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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 253 KB, 811x713, twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53113385 No.53113385 [Reply] [Original]

What lesson can we learn from this?

>> No.53113390

Now is the perfect time to be shitting in the urinals.

>> No.53113405

>What lesson can we learn from this?
don't fuck with your overlords or you'll get your character smeared

>> No.53113415

What the fuck is musky doing lmao.

>> No.53113426

Janny is useless occupation u can get any libshit to do it for free

>> No.53113438

Nothing you shouldn't have already known about billionaires.

>> No.53113455

code monkeys are overpaid

>> No.53113460 [DELETED] 

when I used to live in san fran all libshits wore diapers and shit themselves or they just shit on the street

>> No.53113465

Probably following japanese standards where the employees clean up after themselves

>> No.53113467

bottom signal

>> No.53113481

don't lie anon we already know they shit in the streets

>> No.53113488

I mean, AFAIU, h1-bs are the ones who haven't left yet... aka street shitters. so I guess musk is teaching them a lesson

seriously, though. is there a lesson here? twitter is fucked, that should be obvious. he bought twitter to destroy it. beyond that... not sure.

>> No.53113501

street shitting is contagious
and toilet roll is Valuable Commodity

>> No.53113520


>> No.53113526

also, never fire the jannies first
while underappreciated, they cost least but they scale of their work only becomes visible in their absence. Very visible indeed, via multiple sensory organs.

>> No.53113784

Janitor jobs prospects are not the highest at the moment.

>> No.53113897

Don’t eat when you shit and don’t shit when you work.

>> No.53113919

The big lesson is to take it easy and wait for the severance package.
Effort and loyalty will not be rewarded.

>> No.53113939

Imagine the smell.

>> No.53113957
File: 182 KB, 708x1376, street_shitters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

x-employees soon be on the streets anyway
good to get some practise in

>> No.53114027

I love that he's totally destroying Twitter.
Fuck that accursed website and the cancer it has spread everywhere.

>> No.53114100

Yes very sad situation. And strange. In the great depression, Janitors had food on the table and money to spend. Why you would cut on janitorial is bewildering.

>> No.53114136

In China you have to bring toilet paper everywhere because places don't provide any lol
>t. lived there 10 years

>> No.53114152

>falls into disrepair
lol how does a building fall into disrepair in a matter of weeks?

>> No.53114186
File: 159 KB, 828x686, 1561749812449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What lesson can we learn from this?
That Elon Musk is a certified retard?

>> No.53114200

Modern buildings strewn with HVAC and BMS systems need regular maintenance, yes.

>> No.53114204

Hardcore programmers wear striped socks and nappies

>> No.53114216

How many janitors do you need for two floors?
He condensed everything.
Old twitter probably had hundreds of diversity janitors on the payroll for upvotes

>> No.53114219

>t. never worked in a busy office
its not structural disrepair, but day-to-day functional disrepair. And Landlord joos want such tenants OUT asap, before the latter turns into the former. And no, I also have no idea Musks endgame here. BUT you dont wanna know how few of these 10 you'd need for an actual clinical diagnosis:
- this fat retard has near the full bingo card

>> No.53114257

>Spend billions of dollars on buying out twitter
>Proceeds to run it into the ground, despite the fact that all his other businesses are suffering and failing, meaning that he needs to have something to fall back on
>Alternate social media networks are beginning to fill the growing void, most of them with stricter hold on their userbase than twitter
Wow, what a success story!

>> No.53114262

the lesson is things aren't yet bad enough for an appropriate response to this situation.

>> No.53114267

to expand, a commercial tenant who is refusing to guarantee basic maintanence such as toilets not being blocked and flooded is indeed jeapordising the structural integrity of the entire building.
as said, end game?
no idea.

>> No.53114279
File: 176 KB, 672x656, elon twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind, it is a fake story.

