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53114077 No.53114077 [Reply] [Original]

I miss when the middle class was still a thing.

>> No.53114088

I bet you do libtard. Regan won puss boy

>> No.53114945

Yeah my parents def seemed richer in the 90s than they do today. Now they seem poor as fuck.

In the 90s we had a McMansion, all the newest Nintendo 64 / Playstation games, and a PC that was good enough to have PC games playing on it smoothly.

Fast forward to today and this is just basic shit that poorfags have.

>> No.53114967

the middle class IS still a thing if you're white that is

>> No.53114987

Regan was a libtard too, pinko

>> No.53115025

I don't. You know the midwit meme? The one with high IQ shaking hands with low IQ? Same applies to poor and ultra wealthy. Neither of them would submit to an HOA but middle class scum do. There's nothing worse to aspire to, nothing more mediocre than middle class. It is an enemy of adventure. The sort that hate people with heeps of cars piled up outside and hate Elon Musk at the same time. I'm glad their 401ks are being whittled away and most are going from middle class to poor where they rightfully belong. Unlike an actual poor person they can't accept it and just seethe.

>> No.53115048

you were alive in the early 1900s?

It was long dead by the time of Reagan, retard.

>> No.53115088

No one is stopping you from going to school as an adult. You don't have to have people force you to go to class for it still to be a thing.

>> No.53115277

Wtf did i just read. Was this some turk roach tier ai chat response? Lmfao

>> No.53115314

I member when the working class were honest hard-working god-fearing folk. Some were retarded, but village fairs, live music at the local pub, carols. Middle class is dying, but working class just got zombified and niggerified.

>> No.53115320

What is middle class anyways? My parents are both doctors. Does that make them middle class?

>> No.53115329

Are they poor doctors?

>> No.53115333

No, that just makes them scumbag parasites

>> No.53115346

>he doesn't know

>> No.53115363

They are pulling $500k+ together per year

>> No.53115528
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The definition of middle class was the emerging class between the monarchy/oligarchs and the working class.

This emerging classes were doctors, teachers, business owners etc. What made them middle class was that their jobs afforded them severe political clout as they directly influenced peoples political opinion directly. One teacher or one doctor was important to tens of thousands of people as these jobs were rare, and they directly threatened the oligarchs as they had the money to fund the revolution and they were 'one with the people' as they are not monarchs or dukes. Historically the middle class led revolutions from the French Revolution to the Communist revolution. Lenin et al were teachers and professors.

The middle class today does not exist as the economic value of classically defined middle class jobs such as teachers or doctors have been diluted by the market economy. Those middle class jobs today do not make enough money nor have the political clout to even threaten the government. Doesn't matter if they make 500k or 1 mil a year. By definition since they are so politically nonexistent and economically impotent, they can not be called middle class. This is what people mean when they say the 'Middle class is dead'

It is.

The only middle class people by definition today are people like Bezos or Musk, since they are economically powerful and influential. However, they prefer to be in line with the financial/business oligarchs rather than be pro proletariat.

>> No.53115587

Pretty whacky definition of middle class

>> No.53115639

Its not. The reason why nobody can define middle class in the modern sense is because IT NO LONGER EXISTS.

The classical definition of emerging economic jobs that threaten the status quo can not fit anyone today, EXCEPT for tech nerds like zuccerberg, musk and bezos.

>> No.53115642
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>The definition of middle class was the emerging class between the monarchy/oligarchs and the working class.
Absolutely correct. My pic rel is for /his/torylets

>The only middle class people by definition today are people like Bezos or Musk, since they are economically powerful and influential.
I prefer the continental seperation of the Burghers (German urban elite) and peasentry. Your definition is more Anglo-Saxon but I think too strict. Just a thought.

>> No.53115654

That's what these fucking hicks considered "Conservative".
Go away, fag.
No one cares about Regan.

>> No.53115662

>Fast forward to today and this is just basic shit that poorfags have.
You bought games when they where really expensive and now technology has gotten better making games cheaper, you essentially bought the top and now brag about it.
>What do you mean poor people can save money!
Lmao, trust funds are so sheltered.

>> No.53115664

You will never be a woman libs

>> No.53115673

I'm not "poor" I just don't waste my money.

>> No.53115688

>but working class just got zombified and niggerified.
>NEET who doesn't know anyone from the low class.
Sure thing, fag.

>> No.53115932

>bought the top of games
>top of games
>games cheaper
>games more expansive
>indie games?
>i think this poster is retarded

>> No.53116309

It really isn't. You're either a DINK or on government assistance.

