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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53096306 No.53096306 [Reply] [Original]

Here's what you need to know:

Digital commodity (regulated by the CFTC) with no major changes: BTC, maybe XMR

Illegal securities that will either have to register as securities issuers and start filing corporate performance and various financial disclosures, or get delisted from every major exchange and flee to Yobit:

EVERYTHNG ELSE, including ETH (which is a software company with a CEO, premined tokens aka securities, a monetary policy, etc. etc).
This includes your favorite shitcoin bags like ADA, LINK, ICP

You've been advised.

>> No.53096318

where can i read more?
keep in mind im lazy and retarded

>> No.53096325


Source anon?

>> No.53096330

Do you think the government would do that? Just shit on all the hard work our autistic devs have been doing?

>> No.53096340

>maybe XMR
cope retard, it will get banned like tornado cash

>> No.53096364

I've been hearing whispers of this, Litecoin should be safe too, right anon?

>> No.53096442

Also, guess we're going to Yobit. Does Yobit have a token? Bullish

>> No.53096478
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>hard work

>Hard work

Copy + pasting a few hundred lines of shitcode literally takes a few hours.

>where can i read more?

>Behnam said that the only cryptocurrency that should be viewed as a commodity is Bitcoin, walking back from previous remarks made in October when he suggested Ether may also be a commodity.

BTC is going to produce nose-bleed pumping action when the drooling shitcoiner masses begin to understand why there is only one cryptocurrency and it trades as BTC. Regulation will also bring in institutional ownership of BTC on a scale not yet seen.
BTC is a superior asset class to gold, and if you assume that BTC takes gold's position and marketcap alone, it will be priced at $500k per BTC.

>> No.53096541
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Litecoin had a pretty shady start and that Chink Charlie Lee, got rich off the instamine, so I don't think it can be viewed the same way as Satoshi, who divested himself and never claimed his coins after giving the BTC protocol to the world.

Why do people even consider touching Litecoin when the superior predecessor is still available? I'm guessing they fall to the poorfag mentality of thinking they "own more" because they can purchase more units of LTC with their $100 than they can with BTC?

>> No.53096547

Good luck hosting decentralized websites on XBT kek

>> No.53096625
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>hosting decentralized websites

And why would anyone desire such a thing? My websites I'm currently on work just fine Mr. Piss Marine.

>> No.53096655

decentralized web is icp not link

>> No.53096660

no one believes this, retard. if you want to gaslight people, go to r/cryptocurrency

>> No.53096671

Where did I say pic related, Cold Piss bro?

>> No.53096741

youre right, im retarded like i said

>> No.53096868
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You say that until someone decides to take your favorite website away from you

>> No.53096887

This is Mathew Cowder from trader university and in today’s episode OP has stolen my whole shtick.

>> No.53097326

>trust my ass bros
>solving decentralized network math problems
Eat a fruit and vegetables and take lessons in not intruding and disturbing male spaces roastie faggot maybe they will prune some of that stupidity out of you.

>> No.53097360

Yeah I'm sure banks corporations swift and hedgies would be working with and holding eth erc's link etc. when such an industry shattering decision is verifiably true enough that your nigger faggot ass knows about it enough to shit post on 4can about it.

>> No.53097412

Let me extend this to the fact that FTX has nothing to do with decentralized crypto projects. It was a CEX ran by a drug addicted sexual degenerate Jew. Decentralized eth-adjacent tech isn't going anywhere, they have their place and use just like Bitcoin. SEC actions will come for more exchanges, not the industry. Letting innovators build is a national security initiative, get fucked.

>> No.53097452

I wish more updates were summed up like this.

Chinese stocks aren’t going to delist this year. SEC said maybe they delist next year though

>> No.53097470

you're gay and retarded

>> No.53097617
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>banks corporations swift and hedgies
>working with and holding eth erc's link

The absolute state of shitcoiners.

