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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 670 KB, 1528x800, image_2023-01-03_095841249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53114534 No.53114534 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we laugh at rubicfags

>> No.53116929

So they officially rugged at this point, yes?

I hopped into their TG and seems since the last hack the team has totally bailed outside of their bot responses.

Fucking KEK. I assume anyone still holding this garbage are baggies from reddit. Good work fellow 4chan degens!

I look forward to the next bullrun scams! Hopefully not all animal tokens. We need the next rubic.

>> No.53116946

rubic niggers i will never forget you. i hope you are absolutely lost for words you disgusting fucking niggers. i hope you rope

>> No.53116954

Keep your fud coming. I'm loading up at these price. Once in a generation opportunity.

>> No.53116975


the holy trinity of biz rugs

>> No.53117197

I like Rubic. I use it all the time. But the token is not needed.

>> No.53117224
File: 26 KB, 600x598, pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my rubic is cubic

>> No.53117404

>muh rubic cubic

>> No.53117457
File: 1.12 MB, 1125x1385, 2BB20156-34BD-403E-BE59-4B9106CAB17F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers have never been more valuable than now, thanks to the revolutionary power of the blockchain. Only those who truly love and embrace these people will be able to purchase them on the blockchain for their monetary gains - after all, this is the only way to really show your affection! So if you are a die-hard nigger lover, don’t forget to get in on the action and start buying and selling them on the block chain!

t . me /etherplantation

>> No.53117896

You do realize people got hacked who used that exchange, right?

Right anon?

Or you're a rubic pajeet trying to get more traffic there for more "hacks"

>> No.53118351

I sold after the second hack
This shit needs to die.
/biz/ was right.

>> No.53120204

Aren't they like the first token ever to actually refund people who lost money like this?

>> No.53120249


>> No.53120320

lol, jfc its the holidays

>> No.53120345

Yeah, i think so

>> No.53120451

It was their fault. Why would they not?

>> No.53120454

Sure, refund mystery small wallets with the big wallets you took funds from.

They'll stop though since the site/exchange is fucking done.

>> No.53120684

Nah the site still works and tgeir sdk still works, they paused whatever contracts tgat were exploited which was from a 3rd party anyways. Thorchain gets hacked 6 times for $1 Billion and no one cares, Rubic gets hacked once for $1.4 Million and its the end? Jfc you idiots are so fucking dumb

>> No.53121186

rubic was "hacked" twice.
rubic allowed USERS to get hacked.

Plus rubic is a freakin API call BS website. Thorchain actually has liquidity.

Keep coping baggie

>> No.53121277


>> No.53122320

>Why would they not?
this kind of shit happens all the time, and other tokens never do, they just disappear. They didn't have to do this at all. Merits some consideration, at least.

>> No.53122362
File: 100 KB, 210x195, 1475602695066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao, get DUNKED ON, rubicfags

>> No.53123931

itt: trans-loving faggots who deserve to be shot in the face with a 12-gauge

>> No.53123975

all these rug coins have one thing in common, they are all funded by SBF

>> No.53124214

Oh, I didn't know Rubic was funded by a billionaire /s

>> No.53124262

hello sam

>> No.53125233

The 24h volume was under 3k lately

>> No.53126541

Rubic was the first coin I made money off. Turned 200 I made off weed into 3k in late 2020. Ended up making about 140k off crypto with 75k left after living off it for 2 years.

>> No.53127873

Yeah this is pretty shit, it's like people can't find the token anymore or something