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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 48 KB, 192x220, bobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53138505 No.53138505 [Reply] [Original]

Did nobody read the fed minutes?

>> No.53138522

It will hit tomorrow. The market takes longer to absorb qualitative information.

>> No.53138543

what have they done now?

>> No.53138564

Nothing is unchanged

>> No.53138732

Yes we did and dismissed it as we know they will pivot by Q3

>> No.53138750

priced in

>> No.53138888

The mythology of the fed has failed. They are no longer leading the market. We all know they will pivot. We all know a pivot will cause persistent inflation, and that's why everyone on this board except for the mETH Heads and the Stinky Linkies are stacking BTC, Gold, Silver and XMR. (The only four that matter).

>> No.53138984

>he says for the 1000th time since last year

>> No.53138995

>bobo crying
>all ID's are green
I don't want to read the fed minutes, so i'm gonna assume this is quite bullish and open some longs

>> No.53139052

Checked. It needs time to sink in. And get idiot retail investors to buy when they see number go up. Works every time.

>> No.53139064

Jews words are cheap these days

>> No.53139183

Based digits.

>> No.53139213
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>are stacking BTC, Gold, Silver and XMR. (The only four that matter).
If only biztards were this smart... Only the elite of this shitty board is doing this.

>> No.53139342

>we know they will pivot by Q3
>We all know they will pivot.
>everyone is stacking digital beanie babies
We who? You and all the hopium huffers? Gtfo you god dammed retards. No but you cryptards are this stupid.
There will be no pivot this year you slack jawed trannies.

>> No.53139382

when has the fed ever in history lead the market.... literally never happened in history. the bond market has always lead the fed.

Inflation will be crushed by the impeding rise in unemployment. a fed pivot is not a bullish sign. look back at history. the fed pivot is the final preamble to a recession following the sharp rises in unemployment

Unemployment is yet to rise. The fed pivoting should be your sign to EXIT markets as they are expecting a horrific crash and aim to soften the blow of crippling unemployment numbers

>> No.53139830

People are thinking the inflation report on Jan 12th will be good...but what they are not thinkign about is earnings season starts the very next week and it will be a shitshow.

>> No.53139994

No I don't think I will exit the market you tranny bobo faggot, I will continue to DCA. I hold Chainlink by the way.

>> No.53140006
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>they will pivot by Q3

God you subhumans are fucking pathetic.

>> No.53140150

well cope you fucking retarded nigger. my knowledge is literally inconceivable to your tiny monkey brain. you fucking gorilla faced nigger. you turkey-baste nigger

>> No.53140171

I'm never selling my Chainlink you Bulgarian tranny faggot. In fact I cannot sell as my linkies are currently staked. Cope, seethe, dilate.

>> No.53140173

kys bobo

>> No.53140180

>he staked
im a no linker and even i understand how fucking poor of a decision staking your link was.

do better baboon nigger.

>> No.53140184

>I'm a no linker
That was obvious from the start you cocksucking bobo loser, every bobo is a nocoiner loser. You missed the bottom and you will FOMO in at the top in 2024.

>> No.53140188
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holy based quads

>> No.53140192

hmm no i have plenty of time to accumulate cheaper. like i said, unemployment is going to rise very soon. you are going to be smashing your head in with a hammer thinking about how if you didnt stake your link you would be able to use it to pay rent, but instead youll be on the street with blackened heroin needles surrounding you.

meanwhile i run through your girlfriend while i slurp up link for the first time this cycle at prices 2000% below your entry nigger.

>> No.53140198

>Unemployment will go up in 2 more weeks
Literally every single norman retard is waiting on the sidelines for this supposed recession, it literally already happened. The bottom was 15k BTC, you will never see BTC below 16k ever again.

>> No.53140205

>Bulgarian rages and projects his niggerdom onto link marines

>> No.53140212

unemployment will rise over the next 6-9 months. you are literally a coping broke baboon nigger.... this bear cycle has us at a 75% drawdown from ATH, not even at the 83% average for a bear market. you are literally shitting yourself over how ill-positioned you are for the impending crash. your risk reward is fucked and theres nothing you can do about it because you gave away your ability to sell your link for 2.5% interest/year.

you are a fucking monkey. you are a fucking monkey. you are a fucking nigger.

