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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53096308 No.53096308 [Reply] [Original]

whats everyone saying?

>> No.53096324

I haven't heard people talk about crypto since nam

>> No.53096336

They all sold it or hodling without making any new investment.

>> No.53096337

Happy new years fags I’m currently posting on my phone from a toilet doing an greasy alcohol shit

>> No.53096360

Most normie friend I have is down 90% and were still holding till I told him to short sol a month ago

>> No.53096378

brother said crypto is dead for sure this time

>> No.53096383

They’re buying. They see how the price is low now.

>> No.53096391

my normie friends have no clue what ICP is which is good i guess

>> No.53096392

>I'll buy when it goes lower
Literally just read this board there are actual normalfags that still post here

>> No.53096399
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it is better to die fighting

>> No.53096422

That they gonna spend their life broke and prefer to extract the most of it while they're alive.

Just a tip, crypto is not on the list.

>> No.53096449

You have to understand the vast majority of normies get their news from 'official' sources and they're all trashing crypto.

>> No.53096458

It's a state of capitulation. If it goes up 20% I am sure they will all jump back in.

>> No.53096474

Crypto is dead. Anyone still buying crypto is a brainlet and deserves eternal poverty.

>> No.53096483
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ty i didn't understand that

>> No.53096497
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>> No.53096498

all my normie frens did well with NFT’ mints and dog shit token then cashed out.
Im the fucking moron who held his bags and got fucked by the beras

>> No.53096502

Just got recommended this on my YouTube feed. “The Great Crypto Scam” by some eceleb faggot


We are at or near peak demoralization

>> No.53096546

Lmfao just saw that too literally minutes ago

>> No.53096598
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I need more. I need to see normies an hero and cry and threaten to jump off bridges.
I'll spend all my cash then.

>> No.53096612
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>whats everyone saying?
Why are cryptotards so insecure?

>> No.53096631

>whats everyone saying?
kill the jews

>> No.53096632

I got the same, and I don't even watch anything crypto related on Youtube.

>> No.53096682

Where are these normies? And how do I join them?

>> No.53098216

Holding to break even and sell

>> No.53098396

that andrew tate is a god and was framed by the illuminati because he had grown too powerful

>> No.53098446

Normies always win

>> No.53098500
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i mean, the matrix agents took him because he picked a fight with their propaganda tool

>> No.53098576

normies don't even think of crypto

>> No.53099312

sounds like you're a tool, homie

>> No.53099318

its over

>> No.53099323


>> No.53099379
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Nah he’s just a tool

>> No.53099400
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Stop stealing my thread

>> No.53099482

they've been burned so many times and reminded by boomer media how crypto is evil that they know think they are wise for avoiding crypto altogether even if it goes up, except when it goes up a lot, think 40-50k btc they will not be able to resist and they absolutely will throw their pathetic savings at the latest flavor of the week shitcoin after hearing how someone just made 200x in a week, it's just too powerful of a feeling, the fomo, the greed, they will not be able to resist it

>> No.53099486

Normie friend told me he was about to take a loan and go all in in crypto. Sold

>> No.53099494


at least he is trying to break free

>> No.53099508

Group at work was discussing how bitcoin is dead and anyone investing in it is an idiot

>> No.53099685

No one is talking about crypto now. Also I know a few people who are waiting for lower prices. Those people waited in 2018, 2019 and when the bottom happened they never bought. So I guess that's a good sign for me to start buying

>> No.53099791

that's not bottom yet imo. the fact they're evn thinking about it means it's not forgotten. people need to completely forget about it. and extreme hyperbulls that run youtube *cough*George. Need to form some kind of equivalent capitulation. even if he's an absolute retard. he'll have to make less videos or start uploading more on his other channel. some shit. he's really stubborn tho.

>> No.53099843

he got the hodl meme wrong
such poor research

>> No.53099863

Lots of bullish brown people still

>> No.53099898

the gist I get from em is to stay the FUCK away from those crypto nft scams and we don't need em in our video games neither

also a lot of people think elon musk is an absolute idiot and he's bankrupting twitter and apparently there's some kind of elon-wrangling team at the tesla factory who's job is to intercept him when he visits so they can direct him around and keep him from distracting employees with his dumb fucking ideas. Could be a deep state shit slinging campaign though so I'd be careful inversing that

>> No.53099914

Reddit says anything can happen.

>> No.53100338

that’s ellie goulding

>> No.53101751

>unironically white knighting for tate
Genuinely sad and pathetic.

>> No.53103514

Most of them are still tranced out about it being a new year. It always amazing them that we always add a new year. They go nuts celebrating it and making promises to do better this time. I love how fucking crazy they get about absolutely nothing. They'll be back to their old selves after the hangovers pass.

>> No.53103524

My schizo friend believes investing in BTC is immoral because the computing power behind Bitcoin mining is actually being used to hack into the FBI

>> No.53103554

>whats everyone saying?
Trust the plan.

>> No.53103558

was with my normie friends last night and at some point they were cajoling about what a scam crypto is and saying its over, etc etc.

>> No.53103576

Everyone I know in real life is retarded so it doesn’t matter what they believe about investments

>> No.53104133

feels good not to reveal you got crypto yourself, right?
How many of them do you think might hold themselves?

>> No.53104151

Incorrect. NPC's were talking about buying crypto before the great crash.

>> No.53104190

mostly nothnig, saw one post on instagram where someone bullied a girl for owning bitcoin

thats it besides my uncle asked how its doing at christmas in a knowing tone.

