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File: 73 KB, 1024x683, gideon-greif-hrvatska-zastava-i-grb-1990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53095632 No.53095632 [Reply] [Original]

Hrvat bros, how is the situation with crypto in terms of taxes? 10% capital gains tax sounds good, but there seems to be a surcharge depending on where you live. Do they even care enough about crypto to enforce it?
I'm leaving my current Europoor shithole for a slightly better Europoor shithole this year and Hrvatska is currently top of the list. Portugal is no longer an option. What else is there?

>> No.53095799

just use vpn and bybit lelkek

>> No.53095832

10% tax is a lie they say to make foreigners go there kek capital gains tax for crypto is 50% and charged automatically when cashing out through banks, I was there for 6 months and got the fuck out fast, also locals are violent towards non-white immigrants

>> No.53095856

Romania. 10% crypto tax.
1% of turnover tax for small businesses.

>> No.53096004

>I was there for 6 months and got the fuck out fast, also locals are violent towards non-white immigrants
When you say it like that, the 50% tax doesn't seem so bad

>> No.53096012
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>also locals are violent towards non-white immigrants
>capital gains tax for crypto is 50% and charged automatically when cashing out through banks
that's sounds different from what I've seen:
"Tax is calculated based on earned profit. The tax basis is a capital gain reduced by transaction costs and capital loss realized in the previous year. The tax rate is 10% plus prirez (surtax) of the city where you live. Surtax rates for Croatian cities and municipalities are available here.

There is one exception related to paying this tax. The profit earned in transactions where more than two years have passed from acquisition to sale is not taxed. If you sold crypto in less than two years, you must pay tax."

Didn't know about the 10% crypto tax. Romania would be a great choice. Poor, great nature, language is easier to learn. Do you live there, anon?

>> No.53096049

>that's sounds different
nonono, the taxes are very high, please don't move to croatia

>> No.53096069

i thought the same and when i finally managed to get in contact with their tax authorities after days they told me that is only for croatians and immigrants are taxed 50%

>> No.53096102

Can confirm. Banks and companies will find a way to take your money as much as possible, as we live off foreigners who come here.

Also, every city except for Zagreb is dead during winter. People are horrible and conservative. Corrupted politics and lots of homeless and junkies (considering population of 3.8M)

>> No.53096155

Don't worry, anon, I won't get my Muslim brothers to molest your little sister while she's walking to school. As long as the government doesn't try to assrape me themselves, that is.

>> No.53096207

I was in split this summer in off-season. it was horrible. they hate "foreigners" aka everybody who isn't Croatian because they buy the property from them and all of them are poor.

>> No.53096219

You're gonna get fucked in the ass with that attitude, the tax administration really doesn't like foreigners who come here only to pay as little as possible.

>Do they even care enough about crypto to enforce it?
If you don't report it, they're gonna do it for you.
I know some guys who though they could get away with not reporting capital gains taxes and pretend like "teehee I didn't know you had to do that xD" and half a year later they got the taxman bill delivered to their door.

>> No.53096246

Ok west-sisters looks like Croatia is out of our (she/her) league. What about Macedonia? Surely they will welcome us with open arms?

>> No.53096295
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>Didn't know about the 10% crypto tax. Romania would be a great choice. Poor, great nature, language is easier to learn. Do you live there, anon?

I'm actually moving there next week. I spent a month there on vacation and really enjoyed it. I'm from southern europe so I think I can learn the basics of the language in a few months.
I met an accountant from my country there too so I don't get scammed until I can manage myself there.

>> No.53096401

Good luck to anyone moving here. Croatia is great for vacations and holidays, but horrible for long term life.
Take a look at the rate young, educated people are leaving to move to other EU countries. It happens for a reason. I don't know a single person my age (in their 20s) who doesn't plan to gtfo at some point. This country has no future.

>> No.53096402

Split seems too touristic. Probably full of Angloid tourists, too. I'm not a model citizen but at least I don't get drunk at 7pm and I can at least try to speak the language.

