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File: 28 KB, 585x333, PeakGold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53157055 No.53157055 [Reply] [Original]

Peak gold edition

Commodities include
>Precious metals
Gold, Silver, Platinum group metals
Oil, Natural Gas, Uranium, Coal
>Base Metals
Copper, Iron ore, Nickel, Lithium, Cobalt, Zinc, Lead
Water, Agricultural, Salt

More information for each commodity
Calculators for DD
Steer Clear List
News Sources

>Youtube channels to follow
Palisade Gold Radio, Mining Stocks Education, Sprott Money, Goldsilver pros (Rob Kientz), Finding Value Finance, Gregory Mannarino, Peter Schiff, Macro Voices, Crux Investor
>Canadian junior press releases

>What is Austrian economics?
>Austrian economics books
What has government done to our money (Rothbard), The mystery of banking (Rothbard), and Profit & Loss (Mises)

Previous: >>53115780

>> No.53157093

natgas is dead

>> No.53157139
File: 164 KB, 1154x789, CMMC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Copper Mountain "ransomware attack" a total nothingburger. Congrats to anons who bought the dip.

>> No.53157221
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Told y'all not to touch cyclicals, economy will grind to a halt.

>> No.53157354

its so fucking over you are right, this shit is either gonna drop further or just crab for 4 months

feel bad for anons who got in last couple of weeks and have 0.00% chance of seeing natgas above 4 for the next year

>> No.53157437

December Payrolls 223K, Exp 200K , Last 256K
Unemployment Rate 3.5%, Exp. 3.7%
Average Hourly Earnings 4.6% Y/Y, Exp. 5.0% Y/Y

I wonder if these better than expected job numbers we've been seeing is due to all the illegal migrants, there's literally 100s of thousands flowing in every month. Helps suppress wages too.
Yeah this is a bad time for cyclicals

>> No.53157763

oil wtf

>> No.53157875

I unironically don't get it
I don't invest in juniors anymore so I don't bother with it
Please explain?
From what I remember private placements can be bought and then sold at the strike price once the date expired
Generally private placements are new shares issued and not company owned shares but the article does not mention that

>> No.53157929

They issue new shares to raise money which is dilution of course as it raises the total amount of shares outstanding. Half a warrant is attached which will cause further shares issued (dilution) if the stock price moves above 60c.

>> No.53157996

What's a good silver mining stock
Thought about just buying the etf SILJ but I want more gains

>> No.53158047
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>> No.53158130

If you have to ask you don't know enough about the sector and you won't know when to sell or what to hold through, so buy an ETF instead of being greedy and losing money through ignorance.

Alternatively, lurk moar.

>> No.53158669
File: 3 KB, 225x225, sbsw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best pgm stock and why is it SBSW?
>7.26% dividend
>6.75 p/e
>keliber project for lithium
The LPPM good delivery list is basically shit tier except for this gem.
Try to convince me otherwise.

>> No.53158763

>ISM Services crashes to 49.6, Exp. 55.0, Last 56.5

Economy just ran into a wall. I think we could have easily seen the last rate hike already. At most 25 bp in Feb.

>> No.53159429
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Fuuuuuck. I hate the market. It pumps when I sell like clockwork. Anyways lads what's uranium doing? We finally getting some action or is this the best possible exit? I seriously cannot tell.

>> No.53159746

I'll just throw some money at PAAS, MAG and SILV, they look fine to me

>> No.53160289
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Hope you guys are taking advantage of this time and buy the dip. I'm almost done with my shopping, 3k$ left and I'm out of cash for the next 3 months.

>> No.53160333

Weather models predicting a cold rest of the winter. To all you remaining natty bulls (you stubborn fools) I guess there's a little hopium for you to sniff up.

>> No.53160477

The jobs numbers reported to the fed last month were inflated by 1.1million. Was supposed to report 100k but oopsie typo 1.2 million jobs reported. Honest mistake. They only keep track of numbers over there so it's given they would have a tiny clerical error. No big deal
I thought they would pivot in December now I don't know what to expect.

>> No.53160657

I've spent 3800 of 20k. Don't say it's over yet please I need another couple weeks/months

>> No.53160791
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doesn't take long to press the buy button, hope you're left behind

>> No.53160968
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Is there real, tangible reason to believe that PMs are going to really pump?

>> No.53161052

If we get a lower CPI, we get a dollar plunge.

>> No.53161408
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I'm still looking for sand to buy. I guess I could go hard on the few companies I already have

>> No.53161573
File: 36 KB, 598x310, gv_bllg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French anon here, was able to contact Rana, his answer about the permit :

"It’s been a very frustrating process as each time we thought we are close the government gives us more
that we have to do. However, I’m pleased to report that last month we finally submitted everything to the
ministry and now the application is going through its review process. We are told this process is about 6 to
8 months so our expectation is to be in production some time late next year."

Gave the news to GV since I benefied from some of his picks. Picrel.

DYODD but I added biggly to my position at these low price.

>> No.53161662

dam the BC gov likes to tack on more and more material to permits lately. At some point companies are going to walk off this province if the permitting hell isnt addressed. Bloo Lagoon was working on that permit a year and a half ago, what else was tacked on that had to take so long?

>> No.53161909

Source energy services up again today
Feeling good about sand

>> No.53162013

Redpill me on sand investing like you're explaining it to your mother.

>> No.53162081

>Bitch buy sand!
I like frac sand because I'm schizophrenic and I hate the antichrist

>> No.53162138

Are you the impact silver guy

>> No.53162166
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yes, why

>> No.53162201

I'm getting more hopeful for them as silver prices move upwards but still a risky bet

>> No.53162239
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>but still a risky bet
Wonder how you got that conclusion. They produced for 16 years now and have no debt. However, yes, only reason you invest in these extreme beta compagny is because you're a bull on the commodity. No (pure) silver producer is making a profit right now. I'm confident people will be rewarded for holding PM miner for 2 years very soon.

>> No.53162259
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>> No.53162408
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Have you looked at their financials? in the first 3 Qs of 2022 their all in cash cost was $30/oz.
C$50M mkt cap for a tiny mine producing silver at $30/oz with no reserves. Just crazy.

>> No.53162445
File: 1.09 MB, 824x736, macrone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you looked at their financials? in the first 3 Qs of 2022 their all in cash cost was $30/oz.
I knew it before they even released their Q3 financial. If you did your DD, you would know why. hint : capire.

>> No.53162490

What's that, some french cake?
Also the $30/oz is for the first 3 quarters of last year, not just Q3. They are bleeding money and manipulating their "net income" lower by adding asset value on their books, even though they have no reserve or good exploration results.

>> No.53162578
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Again, if you don't know what capire is, how the heck can you even judge their financial ? You don't know shit about the company and I'm not making fun of you.

Capire is the new mine they're opening again which has an AISC of 30$. Only time they operated this mine was before Silver reach 50$. The fact they've decided to run it should tell you what they think the spot price will do.

I've also got their answer by mail yesterday, a small quote :
"Our intentions continues to be growing beyond 1 million ounces silver per annum."

Only looking at financial is what retards do. You're not so I assume you just dont care about IPT and did the last minimum and stopped at that.