>> No.53097627

>about to drop
we talking days weeks months what

>> No.53097683
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>Thread isn't even aout link specifically
>Having half baked fud that is over a year old
>Being this transparent
You either this for fun, have an incentive, or you're actually incredibly stupid. I would say very likely brown or a bigger, gay, raped as a child, retarded, mentally ill, etc. as well.

>> No.53097708

Wait wouldn’t this pump this shit out of icp then since they’re the only platform that has actually integrated btc where you can use native btc smart contracts compared to all the other wrapped bullshit

>> No.53097757
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>Twitter screenshot from the scamming side

Show me a legally binding contract or agreement that SWIFT is in ANY WAY involved with your illegal security issuer.

Why do you think Sergey was forced to flee offshore and operate out of the Cayman Islands?
Because IT'S ILLEGAL to print your own air token in the US and pretty much everywhere else in the world, and then dump it on the public to raise money for nothing in return. 100% securities law fraud.

Once the Cripple premined security scam is resolved by the SEC, the other premine, ICO illegal air token scams like LINK and ADA will fall rapidly.
I can't wait for the day when LINKcels are forced to flee to Yobit which will be the only place willing to trade LINK shitcoins, with a 24/hr volume of $1,000.

>> No.53097768

ICP will still have to register as security if they ever want to be traded on legit exchanges like Coinbase or Kraken.

t. Piss holder

>> No.53097816

Yeah I think they’ve prepared for this. If you read the dev forums they’ve talked about this alot. I think they have no problem registering as a security

>> No.53097938

And the mask comes off. BTC maxis are cute.

>> No.53097949

Calm down Michael, new year just started.

>> No.53097982

>Everything is a scam
>Tellor screenshot
Contradiction aside, tellor bent the knee to link already. Imagine having a folder of dated link fud and clinging desperately to an SEC admin that actively collaborated with SBF. Everyone is laughing at you.

Now tell me how based the deep state is.

>> No.53098004

>In today's episode, I'm going to cope about how Monero is inferior to Bitcoin because Bitcoin is a better Trojan horse for FREEDOM, that will fool all the bankers and Jews into letting it in the city gates, and which point they'll be overwhelmed by the power of FREEDOM and have no choice but to just give up control of they world banking system. Checkmate Monerotards.

>> No.53098136

Whoever this person is they need a tripcode. I think either this person or a group have been regularly making fud threads on everything not bitcoin. Their hate for xrp is truly something awe inspiring though.

>> No.53098164

Even mentioning the word security draws out so many schizo bagholders, wtf is this thread lmao

>> No.53098229

>ctrl+f LBRY
>0 results

>> No.53098292

>Litecoin had a pretty shady start and that Chink Charlie Lee, got rich off the instamine
Anything I can read about this?

>> No.53098336

Oh man it's buried in the forums, I remember digging for it years ago.
Just search instamine Litecoin and Charlie Lee.

People forget LTC was just a copy past clone of BTC with some minor tweaks that allowed the Chink to profit handsomely. It's effectively abandonware now as far as I know.

>> No.53098417
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>Their hate for xrp is truly something awe inspiring though.

Just like LINK, and VeChain, XRP is everything antithetical to Bitcoin:

>Issued by a central software company disguised as a "project"
>Premined - air tokens with no value, no collateral, created from thin air and sold to the public offshore to avoid some very good laws that exist to prevent criminals from creating and dumping "YOYO coin" or "Katy Perry token" and running a pump & dump
>Corrupt distribution - unlike Satoshi who never redeemed a single Bitcoin, the software developers keep a criminal amount for themselves - 30%-80% (HBAR lol), which is then used to dump on investors and manipulate price trajectory.
>All of these actions are 100% securities fraud basically all around the world besides some havens for financial criminals like the Bahamas or Cayman Islands where Sergey fled to.

The ONLY reason shitcoiners exist is because they either are: a) genuinely ignorant of Bitcoin and don't understand why or how it was created
b) Greedy, thinking they can ride a pump & dump to increase their capital to buy more BTC
c) Retarded normies that combine both a+b

>> No.53098430

Heh, just discovered that the trannies that moderate /biz/ (for free) have a world filter on CHAIN.STINK

Jannies confirmed for eternal LINKcel bagholders.

