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53126287 No.53126287 [Reply] [Original]

I’m 29 and my real life hasn’t even started yet

>> No.53126329
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>> No.53126430
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40 is when life really starts imo.
Even in your 30s you're still learning about yourself and making mistakes.
Buckle up fag there's way more to go.

>> No.53126438

You live everyday, make the most of your time because one day you’ll run out of it.

>> No.53126510

Honestly fuck real life, I'm almost ready to ascend to the pleroma now. Fuck this bullshit.

>> No.53126534

It starts... now!

>> No.53126563

I'm 44 and I feel too old. Also a fat.

>> No.53126600

life doesn't start till 30 though

>> No.53126617

I'm 30 and living a good life, try going outside and actually doing stuff retards

>> No.53126643

My life started way too early anon. I haven't stopped working since 15 years old. The money is great but I missed out on so fucking much and I'm only 24

>> No.53126847

your life started around 15-16.

>> No.53127301

Hate to break it to you but yes it has and you're AT LEAST a third of the way through it if not more (you could die tomorrow, you never know).

If you are unhappy, make a change and do it FAST. No one else is coming to save you

>> No.53127321

I'm 29 and convinced my life won't really start till I retire but I'm likely not able till my 50s even with my extreme lack of spending.

>> No.53127322

I'm 53 and i never even kissed a girl

>> No.53127411
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I'm a 5'3" male in the US.

my only hope for a "normal" life would be to move out to some third world shithole. I can see how maybe I'd be able to get some third world whores but the stress of language barriers/quality of life doesn't seem worth it.

idk what to do desu. extremely depressed. cried on new years this year.
I'm a 32 year old khv.

it all seems so pointless. I try and focus on making money/working out and ignoring the rest. But it's hard bros.
If there are any other extremely short bros out there, just know that you're not alone.

>> No.53127439

I’m 40 and my body completely fell apart. Also lack of desire to do anything when you know life is almost over. I’m ready to retire and pass away in the next decade and I’m not even joking. I could go sooner. Multiple organs failing and I’m not even jabbed. Good luck OP. After age 33 your body will go into ultimate bear run.

>> No.53127623
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Yeah it sucks, especially since in the west young people seem to be getting taller and taller for each new generation. I'm 5'7" and zoomer chicks are around 5'9" here on average. Zoomer boys are probably on average around 6'1" or 6'2". Third world pill is the way to go fren.

>> No.53127752
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>> No.53127856
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Pro tip we here on the chans are shattered God, we are the demiurge and created this to forget we are alone.

Only on entropy and division we forget our Godhood which is the only time that we ever been close to happy.

But we are still alone waiting for a sunrise that never comes.

>> No.53127900
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This year i'm turning into a 30yo boomer
if i don't make it at least by when i'm 31 i'm gonna off myself

invested $40k in some shitcoins and some web3 low cap projects..this year i'm gonna fucking make it bros

i'm gonna live comfy meanwhile with some high APY staking rewards of (redacted)

>> No.53127961
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it's probably going to get worse

>> No.53128721

you're still technically young, and you still have things to do, even doing things like investing in memecoins like vinu still counts, after all it's normal to feel old after the 29

>> No.53128942

You will definitely lose 99% of your assets

>> No.53129012
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holy based

>> No.53130189
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I love you Anon, you will make it and have a wonderful life.

>> No.53130257

just decide your real life is this one