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53142827 No.53142827 [Reply] [Original]

To all the Tate haters,

When we say "What color is your Bugatti" we're not literally asking about the color of your Bugatti. What we're saying is "What do you have to offer us that Tate doesn't offer"
I want women, Tate has hundreds of women.
I want money, Tate has more cash than I could ever spend in a lifetime.
I want a nice house, Tate owns property in the most beautful places in the world.
I want nice cars, Tate has 33 luxury vehicles.
Tate has everything I could ever want, and he started Hustlers University to help people like me get these things.
He could have just sat back, enjoyed his millions, and done whatever he wanted to benefit himself.
But instead he chose to help people like me, and in doing so became one of the most hated men in the world.
Most people would have given up and quit due to the harassment, but he continues to fight for the guys like me.

So I'll ask one more time, what color is your Bugatti?

>> No.53142844

Your idol in jail for human trafficking

>> No.53142851

What color are your hands?

>> No.53142873

i have hair in my head

>> No.53142888


>> No.53142896

>Cringe: The post.
Tate didn't offer me anything.
My Bugatti was financed by retards on /biz/.
Thank you very much sir.

>> No.53142898
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if its possible for the single braincell in your head to bounce in such a way to create a real, genuine, human thought then i would like you to consider asking whatever caretaker helps you type these things to wheel you down to the end of your driveway while they disengage the parking brake of your car

>> No.53142899

If you could release this bellend in exchange for locking up his plague of trolling simps en-masse to rot in a Romanian nick for the next decade instead.. I'd perhaps consider it a worthwhile trade

>> No.53142936

Actually cringe
Tate is rich from selling snake oil to silly boys like you.
Carry on, he's not your friend.

>> No.53142953

I'll ask again, what colour are your hands?

>> No.53142977
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I blame distant or altogether absent boomer fathers for all this cringe

>> No.53142984

My bike is green

>> No.53143009


>> No.53143034

>what color is your Bugatti?
how successful are the other tate students? do you talk to them so you can compare your gains?
or, are you each isolated to a 1:1 parasocial relationship with tate so that none of you can tell you're being fleeced?

>> No.53143060

>1 post by this ID

>> No.53143077

well this is simply not true, the romanians are taking his money via bail bond, and they're taking his cars.
oh yeah forgot to mention
"tate's bugatti" doesn't have a color anymore either OP lmao

>> No.53143092
File: 7 KB, 250x227, 1672891995121722s[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the spiel is kinda outdated now anyway, the Romanians even repoed his cars already. Half his cretinous kool-aid slurping enablers still believe hes not currently rotting in a cell tho, some reason.

>> No.53143107
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>a legible version even

>> No.53143127
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do people unironically see tate as a male model?

>> No.53143134

>Human trafficking

>> No.53143141

I meant to say role model lol

>> No.53143169

lotta pajeets tail-hunting out there

>> No.53143177

>hes not currently rotting in a cell tho, some reason.
like in the whole rest of the world, that's up to him, you can just buy your freedom. they slapped sufficient charges for 30 days in jail, presumably to get the price tag up, which you know he can and will pay.

>> No.53143197

he is the equivalent of a pajeet scammer, just more subtle and crafty

>> No.53143202

i just need the name of the whore

>> No.53143217
File: 124 KB, 954x815, cheerio_dickhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you might not realise what picrel has to do with Tate. Nor might he. But, trust me - he is very, very fucked indeed. Should have chose a better base, kept a lo-profile and his fucking mouth shut.

>> No.53143232

>post facts in level-headed manner
>receive schizo replies
bot thread
i'm out

>> No.53143317
File: 405 KB, 1536x2048, 1630715104315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Tate did not learn in his empire building, was the value of not embarrassing his enablers publicly?
>If you are bribing Romanian officials, and they are OK with this arrangement, you shut the fuck up about it.
>Romania is trying to enter the EU and the biggest stumbling block from the EU member states (all have veto power) is the level of corruption
>Hey Mr.Romanian Chamber of commerce, why is this Andrew Tate saying you are all on his payroll, he could get away with murder, pimping girls in the open, etc.
>Gotti learned this to his doom. If you ARE a criminal boss, you don't make being one a celebrity.
>No matter how powerful you are, there is ALWAYS somebody more powerful letting you live by his leave.
>If Tate had just stuck to bragging about his affilliate marketing scams, hustler university, crypto scams, he'd be free.
>He picked a fight with the WEF who basically run the EU and who is making the Romanian government beg for membership.

Think about it guys, if the Romanian government is as corrupt as Tate says it is (trust me it is), then how are you at all shocked a corrupt government can't just arbitrarily turn on you on a moments notice and fuck you over.

Its the essence of conservative political philosophy that a government big enough to give you everything is big enough to take everything.

>> No.53143332

what fucking 'facts' did you post, you retard?
>hurhur its Gypsyland - Top G can just bribe his way out like he said on video. Repeatedly.
Yeah, I'm sure that'll go over well with the jury.
Romania want into Schengen Zone.
to do so? they need to stamp out on criminals crossing their border to be criminals, or appear to. AND to do that? They need a few hi-profile foreign nonce criminals, like this dickhead. Central casting couldnt have served them up a better 'we cleaning up our shit nao!' candidate. And this dickhead is fucking toast.