>> No.53098439
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>Even mentioning the word security draws out so many schizo bagholders, wtf is this thread lmao

Shitcoiners are afraid. And they should be.
The game of musical chairs is UP in 2023.

>> No.53098465

Kek, then please reconcile the 1million bitcoin satoshi premined? Or do we just not talk about that because satoshi is anonymous? Or should the SEC sue Craig Wright for securities fraud as well?

>> No.53098529

Icp is a protocol tho

>> No.53098541
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Nice try LINKcel.
Unlike your worthless air token, printed out of thin air which is going to be nailed along with other premine ICO scams like ETH and ADA, Satoshi solo-mined Bitcoin in the early days, as the ecosystem was literally just a few people back then, but crucially NEVER redeemed or profited from these. They continue to sit idle.

See, I told you people that shitcoiners only dwell in a vacuum of ignorance and a puddle of their own vomit/feces.

Now tell us about Gravelcoin and the Google Partnership hoax.
And tell us why Chainlink operates offshore, like FTX did.

>> No.53098580

>He thinks the wheels of justice will get stopped because he deployed a word

Lmao. Lawyers literally operate by weaponizing words. Shitcoiners won't be able to hide behind "MUH PROTOCOL", "MUH UTILITY" when they're in violation of numerous securities laws. Just remember this: ANYONE who issued their own air tokens is basically operating both illegally and unethically.

You're going to get fucked if you hold too many shitcoins this year.
And I say this as someone with 1,500 PISS, it's only lunch money for me in case they survive and somehow produce a 10x bagger.

>> No.53098638
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That's cute. They can't touch XRP after SEC gives up securities case tho. Hth.

>> No.53098659
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>SEC gives up securities case

It's one of the most egregious illegal securities scams out there. This one is in the bag. The SEC does not bring about cases that they aren't confident in winning.

But the good news of XRP being outlawed and delisted everywhere but Yobit is that other shitcoins will follow as this case will set the precedent.

>> No.53098858

Wait so premined coins are ok as long as its bitcoin?
So certain of a victory that the chairman resigned literally the day after filing the lawsuit. It will be glorious when institutional money rolls into xrp and beta test coin maxis seethe. The funny thing, regardless of the outcome, nothing stops ripple from moving offshore, other countries view xrp favorably(no not tax haven countries ;p). BTC maxis are hysterical its amazing to watch.

>> No.53098883
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>Wait so premined coins are ok as long as its bitcoin?

Premine means coins were distributed prior to a public mining phase. If public mining was available, and no coins were distributed prior to that, the coin wasn’t premined.

Despite the definition of “premine” being extremely clear cut and objective, shitcoiners and desperate bagholders underwater often 99% on their bags often liberally redefine and butcher the definition for financially-motivated, self-serving reasons:
>“See, Bitcoin is premined too. LINK did nothing wrong!”

Nice try shitcoiner faggot. Words have precise meaning.

>> No.53098937
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>So certain of a victory that the chairman resigned literally the day after filing the lawsuit. It will be glorious when institutional money rolls into xrp

Michael Saylor IS institutional money. And the reason he owns nothing but Bitcoin is because it's the only cryptocurrency that is NOT an illegal security waiting to be sorted out. Watch Brad Garlinghouse' seat sniffers get REKT:\

The reality is, regulation will bring institutional adoption of BTC and those shitcoins that do manage to register as securities and survive.
Institutions can't hold illegal securities on their books.

>> No.53099017

Guess we will see then won't we? Just curious why the SEC has been hellbent on stalling and dragging out the Ripple case for as long as possible if it is open and shut as you claim.

>> No.53099028

Saylor is a retard
Btc is trash and can't scale
Bitcoin is dead and all the forks suck

>> No.53099053

CFTC just called ETH a commodity. Go outside incel.

>> No.53099054


The SEC will lose in the end and XRP will explode.

