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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53141722 No.53141722 [Reply] [Original]

I’ll just leave this here.

They’ve since silenced this fat fuck but I will continue to do the needful and forward all their scam info to Kraken in order to get it delisted.

>> No.53141732

You’re saying this as though it’s some huge realization

>> No.53141738
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>> No.53141746

Wow so youre saying thewy not accidentally whitelisted usdc on their own contract?

>> No.53141753
File: 1.39 MB, 1284x2286, 1B61365D-A612-4FD3-A2A7-B417ABE9D53E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A kind warning for all baggies to get out while you still can.

>> No.53141770
File: 729 KB, 1284x1276, 4E727593-4704-4710-B848-320BB69DE7DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will post vlads scam in every kraken thread until investigated.

Collin has a FUPA and is a scammer. Local authorities will receive his information for conspiring with Russian securities to steal from people.

>> No.53141781

Everyone already knew it was the team. The "hack" was tokens pulled right of their wallet, from their st Petersburg office, and dumped on uniswap. There's no way of doing that without the keys, so either ALL OF CRYPTO IS COMPROMISED or the Russians wanted to dump for cash as crypto winter started setting in.

>> No.53141907

Yeah not gonna name any names but bunch of rumors surfacing around Rubic and how they've been struggling with these sanctions against Russia. These latest hacks are super fishy.

>> No.53141925


>> No.53141991
File: 7 KB, 295x113, image_2023-01-04_22-38-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just so you know. If you ever want to do some anal, Vlad could help you with that. Just DM him (but always remember he won't ever DM for anal first, so beware of scammers)

>> No.53142034

How much money do you think I'd have to pay that blonde marketing thot (alexandra or something?) to fuck her for one night? Like 5-10k?

>> No.53142044


>> No.53142101

>I’ll just leave this here.
The team was not the hacker and you're so dumb it hurts to read you.

>> No.53142132

Oh yeah I’ll also relentlessly alert coin360 about people being hacked using their widget.

Get fucked rubic.

>> No.53142201

>They "lost the keys", kept on a post-it note on the wall the rubic St Pete office, to the staking wallet and rbc was mysteriously stolen and immediately dumped on uni as rumblings of ftx collapse started, and they wrote a bad contract that allows them exclusive and unrestricted ability to drain usdc from exchange users wallets, but it wasn't them that did it...

Imagine relentlessly defending a fake dex website that makes api calls to uniswap, with a token thats down 99% and still doesn't do anything 2 years after release, put out by a 3 time exit scam team of Russian fiverr web devs...

>> No.53142266
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Thanks for playing the crypto casino, no refound.

>> No.53142572

Vlad is a serial scammer. Just check his track record. There are absolutely zero reasons to hold any of his shitcoins :(

>> No.53142651

Lol. Yeah Rubic is definitely a scam and I appreciate this thread.

I'm the 1m USDC wallet and they havent refunded fucking shit. Fuck them and I'll do everything in my power to take them down.

I'll contact kraken and coin360 too. Good idea.
Can that Collin guy get arrested for this? Everyone else is all over the place but as a coinbase primarily used american, i'd LOVE to take this fucker down,.

>> No.53142695

They absolutely are the hacker. I'm the largest wallet compromised by this piece of shit.

Fuck them and fuck you.

>> No.53142728

>Crypto in name
It's always these crypto crazed idiots that get screwed consistently.
It's sad but funny at the same time.

>> No.53142743
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You're right, the team wasn't the hacker. Because it wasn't a hack, it was theft. Иди нaхyй.

>> No.53143913

Fucking hate these Russian scammers.

>> No.53145071

That's not me, and if I ever meet you irl, I will throat punch you and gouge your eyes out, you psychopathic tranny loving faggot motherfucker

>> No.53145622

You lost 1MM usdc? Thats almost unbelievable. How would you cope?

>> No.53145644
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Henlo Coleen, cookie?

>> No.53145684

Aren't you a short fat sweaty semi retarded guy that wears dirty clothes during paid promotion YouTube interviews?

>> No.53146618

are you in the rubic trading chat on telegram?

>> No.53146928

yeah, he is. Collin is a fat sensitive fuck that hates being criticized when people rightfully call him out on his nigger hopium. remember the household name? I don’t. Lmao

Not to mention that he’s a FUPA on top of being a fat smelly nigger. but don’t tell him I said that! he’ll ban me. Fuck Rubic

>> No.53146980

he said u all are threatening his family. yikes

>> No.53147421

No one threatened his family. Hes a fucking liar fat fucker. Everything he says is horse shit and if you don't tell him how smart and right he is he'll ban your ass.

Fuck you Collin and fuck Rubic scam.

>> No.53148525

you really believe what that fat nigger says? he has a FUPA and is an obese tranny, he is not to be trusted.

besides he never said anything about people threatening his family. unless there’s some hidden rubic chat where collin likes to complain about getting (rightfully) called out for being a scammer.

>> No.53148826
File: 91 KB, 1280x1277, 6ADA2C33-07CB-4B00-AA1A-23E20D4F6810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repeat after me!

>Colleen is a fat smelly niggress
>Colleen is a fat smelly niggress
>Colleen is a fat smelly niggress

I feel sorry for Rubic bagholders. It’s one thing to get rugged, it’s another to get scammed by a sophisticated turbotranny like this. at least she’s beautiful! on the outside at least. Maybe she can fix her FUPA with her new money, straight from the pockets of innocent investors! sexy!

>> No.53148919

poor Collin liked being a cuck so much, he had to become a tranny himself! now he too can get fucked in the ass by niggers.

>> No.53149040
File: 227 KB, 1089x1280, fupaqueen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hate-fuck this stinky queen so bad bros…

>> No.53149080

Ahh yes the summer of MCDC and the height of pajeet tokens.

So much shitty tokens shilled. Wozx...bingus..GRT..rubic..catdogcoin

Brings a tear to my eye. I use to wake up excited to see what bullshit was being shilled and then laugh at the rugpull

>> No.53149608
File: 162 KB, 1200x1200, 6C1203A9-FB14-4226-915D-C81293F28B38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck what do you think her BENIS and FUPA smells like bros?

I’m guessing a mix of KFC Bowl and maybe starfish tuna?

Definitely gonna beat it vigorously tonight.

>> No.53149939

I only lost a couple thousand. I did like the project though. Bitcoin only from now on.