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53091036 No.53091036 [Reply] [Original]

What will trigger the Fed pivot?

>> No.53091044

Your mom

>> No.53091050

My moms been dead for 12 years

>> No.53091069

Your dad

>> No.53092420


>> No.53092428

I think they'll be grinding on for a few months more at least, but the pace of hikes will continue to slow down. .5 increase down to .25 and then holding steady

>> No.53092484
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The Fed's balance sheet.

>> No.53092521



They will keep raising rates then start slowly easing bringing rates back down to around 2.5 / 3.0 %

It will be slow and orderly.

>> No.53092557

zoom out

>> No.53092959

>Fed's balance sheet
what does it have to do with the fed pivoting? Balance sheet going down = fed pivots? Why?

>> No.53092975

The Fed, today, is insolvent. Liabilities > capital.

>> No.53093011

nope, Jerome will jump in top his desk, screech "PIVOT TIME" then dab as sirens go off all around him and interest rates are instantly cut to -5

>> No.53093015
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WW3. The US government knows full well that it can't get inflation under control through monetary policy alone and it's still spending money we don't have.
Having a major war will provide the best excuse for inflation, it will stimulate the economy, and maintain full employment.
If you can't see that this is where we're heading, there's no hope for you.

>> No.53093194

Not even sure if we're ready for this.
The Germans solved Weimar's economic catastrophe in peace time. The US entered the war in time of economic crisis (1929 Wall St. crash) and got out of it by looting the losers of that war. Who knows, maybe we'll pillage/loot Russia this time.

>> No.53093249

We're definitely not ready. But shitty monetary policy is always a huge warning signal for an empire that's totally preparing to shit the bed.
But I have to ask that if the USA was admittedly actively trying to get into a global conflict, would it be doing anything any differently?

>> No.53093262

they did not solve it lol, Hitler borrowed heavily from wherever he could to backstop the economy then switched to war chest economy when faced with defaults

literally the exact same

>> No.53093307

Let's say it happens, Russia will probably fold. It's sad but their chance of winning this war is slim nuke option aside.
>trying to get into global conflict
Kek. Maybe we'll see 'Pearl Harbor' pt. 2?
US entered the war in poor shape while Germans entered the war in great shape fully recovered from Weimar crisis.
WW2 decimated Germans.
WW2 boosted US to be #1 power.

>> No.53093503

fed can't be insolvent, it prints money