>> No.53099106

>CFTC just called ETH a commodity. Go outside incel.
Nope. He corrected himself recently:>>53096478

>Saylor is a retard

Hmmm, whose opinion do I accept? Some anonymous masturbator with $100 in BNB shitcoins, or an MIT engineer billionaire with one of the best peforming tech stocks in 2022 who owns 130,000 Bitcoin? Hmmmmm.

>Just curious why the SEC has been hellbent on stalling and dragging out the Ripple case
You must be zoomie who doesn't read books.
Enron was a clear example of fraud, albeit it sophisticated fraud than Cripple. It took the SEC 3 years to build a case and shareholders didn't get any money until 8 years after their bankruptcy.

>> No.53099172

Just remember, no crying if the SEC loses to Ripple.

>> No.53099193

>Illegal securities that will either have to register as securities issuers and start filing corporate performance and various financial disclosures, or get delisted from every major exchange and flee to Yobit:
Wait, so the whole "security" FUD boils down to Money Skelly having to do some paper work? This will be the biggest nothingburger in the history of crypto.

>> No.53099207

>Just remember, no crying if the SEC loses to Ripple.

I'll suck your dick if that happens. Because it won't.

>> No.53099220

>Money Skelly having to do some paper work?

Yes. But it costs tens of millions of dollars in legal and accounting fees to stay compliant and publish regular filings and financial statements.

The reason most software companies who issue illegal shitcoins to the public to raise money don't do this is because they are financially illiterate and too cheap to pay the legal fees.

That's why shitcoins are not only illegal, they're unethical.

>> No.53099252

>1500 Icp
10x you'll have 60k usd
that's how much i saved up in one year of working as a new grad lmao
get your bag up

>> No.53099283
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>get your bag up
>He thinks I'm in it for a mere 10x

I don't gmable in shitcoins unless I can get a 1,000-10,000%

>> No.53099331

hahaha, that should stop people using it to buy drugs

>> No.53099341
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newfag meme - imagine wanting everyone to see how much you've ever had and trace your every transaction. Not even accepted on DNMs now or ever again.

>inb4 muh coinjoin and LN and ten other steps

>> No.53099362

Glowies like having untraceable cash

>> No.53099372
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oh and
>Regulation will also bring in institutional ownership of BTC on a scale not yet seen.

go back to plebbit you absolute newfag cuck and get off my board

>> No.53099510

Post evidence that you owned any crypto before 2020.

>> No.53099708
File: 167 KB, 1130x1147, monero is what bitcoin was meant to become.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a Bitcoiner, I don't advertise my wealth to everyone on earth.
how about this instead - you buy as much Bitcoin as you possibly can afford to and then take on debt to buy even more. Tip your tax collector, and should you ever choose to buy something on a DNM use Bitcoin to purchase (if you can find one that lets you) and be sure to ignore that Monero exists. Never change.
>That's why shitcoins are not only illegal, they're unethical.
Anything other than Bitcoin is a shitcoin to you, right?
>The ONLY reason shitcoiners exist is because they either are: a) genuinely ignorant of Bitcoin and don't understand why or how it was created
>You must be zoomie who doesn't read books.
I hope this is just a federal agent trolling. If not, this is one hilariously goofy retard

>> No.53099817

>Anything other than Bitcoin is a shitcoin to you, right?

Nothing else has the same ethical appeal, decentralization, track record and security. There's a few direct clones of BTC which are inferior.
Everything else is either an outright scam or an unauthorized security.

I did say XMR might not fall under the SEC in my OP. But XMR will never see enterprise adoption because the way transactions are deliberately confused so they can't be tracked. It's not ethical and will forever remain a druggie niche currency and may be outlawed in some places.