>> No.53162671

>"Our intentions continues to be growing beyond 1 million ounces silver per annum."
You're naive buddy. That means absolutely nothing in this industry, you have to look at the words used. "Intention". They can and will often say that, even when they know it's unlikely. Can't sue them for saying the intend to grow production.
So capire is their open pit project? from what I remember they are not working on a restart of this project at the current time, so it has no impact on their cost.
You should look up what mgmt of Great Panther were saying shortly before they went bankrupt. Or Pure Gold.

>> No.53162687

A lot of bros here hold Impact, they will be right back to US$0.90-$1 at $29-$30 silver.

>> No.53162721
File: 71 KB, 1136x560, ngmi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added big to my Vangold, Pooh lagoon and Copaur. Almost out of cash. Only a small 500$ order left to be filled. Feelsgood buying these cheap shares, almost like I'm stealing...

>You're naive buddy.
Nah i'm not

>from what I remember they are not working on a restart of this project at the current time
They are.

>You should look up what mgmt of Great Panther were saying shortly before they went bankrupt. Or Pure Gold.
I've been exposing and making fun of these company for 2 years now, some listened, some didnt. I've also seen Gold Mountain go belly up in real time. Same for Magna gold. I know what a corpse looks like. Time will tell.

>> No.53162737

Maybe, but a 700k/oz breakeven silver producer with no reserves and no good exploration results certainly isn't worth C$150M.

>> No.53162783

>no good exploration results
>Impact Silver Drills 19.8 Meters of 257 g/t Silver and 12.97 Meters of 487 g/t Silver at Veta Negra
>1.93m of 1,443 g/t Silver and 3.65m of 568 g/t Silver
>3.38 Meters of 2,186 g/t Silver and 6.04 Meters of 464 g/t Silver
You're better than this anon, stop spouting bullshit. I can understand not liking the company, but that's not the case here...

>> No.53162990

If you have been following these miners that went bankrupt you should know that it is certainly naive to believe mgmt stating that they intend to grow production means anything positive. In particular if you are dealing with a small producer losing money you have to assume they are always pumping and are highly optimistic, because they will most likely need to raise cash again soon.

>Subject to prevailing market conditions and current technical studies including ore sorting, expanding the current pilot plant and infrastructure, in 2023 IMPACT is looking to potentially initiate the program to restart production at the Capire open pit mine .

This does not mean they are spending significant capital towards the restart of Capire. They have been saying this for years. No way they are opening it at this time, that would just multiply their losses.

First two results are pretty good, but they are a year old and since then results have been awful. The other intercepts you posted I assume are even older. They may very well have mined this ore already, because they don't seem to have much of a reserve.

>> No.53162999


>> No.53163019
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renew fag should stick to bashing Emerita, his made-up retarded arguments might come true there

>> No.53163058
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Thanks for the update frenchbro

Congrats dude, I should have bought sand when you told me to

>> No.53163061


You guys are both right but I'm leaning more towards Impact being a good company rather than not being big one.

They have a solid history and track record. They have good leverage to silver prices.

However, I pulled out last week because they are not listed on the etfs like gogold and abrasilver are (torque flywheel effect), and their last drill results were factually dog shit.

>> No.53163071

Don't care about Emerita. I'm the retard but none of you can refute anything I say, kek. I'm only trying to help my fellow anons, but sure do go ahead and learn a lesson about being married to your investment.

>> No.53163083

Not being a good one*

This fucking mother fucking auto correct I fucking swear it's the biggest piece of shit ever

>> No.53163161

Falling production, rising production cost and no reserves is not a good track record, it's about the worst state a mining company can be in. Only positive is that they have cash and no debt, but all that does is buy them time. Maybe they happen to stumble upon some high grade or this year which improves their financials, but that would be sheer luck at this point. If they don't though that next raise is going to come at a much lower stock price.

>> No.53163165
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Your argument are sound and people should take them into account when doing their DD, just to be clear. I prefer this kind of discussion, pretty different from stupid bashing we've seen for the past 18 months. I've said it plenty of times, I don't think IPT will be the biggest winner. Its a "safe" producer that will benefit from silver price going up. I'm way more bullish on Vangold for example.

Biggest position are Vangold, then Irving, then pooh.

>> No.53163173
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>> No.53163186

>no reserves
Not drilling your land into swiss cheese isn't mandatory, don't be a retard. They have the good underground. Risk go up by not having a N401 yes.

>> No.53163223

Right but if you think silver is going to go up then it's a good investment. They were posting a profit a year ago.

>> No.53163241


You mean guanajto silver.

>> No.53163262
File: 26 KB, 440x359, Vangold approved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a boomer, bought early. Yes, guanajuato.

>> No.53163286


>> No.53163312

>Biggest position are Vangold
That's the one that turned into G Silver?
Not having reserves not meaning anything is a huge cope. The only ones running their mine like this are ones that are on the brink of shutting down. They even have plenty of cash to drill out a comfortable reserve, but they don't. Because they don't have the good underground. It's much more efficient to have a nice backlog of stopes when running the operation, and they would also then have the opportunity of increasing production if they actually found something they could make money on, or silver price went up.
The fact that they don't do this is a huge tell. They could shut down in 6 months if cost keeps rising or silver goes below 20 again.

>> No.53163380
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>is a huge cope
No, it mean risk go up, nothing else.

>The only ones running their mine like this are ones that are on the brink of shutting down
They've run like that for 16 years.

>They even have plenty of cash to drill out a comfortable reserve, but they don't. Because they don't have the good underground
You're just making shit up because their decision doesn't fit your style. Nothing wrong, just don't invest in that company, plenty of miner drill their land into swiss cheese to prove they have the goods. What I don't understand is why you're so fixated in imagining things and spouting bullshit...

>It's much more efficient to have a nice backlog of stopes when running the operation
It also cost hundred of millions.

One quote of based bob :
"In San Francisco at the latest gold show, one of the leading analysts in the industry took me aside and told me that the biggest problems with the small silver/lead/zinc producers in Mexico was the lack of 43-101 resources. My response is that while that is perfectly valid, it's also perfectly meaningless. The Spanish mined 9 million ounces a year with primitive methods and equipment for centuries without any resources. They simply mined until they ran out of ore and then found another vein and mined it. All at a profit. That's a lot more valid a business model than drilling until a project looks like a giant Swiss cheese, losing money and diluting your shares all along the way."

You've a strong opinion, which is fine, but you're also retarded by not having an open mind. Sad for you, but also show to us your argument aren't to be taken at face value.

>> No.53163494

>They were posting a profit a year ago.
They reported a net loss of $500k for 2021, and if not for cash from exercise from warrants and options they would have burned through $700k as well.
That's better than Impact, but still very risky and probably needs much higher silver prices.
>No, it mean risk go up, nothing else.
The only company running their operations like that are on the brink of shutting down, that doesn't tell you anything?
>They've run like that for 16 years.
I doubt it, probably had several years of reserve back in the day at least.
>It also cost hundred of millions.
No it doesn't lol, if it does then the ground you have is terrible. If there's actually a lot of economic silver there they could drill it out relatively cheaply considering their low production rate. But as we saw in the last release of drill results, they are not finding anything.
Things have changed since the 1600s.

>> No.53163545

>The only company running their operations like that are on the brink of shutting down, that doesn't tell you anything?
I mean you really can't see the problem with only having say 6 or 12 months stope inventory or whatever they have when you could easily hit a dry streak drilling which means you are fucked when you run dry of reserve? if you have a couple years in the bank you have more time to drill out other prospective areas. Incredibly inefficient if you have to shut down only to open up again 6 months later when you found something new.
Perhaps if they had drilled more of that juicy ore that's supposedly there they wouldn't be mining silver at $30/oz right now.

