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File: 182 KB, 2000x1333, Mr. Burns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53089302 No.53089302 [Reply] [Original]

>As of December 2021, the national debt of the United States is approximately $28 trillion.
>The total money supply in the United States is generally measured by M2, which includes cash, checking deposits, savings deposits, money market securities, and other time deposits.
>As of December 2021, the total M2 money supply in the United States was approximately $23 trillion.

>Total U.S. national debt = $28 trillion.
>Total money supply = $23 trillion.

If the U.S. national debt is greater than than the money supply, how can it be repaid?

>> No.53089337

The debt doesnt exist to be paid. It is a philosophical creation. It is the physical manifestation of the ideology that living beings are inherently worthless and useless and need to perpetually repent for the sin of existing. It is the theoretical foundation of slavery and slavery is necessary for capitalism to function

>> No.53089355

The holocaust never happened but it could.

>> No.53089388

>how can it be repaid?
With more debt.


>> No.53089393

That sounds deep but I don't understand what you're driving at. On January 8, 1835, President Andrew Jackson paid off the entire national debt, the only time in U.S. history that has been accomplished. But I believe he had to kill the Second Bank of the United States to pull it off.

>> No.53089420

Didn't (((someone))) try to take him out shortly after?

>> No.53089423

That was a special circumstance though. Anything Andrew Jackson wanted dead/gone was just immediately killed. No modern politician has that superpower.

>> No.53089434

>On January 8, 1835, President Andrew Jackson paid off the entire national debt
That was when we were on the gold standard. The USD now are IOUs which are debt in-of-themselves. So we increase the money supply perpetually without inflation by raising the debt ceiling borrowing more from our own banks. We use the borrowed money to pay the interest of the debt.

>> No.53089441

it can't, that's the point
debt is the physical manifestation of competition, nothing to do with ideology

>> No.53089446

Trump tried to be Jackson, but they gave him the Nixon treatment.

>> No.53089463

I don't think competition has anything to do with debt. Debt is the physical manifestation of usury.

>> No.53089486

Trump is a blowhard. All words.
Jackson not only would have locked Hillary up, but he would have personally hung her from a tree.

>> No.53089522

The US clearly has no intention of ever paying off the debt. We'll simply take on more and more debt until the rest of the world loses trust and then we will fight wars over it. There's no alternative.

>> No.53089549

Hillary didn't commit any crimes, unlike Trump who has been on a decades-long crime spree.

>> No.53089550
File: 211 KB, 1082x895, General_Jackson_Slaying_the_Many_Headed_Monster_(cropped) (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pray for the reincarnation of Jackson.

>> No.53089554

Yes. As long as banks, stock markets and money exist, debt and slavery will also exist. It is hard but not impossible to create a liberated world. As a matter of fact we are fast approaching into one, as the status quo has a built in expiration date

>> No.53089600

Yes, I find it irrational that private moneylenders are able to issue more debt than the existing money supply, and governments must borrow from these moneylenders to fund themselves, and then tax the people to pay perpetual interest to them.

>> No.53089729

Regardless, the point I'm making is that Trump said he'd have her investigated and locked up. He did fuck all. Jackson would have delivered.
What brought Trump down is that he said he'd deal with the criminality in DC. He was not serious, but they took him seriously.
Huge mistake.

>> No.53089784

this is you scamming your children

>> No.53089800

don't worry guys 30 trillion will be worthless in just a few short years

>> No.53089804

i remember when that blowhard said that anyone who was investigated by the fbi was unfit to be president and now hes putting himself back in the running for president. clown world.

>> No.53089844
File: 845 KB, 1104x775, destroy-my-worldview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So than, no matter how hard everyone works, there will always be an underclass of debtors?
and this proportion is only growing in size as the time goes on?


>> No.53089866
File: 383 KB, 800x1469, 800px-Francisco_de_Goya,_Saturno_devorando_a_su_hijo_(1819-1823).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the symbolic epithet of saturn eating his children

>> No.53089869

How so? Explain.

>> No.53089900

Mathematically, a debt-based monetary system like the one we have now will always create more and more debt until it can no longer be paid back and borrowers default. The lenders then use the legal system to seize real-world assets.

>> No.53089939
File: 173 KB, 893x541, bow-and-dairy-hunter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So than, no matter how much alpha one captures, they'll eventually have it all confiscated? and even if they outlast their neighbours the surrounding become so littered in crime and homelessness that their wealth does them little good anyways?

Is it really true than, that the rational individual is better off literally living in the woods if they want to keep the proceeds of their labour, eat what they want and be free from both petty and international crime?

>> No.53089984

This has been articulated 200 years ago. The subservient peasant class who doesnt own anything are called proletariat and the parasitic upper owning class that owns and controls the means of production (means of existence; land, water,food,factories,houses etc) are called proletariat. Capitalism is inherently heirarchical, classes are part of its function. All of this is intended and normal according to capitalism

>> No.53090073
File: 800 KB, 1999x750, finance-as-warfare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In capitalism i could save up a hard money currency to start a business.

