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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53155089 No.53155089 [Reply] [Original]

a working man can support himself and his family with a single basic manual labor job.

a working man can barely support himself with a job that he had to go to college 4 years for.

what went wrong bros?

>> No.53155093 [DELETED] 

> What went wrong?
But unironically.

>> No.53155099

two income households

>> No.53155101


>> No.53155116

op makes white children with his white stay-at-home wife
op lusts over some underage insectoid

that's what went wrong, faggot

>> No.53155129
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>> No.53155251

the government is the problem, it got too big and it's too much of a burden on everyone

>> No.53155261
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>a working man can support himself and his family with a single basic manual labor job.
This is just chud cope. The women also had to work back then + the children and they all lived in a single room with a public toilet and kitchen.
You are talking about the 1950 middle class not working class. You can have the same luxus if not more if you are middle class in the usa. Now go back to >>>/pol/ if you want to whine about your life.
Go back to >>>/pol/ you low iq chud.

>> No.53155339 [DELETED] 
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>Go back to >>>/pol/ you low iq chud.

>> No.53155374

In 1923 a typical uneducated American man would be living in a small wooden hut with no plumbing and mould growing everywhere. He’d have a foreman shouting in his ear all day to work harder and if he was lucky enough to have a wife she would have to work too. In 2023 you can be a NEET and still live far more comfortably than your recent ancestors. Delusional incel rambling once again

>> No.53155677

Manual labour was able to extract more value through unions than what they added to the product. Now as more services are digital and experiencing global competition, this undeserved leverage is being eroded and people are in fact being paid their fair share. It has never been easier as a productive and risk taking individual to start a company and make it big

>> No.53155706 [DELETED] 


>> No.53155717
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low iq uninformed cope please kill yourself.

>> No.53155757 [DELETED] 

>Affirmative Action
>Women in the workforce.
>Outsourcing of Jobs

But Jews are the root.