>> No.53114291

Well let's see. Companies like that hire contractors to do things like janitorial work. I happen to be a commercial janitorial contractor, so I can say with some confidence the janitorial crew was one of the most expensive groups of people on the staff. We charge right up there with electricians, plumbers, carpenters, etc.

getting rid of them is presumably a great idea if the company can just hire 3 or 4 staff janitors at a fraction of the cost.

however he should probably be doing that stat if he doesn't want things to go to shit.

>> No.53114320

the lesson is that wagies will put up with it and provide their own conveniences at their own expense, it's good business sense overall

>> No.53114334
File: 66 KB, 512x512, IMG_0124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If twitter stopped existing I would be fine. It would be really funny if Elon simply nuked twitter and let the rats (blue checkmarks) scurry off the sinking ship into obscurity. Where will midwit journos spew their half-thoughts and approved propaganda if twitter’s servers are shut down? Would be pretty amusing, t b h

>> No.53114335
File: 96 KB, 500x363, 63%20(190)[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, this:
is ALSO fake story?
and ALL the other media reporting on landlords SUING over his multiple worldwide rent deliquincies also?
odd this, that a 'rich and powerful man' (and totally not mentally ill) DudeBro such as Elon here doesn't sue over all these FAKE MEDIA stories, or even issue basic denials. Isn't it.

>> No.53114337

I 100% believe "journalist" use "reportedly," "people familiar." and "Sources say," to signal to other media outlets that they made the story up.
It's like giving them a heads up.

>> No.53114348

He's pretty obviously prepping for a BK

one of the principles in the US is if you stop paying one creditor, you stop paying all of them

>> No.53114351

You don't use the word "reportedly" for actual events. You just say what happened.
Kneel before my big brain.

>> No.53114390

Daily anti Musk shill thread

>> No.53114406

It's shit skins

>> No.53114407

yeah, and the jannie union is on our side
suck it up

>> No.53114415

He's pen testing the woke by removing the snack bar.

>> No.53114432

building rental ≠ superflous espresso machines upon the roof employee plushie-playpen
no pay building rent = end of days.

>> No.53114487


>> No.53114860

underrated lol

>> No.53114868

That twitter will be done ... in two weeks.

>> No.53114911

Ding ding ding. Some anons with critical thinking skills here. "Reportedly," means the author read it online somewhere, and every other online paper can report on the same "news," as long as they attribute the original. I.e not journalism

>> No.53114926

reportedly no tp for poopoo peepee??????????????? reeeee elon musk reeee: Report

>> No.53114943

Jannies do it for free

>> No.53115257

so evry other media source is 'making it up?'
its not like 'Richest Man in da Wurld™' culdnt just call out all them lying mofos and brazen it out, yo. Yo. AND y'all PEDOS for doubting elo, yo. My PI (to whom I paid $20,000 because I'm a fat egotistical fucking retard) confirms yo.

>> No.53116553

>What lesson can we learn from this?
tee pee poo poo

>> No.53119115
File: 61 KB, 976x850, 1635996309999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elon musk is tanking twitter and his other companies unironically just for the memes. He's ruining his professional image to have a online meme image instead to cater to a bunch of plebbit losers and retards on 4chan and biz

>> No.53119227

>rocket man bad

>> No.53119254

the leader of best korea is kinda cool

>> No.53119421

>so evry other media source is 'making it up?'
Yes. It's the exact same principle as when someone gets accused of something and journalists have to report it using the word "allegedly" because if they don't that person can sue for defamation/damages if found innocent.
That's also why "journalism" can be and often is branded as propaganda and manipulative.

>> No.53119426

The entire Communications team at twitter was fired so news outlet have to say "reportedly" in their stories as there is no longer anyone official to confirm/deny anything happening at twitter.

>> No.53119459

>He's ruining his professional image
Funniest shit is reading articles according to which the massive crash of Tesla's stock is due to... shareholders being displeased with Tesla not having Musk's undivided attention.
Rather than, you know, said shareholders becoming aware how does Musk's hands-on approach really looks like in practice and deciding to cut their losses before Elon inevitably comes back to play in their yard.