECO powered link imageboard

>> No.53160674

where does bulgaria even come into this topic?

>> No.53160835
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>I guarantee nobody is being paid to do it either.
>Nobody would take it as fud
>It doesnt read like fud at all
>there are definitely some people on the opposite end accusing absolutely everything of fud and discord
>while a few anons mixed in are in a different stage being hyper sensitive and almost scitzo about calling what is clearly just stupid dumbfuck bahgolder resentment spam as some kind of serious fud organised on discord lol.
Rent free

>> No.53160873

wtf my wallets been drained

>> No.53161404

Its true im fucking pissed I wasted 6 years bagholding this shit with nothing to show for it. We missed the entire bullrun... We had blueballs for a year straight we were watching total shitcoins 1000x while link was crabbing at $20-30, at the peak of the euphoria it only managed to reach 50.. The ONLY time link ever performed well was in 2020 when it pumped against the market from 1 to 20$, that seemed to just be a one off incident.
"Pumps the least dumps the most" is a classic link slogan.
Sergey is a fat lazy nigger, it could of turned out differently if we had a chad ceo. Price is everything in crypto, what people consider a good coin vs a shitcoin is its price performance. Link is seen by everyone as a useless shitcoin, why would anyone ever want to buy a coin that only dumps and crabs?

>> No.53161497

Avalanche, chainlink and their partners like Allianceblock are all good projects with decent partners

>> No.53161506

Bruh you really still posting stale 2018 hopium shitposts about le illuminati whales suppressin da price!!
The truth is if link really was this insider gem and all the elites knew about it, it would never get so low because all of the greedy inisders would front run each other.

Either link is not suppressed or every other shitcoin like LTC and DOGE is also being suppressed by le accumulation whales.
All the charts are the same, they follow btc, when btc dumps alts dumps and vice versa

>> No.53161528
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That's my post. Cool :)

>> No.53161540

i want to unstake my link and sell
how do i unstake
please god i need my $40k back

>> No.53161667
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Because they shit up the board for years and now we get to shit it up making fun of the price action. Also we have fat sergeys. Truly a great time to be alive.

>> No.53161685

>The team owe you niggers literally nothing
Are you for real? The team owes us EVERYTHING. You do realise chainlink "labs" is NOT profitable and is funded entirely by DUMPING on BAGHOLDERS? Did you think they were getting funded by network usage? We pay their wages you stupid fuck

>> No.53161740

replace the bottles in the fridge with link cubes and add a cool caption and that could be a bretty gud meme.

>> No.53161987

Link dumping 95% instead of 91% would've been fine if it got to $1400 first instead of a pathetic 50 bucks

>> No.53162204
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This is you right?

>> No.53162244

I don't understand why people even buy this coin. It's fucking pointless. It's literally designed for chainlink node operators to sell. There is absolutely no reason to buy the token besides to get dumped on by node operators. It has no other value. There is nothing you can do with it. Anyone bagholding chainlink is beyond retarded. Chainlink itself is a fantastic project but the token is just simply not needed for anyone besides selling it.

>> No.53163005

>link board
If this is truly a link board, it can’t just be mindless hopium and insane diatribes about worldwide conspiracies. It also encompasses everyone else who has things to say about link.
Fuck your shitty useless token that you have spammed the board with for years, btw. You retarded arrogant assholes deserve everything happening to you and more.
Feel free to copepost that I am mad or some other inane response while you get dumped on while you are staked and can’t sell.

>> No.53163306

After reading this entire thread.. can you faggots please just sell? Absolute mongoloids.

>> No.53163316

So why are you so mad? Price performance is the other guys problem. What is yours?

>> No.53163564

I have been enjoying myself for a while watching all the seething. I just hate faggots who have pushed all the shit like this is a link board and how they behaved for years.
I’ll be back to lurking and enjoying their downfall all this year.

>> No.53163576

reminder that link will never pump again

late 2018 had literally none of the fud or doom that this board has now. maybe one day you will realize that you were played by whales with shilling tailored to 4chan's style and were exit liquidity for them

>> No.53163761

Can Chainlink produce ideas?
Can Chainlink turn these ideas into real products
Yes portions of the product are available right now!
Can Chainlink deliver results
Yes! We have sold our customers numerous price feeds and VRF!
Can Chainlink capitalize on market events by offering solutions to existing problems?
Yes we at Chainlinklabs believe that honesty is the best policy so we have decided to prove the reserve status of any client. Please speak to our sales team to integrate Chainlink PoR tonight!
Can Chainlink recruit engineers knowledgeable about blockchains web3 solidity and do these new recruits have the same ideals about finance that has grown the blockchain space from nothing to something?
Yes! We at Chainlinklabs are heavily recruiting from traditional sectors and our large HR team is rigorously double checking and triple checking the digits to make sure we have enough staff on hand to meet customer demands

>> No.53163808

>low time preference ngmi
Its been 6 years now and there is literally 0 value flowing to the chainlink token

>> No.53163836

XRP is the exact same shit

>> No.53163987

XRP only has 1 thread. And everyone still thinks they are going to make it.

Chainlink has 30 fucking threads of ESL retards who should rope but don't have the balls because they fell for a scam.

I made bank though.

>> No.53164272

> alll the trust and money I put into Chainlink and Sergey
jesus fuck you bought funny fake internet money, behave like it

>> No.53164588

Ill be checking those. I remembered that screenshot from awhile ago.

>> No.53164930

>Chainlink has 30 fucking threads of ESL retards who should rope but don't have the balls because they fell for a scam.
It's funny because he's pretending that it's link shilling but everyone knows he's talking about the retarded esl fud niggers that fell for lending scams and lost all their linkies so now they're so assblasted they even run literal bots for fudding

>> No.53165330

It's really obvious that a lot of the fud is from salty anons who lost large positions through their greed. I have little sympathy for them desu, and even less if it makes them this embittered. I've resisted temptation and have my full stack staked over multiple wallets. It really is a good feeling.
>inb4 the price is low the price is low reeeee

>> No.53165916

>I guarantee nobody is being paid to do it either.

Kek okay bud

>> No.53166026

Wtf, did the chatGPT bot malfunction?

>> No.53167501
File: 84 KB, 1174x669, SergeyLeaksLink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make it next bull run I'm getting depressed since everything dropped.

>> No.53167537

you lost 30% seethe and cope, tranny.

>> No.53168798

wtf is happening in this thread

>> No.53168813


>> No.53168869

I sold it all for TSUKA. I still hope LINK succeeds.

>> No.53169389


>> No.53171398

Monkeys throwing shit at each other. Chainlink threads have become monkey enclosures.