>> No.53163570

I only putbin like 500 if it dips I'll have to double that since I'm running out of time to spend dry powder

>> No.53163602

If they wanted to have investor confidence they would work on proving a reserve.

>> No.53163605
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Crescat also did a comment on their last NR

>> No.53163830

What happened to the gas squeeze and Europe will freeze, kek.

>Gave the news to GV since I benefied from some of his picks. Picrel.
Fuck you, that fag is a pumper to his sheep followers, you only making him another million.


>> No.53164009

Is that you in the pic? I thought there were no women on the internet...

>> No.53164291
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Yes, Impact has no silver! kek

I'm really starting to believe renew fag is one of those ceo.ca retards that shorts then spends all day spreading FUD. Now that the price of silver is running up his party is over and he's crapping his pants.

>> No.53164359

How old is that first intercept, from 2021? I'm sure that's long since been mined. Noone is saying they don't have any silver, clearly they are producing every quarter. The problem is that their cost of production is $30/oz and has been going up. Would honestly make the most sense to just shut down operations now to save money. They are not even talking about how they will lower costs in their quarterly releases, so they probably have no reason to think it will happen.

>> No.53164479

Thanks French anon, excellent update, and quality post.

>> No.53164514

I'm not saying they don't have silver but I'm saying that there's no reason they shouldn't try to put out a resource estimate. I mean if it was your company wouldn't you want to know how much you had?

>> No.53164546

>They are not even talking about how they will lower costs in their quarterly releases

Did you even read it?
>Company has decided to defer a number of non-critical projects and reduce the budget for exploration for the balance of 2022 to rein in costs to maximize revenue with better grades and higher output

We get the next quarter report end of Feb and will see who is right.

>> No.53164549

Gold cross on copper?
Could it be?

>> No.53164774

To me that reads like they are getting ready to shut down operations. They have plenty of cash and no debt so there is no reason to push out planned capex and exploration if their operations are healthy.
Sure they do mention better grades and higher output for Q4, maybe they will have a single decent quarter. I was more referring to longer term, because production has been going down and costs up for years. Seems very much like they have been high grading all that time and are left with increasingly expensive ounces to mine.

>> No.53165364

Fission 3.0 closing strong for the week. More hole assays expected next week, plus new holes getting drilled right now.

Who knew China reopening with a stimulus plan would be bullish. Holding $VALE, $ASCU and $ABRA for copper exposure.

>> No.53165800

These are my miners I've held for a year or so... which to prune and which to keep? Need to cull the losers
>Canada silver cobalt
>silver spruce resources
>Gayhorse silver
>Blue lagoon resources
>Irving resources
>Nicola mining

And yes I'm down about 20% overall so go ahead and laugh

>> No.53165874

See which ones are shilled most and sell them.

>> No.53166183

Wasn't Libero Copper a pick here? I see they just closed a CAD$0.15 private placement. Weren't retards here FOMOing in at $0 80?

>> No.53166429

I posted about jumping in back then along with a couple other anons but all of us sold at some point well above .15.; I know one of them left with a profit and I left with a minor loss of like 5%. The ceo really memed everyone by splitting the assay for 1 core into multiple NR. Also the ceo was being very deceptive on relations with the local communities. I don't even know if that was ever resolved.

>> No.53166467

It's really a bad sign when you've been holding these for a year and can't answer your own question. I have never bought into any of these aside from Lagoon, a year ago, so I wouldn't even want to venture my uninformed opinion.

>> No.53166476

I'm read every thread this general has made since it's inception. Before I buy I use the archives

>> No.53166701
File: 36 KB, 674x668, BayhorseTechnicalSupportSers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's a good silver mining stock

>> No.53167319

I remember back in September I tried for like 2 weeks across continous threads for some second opinions on Vale. No one, not one person ever replied to any of the posts I made trying to drum up a conversation. I told myself fuck it I will buy it it breaks $12 and keep buying if it continues down. Now barely 4 months later I am almost up 50% and my divvies will keep increasing if they continue their climb. Its crazy how this place will ignore conversations about what turn out to be winners short term and long term most likely, but will endlessly post what turn out to be the biggest losers.

>> No.53167358

I remember a few bits about Vale now and then but unfortunately i dont look at them much as their not in my sphere sorry. Their massive, and focus on major bulk commodities like iron which i dont look at either.

>> No.53167729
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No judgement. Just pointing it out.
If you genuinely want to know what is discussed here, simply use the archives. I've bought mining companies using this method and as a mining historian I'm vehemently against investing in them, based solely on my study of that history

Miners are honest men. Therefore, mining is attractive to dishonest men pretending to be miners. Anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to fleece you

>> No.53168354

>Its crazy how this place will ignore conversations about what turn out to be winners short term and long term most likely, but will endlessly post what turn out to be the biggest losers.
I agree. VALE still is at a 4ish P/E ratio so i am still buying. RIO, too. Love those dividends.

>> No.53168423

>Miners are honest men. Therefore, mining is attractive to dishonest men pretending to be miners. Anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to fleece you
For a reference - I do NOT agree with your opinion. Mining companies are surely more honest than car makers with 35P/E and a "growth story".

>> No.53168480

it depends on where you look in the mining sector. The crews on the ground have to be honest or nothing ever gets done, once you get into corporate, mining gets slimy VERY fast.

>> No.53168515

I agree but thats corparate for you. Doesn't work otherwise at companies like AMD, Ford or elsewhere.
My point would be if you had the choice to buy
- a global carmaker with a 35 PE and no dividend
- a global mining company with a 5 PE and 10% dividend
What would you do?
My choice is clear.

>> No.53168575

oh yea no disagreement from me on that, the mega corp miners make a killing for their investors. Some people though cant stomach how they do it.

>> No.53168604

>Some people though cant stomach how they do it.
Yeah. The funny thing is that these are the same people who want a new smartphone every year. Made from mega corp mining metals.

>> No.53168632
File: 121 KB, 300x400, farmington-explosion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The risks with miners is too great for normie funds. The business is cyclical and there are always fucked-up things that happen which make for bad publicity. Mining has always been in the speculation rather than the "investing" realm.

>> No.53168652

Bingo. It's a hard pill to swallow

>> No.53168697


Coal mining has always been and will always be incredibly dangerous. Canary in a coal mine? Saying didn't come from nowhere. I fear we haven't seen the worst of it yet. Wait until the governments of every country have an esg stranglehold on the mining sector. If you only knew how bad it really is

>> No.53168767

Not just the disasters, but now the legal risks. A judge is set to rule soon whether or not LAC can proceed with Thacker Pass. If it's negative, every mining company operating in Nevada will get hit hard, regardless of commodity, all the way up to Kinross, Barrick and Newmont. Permitting can be an arbitrary risk dependent on what federal judge is drawn for the case.

>> No.53168779

This is borderline strawman argument and false equivalency. Numbers be damned. Without mining, car manufacturers wouldn't exist. Without car manufacturers, we would use mules pulling buckboards to mine like we used to.
It's time to face the music. Equities are overvalued and commodities are undervalued. If this isnt the central thesis of this general then it should be.
Eventually we will have to own the world were buying and selling infinitesimally small portions of day after day. This is the chance to literally put your money where your mouth is. If you wanna bet on the opposite, government bonds exist.

