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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53140385 No.53140385 [Reply] [Original]

Do you niggers really research coins and tokens? What sorts of parameters should I include?
>Github activity
>Creation date
>/biz/ mentions
What else? Or do you just buy fancy logos?

>> No.53140407

I gauge community activity, tokenomics, any FUD, ATH, what the chart looks like, if the price is near market all time lows, social media activity, if the team is white, etc.

>> No.53141650

Care to share some insights? How do you decide for which projects you'll do a full analysis?

>> No.53141685

Just look /biz/ for coins that have non stop fudding and a decent team.

>> No.53141686

You figure out which one is doing things and has a very heavy flow of buy and sell orders.
Honestly just look at new crypto and see which white paper offers something promising.
Or you can do what I do, buy BTC at every dip.

>> No.53141694

You just start basic like making sure the team is real and worth betting on and scrutinize harder as they pass the tests from there. Most shitcoins don't pass common sense scrutiny like the idea being solid and the team being verifiable. But as you get further you need more knowledge of the tech to be effective.

>> No.53141718

>What sorts of parameters should I include?
Whether it's a token tards will buy and hold (white paper sells a very strong SOON day dream, it has strong "fundamentals", wait till normies on Twitter find out, etc bullshit that new paradigm dipshits gobble up), and whether you're in the ponzi b4 them. There's no other way to make money in shit tokens.

>> No.53141721

i value a coin based on the underlying eggs it has

>> No.53141734
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>Github activity
unironically absolutely useless and meaningless
>Creation date
wow thats some deep dive research, researching this type of info is a surefire way to get an edge in the market
same. a critical piece of info every researcher will need to dig for
>/biz/ mentions
you should derive most of your trading ideas from this, the ideas presented by posters on a washed up video game nerd website for incels
less than useless, just go to a casino you dumbass gambling retard, youll have better odds
hahaha usecase, lmao

>> No.53141817

>/biz/ mentions
Worth reiterating how absolutely worthless this is in 2022. I'm sure there are some newfags lurking for the next LINK or ETH, but it truly is a wasteland now. Link roundtripping while it completely ignored the NFT mania might actually have killed biz completely.

>> No.53141874
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PEPEPAL gonga pop and you gonga rope if you donga buy in meow

>> No.53143120

Where am I supposed to go then?

>> No.53144113

I'm a maxi who researches lots of shitcoins so I can properly FUD them from a position of knowledge and experience

>> No.53144513
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I used to buy stuff solely based on /biz/ mentions and chart movements but this time I bought VINU and I did a bunch more steps; check the chart and see if you can spot any weird movements. If everything's ok then check their telegram and see how active it is. If it's alive check the ATH and compare it to now. Lastly, usecase. If it has stuff released good, and anything that's "coming soon" is not happening.

>> No.53144527

>if the team is white
only test you need to perform.

>> No.53144574

>Witty faggot remarks and comments and nothing else
Not contributing absolutely anything to the conversation should result in a day long ban so you can go do anything else other than doomscrolling biz looking for threads to reply with your dimwit attitude

>> No.53144718

Valid shit.
Pretty much just make sure the people behind it exist and it's not a single developer trying to pass it off as having a team. Make sure their twitter has activity and interactions. Make sure they have something to show.

>> No.53144879
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how do you find new projects to begin with?