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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53107263 No.53107263 [Reply] [Original]

I hope you niggers loaded up at the bottom. It’s time. I’ll see you up there

>> No.53107318
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idiot buying this scam. here's a free alpha anon, y00ts is moving to Polygon. stop buying this shit.

>> No.53107319

I'm so excited for you guys

>> No.53107666

BAT is shit
Brave is shit

Brendan Eich is a faggot scammer and BAT is going to 0.

>> No.53108036

Is it really though? I remember .90 being the bottom, then .60, and then .30, it was never going to go under .30. And then .20 and then .16. Is it actually at the bottom? Because right now I wouldn't be surprised if it hit .08 or .04. I'm already down $30k+ on this. Still I might buy more but idk if the timing is right.

>> No.53108101

Luke told me 16¢ is an ironclad bottom

>> No.53108421

Fucking piece of fucking shit. I hate BAT. Fuck Brave

>> No.53109097

Just let it die and move on.

>> No.53109675

Why? .16 was the bottom you idiot.

>> No.53109826

It's the bottom for everything else too. But bat rugged, being back near 2018 lows.

>> No.53109903

Yea but time it’s different. BAT survived 5 hard years in the top 100. It’s earn its place as a premier token in the crypto industry.There’s literally nothing that can stop it at this point.

>> No.53110041

How specifically is it different this time? And how can it not be stopped? What about regulation? What if Brave goes under, or if they decide to ditch the token completely due to regulation?

>> No.53110368
File: 107 KB, 828x828, 96D64485-D7F0-42C5-B279-FDF1A12A93DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a game of blackmail. You think Eich would be talking shit about covid and hanging oligarchs from trees on Twitter if they had anything on him? He’s been a thorn in the side of the Silicon Valley kikes since the 80’s and he’s not going anywhere. Unless he fucks up, he’s virtually unstoppable.

>> No.53110762

Where the fuck is thotposter, I NEED THOTS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.53110786

I immediately trade my brave rewards for other coins.

>> No.53111567

BAT is based, love that its cheap again.
Just bought more. 20k stack incoming.

>> No.53112201

Oh yeah? Tell us which coins and don’t lie. Let’s measure how much they’ve dumped over the past year in comparison to BAT

>> No.53112222

Buy if you hate real money.

>> No.53112329

Define “real money”

>> No.53113050

Fuck this shitcoin. FUCK BAT.

>> No.53114043

This is a good point, also BAT literally always, and by always I mean for the past 4+ years it has existed, regresses to about 15-20 cents. So if you load up on BAT, make sure you fucking sell around $1 (if it ever returns to that) before it inevitably heads back down to 15-20 cents

>> No.53115895

I can’t argue with that strategy. Take some profits at $1 for sure

>> No.53115958

Thirded. The fud niggers always throw fits in a bear market instead of buying the easiest 2-3x of their life. It is certain we are at least going to 2x from here once all of the money from scam projects go to coins with actual use cases and/or king shitcoin gets its act together.