>> No.53168788

NDM Pebble Poject.

>> No.53168816

So this is an interesting test if the SC ruling with regard to the west Virginia case. I'm not a legal beagle or whatever but I did read the decision in it's entirety.
As far as I understand the EPA is remarkably neutered on a fucking foundational level. Same with the Brenner case from New York about the guns.
So what will happen is strategic non-enforcement, like blinders on a plow mule to keep it straight on a row. Less distractions via purposeful oversight.
The Karen states and districts will be the first to challenge, rebuke, ignore, etc.

tl;dr nothing will happen

>> No.53168914

I should add that I've only looked into these companies obliquely, as information and links were presented here. However, activist judiciaries and the stables full of lingering parasites praying to be their replacement is a very real thing. Sometimes it seems everlasting, others like you've just lost the remote control

>> No.53169010
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>even in hell I get no respect

>> No.53169046
File: 20 KB, 258x413, Smedley-butler-medals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe worth a mention to you forward thinkers watching energy. Forget the war and the sanctions, any other hocus pocus. War is a racket. Foreign engagements are merely an excuse for domestic tyranny

>> No.53169052

>The Karen states and districts will be the first to challenge, rebuke, ignore, etc.
that's exactly what happened when Trump gutted the EPA. States and local governments just stepped in and produced a much stricter set of rules than the feds had.

>> No.53169114

Citation needed
Obviously every jurisdiction didn't suddenly stand up against le evil empire
Don't pretend to be stupid . It's unbecoming of you, and that's generous I must say.
With the WV EPA case it closes many doors for oversight but so many others exist now it's become labyrinthine. The likelihood of these existing parameters reducing is zero.
Regional battles will erupt immediately or sooner. The possibility is very real that we may not have enough rope to hang them all

>> No.53169141

>Obviously every jurisdiction didn't suddenly stand up against le evil empire
of course not. A lot did, a lot didn't, and many simply don't have mines in them in the first place.

>> No.53169175

This isn't an argument bob. I do not know. Nobody knows. It's a process being played out. Using history as a template, I'm still bearish. The worst is yet to come.
I'm glad you have you and yours secured. I might have to butt fuck one of your son's one day to keep humanity going

>> No.53169310


The world needs more copper producers to break ground on projects now if we hope to achieve net zero ambitions.

>If we hope to
Even the proponents admit it's an unachievable fairy tale

>> No.53169309
File: 41 KB, 836x382, GXJeff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know if you're trolling or retarded but just in case : get rid of CCW, SSE and BHS. NIM might be a good pick but I dont like it, risk extremely high, up to you on this one. IRV and BLLG are worth going big on them. If your capital is big enough, consider other pick too, don't bet on just 3 company.

That's just GV backup, he like her.

Their land is bigger than some country, I understand why Fred doesn't want to. That's a different style of running a miner, I agree and more riskier. In the end, you win big if you really have the goods.

no. Fireweed zinc and Scottie were heavily recomended here though, see their result.

If some people are looking for a good Gold pick, go for LIO. I dont have them since my capital is limited and they're already around 150 MC which is too big for my taste, but it's kind of a "sure win". If you have the guts for it, go for Stelmine. Picrel is bullish on them (dont have them).

You're welcome. I contacted Rana mid december, take that into account when adding 6-8 months for permit.

>> No.53169466

Shhh. I'm still researching them

>> No.53169490
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>> No.53169571

From the article
>The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, FDIC and Fed jointly proposed rules related to the CRA and have received comments but have not yet finalized the proposal. The rules, which were unveiled in May, would expand both the reach and scope of evaluations on whether banks are providing enough financial services to low- and moderate-income communities under the 1977 law

I bet they aren't providing adequate financial services to niggers. How could that ever be fulfilled? We simply don't have enough niggers yet

>> No.53169687

Gary sez......

Gold: 99.5% year cycle low put in. Hold onto your dicks for a rocket but don't go crazy with leverage just yet. Gary says rally will continue through February, til the the fomc meeting at least. 2000 might be tested.

Oil. Sit on cash on the sidelines. We are probably at the bottom but maybe not quite. Couple weeks of consolidation. But be ready. Big moves ahead.

Stocks. Not worth it right now either long or short. Gains won't be sustainable. Volatile sideways chop. Move to other markets.

I begin taking finance classes at my university next week. I already have a geology degree. I'm going to be like Kevin bambrough except not liberal and I'm not smart enough to be like Michael burry.

>> No.53169697

Imagine if we were right and we make huge ass gains we should all start an inevsting firm together. Or we can keep doing what we're doing here.

>> No.53169713

You're lucky you're only 20% down. There's only one shittier investment in the space that you haven't taken and that's Klondike silver.

>> No.53169718

Or he's so rich that the money doesn't matter.

>>53167319 ha. That's awesome. Yeah we ignor

>> No.53169729

Ctrm is at a 1x pe

>> No.53169837
File: 190 KB, 1505x1234, david brady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont agree with you. Based small caps anon told all of us to sell it at the top. I remember very well selling it for 300+% gains. Only greedy retard didn't listen and hold all the way to the bottom kek

I need to take screenshot of David brady smugface telling us we are going down. This fucker block you when you disagree with his view. It would be ironic if we do go up, just like 2020 when he was wrong big time.

desu, I ignore everything not related to Gold, Silver or Copper. Good for you and enjoy your gains.

I do intend to stay here for the full bullmarket. I dont know if i'll post though. I remember very well how garbage thread were in summer 2020. We'll see.

>> No.53169867

I have been holding them for a long time, I think they are a strong bet, also previous dividends were 10-11% yearly

>> No.53169869

>Or we can keep doing what we're doing here
I would like that but these threads will become absolute suffering as soon as we start to make any real money.

>> No.53170326

Why's that? We'd probably have PAN MAN leading us. I think cmmg has a lot more camaraderie than smg

>> No.53170484
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I'm guessing you're new and haven't seen what happens to this place and /pmg/ when metals start to make any movements. We get flooded with retards and everyone from /smg/ trying to make a quick buck and jump onto the bandwagon, making legit conversation impossible.
It very quickly becomes bobo and mumu posting, "shill me a ticker", and people generally attacking each other for not buying their bags and laughing at each other for failing while larping as making money themselves, just like the rest of /biz/.

We're already getting there. The "shill me your bags" posters are already here and increasing, people who contribute nothing but vitriol like the /smg/ kold faggot, and just general newfaggots and tourists.

We have a handful of dedicated /cmmg/ OGs who are cool and chill as fuck but when threads are archiving 3 times a day it won't matter.
Comfy times are running out. by 2024 these threads will be unrecognizable

>> No.53170732

Has GV talked more about Scottie on his Margot account? If he gets in, or a lot of his followers do, this could really fly.

>> No.53170877
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I think you didn't get my point. Of course i am choosing the undervalued commodity stock every single time.
>Equities are overvalued and commodities are undervalued.
Yes. I agree. But we are part of the money machine as long as there is the almighty US Dollar. You choose the system with every grocery store cart you buy.

>> No.53170900

Generally what this anon said: >>53170484
Always remember every shill has a goal. You have to be clear about your goals and if they match or else you will be taken advantage of.

