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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53116267 No.53116267 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw didn't go to university

>> No.53116284
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>> No.53116300

Tbf fair, i rather have roaches crawling on me than trannies in a gender studies degree.

>> No.53116315


>> No.53116356
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>tfw GPT keeps reposting the same shit every day

>> No.53116460

>tfw slave away at a 2 star restaurant as a sous chef because no degree
At least the pay is good but it took 12 years before the pay got good.

>> No.53116505
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>> No.53116518

Maybe he's just doing what he loves.

>> No.53116548

I hear those jobs pay really well though because nobody else wants to do them.

>> No.53116581

the guy in the video probably makes $17/hour under the table. he works this type of job because he's a fat alcoholic retard with no other options in life. he is not the owner of the company, because the owner of the company 1) doesn't perform manual labor and 2) even if he did, he wouldn't be spraying dogshit and hepatitis water into his eyes, ears, and nose with no personal protective equipment. the owner of the company is likely rich with many of these retards under his employ.

>> No.53116621

and the owner of the company probably went to college

>> No.53116625

neither of those positions sound appealing

>> No.53116633

I dunno id hire tons of niggers if my job was sewage manager

>> No.53116637

>Implying he could afford to go.

>> No.53116642

unironically this job should pay minimum 150k+ a year.. but he is probably getting exploited

imagine actually thinking codemonkey is more valuable than this. just wait few years for massive economic collapse, all codemonkies without basic household skills die first

>> No.53116646

>makes $17/hour
Try triple that.

>> No.53116652
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Also this post is peak trust fund seethe.
How butt mad are you?
Rich people should be taxed heavily.

>> No.53116654


Love me swamp
Love me sewer
Love me bugs
Simple as

>> No.53116697

i can guarantee you that he's not making anywhere near $51/hour. his owner is billing his services at $51/hour but that fat retard is making <$20/hour.

>> No.53116709

>trust fund
i did manual labor when i was in college (factories, warehouses) and now i have a comfy wfh job in corporate finance because i'm not a retard. cope and seethe and i better see a SMILE ON YOUR DOGSHIT-STAINED TEETH, wagie, or i'll be telling mr. shekelgruber about your poor customer service.

>> No.53116817

>tfw you have property

>> No.53116833

What do you mean? He obviously went to university because all jobs require a degree.

>> No.53117099

kek thats funny dear.

>> No.53117179

I didn't go to uni, spent 2 years teaching myself programming c++ whille i worked as a gardener for one of those years.
Now I have a programming job.
The man who hired me said he would take anyone who showed the interest to teach themselves over someone who had a CS degree. He himself regrets taking CS.

>> No.53117202

Kek why doesnt this idiot just use a curved pressure wand? Then he wouldnt have to get in it.

>> No.53117242

the biz equivalent of the bathtub pig.

>> No.53117251

this one time on holiday in the south of spain my british rentboss called a pest exterminator service to do a prevenative treatment for termites as her neighbour apparently had termites in the wood of the house. anyway when they left , the next day I found other pests in my room and eggs. I am 100pct sure they pest control guy left other pests there to create a return customer. the pest control guys were british too, fat british slobs. they looked untrustworthy from the start. and I think I had reason to not trust them. poor lady rentboss paid 1500 euros too . just to ge her house infected with other pests they can later come to "wipe out"

>> No.53117266
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Being proficient in a syntax is not the same as producing good software. It's not even the same as writing good code.

This is cope.

>> No.53117279
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I'm in a graduate level position, seeth, cope and dilate.

>> No.53117281

This man still makes more money and gets more pussy than a 4chan janny

>> No.53117282

He should be making 200k at least for spraying chemicals in manholes covered in roaches.

>> No.53117331
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Lol is that what they told you?

>> No.53117352

I’m having a hard deja vu.

>> No.53117373

Then why are you anonymously bragging about it?

>> No.53117526

He doesn't even get paid that much, wtf are youw42b8 guys talking about

>> No.53117558

>Curved pressure wand

You learn about that in University

>> No.53117567
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We need more female representation in plumbers. Will anyone think of the gender disparity?

>> No.53117601

No im just not a brainlet who owns a pressure washer. Imagine paying a grown man to pressure wash. That's what kids are for.

>> No.53117631

People are retarded, there's literally businesses for gutter cleaning. They make a living, they even have wives

>> No.53117637

University is a meme, today you need a degree even to do that job.

>> No.53117711

why doesn't he just throw on a $15 disposable clean suit at least? Tape around the gloves and shoes.

>> No.53117826

prefer 1 hour of this shit per day over 8 hours/6 days in the office

>> No.53118000

And he gets free food...

>> No.53120969

With no PPE lmao

>> No.53121075

The fuck is he even doing?

