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5311930 No.5311930 [Reply] [Original]

Could Monero potentially be worth 5k one day? It's got a small circulating supply, fully anonymous and the distribution solves the miner fee market problem.

>> No.5311955

if dubs and green id 5k at the end of 2019

>> No.5311963

probably. how the fuck should I know?
now never post about xmr again

>> No.5311975

But does it have a great team? Does it solve the oracle problem?

>> No.5311993

XMR, and NEO are great buys right now for 2018.

>> No.5311996


>> No.5312007

>Only dubs
Nice just bought half unknown amount of initially planned unknown amount

>> No.5312037

If their tech works

They have crypto genius, fluffypony

>> No.5312385

>This Question

Being this new to not know that Monero is completely undervalued.

>> No.5312429

Even if it does, I've only got 15 XMR. Still poor. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.5312457
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i got this.

>> No.5312464

Monero solves an unknown amount of problems.

>> No.5312634

Get out normie.

>> No.5312677


>> No.5312740

$5K is peanuts, once the speculators realize XMR is The Next Big Thing they'll drive the price past $10K, basically another BTC pump

>> No.5312742
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Monero is the only coin worth anything in this entire market

>> No.5312759


But not 100k

But definitely 2.5k-5k

Especially if everyone knew how it's being used now a days.

>> No.5312817
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daily reminder

>self-made hardware wallet soon to be finished
>trezor/ledger wallet supports
>multisig (just got merged)
>bulletproofs (80% tx fee reduction)
>layer 2 scaling (mimblewimble)

>> No.5312879

should I buy this now that it dipped?

>> No.5312915

Yes, always look for good dips to buy for long term HODLs.

>> No.5312927

idk anon, I only got like 6000 XMR. i highly suggest that you DO NOT buy monero.

>> No.5312933
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Why would you spoon feed these normies, let them struggle and figure it out like we did.

>> No.5312940

how long-term is XMR? are we lookin at ~1000 by Q1/Q2 2018?

>> No.5312998

because they are too dumb to understand anything i posted, 90% of biz is your basic facebook brah spamming :joy: emojis and haha XD after asking a question. his brain would melt if he understood multisigs

>> No.5313001

2019 is when its projected to moon the fuck out.

>> No.5313016


Does it matter? It's at a good buy price regardless.

>> No.5313484

well if I have to wait for 2019 to get 2x I'd rather invest in something else

>> No.5313919

>pools are all paying out at 0.1 at best
>that's 50+ days of mining

Wonder how many pool owners will be making a killing from orphaned coins.

>> No.5314019

look faggot, Monero is really fucking solid. As solid as you can get, if you want to gamble go to a fucking casino. Monero is going to 1000$ ore more in a few months.

>> No.5314020
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I'm gonna make it, bros.

>> No.5314109
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o-ok senpai

>> No.5314464

Not clued on anon currency. What do vendors accept? I know it's impossible to know but is the feeling that XMR is the most widely used?

>> No.5314586



>> No.5314604

>the effect of this post is unknown

>> No.5314663
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the thing about monero is that it solves problems we don't even know about because they're all anonymous and fungible

>> No.5314679

Why the fuck is monero so damn comfy

>> No.5314729

ID roll
O mighty Kek show us the way

Orange - becomes the world currency
Gray - largest crypto
Yellow - chinks will dump it
Green - 5k
Red - 100 dollars
Pink - total crash

>> No.5314824

Is that orange or am I color blind?

>> No.5314891

It's red-orange. Sortve a burnt ochre type color. We can conclude that monero will simultaneously be the world's currency while maintaining its price at $100.

>> No.5314915

Yes, and don’t sell for a year at least

>> No.5314935

Fuck this shit
Fucking prophecies are always like that

>> No.5314954

It's the only real CRYPTOcurrency left. Everything else will lead to a dystopian future.

>> No.5315333


>> No.5315374

i cant even afford 1 monero right now. i need to get my gains up via smaller alts first

>life of a poor fag

>> No.5315384
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4k confirmed.