>> No.53116325

not him but his assessment is pretty accurate. go observe the behaviors of the lower classes and you'll see overt displays of niggermonkey culture. nigger music, nigger clothes, nigger drug habits, etc.

>> No.53116407

Its because niggers are youthful, high reproduction, and not mindfucked.
Our complex economy has made everyone old, sterile, and boring.
We can no longer sustain the basics of life, nor produce culture, so everyone is looking elsewhere, even if its african ape primitivism. The economic class is capable of rekking entire empires to death. Let it be a lesson.

>> No.53116425

>go for a walk yesterday
>3 nigger teenagers walking in the middle of the street
>cackling and stinking of nigger weed
>read the online local news today
>shooting at a fast food restaurant near me (undoubtedly niggers)
take me back. and i'm only 34 years old.

>> No.53116472

Only Americans call middle class a certain income level

In Europe you can be the richest faggot around and still be low class, just look at Elon Musk

Or the poorest but be an expert in old greek literature and be middle class

>> No.53116503

>In Europe you can be the richest faggot around and still be low class, just look at Elon Musk
>Or the poorest but be an expert in old greek literature and be middle class
Thats a symptom of middle class being literally undefinable in the modern era.

Refer to my post above.

>> No.53116504

social class in america exists, it's just hidden because amerigolem are inundated and obsessed with jew/nigger/celebrit culture. look up the boston brahmin, duponts, carnegies, vanderbilts, etc.

>> No.53116744

Trust fund millennials are the biggest npc's youll ever meet. They're literally so retarded and they never question anything. It's because they're rich and questioning things would affect their lives in a negative way. If you can't figure out what the problem is, then you are the problem. And also they don't even have to be that rich. They just need to have parents that were financially responsible and don't have any bills.

>> No.53116783
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If only you knew how fucked we really were

>> No.53116851

Also a reminder that Zuckerberg control 2.2% of that 4.6......

We have been enslaved and robbed by the (((Central Banking system)))

>> No.53116887

This is a bit misleading. Boomers are also much older than the other generations and have had more time to accumulate wealth. The more wealth you have accumulated the easier it is to accumulate more. This graph shouldn't be all that surprising.

>> No.53117061

I don't because my parents were lower class. It's great to be poor in Europe.

>> No.53117164

What i mean is some uneducated plumber call themselves middle class

>> No.53118257
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>lower class
wife works
>lower middle class
wife works part time
>middle class
wife is full-time home maker
>upper middle class
wife has equally important white collar/tech job as you and is progressing in her field
>upper class
wife runs small business that loses 10k/mo
wife runs multi-million-dollar nonprofit to write off every cent of your income/hide your wealth

>> No.53118463

Older millennials have been working for like 20 years now. Shit was just so stacked in favor of boomers it was unreal and they used their power and affluence to ensure their kids have to compete with every Pablo, Chang, and Raj for all eternity so they could consume shit for 10% cheaper.

>> No.53118668

>autistic commie definition
>anime poster


If they live in a tier-1 city (NYC, LA) they are upper middle class. If they live in Boomerville, TX or whatever then they are upper class.

>> No.53118740

Having the capacity to affect policy seems like a reasonable differentiator. The past 6 years or so clearly demonstrate that whilst Joe the plumber might consider himself middle class, he can't affect jack-shit. Being within such a percentage of the median income of your local isn't a good class differentiator.

>> No.53118794

No, a reasonable differentiator is owning property. Working class rents, middle class owns a single family residence/townhouse, and upper class owns commercial real estate.

Any definition of middle class that includes Bezos et al. is laughable to anyone not on the spectrum.

>> No.53118813

This is the best explanation of middle-class that I've seen in ages.

>> No.53118904

Joe the plumber can go from renting, to home-ownership, to small-business ownership. He's not a member of the social elite or an heir to an aristocrat's fortune. He can't affect politics beyond maybe zoning policy. He's a wealthy common person at the end of his life.

>> No.53119467
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You are an arrogant, short-sighted, unknowledgeable fool.

>> No.53119597

>He's a wealthy common person at the end of his life.

That is exactly what a middle class person is.

>> No.53119609

And a tip o’ le fedore to you as well my good sir!

>> No.53119981

I disagree. The classes should relate to each other in some meaningful way beyond comparing wealth. You could be retired with a 10mil net worth and near-zero influence on even your local comunity. You could also be a physician on the board of the American Medical Association with an enormous amount of influence compared to the retiree, even if you have a lower net worth. The latter is a member of the middle class. He's ascended from the working class to a position of political and social influence.

>> No.53120551

>The classes should relate to each other in some meaningful way beyond comparing wealth

Maybe in Yurope, but Burgerland was founded on the principle that it’s all about the Benjamins.