>> No.53171239

he said he wont chase.

>> No.53171277

thoughts on natgas? gap down on monday?

>> No.53171353

My guess would be yes and a continuing downward trend. Bottom something around 2.00 in summer. Compare the 2005-2007 chart.
However Natgas trading never was for the feint of heart. It is called the widowmaker for a reason.

>> No.53171427

I saw some anon talking about how natgas under 2.50 is almost impossible in current macro economic conditions and high rates, because 2.50 is allegedly the base cost of production, storage and shipping.

Discarding this, we saw that it held the support of last years lower prices. Long term I also expect even lower prices, but I am betting on a green month for once. So I am biased

>> No.53171793

I agree that there is a base cost. However as you can see with other commodities that price can be undercut for a time.

>> No.53171839

possibly you are right and the downward movement is so strong driven by sentiment and slowing economic output that its near impossible to break the current trend untill it hits historical lows

as you said, we have seen even worse drawdowns on natgas before

>> No.53172032

Thanks, it's kind of funny GV would say that when he pumps his positions so hard to his 96k followers on his main twitter account. Scottie is only US$0.20 now and could easily be a 5x+ from here, but GV doesn't want people getting into positions he doesn't hold, so that one is chasing. A few days ago he was pushing Snowline hard, 6 long tweets, when he has at least a 7x on them currently.

>> No.53172038

Well I got fucked on my natgas play by price caps and warm weather. I was +20% in early December. I hate selling at a loss but do you guys think I should just pull the plug on it? I only see natgas going down from here on out.

>> No.53172045
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Meant to attach pic kek, some loss porn for you

>> No.53172197
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you're asking if we can see the future. No one can. Only long term plays work, we're in clown world and at the end of an empire. People trying to be cute timing the market will get fucked hard.

I can understand his point. Scottie is a 70MC now. Why buy that when he can take position in Copaur or Independence gold ? However, you're right that people have to be careful about his post on GV. He's more open about what he think on margot. At the end of the day, we're all pumper.

>> No.53172598

What did you buy that went down like this? I'm just buying SM Energy

>> No.53173884


>> No.53174139

Portfolio is -68% over the past year, I'm considering just joining /pmg/ at this point

>> No.53174199

Sounds like crappy picks desu. Most of the bigger explorers and majors that haven't had some kind of awful events have already bounced back to near 2022 highs at this point. Smaller explorers are still lagging, making for some cheap entries.

>> No.53174480

What are you in?

>> No.53174804

Battery recycling , ev chargers and Greenland mining

>> No.53174823

Just throw your batteries into the ocean like the rest of us

>> No.53175316

Gap down on monday

>> No.53175770
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Aurcana silver shill outperformed all bayhorse nigs

>> No.53175827

what ev chargers are u lookning at

>> No.53175875
File: 110 KB, 1024x638, 1668666007565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aus coal stocks whitehaven and yancoal i think are at 2 and below p/e with newcastle coal at 400. much bigger dividends and buybacks too.


>> No.53176385

Dude well no offense but no wonder you're down 70%

>> No.53176696

GV is balls deep in Copaur and they haven't hit anything significant and are now adding properties. This could turn into another Mantaro Silver or Gold Mountain for him where he takes a big loss. Scottie's Blueberry zone is open in all directions and keeps growing, could be 3Moz+. Seems like a much safer play.

>> No.53176798
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Bayhorse is the chainlink of silver

>> No.53176865
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You will get more (you)s than just this one despite my warning and that makes me sad

>> No.53177094

scam shill jew thailand lifestyle reddit ladyboy cowboy hat

>> No.53177227

Kek, the neo-nazi anti-bayhorse shill can't help but resort to anti-semetism but still can't refute my DD

>> No.53177287

I wonder if the Bayhorse discord circle jerk server is still running

>> No.53177551
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>I wonder if the Bayhorse discord circle jerk server is still running
why would they stop?
If only silver went to 20 cuz shithorse is profitable at 10.

>> No.53177626

Kek, the ocean deal shipment is still due in two weeks I see. Graeme should start doing something at least to create more content we can talk about.

>> No.53177706
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Those retards on ceo.ca are a good contrary indicator. Whenever is see them commenting on another company, I can assume it is crap, too.

>> No.53177771

I agree with david. (july 2016 wasn't even that bad for gold 15% dump and then recovered)
The market has already priced in the fed pivoting and a return to high inflation.
the stock market, (consumer defensive especially) has plenty of downside left as all the elevated PEs transferred from tech to dividend stocks. but that's not going to prevent the recession and broad earnings collapse.
The bear market has one more leg before the fed starts printing money again.
Gold's up 15% while the stock market narrative is "inflation has peaked"? it's all a joke. Everyone is super defensive, in gold or bonds (bonds shot up 1.2% on friday!)

It does depend on inflation data for the next few months & the fed's reaction, but I think the market is really underestimating how long rates will need to be higher and how much that will curb growth.

>> No.53177983


>> No.53178555
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Funny how the subject of hydrogen keeps on popping up all of sudden.
This article tells how Finland is getting a lot of interest from hydrogen investors and is planning on mass producing hydrogen to export it.
Main reason being the ease of clean energy production, which in this case means wind. Not like we have new nuke plants planned after the newest one comes online.
Pic related is hydrogen pipes that are being planned.
Apparently whole thing is still very much in the planning process and nothing real has been decided, but it shows that this industry is starting to make waves and has the potential to catch a lot of people by surprise and get really damn big.


Also Norwegian company is planning to build a green steel factory in Finland that would use hydrogen in it's manufacturing process.
>Blastr will replace coke and coal with hydrogen in the chemical reduction phase,

Remains to be seen if anything comes from this, but it's interesting to see how this field is suddenly popping up so much.
I bet it's because people quickly came to the realization that battery tech is utter shit in it's current form to store energy on large scale and the only real available way to store this massive amounts of energy from wind to make it viable is hydrogen.
If the powers that be want to push their climate bullshit then this industry is going to get the money.
So basically we should be looking to jam our commodity bux into wind, solar and hydrogen markets after the supercycle has peaked.
And considering how the green agenda is globally government supported, the markets related to it are only going to go up.

>> No.53178686

i wonder how the change over will effect how efficient the steel process, will it help or hinder on an industrial scale. How are they planning on generating the hydrogen too? Hydro, wind, solar, nuclear?

>> No.53178691

sorry missed the bit on how they plan to generate the energy my bad.

>> No.53178796


I have a feeling they don't give a damn about how good the process itself really is, the only thing they want is those ESG points.
It's an interesting scenario with hydrogen.
Regardless of how inefficient wind is, if they're really going to start pushing hydrogen hard as energy storage then wind will become way infinitely more viable without any battery tech breakthroughs even needing to happen.
Also there's the hydrogen vehicle technology that will without a doubt grow massively quickly overtaking EVs if they don't pull a rabbit out of their hat soon.
Imagine the platinum bullrun if this hydrogen stuff materializes in any significant way. I should probably try to buy some physical before it runs too far.

>> No.53178940

I have a feeling EVs will be having a very hard time making in ways into the higher latitudes of North America and Asia, battery tech isnt built to handle extreme temp swings. I wonder how hydrogen will fair in the same conditions? If the same problems persist ICE powered vehicles wont be going away any time soon in those parts of the world.
I too hope to see hydrogen take off as a more reliable power source, because platinum is something I can find and market. The new platinum rush would be stellar.