>> No.53099942
File: 24 KB, 480x484, fuck off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing else has the same ethical appeal, decentralization, track record and security
like no-anonymity, co-opted, ASIC-centralized Bitcoin, right?
>But XMR will never see enterprise adoption because
and you talk about ethical? lmfao troll
reminder for newfags, XMR is more ethical than Bitcoin - privacy is a human right. Lack of privacy hurts the innocent the most. And remember, if you're someone who is in business (or anyone else for that matter) you don't want others knowing how much money you have for a plethora of reasons. Just one example: if you're going to bid on materials, you don't want competition to know how much you have because if they know you can pay more they'll charge more. It's also undesirable to show others what a worthwhile target you are for a five-dollar wrench attack.
Reminder that anti-humanity-BTC-moonfags like this have the audacity to talk about ethics when they would just as soon see you stripped of your right to privacy if it just meant "institutional investment bro!!! to the moon!" and have even bigger balls to accuse others of not understanding "why or how it was created"

>> No.53100955

There's actually many other consequences to being labeled a security.

If a shitcoin is labeled a security, that means that every transaction that ever occurred in the token is technically an illegal transaction. So, if (development company) is sued by the SEC and they determine that the token is a security, any benefit that (development company) received having paid for that benefit in the security-token is an ill gotten gain. It's called an unjust enrichment.

So (development company) will have to go back and re-pay all of the developers, contractors, SAFT recipients, private sales parties, OTC desks, everyone that they ever got something from in exchange for their illegal paper money. They need to be made whole at the USD fair market value of when the transaction occurred.

Needless to say all shitcoins are going bankrupt.

>> No.53101035

Gay larp threads are gay, ETH has already been classified as a security since the majority of process nodes are based in the US. Meaning it already has the blessing and there's already plans in the works for it to be as interchangeable as cash and usable by payment processors. I'd agree that most of the shitcoin nonsense is going to get dicked, but if it's an ERC-20 they literally don't care since it's all traceable and taxable. This also does nothing to stop other countries from making their own shitcoins for pump and dump purposes and there will always be a way to have an acc on a foreign exchange to gamble and it will always be allowed and perfectly fine so long as people pay taxes on their earnings. Anyone that gives a shit about crypto or freedom should be far more worried about a CBDC rollout, especially if it's not self custodial or there exists enough control over it to prevent people from being able to spend their money or save it past a certain date as exists the case currently in china.

>> No.53101444

>If a shitcoin is labeled a security, that means that every transaction that ever occurred in the token is technically an illegal transaction.

You are correct, that's why I think they're gonna come up with some special short-cuts for shitcoins to at least try to allow them to become compliant.

>> No.53101540
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just buy xmr icp and sns

>> No.53101581


Oh fuck off, no one is buying this shit it’s been the same FUD for 5 years now. Eat shit you jew-lover.

>> No.53102231

really sucks that ethereum will be dead soon

>> No.53103048

You have clearly not read any of the documents from the SEC vs Ripple trial.

Your opinions are meaningless on the subject.

>> No.53103685

> then please reconcile the 1million bitcoin satoshi premined?

Easy: It doesn't exists. Bitcoin didn't have a single premined coin. Bitcoin was announced months before it was released and every bitcoin that exists was created hours after the release or later.

>> No.53103706
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>> No.53104855
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We knoe regulation is coming pretty soon but I hope the SEC will see the important of privacy based projects and look into it. The growth of ZKPs and how safe transactions can be.

>> No.53104878

If XMR will not fall under the SEC that means other privacy projects like RAIL and SCRT will not fall under too. What do you say about that?

>> No.53104927


It is always good to buy xmr. I think Grin is also a good buy. Just keep an eye out for prifi tokens with ZKPs. What's good about icp?

>> No.53105015

Doesnt mean shit. Even legal pundits on the internet cant predict the outcome in spite of all the released info. The sec can pretty much do whatever the fuck it wants.

>> No.53105101

That's not happening. XRP is clinging to a flimsy defense of hiding behind Ethereum which is clearly a security. So let's just say XRP wins their case, then it would create a huge loophole for companies looking to skirt securities laws. If you want your company to go public then why go through trouble of filing with the SEC when you could simply create a token? This is unrealistic and it's not going to happen.

