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53126228 No.53126228 [Reply] [Original]

>What if I am the reason that nobody likes me, that I am a poorfag and a incel
>Na can't be must be da jooz or something I am perfect aryan huewhite man everyone must love me.

>> No.53126235

/pol/tards deserve it, but this is more fitting as a response to a retard blaming jews for everything than an entire useless thread to nobody.

>> No.53126279

STFU kike.

To be popular in the sick culture jews have spewed, you mostly have to be some egotistical, materialistic, narcissist, caught up in a world of nigger culture and sports ball. Where comedy is reduced to shitting on someone else to elevate yourself.

>durrrrrrr just get shitfaced and be a degenerate nigger to be cool
Fuck your sick culture. And as a free thinker, i wont go along with the degen clown world. I dont care about the aproval of your NPC sheeple you've programed with their fluoride stare.

Normal decent people i get along fine just with.

>> No.53126280

i'm successful and well-liked by everyone, but the jews still have to get gassed, i'm afraid. nice thread attempt, schlomo

>> No.53126285

Vaxxed people ITT

>> No.53126295

look let's just agree to cool it with the anti semitism alright?

>> No.53126300

>blaming jews for everything
who runs hollywood?
who runs the media?
who runs the porn industry?
And what impact do those things have on culture?
Right, so clearly it is the jews fucking up society.

>> No.53126302

>nobody likes me
Honestly if you work at a business with 5 employees, who cares? The problem with insults like "no one likes me" is that it assumes you're a student in a large auditorium with 500 other college students and your rival gary is fighting you for a spot in professor shekelstein's graduate class and you're both well known and disliked for being outspoken overachievers in a C average university.

Outside of large informal social circles, who cares if your coworker jeff you see once a week on the late shift only tolerates you so he can get through it and go home to smoke weeed.

Honestly most 'socially' based arguments only really apply to young people who aren't yet driven by career needs.

>> No.53126307
File: 99 KB, 512x612, 1671627226968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>STFU kike.
>To be popular in the sick culture jews have spewed, you mostly have to be some egotistical, materialistic, narcissist, caught up in a world of nigger culture and sports ball. Where comedy is reduced to shitting on someone else to elevate yourself.
>>durrrrrrr just get shitfaced and be a degenerate nigger to be cool
>Fuck your sick culture. And as a free thinker, i wont go along with the degen clown world. I dont care about the aproval of your NPC sheeple you've programed with their fluoride stare.
>Normal decent people i get along fine just with.

>> No.53126315


>> No.53126327

this all you got, kike?

>> No.53126385

poltards cannot accept life mains objective is something to be surpassed first, being happy later
jews surpassed whites at their own game, took positions of power and are now enjoying themselves while white ''men'' cry all day about jews, enjoy their cheap dopamine hits while getting buttfucked
they truly deserve it

>> No.53126393

i say this and look like this

>> No.53126411
File: 229 KB, 1200x1200, 1667396614747005.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up trannie.

>> No.53126428

Go back

>> No.53126461
File: 116 KB, 559x601, 1666371468202152.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti-tranny is Nazi
I wonder who could be behind this..

>> No.53126464
File: 150 KB, 687x1024, 2D9E0EC3-EC82-4BCD-8DBD-2A629385EB2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you guys make these threads to talk to yourselves.
It’s pure 100% cope.
I dare say even more pathetic than link bag holders