>> No.5315405

XVG over Monero all day

Monero is literally a faggot Libertarian crypto used by SJW redditors. This is the Antifa of crypto


>> No.5315470

it will be banned because muhhh anonymous

>> No.5315559

some meme country like cayman islands will allow it because why not just pay a little tax and you're fine

>> No.5315623
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BTC has more coins in circulation so obviously yes it can and yes it will.

>> No.5315705

Ugh I wish I had sold this at the peak the other day for gains. It was a really easy call too but I have no balls.

>> No.5315752
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to add to the list:
>No premine
>No masternodes
>Never switching to some PoS-ponzi shit

>> No.5315755
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>Monero is the reddit coin
oh really pajeet?

>> No.5315824
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>> No.5315831

also: just sold the rest of my LTC/BTC holdings for the Monero cartel. the media is going to bleed that shit out until it's dead.

eth and Monero so I can finance my shitcoins

>> No.5315857


>> No.5316296

Crazy, miracles still exist. It's not too late.

>> No.5316487
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Teach me Senpai. I feel your wisdom.

>> No.5316903


>> No.5316937


>> No.5317318

My models predict Monero will be worth ~$5,000 before the start of Q4 2018, assuming the cryptomarket doesn't crash. Those same models predict market crashing is due to happen any time before the beginning of 2020.

>> No.5317325
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Fellas, I have 6k, should I all into Monero, or split between another coin?

But BitcoinCash, I just pulled out, that's where I got my 6k

>> No.5317332
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>Does it solve the oracle problem?
Yes, it has a dynamic fee algorithm thats internally referencing and charges only per kb of transaction size which is why brainlets are complaining about high fees now.

>> No.5317508

Redpill me on mimblewimble.

This shit opt-in and I don't mean like BTC garbage LN "lol you can totally not use LN, just pay $1000" type of opt-in.

>> No.5318274

Criminally underrated

>> No.5318994
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Be gone Bcashie.

>> No.5319049
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To add to the list; only true privacy coin.

>> No.5319082

Nice. Just bought (unknown amount).

>> No.5319238
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Only coin that is actually beeing used by someone.

>> No.5319304

Going vertical on bithumb again. The Asians are back.

>> No.5319360

if dubs, 1k by EOY

>> No.5319401

That's how you miss moon missions dumbass.

>> No.5319410

I see you have been fucking with Ripple Rick in another thread. Kek

>> No.5319427


>> No.5319467

If dubs, $800 by EONM.

>> No.5319497

2.5k at the end of 2019 confirmed

>> No.5319531

Major sell wall just fell back to $499. Here we go Boyos.

>> No.5319571
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>50 days to mine 0.1 xmr
Hashlets, when will they learn?
That's more than my daily payout

>> No.5319618

Dub dubs checked. Confirmed for 5K EO 2019

>> No.5319652


>all in on monero
>how much will this effect price

>> No.5319767
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if dubs, 666.66 by eoy
trips 777.77

>> No.5319850
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>Unlimited coin supply

>> No.5319954

Even before it hits $5K thirsty speculators will be pushing the price up rapidly, once it becomes apparent this is the next Bitcoin we'll likely see a very similar $10K+ pump.

>> No.5319957

a bunch of musicians accepted xmr for purchases this holiday season

>> No.5320139

>limited coin supply

>> No.5320295

This meme is worn out. It cost "x" to mine those unlimited coins, making them worth minimum base of "X". What happens when there are no more Bcash and Bitcoin coins to mine? Thats right. Everything grinds to a halt. Unlimited supply is the only thing that works.

>> No.5320310

is fluffypony literally the only man who isn't in crypto for the money ?

>> No.5320321

How many Monero do I need to make it?

>> No.5320354

That fat fuck is in it for the food

>> No.5320362

fuck off retard im not your dad to teach you about life.

>> No.5320389

this means all marketplaces can now use escrow service either as 2/3 (N-1/N) or 3/3 ( N/N ) (buyer,seller,moderator).

so, take a guess how much would safe shopping on paypal boost the price of it. :^)

>> No.5320396

50 would be a start but with 5 XMR, you should be at least able to get a lambo some day.

>> No.5320407


Then miners are paid from processing transactions, did you even read the BTC whitepaper?