>> No.53178952
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Yes. ESG is far more important than quality products or competitive prices. Efficiency and innovation are worth sacrificing to keep the flow of government subsidies going to the chosen

>> No.53179785

I got offered a job at Tintic Consolidated Metals, which is partially owned by Osisko Development.
Am I going to get fugged by working for these miners?

>> No.53179955

From the article

The next generation of fuel cell, the proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs—sometimes called the polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell), is far more compact.

Sadly, the main catalyst—substances that help speed up chemical reactions—used in a key reaction involved in PEMFCS (the oxygen reduction reaction, or ORR) is the rare and thus expensive metal platinum. The high cost of platinum is already one of the biggest barriers to wider PEMFC adoption. According to data from the U.S. Department of Energy, platinum-group metal catalysts in fuel cells currently account for more than 40 percent of their cost. Indeed, half of all platinum production in the world is used by the automobile industry.

Keep a butt plug in at all times if you are so worried anon

>> No.53180069

Congratulations on the job bud! From what I gather the management at TinTic told the guys Osisko brought in to leave after only a few weeks, obviously the local staff there actually knew what they were doing.

Details on the position? Surface or UG?

>> No.53180131
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Why is picrel getting shilled on other platforms. This has been a pig for a while now.

>> No.53180377
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You need more DD on Copaur my friend. I'm not here to protect that socialist triple vaxxed but you're wrong this time.

you should stick to collecting coin if you're that retarded yes. Or be more serious about your investment.

stop taking the bait, he and his alt are the only retard still talking about that garbage. Let that subject die already, thread will just become better.

He might be right but his smug face make me just avoid all his talk. Retard sure of themselves about timing the market are the best way for me to lose my chair in this once in a lifetime bullmarket.

I am left with 1k in cash, last purchase before April (when I expect another low). Will probably add to my IRV position, my bag will never be big enough.

>> No.53180497

>Funny how the subject of hydrogen keeps on popping up all of sudden.
It's because we no longer get Russian gas. Same reason why LNG suddenly became huge, we are looking to replace that energy supply with alternatives. Interesting article.

>> No.53180537

Who are shilling it? Have been looking into this due to being one of the absolute cheapest miners on a mkt cap to yearly production basis. Those kinds of stories are always interesting to me, but a turnaround seems very unlikely unfortunately. They mined their best ore already years ago and are left with very high cost low grade, would take a lucky discovery to turn this around or a large sustained gold rally.

>> No.53181389
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>> No.53181728
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Found on twatter
Might explain the drop in natural gas prices?

>> No.53181786


Corresponding article. Though I don't understand why this is bearish. Less export opportunities?

>> No.53181799
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>Who is shilling it?
This fat fuck.

>> No.53181933
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Fren I wouldn't touch anything Mark O'Dea is involved in after his disaster at Pure Gold. And he's selling Copaur, another red flag. If GV can pump you into the green on this I'd sell immediately.

>> No.53181974
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Greasy Max approves of this post.

>> No.53182437
File: 519 KB, 1312x1276, GV_pumpsitions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GV also got in high with Copaur and might have added when the price crashed. He tells his followers to "sit" or buy while he gets in and out of positions all the time. Don't be surprised if he announces he sold Copaur after the price gets pumped, especially if they continue to have no big drill results.

>> No.53182717
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If I have a CFD open on henry hub gas, what happens when it rolls over to a price that is different from the current price, do I risk getting liquidated because my cfd is based on the current contract price?

>> No.53182773

to add, lets say it goes down with half a dollar, that would be below my liquidation price. Do I get liquidated because the new price is below my liquidation price that was based on the old contract

>> No.53183292

Bros, gonna put my monies into UCO, Boil and URA, how badly am I gonna get fucked?

>> No.53184871


>> No.53185811

They're all getting ready to implement Basel iii

>> No.53187098

Please ignore the bitcoin argument made in the tweet, I am purely interested in what Zeihan said here.

Am I understanding this correctly?
Did he just use the term 'monetary inflation' to allude to 'an increase in the value of the currency'? (by virtue of its fixed supply in the face of a growing economy)
If so, fucking insane how the definition of inflation has taken such a beating that it can now be used to express almost the complete opposite.

>> No.53188130

Likely a brain fart. He meant deflation. modern (((economists))) don't like deflationary currency as it encourages people to save.
Which means economic bubbles can't happen as there's no risk to just holding your cash. modern economics is about forcing people to spend (usually on things they wouldn't want normally) in the name of creating a volatile market that insiders can profit much more on.
Government shills like him take an idea and go way too far with it. Sure a tiny bit of inflation could be good if the economy really were expanding. More dollars when your dollar was getting stronger due to efficiency improvements and tech advancements, can end up being net neutral for dollar valuation.
but the government is insanely greedy and want 10% inflation so they have complete control. I don't hear him complaining about that

>> No.53188758
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Metal fags ...

>> No.53188965
File: 37 KB, 499x298, poly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anybody know where I can buy shares of POLY? IB won't let me buy because of "sanctions"

>> No.53189098
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>> No.53189122

Appreciate you silver jew

>> No.53189273
File: 231 KB, 720x1094, Stateside AKA Vince Marciano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... and this fat fuck.

>> No.53189299

just two more dilations and bayhorse will be profitable and 10 dollar silver when silver finally reaches 12 dollars. Nobody calls a winner live silver jew

>> No.53189644

Yep, $2k+ AISC, and a shit ton of debt.

>> No.53190032


Dolly Varden looking pretty interesting for next season, 21 million dollars for drilling and a decision on if they will build a mine or sell off to to Hecla.

>> No.53190184
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Good assets, but I can't stand their virtue signalling.

>> No.53190208
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>> No.53190286

fuuuuuuuuck. Why are they all like this now.

>> No.53190302

it would probably check some boxes for a large-cap multinational interested in a buy-out. I don't know if they believe this shit or just think it makes for good PR.

>> No.53190346
File: 482 KB, 1920x1080, FjbL8BFXkAMy5mU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to kaliyuga good sirs.

>> No.53190376

when i heard the corporate guys saying this stuff it was always with a half assed sort of bored expression so i dont think its really something anyone in industry actually takes seriously.

>> No.53190522

kek baggies
you missed the top and now commodities will crash like no tomorrow. no one wants your shit in a global financial depression. the world economy will grind to a halt.

>> No.53190535

How much are you down fag?

>> No.53190617

It has been an honour riding out the low times with you guys. Maybe Pan Man can just start a mining general, I enjoy his input and banter about mining in BC.

>> No.53190635

Rate my folio
>discovery silver
>impact silver
>golden tag
>first majestic
>fission 3.0

>> No.53190735

Familiar with Rio2 and can't stand its CEO. Their plan is untenable and the authorities agreed. But pos Alex will keep stringing suckers along.

>> No.53190811


>> No.53190954

Haven't looked at them for about 2+ years, but liked them then.

>> No.53190970

>golden tag
should be fun when the halt is lifted, especially if silver price keeps climbing

>> No.53191026
File: 227 KB, 600x390, bc8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomorrow I'll,
Apply for 15 credit cards and use them to spend $40k on gold and silver mining stocks.
Good idea?

>> No.53191062
File: 173 KB, 720x694, Alex Nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I simply avoid companies whose leaders make political statements. The guy must be really stupid. Did he think that microcap resource speculators would sypathize with his wokeness?