Now a central bank prints untold amounts of cash to blackrock to corner markets with zombie companies.

this is feudalism/babylonian temple complex/roman usury, not captalism

this country was sold out to the "ism" in video related

>> No.53090126

the debt is a social construct

>> No.53090159

Money is not physical capital. Money is created by banks as debt. Money should be a store of value and a means of exchange. Instead, in our system, the people who control the creation and flow of money use it as a way to confiscate the wealth produced by the labor and creativity of the people.

>> No.53090164
File: 218 KB, 1257x1109, federal-reserve-act-judicial-jurisprudence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>social construct
certainly not rooted in societas (A union for a common purpose; society, fellowship, partnership, association, community, union; affinity)

looking in the fine printed nearly all central banks are not operating within their legislative mandate.

Canada, in the BoC act, gives it a public central bank for example, one of only few in the world, but it handed its keys over to the BIS in Switzerland without parliamentary or public approval.

The us fed, well, its almost comical if it wasn't so criminal

>> No.53090327

This is so obvious it should not need to be said, but it do. The scale of the problem is incomprehensible.

>> No.53090671

It cant, de juris (bad faith debt) but de facto (global mafia extortion scheme).
this may be the Feds answer. By sinking other countries currency relative to ours, we could redenominate what assets we do have by exporting them into forex, let our own currency collapse, then nationalize enough assets to pay it off. But that will never happen.

btw we''ve been pointing this out for a few years now. We may be sinkong our own ship, but by manning the guns rather than the lifeboats, we are making sure that everyone else is sinking faster and worse. see: euro energy crisis.

>> No.53091897
File: 2.84 MB, 640x474, tiresome.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The lenders then use the legal system to seize real-world assets.
Bitcoin mining companies default. Assets seized. Bitcoin comes from energy, aka real-world assets. So easy to see, yet...

>> No.53092223

>Hillary didn't commit any crimes
Kill yourself

>> No.53094225

Debt liquidity and flexibility in the money supply.

Most bonds to not expire tomorrow and it is possible to print more US dollars.

>> No.53094311

>he thinks there's seriously only 23 trillion usd in existence
>he doesn't understand how treasury bonds work
>he doesn't realize the us going bankrupt would rob the entire world the whole way down as a function of how those bonds work
And that's why we saved the jews in WWII

>> No.53094471


the whole point of interest and borrowing is the idea that your future returns will be greater than your present returns, retard.

>> No.53094484

Not an argument, nutbar.

>> No.53094991

If your future returns are greater than your present returns, the money supply must expand for these future returns to be paid out. But for the money supply to expand, new debt must be issued. So debt must increase for greater returns to be paid out, correct?

>> No.53095033

>he thinks there's seriously only 23 trillion usd in existence

OK. What is your definition of the money supply?

>he doesn't understand how treasury bonds work

I think I do. But, please, tell me how you think they work.

>he doesn't realize the us going bankrupt would rob the entire world the whole way down as a function of how those bonds work

I don't think the U.S. is capable of robbing anyone. I think the people who control international finance are robbing the U.S. and the world. U.S. politicians and bureaucrats are obviously subservient to those who control the creation and distribution of money.

>> No.53095054
File: 140 KB, 670x1024, 59463528-BF91-4007-B619-65E82AF885C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No modern politician has that superpower

Just wait till 2024

>> No.53095071

the debt owners would have to spend the money theyre repaid, and the same money would be used twice or more to pay the debt over time

>> No.53095845

>debt is competition
People who entered the system first will always be ahead. How the fuck is that a competition?

>> No.53095873

because they can't get liquidated

>> No.53095885

unless run

>> No.53095912

Whos going to make America pay? Yuropoors and chinks certainly can't make them

>> No.53095923

>yes and
Demographic decline will wreck the "enemies" of the self appointed elite long before the mountain of debt takes away their power.
The nu-russia.tm will be exploited.
The nu-china.tm will be exploited.
The shell game is playing out in real time and depopulation is accelerating.
In my opinion, only the recurring nova can stop them now, currently predicted for 2046. Hope I live to see it.

>> No.53095976

There's something called monetization of debt, anon.

>> No.53095980

>yes and to this as well
They will eventually decouple interest rates and bond yields. Thus, they will ensure the middle class sinks faster then the owner class.
Regardless, the boomer utopia was a one-off. We're slid past the gilded age and are quickly headed to the paesantry of the high middle age. Degenerate lords and atomized serfs that will work until they die. What they intend to do with the welfare state is the real question. Wont be long before it not longer helps but hinders.

>> No.53095989

noob id

really makes you wonder why andrew jackson is demonized so much in modern times

>> No.53096140

>Wont be long before it not longer helps but hinders.
If you want a stable business environment you can't have a fucked class of people in forever poverty. If you want to keep playing crony capitalism you'll need to adopt all the poors or cast the die and see if you can survive the guillotine this time around. Even without welfare state we're fucked demographically and the only new debt that will enter the system will be from mass immigrants taking on more than they'll ever be able to repay for one final round of a moving economy and then we're really done because without debt the system will freeze up and they'll be no one left who can borrow.
At any rate, I am rolling highway robber for the reset. Good luck moving goods around when the majority are starving.