Well, obviously I'd prefer to pay nothing, but I don't really mind paying 10% on profits. Anything much higher is assrape.

Good to know. Where in Romania, if you don't mind answering? I want a place big enough to find a job, but also not crawling with expats.

>> No.53096451

croatia based for white westerners? easy wife or opposite?

>> No.53096469

What are Croatian 20-30 year old women like? Big tits? How many are fat? (I'm an architect)

>> No.53096533
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For me, it's the Czech Republic. 15% income tax

>> No.53096557

Just go to Slovenia if you want hot women. Croatian women are good, but demanding. Slovenian are next level beautiful.

>> No.53096579
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I like visiting Croatia, could not ever live there

>> No.53096581

Slovenian women have too much Germanic genes
Slavic genes make women more beautiful

>> No.53096639

I just want fat women with decent faces who will want to marry an American

>> No.53096672

>Good to know. Where in Romania, if you don't mind answering? I want a place big enough to find a job, but also not crawling with expats.

I'm moving to Cluj Napoca. Transilvanian capital and 2nd most populated city. A lot of universities there so there are foreigners. A lot of companies in the IT sector there. Compared to other smaller cities rent is more expensive but my contacts are from there so im moving there until I know more about the country. Landscape is beautiful. IDK about working there tho. Locals earn like 1k EUR a month. I have enough to live there without waging so its not something I have looked into.

>> No.53096703
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>I just want fat women with decent faces
That's a strange requirement but I guess it's your lucky day!

>> No.53096883

Our tax authority here is filled with slow ass retard boomers, even if you have every transaction in perfect order for them it's a nightmare that you even reported your crypto taxes, especially with the new anti money laundering laws going on in EU.
On paper it sounds good but in practice it's a slow pain in the ass, not something quick and efficient.

>> No.53096936
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>Being in the EU

>> No.53097454
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Thanks, anon, that's very valuable info. I don't need to wage for at least a year(assuming I lose all my crypto), but I'd like to find part time work for extra cash and to have something resembling a normal life. I'm qualified to teach English(and a couple of others), so expats mean competition. They also tend to be libtards.

The way these shitty countries(including my own) bend over backwards to appease the EU Moloch is what concerns me the most. That and finding out the rules are different when you're there (the reason for this thread).

>> No.53098477

If you buy crypto and sell after 2 or more years, there is no tax at all. If you buy and sell before 2 years have passed, you pay 10% on your profit. Surcharge depending on where you live, like you mentioned it, is anything from 0% to 18%, and it is calculated on the tax (those 10%), so worst case scenario, you pay 10% + 0,18x10% = 10%+1,8% = 11,8% in total tax on your profit. (18% is only in the capital city, no where else in the country). Do not believe those idiots talking about 50% because they obviously do not know what they are talking about. Food is excellent, and no one is aggressive towards foreigners unless they are negroes, arabs etc. So get the fuck here!

>> No.53098519

This Anon is correct,50% is lolwut territory. Lots of companies from Slovenia, Austria etc open a shell company in Croatia, transfer profits and pay the 10% tax here.

>> No.53098545

Bravo bravo debili samo vi njih zovite, jeste bili na trgu u zadnje vrijeme? Izgledamo kao pariz ili berlin već sad

>> No.53098564

Have you anons actually cashed out and went through the entire process? Was it simple or very bureaucratic? How much did your bank ask about the source of funds before you put the profits in the bank? And did the tax man ask anything besides you reporting your capital gains?
Appreciate it

>> No.53098845
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Thank you, anon. I knew they were trolling me, but it's helpful to hear it spelled out like you did. What's a good place that isn't full of English speaking expats? I want to lead a discreet life and learn the language.
I don't mind people telling me not to come. Last thing I want is to move to a place full of libtards.

>> No.53099272

If i come if there were traditional Catholic priest. There is only 1 tridentine mass in croatia but the priest was not re ordained in the old rite meaning he is not a valid priest. The new rite isn't valid. Reeeeeee

>> No.53099325

>65% Croatia
This cant be right surely?