>> No.53191715

Progressives in the US are now much wealthier on average than conservatives. This is a complete reversal from even 20 years ago.
It's good business to at least appear woke right now.

if rich people suddenly decide that being old time family values christians is the new thing, that'll be what CEO's will be espousing. Businesses don't have morals or politics, only profits or losses.

>> No.53192185

Why is everything green?

>> No.53192783
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>> No.53193367
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Nice hit for Goliath


>> No.53193381
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In case any bros missed it, Scottie won the week

>> No.53193536

After bagholding for years it feels strange being in the black once again on scottie.

>> No.53193695

Open in all directions and bonanza hits keep coming. With the big drill season ahead it really feels like a monster 1000+ g-m hole is on the way.

>> No.53193711
File: 261 KB, 2166x1022, pump it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

presented without comment

>> No.53193756

Sell all and buy PAAS

>> No.53193788

$1900 will fall soon

>> No.53193803

Is 194g/t on an over 100m intercept not some kind of world record?

>> No.53193829
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>> No.53194029

Its been a great week for assays!


>> No.53194578
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It'll move pretty quickly from here as the PEA approaches and I bet we'll see a new floor being built well above $3 in no time.
It's going to be an interesting run towards the sale, because this thing is massive.
Considering how it's going to be +50 years of steady salt production and cash flow without disruptions, entities like pension funds should find an investment like this a pretty interesting one and those guys have the money to spend.
And there's the bonus of Triple point shares. This quickly growing hydrogen interest has a pretty damn good timing for the stock too.

>> No.53194862

Atlas indicated the PEA could have a 200 year mine life

>> No.53194893

Is Yancoal a good medium term hold for divvies? A lot of anons here are going full on autist permabull on coal insisting that it's never going down again. I'm just wondering if I can park some cash there for 2-3 years and just farm the immense dividend, I'll be happy even if it doesn't go up as long as it also doesn't go down too.

>> No.53194949

Where are my Vista Gold bros @?...

>> No.53194956

Just bought more NFG.V because I truly believe this is going to be something special.

>> No.53195009
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Inflation is theft.

>> No.53195019
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unlimited salt, we will wagmi, as long as this stinky poo doesn't shit in it


>> No.53195281

Oh I'm retarded

>> No.53195320


Yeah the real lifespan is as good as infinite in practical terms.
Part of me wishes they'd just build the mine themselves because the multipliers would be so much higher, even if it would prolong the process a bit.
We'd be looking at minimum 20x from here and even at that price it would barely match Compass Minerals at it's highs.
I'll be happy it it goes for $10 or more with this sale.
Really the whole thing comes down to how much the lifespan and production cost matters for the buyer. If it matters a lot this could go for some absurd sum. If it doesn't matter that much we might just be looking at $6-$8 stock.
Either way this will be interesting ride, the potential is massive considering what kinds of entities could be interested in something like this.

>> No.53195548

Sirs, why is oil and natgas pumping? I was planning to invest today.

>> No.53195597

Peter schiff will be president within 15 years and he will save the economy.

>> No.53195677
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>> No.53195981

Will silver continue its breakout this week?

>> No.53196114

Thurs is CPI data, could be a chance we shoot past $24 and make a run at $25

>> No.53196251
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URANIUM CHADS! I don't want to say anything and mess it up. But you know who you are.

>> No.53196260

>tfw fission 3.0 is my only uranium exposure

>> No.53196281

it's this >>53191715
with a healthy dose of "maybe if i pretend to be woke, they won't shut me down."

>> No.53196354

Will by Jan 20 $12 silj calls end up OOTM :(

>> No.53196417
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uranium KINGS

>> No.53196453

If you don't hire faggoty nigger trannies blackrock and vanguard won't invest in your hitlerian fascist company and they'll tell the hook nosed kike insurance companies to refrain from covering you because of such blatant hall of cause denial you fucking bigots

>> No.53196473

Dude you posted those options like a month ago and I told you if you're gonna fuck with options, by leaps. Right now you can get EQX jan 2025 2.50C for like $2.20 you should be buying something like that.

Has anyone been following silver one? I've got 10k shares that have been trading sideways, are they still a good buy under 20 cents? Looking to get some more silver juniors

>> No.53196487
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That is all.

>> No.53196564

Don’t yell at me :’(

>> No.53196638


Get ready to have air you breathe taxed you evil knot seas

>> No.53196673
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I cut down but I have DNN URA and URNM. Not sure if this is the pump or the pre-dump but I believe uranium is the future. I'm crazy enough to imagine uranium powered vehicles. Stay frosty kangs

>> No.53196746

lol, this company got trolled with a fake news release

>> No.53196931
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>> No.53196964

india needs oil benchod, buy oil now, superpower 2030

>> No.53197455
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Gary has officially called the bottom of the eight year cycle low in gold. Says the next top will be 2100 around February.

I will be following big his call to sell out when it comes. The big reason my and I feel a lot of our portfolios are down is because we did not sell out at the last intermediate cycle top about a year ago and buy back in at the upcoming low. I will be doing this during this year.

He says oil is in a sideways churn and is putting in the second half of the cup in the cup and handle. I see this as well and agree.

Here's to money lads. Let's make it happen this year.

>> No.53197465

So basically the plan is. Ride gold until February. Sell out or reduce positions or take profit off the table in February when there will be a correction (bacodwon to about 1875 or so), then buy back in and keep riding the remainder of the wave.

>> No.53197485

I'm about of uranium mostly right now because general stocks are bearish and energy is in a sideways churn. I've reduced uranium exposure to about 30% where it was 60% a year ago. It's been painful. I just don't think uranium is immediately going to take off right now.

>> No.53197512

Those results are kind of making Goliath results look shitty.

>> No.53197532

>The big reason my and I feel a lot of our portfolios are down is because we did not sell out at the last intermediate cycle top about a year ago and buy back in at the upcoming low.
I dont agree. I mean, 2020 was ovbious yes, if you rode from 1400$ to 2100$ without selling was stupid. But now ? I don't know man, I'm not going to test my luck and be cute about trading. Worth it if you can, I dont believe I can.

Maybe sell no more than 20% of your gains ? It really depend how hard the miner rally. We're not very far from ATH in PM and miner sleep. Maybe 2100$ wont change. At most 50% gains ?

Pretty to have sold a long time ago. This sector is extremely hyped by all gurus. Its not being a contrarian to buy Uranium. I locked most of those guys like uraniuminsider or quakes. It'll go up, but not this year.

>> No.53197559

It's a good company but the management sre assholes and they're just waiting on their property to sell and increase in value probablya good buy

>> No.53197571

Damm that's a good day bro.

>> No.53197592

At the 2100 top I'll take out no more than 50% but leave the rest to ride.

Right now I'm really mulling over the decision to sell out of Goliath and buy scottie. I could use some help with those thoughts if any anons have ideas.

>> No.53197645


>> No.53197665
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Thanks for the input fren

>> No.53197672

I learned from watching you guys. I appreciate the help too

>> No.53197701
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Goliath result were kind of meh but the most important thing is they have 100% hit gold in all their holes. That's more important imo. Also, nobody should compare their result to a fucking 192g/t drill hole, not even LIO do that. If I had to chose between the two, scottie is my choice despite the bad share structure.

