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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53152581 No.53152581 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, whenever someone brings up the slightest bit of optimisim - aka "when the next bullrun arrives", it immediately gets met with "there won't be a next bullrun fucktard" and "next bullrun? bahahahahahahaha", and so on and so forth.

Many of you fail to see the irony of your views. You badmouth "normies" all the time, but yet your beliefs and behaviors are that of the 99% normie sheeple out there. There's a reason why it's called the 99% - we're all a part of it whether we like it or not. Only 1% will make it.

>> No.53152636

It's not pessimism. Every trade has a winner and a loser.
I want BTC to fail because I'm shorting. That's not pessimism. I'm optimistic that it's price will fall and I will feed my village.
You dick.

>> No.53152794
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the more fud and the more people drop out of crypto, the sooner we hit the bottom and the scams/jeets are flushed out. Then the recovery begins and we make money. Bobos trying to shill that another bullrun will never come are actually very important for catalyzing it. check the archives from every previous bear market if you don't believe me. Crypto has been "over" since Mt. Gox fell.

>> No.53152813

You are too optimistic in a different way. The scams will never be flushed out.

>> No.53152867

Not all of them, but enough. FTX was the big marker

>> No.53152879
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this is why.
biz is 90% paid pajeets
and biz is a sentiment board
Presently theyre being instructed to spread pessimism

>> No.53152910

shut up newfag
everyone posts bears and bulls all the time

>> No.53153020

I do agree that paid shills and bots are a major problem, and sadly the problem is pretty recent and unique as compared to previous cycles.

>> No.53153034


>> No.53153296

Because there are halfwitted bearniggers too, despite the fact that they might be right about a crash, they're wrong about the recovery

>> No.53153538

It doesn't matter if we get another bullrun or not I'm not gonna make it I'm never lucky I wanna fucking cry bros

>> No.53153556

anytime you effort post against some 3rd worlder they just make a new thread spamming the same shit FUD. They should really add flags

>> No.53153878

yes biz is pretty dead
remember tho we did this too ourselves first, it was anons who were fudding for fun to stick it to reddit newfags and so we end here with a totally dysfunctional board

>> No.53153903

Like >>53152636, I'm short term optimistic for my stash of USD. no joke

>> No.53153956
File: 368 KB, 1078x824, Screenshot_20201208-092654_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a form of pseudointellectualism. They're not capable of positing their own ideas or theories. But it's far easier to be critical and pick apart someone else's idea. When you argue with a pessimistic person, you're actually the only person contributing to the conversation.

Now watch, one of them will involuntarily and compulsively tell me that I'm wrong.