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53087971 No.53087971 [Reply] [Original]

i am so utterly humiliated by investing in retarded things (hbar, precious metals) that i am resorting to reading pdfs about metalism and astral magick. can any anons impart your wisdom on this humble soul? i dont want monetary wealth, i have given up. what other wealth can i attain?

>> No.53087985
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You can obtain wizardry with nofap

>> No.53088614
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>precious metals
If you really did buy pms. This is the best chance you have to make it in the last 30 years.
The world economy is beginning to crumble.
A moonshot may come soon.

>> No.53088641
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Well anon your problem is you do not have patience or brains.
You actually invested in excellent holds, the same assets the super wealthy are invested in. The difference is they look to the long term and don't buy for short term gain. Precious metals are a very long term hold and are there to make sure you always have money. Gold appreciates on average around 10 percent a year, forecasts say it may double next year though but again that is still a long term play. I don't know what you bought Hbar at but if it was under .08 then you did very well as it is a very good coin for the long term.
My advice is to grow some fucking balls and stop chasing stupid pumps you read about from the niggers and liars on this board.
I feel sorry for you anon so I will give you a tip, invest in AI and energy based cryptos for the next bull run as they are going to be the real winners.
Do your research first but there are some very undervalued AI and energy cryptos that will make a select few very fucking rich.
In the meantime grow some fucking balls and have some patience, Rome wasn't built in a day

>> No.53088644

dangerously based pic related

>> No.53090492

Should have bought rebar

>> No.53090505

delete all that gay x crap and buy chainlink and shut up

>> No.53090553

And to think this retard could have just gone to church. Probably would have even found a wife.

>> No.53090640

the kybalion made become millionaire

>> No.53090719

/fringe/ held too much power

>> No.53090734

nothing cringier than atheists doing meditation

>> No.53090739

This shit belongs on /x/

>> No.53090743

by the way, this is exactly why Semitism has always been a joke. And the 2000 year old infatuation of the Europeans with it, to the point of killing all their paganisms to give space to the jewish god shows Europeans are just pathetic people in the first place.

So first you have to accept that meditation is not standalone. meditation is not done out of the blue to pass time and cast spells.
Meditation is a tool to achieve a goal. It turns out that there are various types of meditation. Once you fix a goal, some types of meditation will be bad and some types will be good. Meditation has nothing to do with a god. Again meditation is tool. Just like knowledge is a tool to achieve something. Knowledge has nothing to do with god. Knowledge is not done for the sake knowledge either.

Now Semitism is just not based on meditation in the first place. Semitism is based on devotion to a jewish guru and the novelty of semitism is that child sacrifice is no longer needed compared to the previous Canaanite religions (think of the jew Abraham who is asked to kill his son to please his jew god, and at the last minute the jew god says ''i changed my mind, it was just prank bro lmao''). Any attempt at bastardizing Semitism into some weird meditative stuff will be ill-formed. And in comparison with the eastern teachings, it will be a brutal mogging in favor of the eastern teachings.
A direct equivalent of Semitism is any eastern cult based on devotion, which is just Bhakti And bakthi is not fucking meditation. Bakthi is complete different method. Typically this is hinduism, vajarayana and mahayana. Buddhism has no devotion in it, Jainisim has no devotion in it.

you believe in a self + you want meditation organic to the teaching=>jainism

you dont believe in a self + you want meditation organic to the teaching=>buddhism

you just want meditation in a religious naturalist setting=> you do drugs recommended by your local shaman

>> No.53090749


you just want meditation because it's fun=>you do drugs recommended on erowid

you just want meditation and pretend to be scientific about it, like an atheist who fucking loves science=> you do meditation by atheist gurus like Culadasa, Ingram, all the atheists who fucking love zen

you want devotion + you want meditation with an unorganic teaching by your jewish guru or indian guru or tibetan guru or chinese guru praising some king of god or deified buddha=>you do hinduism, mahayana, vajrayana and you don't do yet another flavor of semitism. And the meditation done by those people has nothing to do with the meditation done by the buddhists or the jains.

>> No.53090756

you don't choose wealth it chooses you

>> No.53091049
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Magick isn't easy. Otherwise it'd be called your mom ~ Aleister Crowley

Real talk, Magick is difficult and look how the majority of the most influential magi turn out- Near poor. Magick is for experience and sometimes you get ideas("gnosis") from it that are applicable. I can't tell you how much I'd fucking love to just astral travel around a fixated akashic record library and find the fuckling winning powerball numbers to the next drawing but it doesn't work like that in the least. I don't suggest making pacts unless you've done enough research. Ass biting occurs. Know your thirst for what it's worth.
This is totally an /x/schizo post now.

>> No.53091086

It helps to a degree but our earthy physical bodies need that dopamine rush upon adulthood. Moderation within moderation

>> No.53091489
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wealth of knowledge, wealth of ability to project will into reality, wealth of offspring, take your pick really.

>> No.53091554

pms, whats that

>> No.53091583
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Praise and glory be to Christ

It is forbidden to practice witchcraft, to be a fag, or to sacrifice children.

Ask and ye shall recieve

Therefore believe in the Lord and ask Him for what you want and he will give it to you freely.

>> No.53091969


I have material success using jew magic. Goetia, enochian, and most European bastard magic will definitely leave you destitute but kabbalistic magic (not the hermetic/Crowley shit the actual Jewish lurianic/yetziratic shit) has worked really well. Same with Islamic magic (picatrix good Astral magic that's p effective). Issue with magic with a k is its the Victorian equivalent of new age crystals. Dig into the real arcane shit like the shams al maarif or sepher yetzirah and ull find the real magic for successful wizards that those destitute wizards never found cuz they were chasing their own tail with patchwork systems

>> No.53092709

Picatrix fucked me hard. Never again. "Jew" majeek is worthy. I talked to a "heretic" of actual rabbi shit and its interesting how the trad. system is like a day and an hour off from GD-ish systems. I hate to say it but you do have to chaos shit to a degree and point to "galactic east". Weird shit.

>> No.53092717

the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Tf72DtkGvI

then start reading the bible. get an uncommented king james bible. start reading gospel of john, or proverbs.

>> No.53092718

Nigger, sacrificing anything living is a sign of utter weakness. Get it right

>> No.53092742

>99.99999999999% of self-help and business books are pure garbage

1. Think and Grow Rich(The Kybalion for /biz/)
2. How to Win Friends and Influence People
3. Richest Man in Babylon
4. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
5. The Talmud
6. 48 Laws of Power
7. The Intelligent Investor

Don't spend time around with

1. Rich Dad Poor Dad
2. Bag the Elephant
3. Influencer Bullshit

>> No.53092995

The only thing you should invest in right now is your buisness. Precious metals only make sense as a hedge against inflation, crypto is too volatile, and interest rates are too for real estate to be an option.

>> No.53093005


>> No.53093038
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>> No.53094400

Maybe you should take a few steps back and learn the foundations of investing and personal finance instead of branching off into more and more retarded things.