Dont have them in my PF btw. Careful chasing green dildo and hype. Switching company all the time is the best way to lose this game.

>At the 2100 top I'll take out no more than 50% but leave the rest to ride.
I dont know, it really looks like miner won't truly wake up until we go past 2200$. I won't sell anything until the next top (2500-3000). I'm only interested in selling at those big top and buying bigger dips. Trading small correction is too risky.

>> No.53197718
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Good land, good resources, garbage management. Look the SEDI, I sold a long time ago.

Will it go up ? Yes. Is there better stocks ? Absolutely yes.

>> No.53197972

BHLL up 20% today
Way above 50 & 200 day lines.

>> No.53198057


>Previous attempts to use the Sun’s energy to split water molecules have faced multiple problems
>the Sun’s infrared photons, which comprise roughly 50% of those that reach Earth, aren’t energetic enough.
>Above their setup they placed a lens about the size of a typical house window.
>This focused the sunlight to a 100-fold smaller area, allowing them to reduce the size, and cost, of their water-splitting semiconductor.

So basically it took years for scientists to figure out that they can use a magnifying glass to focus sunlight to make it more intense.
I guess the problem of being very highly educated is that you don't think of the most basic solutions to the problems.
But yeah yet another hydrogen related thing. Can't wait to see how this field develops.

>> No.53198086

Look st their resource I believe it's 40,000,000 ounces and it's all heap leach so it's readily available for processing so it's a good deposit and probably a great value but just be r re any for management to kot do anything for a couple years and maybe even dilute on you.

>> No.53198100

They're both at about the same market cap. I was going to sit and think about their deposit sizes.

>> No.53198180

>Interval 389.00 400.00 11.00 12.10

>Including 392.04 392.94 0.90 116.50

I was wondering why Got was down on seemingly decent results but I guess the only highlight is a super thin hit.

>> No.53198371

>>Interval 389.00 400.00 11.00 12.10


They released and updated model today.

>> No.53198708

Taranis with a NR

>> No.53199372

bumping because I'm genuinely curious

>> No.53199560

Goliath going down 7% Fri and 13% today seems like an overreaction. Share structure is excellent and upcoming drill season could easily get the excitement back.

>> No.53199751

It is. This was all step outs and they still haven't hit the edges of the deposit.

If faggot snowline gold can go to 800m market cap then Goliath can too.

>> No.53200059
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How much does institutional investment influence these small-mid caps? I'm trying to see if there's a pattern or correlation I should be noticing/applying

>> No.53200106

yea its frustrating, hitting more material outside the known structure is never a bad thing, investors are to jittery.

>> No.53201677

interesting to see how this goes.

>> No.53202878

From the article

>At last year’s US Africa leaders summit in Washington the US signed an historic memorandum of understanding with Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo to develop an electric vehicle battery supply chain.

>At the summit, Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema also announced that Kobold metals, an exploration firm backed by billionaires Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson, will invest US$150 million to develop a new mine in Zambia.

>Zambia is particularly well positioned to supply what the world needs. It has substantial reserves of copper and cobalt, critical metals for the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Due to their broad uses in wind and solar powered technology and electric vehicle production, these metals will play a crucial role in a low carbon future.

>Copper demand is expected to increase up to threefold by 2040 while cobalt demand is expected to rise over 20 fold.

>> No.53202985

The rest of the article is full to the gills with newspeak regarding funding, taxation, and regulation. I'm of the opinion that it'll be more of the same shit that always occurs.

>> No.53203283


In researching engine designs I stumble upon some silly shit.
From the article
>There is a pretty pragmatic reason for all of this though. Simply put, if manufacturers don’t comply with emissions standards they will face heavy penalties or potentially get removed from certain markets. Motorcycle emissions have come under scrutiny because of how much more pollution they generate compared to bigger vehicles
I guess we better all go buy 3/4 ton diesels so we pollute less fellas. Science!

>> No.53203323

Yancoal has paid off nearly 3.5billion of debt since coal went up. Most ASX coal stocks are pumping cos they are nearly free carrying and will be paying huge dividends for at least the next 3 years. I personally am high on TER:ASX paying at least a 10c FF dividend every quarter for this year and YAL:ASX which could nearly beat that but only doing it 6monthly. They are all cash cows anon. Even if they drop slightly due to volatile commodity markets you will make you’re initial investment back in dividends alone by end of next year.

>> No.53203935
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>> No.53204122
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>>P/E ratio of 3.65
>>>20% Div yield

>> No.53204387

No, that's retarded. You need time on your side

>> No.53204547
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kek ocean shipment in January.

>> No.53204932
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>i'm down 40% because I kept averaging up due to FOMO
That's your average uranium investor. Uranium insider, quakes and all these guru are extremely dangerous telling you to buy all the time. Double true since the uranium stocks are so few, you might have 15 quality uranium company.

>> No.53205828

Energy is volatile. Coal is the most ancient, tried, and tested. They will admonish it for this reason but have to have it to build a green future that makes it obsolete.
Same as child labor and slavery. They have to use it in Africa to mine lithium so they can end child labor and slavery. America can't manufacture because it creates pollution so we buy imported products from the worlds greatest polluter. It's all one world man. You don't want to be on the wrong side of history

>> No.53206843
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BLLGs bottom getting bought up

>> No.53206873

Are BOIL and UCO good buys?

>> No.53206911

Everyone decided to go burn coal.

>> No.53206963
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>up 16%
>averaged down very hard
>average is .24
This will be a big win in 1-2 years

>> No.53206982


>> No.53207161

Nat gas is cyclical, who knows where this manipulation takes us down to, but we have to be close to the bottom. Macro can move this too… I’m buying BOIL and holding at least until summer

>> No.53207211

Thanks desu, I want to hold it for long term as well.

>> No.53207704

Boughted BOIIL, when do I start losing monies?

>> No.53207953
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Lol, already did. Boughted UCO and BOIL bois.

>> No.53207988

I would suggest you learn about ETF decay before you plan to hold a leveraged ETF in the longer term.

>> No.53208016

Pacific Ridge news


>> No.53208114

Nice dubs, I'll learn about it once I end work for the day.

>> No.53208356

>I thought they would pivot in December
I remember the says when they said they would pivot in September

>> No.53208473

I bought Vale back in May and barely made my money back
Do you think it will continue climbing?

>> No.53208622
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Golaith's dip is starting to make more sense, RocketRed and his team of fags are working hard to shake people out

>> No.53208652

MOASS tonight.

>> No.53208671

I don't have words to describe how much I hate that two-faced scamming piece of shit and his merry band of punp-and-dumpers.

>> No.53208694

Someone redpill on BOIL.CN pleeeeease

>> No.53208785
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I boughted so its dumping hard and ass raping me.

>> No.53208786

Don’t worry too much about decay, swinging for a few months won’t matter when you buy at historical lows like this… easy 4-5x by summer

>> No.53208824

>easy 4-5x by summer
If it was that easy, the trade would be crowded already.
ETF decay is real on leveraged instruments and I would'nt hold one through a roll-over of contracts.

>> No.53208855

I’m buying for the macro catalyst right now… hopefully before end of Feb

>> No.53208952

I agree fren, people like RocketRed deserve to suffer and are a plague on the sector

>> No.53209465

I'll catch this falling knife

>> No.53209515
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New Thread >>53209510