>> No.53120622

Well shit, we might as well classify the middle class as anyone who carries a credit card balance in that case.

>> No.53120672
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With Jews...

>> No.53120712

American politicians basically already do this.

>> No.53120960

I miss the middle school

>> No.53121886

>If they live in a tier-1 city (NYC, LA) they are upper middle class. If they live in Boomerville, TX or whatever then they are upper class.

Your apartment doesn't make you middle class you low IQ retard. Holy shit, this is the level of discourse you find in /biz/ -4chan LOL

Some guy who owns an apartment in manhattan is infinitely closer to a homeless crackhead than he is to a corporate oligarch.

There is no more middle class.

>> No.53121934

>The middle class today does not exist as the economic value of classically defined middle class jobs such as teachers or doctors have been diluted by the market economy.
The "market economy" isn't what did that.

>> No.53121970

Explain please

>> No.53122146

rest in peace middle class

>> No.53122241

Mcmansion is like more than a million and having idort consoles and a powerful current PC is just a sign you are not really living in poverty.

>> No.53122283

I miss when people had hope for the future and when governments, which, in ages past, created the idea of judgmental god as a "policeman in one's head", weren't technologically enabled to become that judgmental god themselves, with their ubiquitous surveillance and tracking apparatus.
Good times, but the dragon we bred was bound to grow hungry eventually.

>> No.53122304

Your definition works roughly for the transitionary period from Gentry to Bourgeois, but it isn't accurate for today. I would define the term middle class as something more particular that fits both. The middle class is the emergent group of people who, by dint of economic, political, and social pressures independent of the elites, rise to a level of socioeconomic and political importance. So what we get from that is:

>System: Feudalism
>Elite: Landed Gentry
>Middle Class: Merchants and skilled professionals

>System: Capitalism
>Elite: High Bourgeois
>Middle Class: Scientists, Engineers, Programmers etc

My definition discounts people in the system like the managerial class of administrators, or other groups that only hold their position in society because they are artificially propped up by direct or indirect actions from the elites. Usually the elite prop up a group of people as a kind of buffer between themselves and the middle class in order to keep them under control and to stave off potential displacement.

>Why are technical experts your defined middle class?

Simple. The world is so technologically complex that expertise in cutting edge technology in diverse but specialized fields is necessary to understand it enough to run things in any meaningful sense.

>Are you advocating for [insert political thing]

No. I'm pointing out that the Bourgeois modality is entering a phase after several hundred years of displacing the Gentry modality in which the Technocratic modality is starting to look increasingly necessary. A lot of Gentry adjusted to become Bourgeois, and some Bourgeois simply displaced the Gentry.

>Is this revolutionary?

No. Revolutions are a byproduct of a group of people from the old system refusing to adapt, and we have at least a century before the kind of pressure that leads to a revolution builds up.

>> No.53122310
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was he middle class, or lower class?

>> No.53122586

>The middle class is the emergent group of people who, by dint of economic, political, and social pressures independent of the elites, rise to a level of socioeconomic and political importance.
I liked your definition at first but realized that "independent of the elites" disqualifies pretty much everyone since damn near every successful tech story involves VC rounds. The current social elites are VERY aware of the risk that technology poses to them and are giving it their all to be early to anything and everything. If you remove that portion of your definition then I agree.

>> No.53122629

I'd argue that the VC started megacorps of today are analogous to the Gentry creating corporations like the British East India Company to squeeze out the Bourgeois. I wouldn't call Bill Gates or Elon Musk technocratic in the least because they're so fundamentally Bourgeois. VC works through a cycle of the Bourgeois and the managerial class creating other Bourgeois in an attempt to displace proto-technocrats.

>> No.53122667

Interesting. Can you give an example of a technocrat? It seems like the bourgeois are trolling the tech sector with a wide net and paying off any proto-technocrats as you're calling them.

>> No.53122863

Illustrative example I would give is with the VC cycle and three examples (Musk, Zuck, Jobs).

>Bourgeois want to invest in new tech
>Work through VC firm
>VC firm is managerial class, finance expertise not technical
>They blindly flail around for something to investment
>Either get a Zuckerberg (Technocrat because he was the original programmer), a Jobs (manager or Bourgeois already on top of a pile of Technocrats), or introduce a Musk (Bourgeois manager)
>In all cases the company becomes a layer of managers, a proto-Bourgeois at the top, and technocrats under the thumb of the managerial class

In a Zuckerberg case, they mold a Technocrat into a member of the Bourgeois. In a Jobs case, he was never a Technocrat in the first place, he was a manager/Bourgeois who told Technocrats what to do. In a Musk case, the company is run initially by the two engineers who started what became Tesla (look it up), but Musk introduced himself to the company, pushed out the original founders, and now it's run by Musk after his Bourgeois pals helped him with ousting the original Technocrats.