>> No.53104390

bros I saw a tweet about crypto last week which means there are still people who remember that it exists which means we still have a loooonnnggg way to go before the bottom lmao this shit needs to die the bottom is when NO ONE EVEN KNOWS CRYPTO IS A THING and all prices are zero.

The very existence of this thread is a top signal.

>> No.53104396

Normies are genetically programmed to buy at the top and sell at the bottom. That will never change.

>> No.53104480

Here's what's going down.
So far the patterns in the media narrative that has been shilled for 2023 to normies I could pick up on is :
>more immigration (something like 100k+ Permanent Resident visas grants added, full work rights for student visas - the real foreign slaves here - and a buttload of skilled migration shortages visas added - the nurse fags who will jab grandma next covid boogaloo and wrangle old boomers into submission as their generation passes.
>incentive for rural immigration, esp. for skilled migration into small country towns
>as a result, this will lead to more construction/development in low density pop. area to accommodate new residents in those small country towns.
>more urban development in the suburbs in general, a lot of big city suburbs are getting gentrified and the new ''CBD treatment''
>borders of cities keep expanding further, eventually creating new megalopolises everywhere (applicable most places in world)
>rural exodus keeps happening
>a lot of people are choosing the way of small business, digital business remote from rural areas

So...I guess my idea of how to play this situation is to find a geocentric rural area, which is somewhat well accessible via transport (train/highway/bus line etc), maybe has a small airport.
Then I would buy many plots of lands there. Here in Rural Oz you can get away with 1000m for around 20k in deep rural desert areas.
Then I would construct environmentally friendly desert adapted dwellings, inspired by moroccan forts/riyads, keeps the heat out etc.
Small 2 stories, 3 bedrooms, 40/50sqm. And basically make a whole neighborhood of those.
I'd make sure to set up some store fronts on the main street side too for restaurants, bakeries.

>> No.53104493

Then basically I would try to sell those to skilled migration immigrants who come from tropical places like India. Really nice, cool houses but the location I guess is the problem. But they already agreed to that moving there.
Anyways, then I open a few Indian food restaurants, try and develop a good community or neighborhood with Afghans/Indians etc. Call it something like ''The Cameleer's path''.

And then I just repeat the process in rural towns all across the region until the community becomes big and more tight knit. I invest in transport companies, private and try and lobby for more train lines, stations, bus lines etc.

Basically I am going to India-fy the Australian desert inland region using the fact that demographically there is nowhere affordable left to live on the coast, and some immigrants must work regionally to fulfill the conditions of their visas.

>> No.53105063


There's more focus on privacy, and that's why I think the ZKPs technology is best for private transactions, as a lot of projects are adopting it.

>> No.53105079

Yeah! And lot of people making passive income. That. Staking and LP. Getting some good APY form ORE/ETH.

>> No.53105576


>> No.53106413

Smart ones are buying low while everyone else is scared. Looking out for security based project.

>> No.53107788

We are waiting for the next bullrun while accumulating web3 focused lowcaps.

>> No.53107875

I'm not buying your bags

>> No.53107886
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If I'm having to wait until March, maybe I will make another trip to my bank account.

>> No.53108019

Privacy will always be a hot topic in crypto and with regulations coming in we will see a lot of upgrades and better tech in PriFis.

>> No.53108038

normies have been completely silent about crypto which is hyper bullish

>> No.53108070

The FOMO will be strong in the next bullrun, retards are holding back in the now while the wise ones are accumulating cheap alts like MATIC, ORE, MINA and ALBT.

>> No.53108089

/biz/ is a normie board, so the maarket sentiment was bullish this morning, but overall bearish.

>> No.53108110

Web3, Asset and Identity management projects will be the main focus in 2023.

>> No.53108146

normies will buy my bags after they do a 50x, that's their sentiment

>> No.53108161

Probably the best "meme" by the left I've seen and still lackluster

>> No.53108168

Normies told me I was retarded for selling my car and investing in crypto when btc was at 20K. So I’m sure it’s the same now

>> No.53108197

Kek, the bottom is in boys. Time to start buying.

>> No.53108246

>t. normie NPC

>> No.53108297

I hope they manage to kill sentiment enough to dump it good

>> No.53108353

largest newspaper in finland had an article today that many people have left the stock market for good here because of the downturn

>> No.53108380

My boomer sister and her husband think this is the bottom

>> No.53108463
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Convinced a few internet friends interested in crypto to buy my vinu bags so I guess people are still interested lol

>> No.53108474

>roastie and senile faggot's opinions
merry christmas tho anon!

>> No.53108480

Sheep need to see number big and green to feel comfy before buying

>> No.53108510

I actually had a friend in a bar say at xmas (after a convo about SBF) "crypto is over" which i found rather amusing. I bet he'll be fomoing into Bitcoin at 100k

>> No.53108576

They are buying the dip

>> No.53108584

Normies aren't telling you to buy bit yet. buy signal.

>> No.53109714

That it's going to bounce

>> No.53109956

Phoneposting enrages biz virgins

>> No.53110018


hate this faggot from watching 1 minute. he just uses his accent so he sounds smart to normies who fall for the accent meme

>> No.53110027

Crypto bear market is about to start

>> No.53110187
File: 50 KB, 768x1024, Thiccness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a scam. Theres already 19k likes on the vid, cryto is dead /biz/virgins

>> No.53110221

the last time I was around a group of normies (10+) it was at a Christmas party and I can't remember what they were talking about but they seemed to be having a good time and laughing a lot
they were overall nice and the girls were pretty also

>> No.53110330

my friends say they’re waiting a couple years because they think crypto is full of scams. by the time they look to buy in things will already be back, right?