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53099975 No.53099975 [Reply] [Original]

>be black
>too poor to go to college
>too much racism to go to trades
Poverty it is then.

>> No.53100015


pell grants exist. use your brain or you will be poor blaming whitey for the rest of your life

>> No.53100018

Based. You could try smuggling people,, contraband etc.. flex your entrepreneurial skills by fencing stolen goods or selling drugs

>> No.53100030

Dont you get free money just for being black?

>> No.53100041

Bullshit regarding racism in trades. Get a trade. Your quality of work is what will be judged, not your color.

Also, what about military service?

>> No.53100076

6-figures by being a diversity officer

>> No.53100099
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>Your quality of work is what will be judged, not your color.
And how do they expect some random black kid to know what he's doing without training?

>> No.53100175

>too much racism to go to trades
learn spanish and work with hispanic carpenter crews if youre really that scared of boomer blanquitos
but they seriously dont give af as long as you can produce and dont act like the biggest baddest hood nigga. getting shit done is a universal language

>> No.53100251

>but they seriously dont give af
You've never spent time around Mexicans or Central Americans.

>> No.53100402

>too much racism
bro stop having a fucking victim mentality. you have a right to exist as much as anyone else. just dont act like a stereotypical nigger and show and carry your weight

>> No.53100419

can't you get a scholarship. just make sure you choose a good major like computer science

>> No.53100429

Move to a cucked state, somewhere on the west coast ideally

>> No.53100439

>>too much racism to go to trades
You lazy ass nigger making up excuses. I work in the trades and we couldn’t be friendlier to blacks. What level of delusion are you on to believe blacks are treated bad ANYWHERE in 2023

>> No.53100451

Just pimp white girls

>> No.53100461

>be black
>get into best ivy leagues for breathing
>get full ride scholarship

>> No.53100476

There's a chance you're serious so let me tell you something brother. I was in a worse spot. But I started to learn about finance and funny how that works I just happened to come up and start to finally feel like a man, with some assets. Don't ever play the race card again or allies will desert you may face a bad defeat. You were warned, race card is a crutch

>> No.53100479

They hate blacks more than whites lmao

>> No.53100495

how would they expect some white kid to know anything without training?

stop playing the race card fag

>> No.53100521

>And how do they expect some random black kid to know what he's doing without training?
by applying to entry level jobs but you wouldnt do that would you? rather just sit online and be antiwhite.

>> No.53100534

Literally can get a scholarship just for your sad ass existence or the Pell grant. Trades are racist if you’re a lazy fuck or act like you’re still in the hood. Just get off your ass and grind

>> No.53100640

I live in one of the whitest states in the country and at the company I used to work for we had a Black Jamaican guy that worked for us. He was one of the most well-liked guys in the company because he was smart, eager to learn, a hard-worker, and could take a joke/wasn't overly-sensitive. He never had any issues whatsoever with the exception of a couple Mexican carpentry crews making jokes behind his back. I'm still good friends with him to this day. Stop being a whiny fag.

>> No.53100677

>Not black
>Too poor to go to college
>Go to Army. Surrounded by blacks.
Being black is your excuse for being a loser.

>> No.53100741

Imagine being a nog in USA with an above-average IQ. Is there an easier existence? You can just make up some sob-story about facing discrimination and every ivy league uni will trip over itself to offer you a full-ride scholarship.

>> No.53100752

Nigger, the only people who get college scholarships these days are women and niggers. Kill yourself

>> No.53100768
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>> No.53100770

Even with an average IQ, life is easy-mode as a nog in the USA. You can get into an above-average college with little effort and pretty much be guaranteed at least a lower middle or middle-class existence no matter what.