>> No.53121117

Instead of making $50 an hour covered in roaches, you can make double that as a code monkey
Problem is you have to be smart enough to finish college

>> No.53121182

>Try triple that.
$51/hr is what his boss charges for company services. The guy himself makes peanuts: I guarantee it. Also, $51/hr is not a good wage anyway. This isn't 1995.

>> No.53121654

>100K+ a year is not a good wage
What fucking lala land are you living in you tendies eating fucking retard?

>> No.53121696


WHY THE FUCK would anyone do a job like that for $17 an hour you can literally work at McDonald’s and beat that wage. Dude is spending his life inhaling shit fumes and deadly chemicals while being covered in roaches and human filth, I would rather die homeless on the street than do that job for 17 an hour

>> No.53121882

Lul, no. You don’t need to go to college to start a blue collar labour business.

t.landscaping/construction business owner

>> No.53121912

>thinks inhaling vegetable oil and s.0.y. fumes all day in an enclosed space with shitty ventilation is healthier.

>> No.53121921

this gpt4chan bots are out of control

>> No.53121940

Everyone here has a 200k a year tech wfh job

>> No.53121988

A roach among roaches

>> No.53122007

This is only the first part of the job. The next guy has to get in and repoint those bricks.

>> No.53122109

Not a homo, tranny, or crazy HR cat lady in sight.

>> No.53122189

i got a meme degree, lived unemployed with my parents for few years and now made fuck u money from inheritance. why am i bragging about anonymously online??? cheers to guraduate level position anon, fuck poor people

>> No.53122251

I’m getting an English degree right now
But I have money and options unlike you peasants. Will probably go to law school.

>> No.53122281


>> No.53122377

You sound like a loser. No degrees will fix that

>> No.53122465
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the girls at queens college, oxford don't mind. btw this is the deans garden, its were your ass cant go

>> No.53123324

I’m sorry your depression hurts so much

>> No.53123489
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>> No.53123547

Lmao is that? Absolutely pathetic for tech. Come back at $500k++, at least, you loser

>> No.53123558

You’ve got a 42% chance of roping tranny

>> No.53123605


that means nothing retard litterally 50% of young people went to college. he probably also has brown hair, an equally irrelevant feature of half the population

>> No.53123644

nice strawman, retard. nobody ever said it about truck driving.
driving a truck isn't a trade.

>> No.53123829

I‘d rather do that than sitting in the open office ngl.

>> No.53123844
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>> No.53123845

do you also prefer the lung cancer you are getting a couple of years later over a nice apartment and a beach house 10 years later?

>> No.53123858

Get your hazmat endorsement and you have a comfy steering wheel holding 100k job.

>> No.53123870

not even kek, im clearing after taxes about $2500-$3000 a week on average doing just basic long haul

>> No.53124018
File: 2.07 MB, 640x326, nico.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>handsome bong and also a gymbro
>get sponsored to move country to USA for work
>offered $135k/yr
>mfw pajeets, chinks and wh*tes get covered in roaches whilst I fuck their women in the back of my BMW M8

>> No.53124467

wake up abdul youre burning the kebab

>> No.53124505


>> No.53124605

what is good pay like for 12 years of experience?

>> No.53124643
File: 85 KB, 920x450, tradie in his house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep coping tradie. Daily reminder that everyone in the office and in the public see you as subhuman. Can you clean the shitter pipes again, it was a bad one this time KEK.

>> No.53124671

the one sunny day a year in bongistan and your ass sits in the shade

>> No.53124691

Is that your two weeks of take-home pay? You're embarrassing yourself lmao

>> No.53124778

>The man who hired me said he would take anyone who showed the interest to teach themselves over someone who had a CS degree.
He's not wrong.
One of the best hires I made was a history major with a C average. Taught himself everything.
I think you have to love coding. The ones who are in it for money don't last.
Like anything else really. People who hate their work such at it.

>> No.53124814

Fucking retard. I paid my roof guy$300 cash to fix a hole in my garage in 1 hour. No reports to IRS. The guy was highschool trained. He's based.

>> No.53125086

I have no education, never finished high school. Got out of prison about 6 months ago. I'd never had a job in my life, lied on my resume and got a job in construction. I bring home about 3 grand a week after tax for 56 hours. AMA

>> No.53125087

just say you did, no ones gonna check

>> No.53125126

what did you lie about? It's my understanding construction jobs are pretty simple to get?

>> No.53125156

I'd rather be the poorest white instead of the richest nigger.

>> No.53125165

Work experience, it's a multi-billion dollar government project. Getting a job as a basic labourer building a house is easy. But the pays shit. Tier 1 projects are where the money is at. Been 24 years old I can't think anyone would hire me if I rocked up and said 'Hey just got out of prison, never worked a day in my life. When do I start?'