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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53152695 No.53152695 [Reply] [Original]

What are your plans after you make it?

>> No.53152808

After I make it I am going to buy 4chan. Then I will delete /pol/, delete /bant/, delete /lgbt/, ban crypto discussion on /biz/, allow soijaks on /a/ and unlock /qa/ so I can drink the tears of seething anons complaining. I will also double the pay for all the jannies.

>> No.53152815


>> No.53152824
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drugs, gardening, and drug gardening

>> No.53152826

>I will also double the pay for all the jannies.
You want sex with men!

>> No.53152828

Fuck as many 5/10-7/10 women possible. I want to ruin them for other men. Literally would like to turn into 100/year into roasties. That decreases the supply of good women, which increases the value of mine

>> No.53153225

>Buy forested land with cash
>Go feral
>Raise family
>Forget this faggot-ass world exists

>> No.53153406

>Marry the girl of my dreams
>Travel the world together in our own plane (i will teach her to fly)
>We'll then buy some land in the place we love most big enough to have its own airstrip
>Design and build a huge home, with a bunker underneath for the apocalypse. our own studio in house to make songs.
>Have a few holiday homes around the world to enjoy the snow, surf, and sun.
>A large yatch that when were not enjoying is hired out earning us $$$
>Raise a beautiful high iq family together
>Found our own school. No leftist teachers or faggot curriculum.
>A collection of super cars & a track drift car,
>support the rest of my family
>support/found based causes

>> No.53153508

my ex wife and son are provided for.
my ex gf comes back to me, maybe we can work something out
i have a young qt life partner, and we raise a family together

and i finally figure out my life purpose and pursuit whatever it is

>> No.53153513


>> No.53154258

how is money going to change the fact u cant get a match on tinder

>> No.53154268

>I will also double the pay for all the jannies.

>> No.53154270

make more

>> No.53154279

>Buy house
>Spend every day relaxing with my wife
>Buy a whole bunch of rare guns
That's it, not hoping for a lot

>> No.53154283
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play halo in my own basement with a big tv and no disturbances from my bitch ex wife or mom

>> No.53154292

the only high iq post.
no matter what your plans are, there will never be a making it until there's a world around you worth making it in

>> No.53154304

Buy a car and house/apartment
Hopefully not have to work anymore more than 1/week

>> No.53154333

make it even further

>> No.53154344

I’ve remained grey for years so that I will quickly be forgotten when I fuck off. Kids all grown and wife is on board. Not keeping in touch with anyone else.

>> No.53154357
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That pic is literally me

>> No.53154483

Buy enough land to bury a reinforced concrete dome home under several if not ten meters of soil, make it completely self-sufficient and sealable to all threats save for multi million dollar bunker busting missiles, have a 10gb fiber line laid out onto the property I terminate inside the structure myself, and spend the entire rest of my life shitposting and playing vidya when I'm not smoking a bowl or fucking my wife to make another child to raise. Park enough in stable investments to live off the 2-4% a year, put the rest in hard assets and commodities with a small percentage to speculate with like a degenerate fuck in the shitcoin casinos. I'll probably end up being a solid percentage of all posts on 4chan.

>> No.53154495


>> No.53154565

Quit work.
Try to find a nice little rural property with some land to have some chickens and a garden.
Try to find a nice woman to join me and have a lot of kids, someone who will also want to homeschool them or some other situation to avoid the corrupting, demon-infested hell that is education today.
Try not to get Ruby Ridge'd.

I'm so tired of waging for practically nothing; the only other jobs around here will destroy your body or is shit like fast food and pays horribly.

>> No.53154594

I'm gonna go on 4chan and post a laughing bear or bull every time theres a move

>> No.53154634

buy a house and turn it into a smart one, those that with an "open my fucking window" do it, or just find a way to make more money, I don't really like the idea of staying still all my life either, maybe I would start putting some money in dextools in case it becomes the new binance

>> No.53155984

Quit my job, and browse the internet/play games all day, plus eating well and never leaving my home
>But his is a sad existence
Literally my problem and I don't care

>> No.53155996

>he thinks you can make it in this shit world
>best case scenario you're someone's slave and survive when shit hits the fan
you have less than 5 years to learn how to serve, the next selloff will be brutal and 70% of mankind will get irreversibly fucked up till they die

>> No.53156026

I don't really have any.

>> No.53156045

I won't make it.

>> No.53156074

never having to go into the wagecage seems enough. I don't want anything else.

>> No.53156882
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Just bizzare, anon.

Best of luck, please avoid crypto/option gambling - it destroys the desperate.

>> No.53156895

Help others.

>> No.53156911 [DELETED] 
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