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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53106616 No.53106616 [Reply] [Original]

Where the fucking year address, Sergey?

>> No.53106630

parasite too busy eating

>> No.53106639

hello sirs, i'm resigning from chainlink token, ok bye guys

>> No.53106640

ccip v0.1 this year

>> No.53106652

>that very awkward moment you figure out Chainlink is Cardano but for middleware.
But Sergey ain't no pro-grifter, so it's going to tank harder.

>> No.53106697
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>Where the fucking year address, Sergey?
excellent post ranjesh. shekels should hit your account within 5 business days.

>> No.53106748

>he fell for le paid fudster meme
lmaoing at your literal nigger tier IQ

>> No.53106787

Why do you feel compelled defending Sergey and Chainlink with you 126 LINKs?
Were you fudded out in 2017 and 18 and now compensating for it?
I have a big stake in his business, so I feel entitled to a new year address.

SERGAY. Where is it? I KNOW you (or your minions) are reading this.
Suck my dick.

>> No.53106788

I wonder if fudders will start to sell each other out for link tokens once the inevitable singularity happens?

What do you think wealthy linkies would do with that kind of information? Do you think they're mentally ill enough to abduct and torture people over some silly fud posts?

>> No.53106803
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>I wonder if fudders will start to sell each other out for link tokens once the inevitable singularity happens?

>> No.53106822

wow chill out, the girl he pays 100k a year to write his speeches, is totally stressed right now, she has a lot going on

>> No.53106825

As LINK price PLUMMETS back to the $3-4 CRAB, chainlinkneetfags start to COLLECTIVELY LOSE THEIR MINDS. Starting to believe in bots, discord trannies and other conspiracies, as if the whole world is conspiring to get their 5-dollar, -90% in one year, rank-25 functionless shitcoin.
LINK seems to attract the same populace that RUBIC does. Jaded, excluded, uneducated NEETs that are full of themselves, quickly swayed by a chronically underperforming shitcoin promising "true utility". They empathise with the coin on a deeper level. They believe that, just as this incredible hidden gem of a coin hasn't yet pumped, their own lives haven't really begun yet. Truth is, neither them, nor their favourite coin will ever amount to anything. They don't get results not because other people are too dumb to realise the value presented to them; but because there is no value there to begin with. They will never sell, because selling means acknowledging this excruciatingly painful fact on a personal level.
By the next bullrun, linkies will be confined to their single schizo thread, completely removed from reality. LINK is the next XRP, LINK is the next Star Citizen. A piece of rotting bread thrown at outcasts starved of hope.

>> No.53106830
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>> No.53106833

I'm sure its nothing to worry about! Dont think about it too much.

>> No.53106835


>> No.53106858
File: 51 KB, 498x427, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I JUST want a fucking new year address!
What the FUCK!!
THis fucking year is RUINED!!!1

>> No.53106886

I don’t care about the address. I just want to know if Sergey is still alive and well.

>> No.53106892

The address would... address your concerns

>> No.53106930

I'm sure it's coming, I look forward to it every year, relax anon while he writes it, if it's delayed it could be for good reason.
Either way I've other things going on in my life not to get obsessive about it

>> No.53107032

team member here, it’ll be posted ~1600 Friday eastern

check em you ungrateful moon boy faggots

>> No.53107047

terrible digits, no good id.
Kek has truly left the building

>> No.53107053
File: 17 KB, 400x400, mIw76ir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>team member here

>> No.53107174

thats RIGHT, fudsisters
and we have to make threads about it 24/7 to tell everyone that
NO ONE is paying us - we do this for free
chainlink is UNIMPORTANT - which is why we have to make so many threads about it
and uh... yeah lets go with the made-up wallet stats
maybe these stupid chainlinkers will give up and sell their staked tokens if we post these

alright guys great work
lets meet in the usual channel to come up with our next strategy to stick it to these CHAINSHITTERS in 5 minutes!

>> No.53107194

this is the state of the typical chainnigger baggie
wow lol

>> No.53107208
