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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53132351 No.53132351 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53132365

all seething is welcomed ITT

>> No.53132403

>that codecel who pretends his job is effortless and didn't come at the cost of voluntarily spending 16 hours a day in front of a computer monitor from ages 7 to 23

>> No.53132413

Do I need a CS degree to become a software engineer or can I do a boot camp and self-study? I have a communications degree but I was good at math in school.

>> No.53132431

>OP got his first job and is pending lay-off when his performance review comes
as a SW Engineer I can assure you these posts are bullshit and just trolls trying to make poorniggers mad

>> No.53132432
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I make triple that. I run a small agency and outsource to europoors and south east asia. I sometimes review the code if my contractors portfolio looks dodgy. A few hours a month at most.

>> No.53132435

if you're in europe then get a degree
if you're in jewmerica then bootcamp + self study + leetcode (6 month full time)

>> No.53132436

sorry to burst your bubble but I went from not just zero coding, but absolutely zero IT experience or background to pentester with 1 year of study + a hard to obtain, well recognized cert
you can learn to code in well less than a year, granted im 134 iq
outearning 99% of my peers, doing nothing on most days, feels good man

>> No.53132442
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115k a year for me, but I dread every day because I think I will literally become homeless if I ever got fired
I forgot everything I ever did and can barely code my way out of a wet paper bag anymore after 2.5 years of doign absolutely nothing other than dragging out 1 line button text changes over a 3 week sprint in an ancient codebase with a double digit userbase

>> No.53132450

stop larping you still put in work. it's easy tho.

>> No.53132459

if the barrier to entry is low then it's only a matter of time before commoditization and reduction to $75-125k/year serfdom like most traditional engineering roles. codeniggerdom is not immune to market forces. i'll wait for you to double back

>> No.53132473

I'm curious anon, for how long have you done this? I'm in a similar position, but not in the US and for less money. I'm paranoid about my boss one day cracking down on me. I obviously do SOME work, just like you do; putting your hyperbole aside.

>> No.53132482

only if you're in a start up, if you're in a big company unless there is an ongoing projet you'll just be there for maintenance or corporate boomer meetings

>> No.53132503

yeah except I am not a dev, i am a pentester you dumb nigger. and even if this second no new software ever gets released, all the software the world runs on is still getting patched and new vulnerabilities will always get introduced, if not via the software itself, then via the tech stack it's build with
>The barrier to entry is so low
The barrier to entry is as low or high as your cognitive firepower allows it to be, simple as. I went into interviews as a junior and was repeatedly told I can answer technical questions better than pentesters with 4 years of experience, really makes you think - and those people are clearing 80k in EU, 100k in UK, 200k in US

>> No.53132513

can i pentest your wife for you

>> No.53132555

>muh hecking pentester
>muh hecking the world runs on software

if you went from zero to """pentester""" in 1 year of self study then you're likely a port scanning, template punching retard (not unlike IT audit) and not someone who understands what's actually going on with the technical skills to create or identify day 0 exploits. you'll be commoditized as soon as the field matures.

>> No.53132569

ur still gonna have to work for 50 years to afford a Bugatti (assuming you're exempt from taxes and don't have any other expenses)

also have fun being replaced by an Indian guy next year who does your job for half the pay


>> No.53132584

You have literally no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Pentesting and 0day research and two entirely different disciplines. Stop trying to sound intelligent
>as soon as the field matures
I'll let you know once I stop having 4 different job offers at any given point of time

>> No.53132626

>sore spot was hit
>better larp about having multiple jobs (as if this is a good thing?)
kek. you wagies are fucking pathetic.

>> No.53132637


>> No.53132643

Is it true that cyber security is full of, well, you know them.

>> No.53132649

go back

>> No.53132666

I'm an accountant (CPA) and I actually do nothing most of the month, only go into the office and actually get things done during closing. Also a 6 figure salary and stock options but I don't have to think.

>> No.53132674

One of our main clients rn is a major Euro telecommunications company. It's full of Indians and Indian women that have no clue on what is happening most of the time. I have no idea how do people like that get even hired. The west is fucked. No niggers tho.

>> No.53132691

how do I fake being a pentester? 100k is stupid wealth for me. its like triple my salary

>> No.53132698

I was thinking about genre swapper people.

>> No.53132703

keep seething wagie

no matter how high your paycheck is you're still a wagecuck. your boss is probably a woman.

>yes ma'am
>of course ma'am
>I'm sorry ma'am
>I'll get right on it ma'am
>please don't fire me ma'am
>it won't happen again ma'am
>please ma'am I was only 5 minutes late

wageslaves keep wageslaving while my fully automated crypto bot produces 5 times their income passively while I'm sitting on my ass banging your mom and shitposting to /biz/

>> No.53132714
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I make money doing nothing from the bitdao embassy too. A lot of retards out here making money doing nothing. What is your point?

>> No.53132721

go back to your discord or your telegram group you came from

>> No.53132724

kek. zero trannies so far

>> No.53132732
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based monicaposter. she is built for sex wrestling

>> No.53132749

i work in tech sales and get 200k wfh for sitting in on boomer meetings and saying like 1 sentences a day. they actually don't want me to say too much, just sound like a smart guy on sales calls to "add value to the deal"

>> No.53132777

facts anon

>> No.53132778

you don't. It's impossible to fake. check out tryhackme and see if it's something you could be interested in
once you prove your skills just job hop until you land something where you aren't required to do much, or the time needed for a pentest is always grossly overestimated. I legitimately did zero work in the past 3.5 weeks. Granted it was Christmas period

>> No.53133435

Same - no stock options but well over 100k in LCOL area. Sometimes I'm extremely busy but most of the time it's lax. Would recommend to a friend.