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53124244 No.53124244 [Reply] [Original]

SBF pleads NOT GUILTY to all 8 criminal charges. Next trial date: October 2, 2023

>> No.53124313

honestly I'm rooting for him to win. It would be hilarious, and I think it was more that his trading desk was unbelievably shitty and somwhow weaselgirl traded away billions like a degenerate and he had to cover for it and now he's also taking a fall for her.

>> No.53124324

>had to
nigga he's the one that gave her unrestricted borrowing to begin with

>> No.53124334

Honestly his best defense at this point is "FTX Terms of Service" isn't a real terms of service as it's an offshore exchange regulated by no one. You guys gave us this money at your own volition".

>> No.53124337

He is not guilty. It is not a crime to steal from a Goyim in their culture

>> No.53124351

>He will face United States District Judge Lewis Kaplan
Kaplan or Caplan is also a surname common among Ashkenazi Jews, usually indicating descent from the priestly lineage (the kohanim), similar to the etymological origin of the common Hebrew surname Cohen. One of the earliest modern records of Kaplan as a family name is that of Abraham Kaplan in 1698. Distinguished bearers of the name include the Polish rabbi and philanthropist Nachum ben Usiel Kaplan (1811–1879), the Latvian-born Hebrew poet Seeb Wolf Kaplan[he] (1826–1887) and the Russian-born Zionist workers' leader Eliezer Kaplan (1891–1952), the first minister of finance of the State of Israel.[6][7]

>> No.53124352

Nothing is gonna happen to these jews, huh? Ftx, celsius, bancor and so on. They aren't even worried about anything, as if they own the world.

Will people ever wake up and realize that with jews, you lose?

>> No.53124367

>Since 2021, Kaplan has been the presiding judge on matters relating to Virginia Giuffre v. Prince Andrew over allegations of sexual assault.[27]

>In 2022, he presided over Anthony Rapp's $40-million sexual battery lawsuit against Kevin Spacey.


>> No.53124381

What about his parents? They surely got hundred of millions from him in all the various homes he bought with goyim funds. Are they going to get away with it?

>> No.53124387

Always thought he would one way or another.
It’s so fucking obvious.
This country needs to burn to purge all the parasites away.

>> No.53124407

You always plea not guilty first: this is how you get a plea deal. dumb biz retard niggers dont know anything about the law only how to share Twitter screencaps. fucking hang yourself cunt

>> No.53124417

Justice is dead. Why the fuck does it take 9 months for the next court date. It should be 1 month at most for any trial in the world.

>> No.53124470

Based Jews. Goys seething. The world must learn the hard way that with Jews you lose.

>> No.53124514
File: 56 KB, 1012x302, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe the framers of the constitution meant being hopped up on Adderall when they put a right to a "speedy" trial in there

>> No.53124516

Hes the only jew that rug pulled blackrock. Hard to be against him

>> No.53124590
File: 118 KB, 1170x735, 2C4480CB-DFDD-475C-82A0-D694BB363CD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 months of comfy twitter posting from his stanford home
He is going to pull a Carlos style escape back to israel isnt he

>> No.53124610

that's pretty weak, I hope you are not a lawyer

>> No.53124755

Dont forget how he placed some lawyer who help some tribesmen win a case against chevron for dumping waste into the amazon into house arrest for 3 years. Man is corrupt as corrupt can be.

>> No.53125138
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That's actually a very strong and sound legal argument, especially in Jew Central. Most juries don't buy it but an Appeals Court would. 5 years from now when some appelate judge overturns it and the case isn't chosen to retry, SBF will be poorer, but free.

>> No.53125405

running wager is SBF gets Epsteined for $20

>> No.53125697

The plea WAS the speedy trial
Have fun waiting while he escapes

>> No.53126166

this was confusing because you said tribesmen