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53122392 No.53122392 [Reply] [Original]

As you probably didn't know there's a new kid on the block. I don't usually namefag but I figures an introduction would be useful.

I have been posting Hex threads for 3 months now. Mostly FUD posts or bait posts. I am Vaper's evil brother except I am not a normie. I am based.

I identify as a dolphin. My pronuns are Rich/successful. I like staking HEX. I pretty much bought the bottom on day 33.

>> No.53122426


Why the name Gaperguy? Well Vaper does a lot of anal gaping. Deep fisting too. That's why.

>> No.53122481
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> How much am I up after the -96% dip?

I am up about 800x since I have a lot of big stakes. I make about 60m Hedron a day because of my good behavior as a staker. I am pretty much set for life. HEX and Hedron neets me $2k a month. Once we go back to bull it'll be nearly $40k a month is my guess. I am mostly buying more HEX atm because I am intending to buy a rather luxurious appartment once we go back into bull territory.

>> No.53122532


How old am I? Turning 25 this year. Retired already. I wanna see HEX perform amazingly well so I can upgrade my lifestyle and become a Rolexican. Imo it's the ultimate status card. Being a Hexican is starting to become mediocre. There's too many of us. We need ways to divide the prime OGs from the normies inbound.

>> No.53123156
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I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that it's over. Still making $1500 a month from staking but suspect that's not for much longer. Not enough to pay all my bills anyway. A year ago it was like $25000 a month. Coins that drop 98% never come back. Zero buy pressure and endless sell pressure from early whales. Hexicans can pretend the SEC investigation is a nothing burger but I don't think it's that unlikely they will come after Richard. Calling your ICO a "sacrifice" doesn't change anything wrt the law. Not that it matters since pulse is missing in action with no timeline and no indication it's anywhere close to release. Its truly over. Which is the outcome I always expected just thought it'd be a few more years. Oh well it was a good ride while it lasted I'll always be grateful for the mad gains I was able to cash in on, and for all the dank memes

>> No.53123174


Hex pumped 10,000x in 2 years so a -96% dump is kinda expected. Lets say we o ly pumped to $0.1 instead of $0.5 well then we'd only be down -82%. Would it have made you feel better if we pumped less just to makr the chart prettier?

>> No.53123325


In regards to the secirity meme. It's a slap on the wrist. EOS paid a $25m fine for their $4b ICO. After that they were allowed to continue operations as if nothing had happened.

I don't personally think the SEC will get involved with HEX since they'rw underfunded and don't have time to go after a dude with an undisclosed location. But lets say they do: It wouldn't be the end. Richard could pay the $25m fine if he had to. Don't let the FUDsters get to ya man.

>> No.53123504

>I don't personally think the SEC will get involved with HEX since they'rw underfunded and don't have time to go after a dude with an undisclosed location.
what kind of megacope is this? There literally IS an ongoing probe ("involvement") to HEX. They've sent a dozen targeted "give us all of your data or we fuck you up" enquiries to "hexicans". They are literally collecting evidence for the case. Just because the govt doesn't move at warp speed doesn't mean they're not investigating and laying the groundwork.

>> No.53123514

DOJ will also charge him with securities fraud and wire fraud. Calling the pulse chain scam a "sacrifice" isn't going to save him.

>> No.53123600

yeah--there's a fucking difference between unregistered ICOs and securities frauds. This is too complex for hexicans though.

>> No.53123685


They were asking influencers in the US if they got paid to shill HEX which they weren't. Richard does not live in the US. He's untargetable.

Again even if he was charged for securities fraud he'd probably pay a few million dollars, that's it.

Also tell me. Why is XRP still a top 10 coin even after SEC went after them?

>> No.53123716


Getting charged for securities is a slap on the wrist. Even if it does happen by some unlikely event that HEX is charged for such thing, it's not gonna do anything to HEX.

Proof: look what happened to EOS and Ripple which both got chargrd for securities fraud.

>> No.53123749


Yeah in HEX you paid Eth to get HEX, it was a completed product. Pulsechain and PukseX are probably securities given their structures, but given the landscape of ICOs rarely gets fucked by the SEC.

You're just coping because you know that HEX is gonna keep kicking ass and hit $7 by 2025.

>> No.53123766

This isn't funny and if I knew how I'd report you to whoever is in control here

>> No.53123879
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Fucking scizzo take your meds you're not me, I am me, you're just a low quality fork of me. I made a new thread for you (Hex is a scam) whrere you can hang out. This thread is reserved for high IQs only. You're no match for me.