You can't think of any Technocrats at the head of a major tech company because the system is designed to convert them into members of the Bourgeois (Zuck), push them out (Musk), or only fund companies headed up and owned by Bourgeois (Jobs). That's incidentally why con artists like Holmes pop up. Nobody in the system of control has the expertise to debunk bullshit. That would require Bourgeois and the managerial class to include Technocrats or to adopt Technocratic ways. We aren't at a point where they're starting to do this yet.

>> No.53122986

Hm, makes sense. This emerging "technocrat" is similar in his disruption to the bourgeoisie as the bourgeoisie was to the Aristocracy. He's "middle class" in the sense that he originates from the working class and presents a credible "upward" threat. VCs succumbing to so many frauds lately is a symptom of them attempt to strangle any potential technocrat in the cradle. I buy it. Good definition.

>> No.53123076

Pretty much. The entire thing could be settled if the Bourgeois hybridized early and started adopted Technocratic methods themselves, but they're people and as a rule most people don't like change or disruption to their way of life or doing things. In some places I think that they will.

>> No.53123233

I'm not left-wing but if i have to summon the old faggot inside myself i would say i don't like the "burguoisie vs technocrats" as the next stage in this dialectical fight.
I don't see technocrats competing effectively simply because they're not specialized in managing wealth, unlike nobles back then with no special capabilities besides having the "right" to manage a piece of land and their role being no longer needed.

>> No.53123463

You're locked in a Bourgeois worldview in which ownership of Capital as conceptualized by Capitalists is the most important skill. In an increasingly Technocratic reality that Capital is devalued by wave after wave of disruptive technology upending society's technological base.

>> No.53123508

it is, i don't get why do you think technology and technological systems could even exist without a way to control them, and control requires someone owning it.

>> No.53123578

It's not. You're just kind of thinking within the status quo if that makes sense. To put it into a lot of words, you're conceiving of ownership as the result of capitalistic investment into shares of a corporation and not in terms of something more analogous to patents. You're also discounting all of that Capital going poof because someone invented some new technology that makes your investment go the way of 8-tracks and VHS. The only way to navigate your supply Capital past waves of increasingly disruptive technology is to either become half a Technocrat yourself, or bring Technocrats into the process thereby moving them up the hierarchy. The Capitalists who are willing to cross this line that they've drawn for themselves will survive into the new system along with an increasingly large number of Technocrats. In the end you get an elite with a different constitution and temperament than the current elite, comprised of some of the descendants of its current members and some new blood. There will be holdovers from Capitalism in Technocracy, just like there are holdovers from Feudalism in Capitalism.

Just like last time we did this a few hundred years ago.

>> No.53123701

>The only way to navigate your supply Capital past waves of increasingly disruptive technology is to either become half a Technocrat yourself, or bring Technocrats into the process thereby moving them up the hierarchy
Which is disclosed by the examples you provided since zuck became half bourguoise starting as a technocrat and the others being pushed down the hierarchy.

No, nobody needs to become a scientist to control a company, scientists are human capital like everyone else for you since you can always move your money somewhere else if your tech gets VHS-tier.

>> No.53123732

You don't get it. That's okay. You're not required to get it for it to happen.

>> No.53123778

Yes yes ok you're smart the others are not, it's a very common belief on the internet.

Next time show me that muh "waves of increasingly disruptive technology" is a real threat for the elite instead of sucking your own cock.

>> No.53123828

I'm not being smug and condescending at the moment. I just see where you're stuck in your thinking and getting mad about it.

>> No.53123853

so in the old days the elderly were legitimately poor, picking rags and cans to make enough to buy food with. then the government made up a bunch of social programs and got corporations to give senior discounts and various free gibs to oldfucks. now the old fucks are the ones who control all the wealth and the rest of us can't even start families and are killing the native population off because people who work for a living are in such poverty as the old have hoarded everything up and left us starving. the govt programs shifted the balance from one extreme to the other. for our generation even if we undo crap like social security and medicare, we will never recover, and then as we get old there won't be anything for us. there is no solution except mass murder of everyone over age 55. boomers shouldn't have been so fucking greedy, now we have to kill them.

>> No.53123865

Whatever makes you ego afloat.

