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File: 868 KB, 498x446, pepe-sad-sad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53129215 No.53129215 [Reply] [Original]

I got rejected from a government funded commercial pilot academy. Flying was all I ever wanted to do but now that dream is gone.

Well, I guess I'll become a cuck civil engineer or something like that, I am already a 1st year civil engineer student cuck

>> No.53129257

Im gonna say this once and not reply, sorry fren.

You must do everything in your capacity to find meaning in whatever you do. Do not get stuck doing something you hate if you cannot learn to love it. My sincere advice from someone who was in your position, this can be the start of a total cataclysm in your life mentally. Please don't do that to yourself. I know deep inside you know what im talking about.

Its the little bit of negativity everyday that exponentially increases and reaches a critical mass of utter despair. Again, this is no joke. Youll seem functional saying this kind of stuff for a year or two but... please bro, dont do this. Save yourself.

>> No.53129290

Concur. Also trying to swallow this pill as a broke autistic/dyslexic.

>> No.53129293

Awww lil zoomer had his first contact with life aawwww so cute.

>> No.53129323

Hmm.. kek
Nothing wrong with being an engineer. Engineering will give you a good backup high value career & money to pay for your own pilots license. You dont have to be civil. You got loads of other majors.

I have my PPL. Flying is fun. I like hiring a plane and flying up the coast or landing on the island for a day and going fishing or having a picnic with a girl..

I have commercial pilot friends. Their life isnt as glamorous as you imagine. In my country you dont just step into jets, you build up your hours flying small aircraft in remote areas for little pay, for YEARS. They are under constant pressure to meet tight time frames and minimise engine time to maximise profits. Even domestic jets is just A to B glorified taxi driver shit. The international guys will always be away from family (not good for relationships).

Forget about gov gibs. make your own way.

>> No.53129349

probably rejected for being fat and/or ugly and/or stupid. good, we dont need any fat stupid ugly pilots

>> No.53129356

Thank you ppl-anon. What do you think about civil? I figured it could be wise to study it, for after the war in Ukraine is over, there will be massive EU gibs for reconstruction and maybe I could get a small share of that as well if I am a good civil/structural consultant

I also think studying smart contract and web3 development could be interesting

still have tears in my eyes though

>> No.53129363

I actually passed all the intelligence/aptitude tests and I train a lot

Apparently something's off with my personality

>> No.53129379

the world we have known is coming to an end. flying cheap to travel often will likely be banned or exetremely expensive like in the past, due to climate change regulations. taking a plane will be a luxury only reserved for rich people

>> No.53129407
File: 702 KB, 2816x1880, 2z82c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Super cheap way to get started in Aviation is gliding
>pic related
I had my gliders pilots license before i ever flew a powered aircraft. You will learn all the same basic theory. My uni even had a gliding club.

You can hire a glider (back then) for $70 a day. An aerotow launch was $30 maybe (winch launch is even cheaper like $5, good for lots of cheap training launches).

Once your in the air you can thermal all day.
They also have the same G rating an a F/A-18 fighter get (7Gs). So you can do serious aerobatics too. But also silent and the best views.
So much fun.
Great day out at the airfeild with friends.
Cool af spiralling up in a thermal with your mates in other gliders


>> No.53129420

yeah... you are white
when applying ALWAYS select two or more races and put the most ambiguous shit that isn't white
they literally cant question it.

>> No.53129425

I'll have to look into it anon. Apparently it costs only 3-4k or something like that in Finland. I really like doing addrenalin inducing stuff like go karting but I am a brokie student so it's difficult.

>> No.53129453

Try again, but say you're a minority trans person of color. They'll promote you to captain before you even start your first flying lesson. Answer all questions by prefixing the phrase >"As a transwoman of color"
onto everything you say or write. Gotta play the game to win.

>> No.53129459

thats what you gete for having dreams, now find something you're actually good at and go all in on it.

>> No.53129492

>got rejected
>dreams are dead
If it was really your dream, you wouldn’t give up until you achieved it or died first.

>> No.53129541

Just try combine what your interested in with what has good future prospects. Civil is fine. Electrical, Computer, Software, Aerospace, are probably going to earn more.

Cybersecurity will be another good high paying growth industry.

>but I am a brokie student so it's difficult.
i remember the situation.

My uni gliding club used to do fundraising bbqs (its actually amazing how much money you can raise in a day selling sausages haha). Anyway becuase i volunteered all year at ever one of them, i ended up being awarded a scholarship. Paid for an entire week or glider flight training. 5 of us camped at the airfeild were up at daylight every morning getting gliders out of the hanger and setting up which for first launch of the day.
Was one of the best weeks of my life.

>> No.53129559

>but say you're a minority trans person of color
kek, and you'll unironically been seen as mentally "healthy" and "brave". Smh

>> No.53132193

Are you American? Join the Army, Navy or Air Force for the aviation pipelines. Get a massive enlistment bonus and your flight hours for free, then, on year 4, day 1, end your time in service and use VRE for free flight school, then walk into commercial. Consider this path, anon; many, many pilots did exactly this.

>> No.53132215

you have to be mentally ill to enjoy flying. literally a giant death trap

>> No.53132236

>commercial pilot
Good, that industry will be all but dead in a decade.

>> No.53133847

I wish I was. In Finland we have small air force as well but only 20 out of thousand applicants get in + you only get to fly 50 hours with a small plane. + I can't even apply there again because I already did my mandatory conscript in land service branch

>> No.53133890