>> No.5320409

XVG...like the coin with a public blockchain? lol

>> No.5320535

Just do the "21" bitcoin supply meme and get 31.

>> No.5320575

you mean even if no more coins are created?

>> No.5320629

Under rated.

>> No.5320634

paid in what?

>> No.5320902

they're paid an unkown amount

>> No.5321196

Monero is a cool coin, but its history is too tainted. As soon as they bust a group that does X, Y and Z and Monero gets associated with those people by the mainstream, the value will tank. It isn't deserved, but that's why I'm staying away. I'm not saying new privacy coins won't be used for unethical purposes, and of course cash gets used for all kinds of things too, I'm just saying that this coin is MAINLY known for this, which would stop any potential for it to ever be adopted by the mainstream.

>> No.5321405

I don't know if Monero solves anything. Who are you again? Stop asking me questions!

>> No.5321512

didn't Bitcoin start like that? Dark web is a good kickstarter for a currency and after it's popularized no one cares anymore.

>> No.5321563

Monero is the true Bitcoin.

>> No.5321771

Half in Monero, 3 altcoin moon missions at 1k

>> No.5321792

The same people behind it also have two newer coins. There are also a lot of newer privacy coins looking to improve on Monero. If it thanks, I'll be happy to buy a bunch but there's no way I'm getting in at this price, it's just been pumped way too much.

>> No.5321797

I'd rather use Monero Light aka Aeon.

>> No.5321872
File: 624 KB, 754x2331, C4A6CE64-E448-4CB0-93AC-9B3E24241535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sumokoin is better than Monero in every way.

>> No.5321924

Its used by all of the dark web.

Need I $ay any more?

>> No.5321941

I will grow for sure, but will never be CoinBase normie tier since its used for weapons, drugs and CP.

Due to western PC this coin is doomed to fail.

>> No.5321955

I've read Sumokoin was a scam coin. I haven't researched it myself so no idea how true that is, but for anyone wanting to get in, that might be worth looking into.

>> No.5321984

How’s it a scam?

>> No.5322066

There has been an underbelly of Civilization since it began. This coin will always be around. It will be here when (you) are gone.

>> No.5322084

I dont know if it truly is a scam but Forking monero and just changing a couple of constants feels pretty scammy to me.

>> No.5322127

That's how I see it. It's sad because it's a cool coin, but that probably kills hopes of mainstream adoption by Coinbase, etc.

Devs pre-mined, etc. Maybe it's fine, like I said, it's possible it was just someone shilling their own coin and everything is to take with a huge grain of salt, but I'd do my research before getting into it just in case.

>> No.5322145

I believe Monero used some code from Sumokoin too.

>> No.5322181

Free money.

Not guaranteed any money.

>> No.5322315

Yes, this is what the "transaction fee" is for. It goes to the miners.

>> No.5322322
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>implying america wasn't involved in weapons drugs and CP before crypto

>> No.5322331

not on dream market, the largest and oldest non-invite market still online
the devs are autists averse to change and monero will never see adoption on there. reddit's dnm subreddit is FULL of people complaining about transaction fees because most still use dream market and are stuck with bitcoin

>> No.5322405

Sumokoin's road map is literally Monero features released one month later.
>monero releases multisig
>sumokoin announces multisig for Q1 2018
Sumokoin has no value if development stalls without the existence of Monero. Also, the camel emission makes the inflation rate too high for anyone to hold. It might be worth mining though.

>> No.5322468

time to an unknown amount
gotta stock up while the giant is still moving slowly

>> No.5322493

The problem is that it's never been the MAIN use of other forms of currency.

>> No.5322505

is it a concern that monero has no fixed limit

>> No.5322570

It take until 2117 for currently supply to double. It’s not a big deal.

>> No.5322571

bought in at 68$
next stop: moon

>> No.5322630

I’m mining Sumo right now.

It has a lot of upside (5m market cap).

It’s up 40% today.

>> No.5322877

no shit

>> No.5323430
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No. Coins will probably be lost at a faster rate than the tail emission. So it is technically disinflationary and realistically deflationary