>> No.53140218

BTC, XMR and Gold only
Silver is easy to mine and JP Morgan is the biggest bagholder and they want to get rid of it after they were forced to buy to hedge a squeeze
I buy BTC every week for 6y now
I have some suicide stack / unknown amount of XMR for emergencies and fishy purchases
I buy gold from time to time from UAE souq (at spot price)

>> No.53140227

Adjust BTC for inflation and we are already lower than the average cycle drawdown. You're already priced out and your anger proves it, cope. Unemployment is never going above 4% ever again.

>> No.53140238

i have literally never been richer since the obvious double top. i have shorted BTC, ICP, LINK, HBAR. your portfolio drawdown has been placed directly into my pocket.

guess what? IM NOT CLOSING.

unemployment is going above 10%. you will lose your checkout baggie job (the best job a link marine has ever had) and you will be on the street sucking my cock for 0.25 of a link which i purchased for $1.50/link.

you are a fucking retarded nigger if you bring the inflation adjusted cope into the mix. you are like a dusty rusted can lying in a desert with the dry wind echoing the term "sergey betray" around your empty body.

you are a fucking baboon. goodbye nigger.

>> No.53140251

thats for stocks sweetie

>> No.53140371
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I was about to call bullshit on you, but then I did a little calculating and we're below 14k in 2020 dollars

>> No.53140378

The more inflation goes down, the more the Fed doubles down on hiking rates.

So these minutes confirm that inflation has been dropping even more.

>> No.53140411

You're a smelly nocoiner Bulgarian.

>> No.53140437

>a pivot will caused an exit
i will exit into chainlink, and sink with the ship.

>> No.53140893

Market makers are just trying to wipe out put buyers, then we move down.

>> No.53140960

in 2008 first we had the crash then the bottom, then unemployment and then low rates to save economy

>> No.53140990

why not just short stocks and crypto with leverage? And then retire and fuck thai ladyboy hookers for a few years before you get tired of them?

>> No.53140996

simple as

>> No.53141034

Full moon tomorrow

>> No.53141035

idk dude, I could care less about the bears when my vinu bags are finally going up, this is equivalent to a whole month of big macs lmao

>> No.53141052

unemployment had already risen from 6m to 9m before the spy fell off the cliff in 2008. unemployment today hasnt even begun to rise yet.

>> No.53141068

History repeats itself verbatim forever. It's never different. Ever.

>> No.53141155

Bobos getting delusional.
(I hold chainlink)

>> No.53141173

Stupidest thing I've ever read on biz. And that's really saying something. Please buy some bonds and go in cash and kill yourself in two years.

>> No.53141304

>average drawdown of a bear cycle
>theres only been two other cycles

>> No.53141674

These 4 really matters but won't give you the maximum profit. Safe low/mid caps are good for investment.

>> No.53141679

this is an egg forum now, fuck off Bobo

>> No.53141711

its not my fault you were born retarded. go play somewhere else little boy.

>> No.53141772

Got a bag of XMR and still looking at other privacy focused project. Their will be so much needs for privacy and self custody.

>> No.53141790

I can stay retarded longer than you can stay solvent

>> No.53141881

priced in bobo

>> No.53141889
File: 1.13 MB, 2063x1332, jewish powell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TLDR they need to make us poor to fight inflation

>> No.53141930

They basically said they didn't even know what they will do on the next meeting
The market is taking that to mean they are going to stop

>> No.53141964

I'm only buying bitcoin and silver for now.
Might start getting copper.

>> No.53141968

Checking your check. 88kb checked and keked

>> No.53142491

The only four that matter are Blockchains: FTM, ETH. Payments: Xpress, BNB. Every other thing is vapor.

>> No.53142533


>> No.53142614

What are you being that statement on you subhuman crypto cuck? The bottoms at 7k. I can base that on actual substance

>> No.53142721

please sir, time to return to your schizo containment board.

>> No.53142760

Pivot is coming.

>> No.53142802

Not buyiong your ((((Dollar))))

>> No.53142909

Get some fantom

>> No.53143027

checked and beyond based

but as this anon says, I think LINK should be added to that. There are also others but BTC, XMR, Gold and Silver are the only money that matters
The other currencies like LINK may outpreform them but they won't be money like these four.

post nose

>> No.53143110

higher unemployment = higher chance for lower rates

>> No.53143252
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>> No.53143643

It's important to discuss more about privacy-focused tokens at this time. Much better to talk about protocols that use ZKPs technology.

>> No.53143761

>>Every other thing is vapour
You should be smart enough to know that there are other projects solving real Web3 problems. ORE a good example you can use for asset management.

>> No.53144179

traditional markets dropping and btc pumping, what gives?