>> No.53123968

SEC will bring a case against HEX and Richard Heart will probably go to jail.

>> No.53124015
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>> No.53125769

riddle me this u papergains poor fuck i beat up in reallife, what hex niggas gonna do once we hit $0.005?

>> No.53125793

no reply? op is a fat bitch, fat, with fat bitchtits and a tiny cock hiding from the hard questions

>> No.53125902

how can anyone look at/hear this piece of shit and not think "scam artist"? Guess everyone has to learn the hard way.

>> No.53125920


Buy more

>> No.53125922

You have seen the adds. he also pays people to come shill here. I have no idea why he thinks this place has any money though. Probably why his shit is crashing

>> No.53125930


Suck my cock you insignificamt FUDster. Wanna see my bags? I'll show u them. But I'll warn u, you're gonna feel reeeall small next to me.

>> No.53125933


> how can everyone not do 5 seconds of research and use emotions to dictate the ethicacy?

Smooth braiiiiiiiin

>> No.53125953


RH don't have time for this he a busy man. I'm here to shill my bags and turn $1.3m to $130m in 3 years. You're either with us or against us. Which way u wanna have it?

>> No.53127421

>Richard does not live in the US. He's untargetable.

LMFAO. Keep telling yourself that faggot. Just like that fat fucking kike SBF was? Are you so fucking stupid you think the bahamas is a US state? KYS. Fatfuck Schueler will go down. You can't just scam citizens from pretty much every European nation and the US out of fucking $2 billion and expect the Feds to not fuck your shit up.

>> No.53127470

This is the most slobbercocks thread I've ever read. I was gonna include a meme picture in this post but you don't deserve even that faggot

>> No.53127497
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is this bullish or nah?

>> No.53127511
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>> No.53127560

RIP and condolences

>> No.53127563


Incredibly bullish. Imagine the headlines SNIFF SNIFF YESSSSS mhmmmm

>> No.53128097
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Vaper seething right now. There's a new kid on the block.

>> No.53128393
File: 272 KB, 1073x1394, 59AD6FD4-0825-4FAA-B731-9FDCE880E9D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all crypto devs as frauds except for Vitalik and Sandeep

>> No.53128429


> sandeep


This has to be a joke. His name really is Sandeep????

>> No.53129753

this actually is pretty funny.

>> No.53129808

Still buying more HEX.
Feel free to dump your bags, i'll buy them cheap.

>> No.53132406

i cannot imagine being this mich of a faggot, let alone worshiping one. there must be something seriously wrong with you to look at this person i think
>yeah i trust this man with my investment

>> No.53132706

this faggot is a scammer and hes going to prison.
all of u paid hex shills can kill yourselves.

>> No.53133172


Outrage marketong you idiot

>> No.53133681

no hes just a cunt

>> No.53133784
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You're a fucking next-level retard if you don't sell your $1.3m hex (LOL) into cash and bitcoin

>> No.53135120


A guy called me retarded for not selling when it waz $50k. Take profits he said. Guess what. I held ans made even mmore money.

>> No.53135135
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Tell my why babygirl? Do you not like watches? Telling time is real important young man.

>> No.53136571

HEX is the greatest appreciating asset ever to exist plus with 38% APR you can't beat it. Oh and did I tell you Richard Heart (the dev behind HEX) owns the world's largest diamon? Just look up HEX.com and yiu can either check out the site or diamond or both

>> No.53137315


Wow Richard Heart is one man armying Hex? I thought he had devs for that? He must have a genuis level IQ. I wonder if I can touch the largest diamond in the world...

>> No.53138492

No, HEX isn't even close, that would be SHIB. Beat by a dog shitcoin.

>> No.53138762
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thats why pulsedoge PLSD will be the #1 coin on pulsechain

>> No.53138840

nigga hex will crash below a penny. theoretically you could accumulate for cheap but you're a retarded hodler, look at him /biz a young boy living with his mum finna being crypto rich. you're just another low life beta waiting to cash out, that's not bullish at all. u can't even cash out cause you're staked and if you want to market dump $1.3mm worth of hex ur eating 21% slippage on uni. get rekt u can't cash out ur papergains, your papergains are insignificant and you're sucking my dick cause i cashed out. there is a difference between someone who's actually rich and a rekt holder in denial. you saw multiple millions of dollars evaporating in front of your eyes ouch