>> No.53105221

Pretty sure OP is the same person who screeched for weeks when ari testified about pow/pos in front of congress

>> No.53106461

The adoption of zk-SNARKs technology has been a major development for privacy and the cryptocurrency industry as a whole. It is my expectation that the SEC will recognize the value of projects utilizing zk-SNARKs and uphold their guidelines accordingly.

>> No.53106995
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gay ass thread here’s what’s going to happen
>US and EU ban crypto mining
>most crypto exchanges get raided
>BlackRock/WEF step in and fork ETH into a global currency

>> No.53107162 [DELETED] 

>about to drop
nah they'll wait til the next top to drop this fud so they can make money off it. it's too valuable of a fud topic to waste after most of retail has been shaken out already.

>> No.53107207

Hall Finney is Satoshi, he's dead but it is still his unregistered security.

>> No.53107720

Two more weeks, kids

>> No.53107804

Smells like teens' copium

>> No.53108060

The originsl wallet from sstidhi is different from hal finney satoshi was a hungarian that worked with hal finney

>> No.53108186

I dunno about XMR but Privacy is based and its here to stay.

>> No.53108512

Imagine if that privacy is broken, can you imagine the bloodbath? And before you say that it's impossible, know that the Germans thought the same way about their Enigma cipher.
ASIC-resistant hash are more prevalent to 51% attacks

>> No.53108608

>jeff, zucker, clownflare dindu nuffin goyim

>> No.53109342

Tornado was banned due to a lack of transparency, but it seems likely that privacy projects utilizing zk-snarks technology will receive approval from the SEC.

>> No.53109713

No that’s me

>> No.53109791
File: 14 KB, 600x232, Chia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EVERYTHNG ELSE, including ETH (which is a software company with a CEO, premined tokens aka securities, a monetary policy, etc. etc).
>This includes your favorite shitcoin bags like ADA, LINK, ICP

Nah, Chia will be safe (as well any chain that didn't do an ICO to fund development). Premines don't outright make you a security, it's what you do with them that matters

>> No.53110130

thats RIGHT, fudsisters
and we have to make threads about it 24/7 to tell everyone that
NO ONE is paying us - we do this for free
chainlink is UNIMPORTANT - which is why we have to make so many threads about it
and uh... yeah lets go with the made-up wallet stats
maybe these stupid chainlinkers will give up and sell their staked tokens if we post these

alright guys great work
lets meet in the usual channel to come up with our next strategy to stick it to these CHAINSHITTERS in 5 minutes!11

>> No.53112225
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>ASIC-resistant hash are more prevalent to 51% attacks
we speak English on this board. Also, just in case you're trying to imply that an ASIC-resistant proof-of-work algorithm is more vulnerable to a 51% attack, no, it is not.

>> No.53113314

>21 million coin premine
Chiggers truly are the stupidest people in crypto, you make linkies and XRP schizos seem intelligent. Most people don't even know your shitcoin exists it's that irrelevant and it's an illegal security.

>> No.53113346

*takes fat huff* that's some good hopium, fren. This is going to get me through 2023.

>> No.53113498

So the NSA created Bitcoin and went through the hassle to don't bring it's real coin.
Your BTC beta test coin will fade soon, it has no use cases, is slow and it doesn't even store value lol. The moment they announce what is the real deal, Beta Test Coin will dump

>> No.53114343

Privacy will sure become a big narrative in the face of regulation

>> No.53114360
File: 171 KB, 864x1105, General.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are my Litecoin chads that know are true PoW coin is safe. Say it with me
>"Digital silver"

>> No.53115527

i use it mainly when I want my transactions to be anonymous
just like the end to end encrypted sylo messaging app that doesn't leak out data like other communication coys

>> No.53116488

Definitely, any privacy project with zk-snarks will definitely survive sec screening.

>> No.53116522

Do you mean that LTC is digital silver?

>> No.53116550

What's the need for privacy when transactions can't be traced, privacy is for scammers you fucking idiot

>> No.53116564

In addition to xmr, there are other privacy-focused cryptocurrencies worth considering, such as scrt, zcash, rail, and dash, which have consistently been among my top choices.