>> No.53123881

*stay afloat

>> No.53123953

Well no that’s not the case. It’s not the elderly controlling all the wealth and destroying our opportunity, it’s the banks and politicians and multinationals and the fed. I found an old pay stub from McDonald’s in 1970 where a worker worked full time and made 4K that year. Median wage was 6k, median home price was 12k. So a McDonald’s burger flipper could own a home outright with 3 years gross wages and the median worker could in 2 years. Today the number is like 12 years. And that happened because of rampant asset inflation which I once calculated to be 12.5% a year for the last 50 years straight. On average. But they tell us they keep it under 3%. So there’s a cumulative 9% wealth tax on non assets and wages every year which the elites pocket.

>> No.53123961

>I miss when the middle class was still a thing.
cool it off with the anti-semitism, you extremist

>> No.53124023

To the social/political aspect tho, if the plumber does fucks with the water supply or does something similarly radical for a political motive he is a terrorist and the whole story becomes a coverup. The “news” will shut it down like the church shut people/ideas down in the middle ages for going against their god narrative. It’s the same power dynamic imo and you will eat the bugs anon.

>> No.53124043
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We're never going back.

>> No.53124072

>I once calculated to be 12.5% a year for the last 50 years straight. On average. But they tell us they keep it under 3%
This is correct. We know the govt is lying about inflation stats. We can prove it, we can show it, everyone knows it. But they're still in office driving inflation higher and higher every year. No consequences. No accountability. Where are the political assassinations?

And yes it is also the old fucks, every fucking boomer owns 5 houses while young families are squatting in studio apartments and sleeping 2 feet from their fridge. Boomers need to die. Now. Immediately.

>> No.53124183

Obviously I'm excluding terrorism as an avenue for political/social influence. Everyone has that capability.

>> No.53124787

We all do anon...

>> No.53125003

You got jaundice nigga

>> No.53126248

Cool it with the antisemitic remarks

>> No.53126588

Ive done a lot of thinking about big economics/society with my smol brain. I keep coming to the conclusion that everything has been min/maxed to the point that nothing matters. If your not top 5% of (insert thing) you literally don't matter. This used to make me mad, but I realize barring something drastic like total economic collapse or political uprising nothing will change. And should the latter happen It will probably just be taken over by someone or someones that were in control of the old system anyway.

Covid made me thing about this kind of thing A LOT. I work at the receiving docks at a hospital and never realized how hyper specialized supply chains are. Minmaxing up to the global level was a bad idea.

>> No.53126699

People used to say anything like 66% to 200% median household income for your local area would be middle class

>> No.53126791


>> No.53126808

And as boomers start to pass away en mass, that wealth will transfer. Mostly to millennials

>> No.53126820

Joe the Plumber could beat the absolute fuck out of you. We’ll see what his policy impact is as he punches your fat head off

>> No.53126844

>Make more than 98% of Americans
>Make more than 99%+ of the world
>Make enough to have the option to retire in 10 years in a regular place in America and have more than most working there
>Make enough to retire in elite fancy city after 25 years
>Both retirements include emergency funds and build in investing to cover for inflation
>”You’re poor not middle class!”


>> No.53127324
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So you define middle class as having a comfortable life?

You can have a comfortable life as a poor person too.

The attempts to define the middle class here are so retarded and nonsensical because the term no longer applies. The middle class literally no longer exists.

So far its been defined as

>living comfortable
>owning a nintendo 64
>owning a credit card
>reading greek literature
>culturally, separate from economic status
>having an apartment in manhattan
>being a teacher or doctor

And all other shit. In other words. You niggers literally cant define it because its undefinable in the modern sense.

You are so low IQ dunning-kruger and your posts correspond as so.

I mean look at this amazing discourse

Read into social panopticon

>> No.53127542
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You obviously understand socioecomincs much better than most anons here - don't be arrogant even with the idiots and Marxists here.

>> No.53127593

This new year we had a reunion and we paid with crypto adopting and evolving loving this.

>> No.53128002

I miss going back home to play minecraft with my the homies
the good times are over, now even someone can get rich with dogshit like vinu, we are in such weird times

>> No.53128294

Your own graph shows boomers living in a similar state under the SG back in the 1980's. They also complained non stop (see hippie movement).
It's called generational replacement.

>> No.53128303

Just like for the latest intentionally obsolescing iphone, we can thank the first apple customers who trusted steve jobs with their money, we now have people like your parents to thank for the ubiquity of low quality media.
Society is one big dupe man. The annoying cliche spitters were right. If you don't own a yacht of some arbitrary size, train with your weightage of choice, breathe fresh air and eat fresh food, have tantric sex, intermittently fast because you have better things to do with your morning... you're a stupid fucking gimp.