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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53087669 No.53087669 [Reply] [Original]

0 activity. I think he might have just rugged. He has been less active with the Hexicans in 2022. We'd be lucky to see anything from him in 2023. In 2024 he will completely vanish. No Twitter, no youtune channel. He rugged harder than anyone else. Billions of dollars into his pocket. Only comparable thing was the $4b EOS ico.

>> No.53087686


I'd sell my remaining HEX but I was foolish enough to stake. My capital is at his mercy. There is not a more insecure guy in crypto responsible for so many, and he's using that to fill his ego instead of improving lives.

>> No.53087705

thing is everyone told him he would be sued. he’s literally run of the mill southern trash cause the sun burned his brain when he was young. enjoy your prison suicide you fat faggot.
also richard I know you’re reading this, kill yourself.

>> No.53087719

This dude is probably partying with all the money you gave him hence the lack of tweets

>> No.53087725

This makes him pretty based desu.
I gotta admit, I was pretty annoyed with him because of all the HEX shills, but seeing him rip off and scam these retards is amazing.
"Just sacrifice your hard earned money" LOL

>> No.53087742
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He thinks he's above everyone else, that's his issue. Never humble towards the people above him in terms of impact. He says he's the best founder in crypto over and over again. All the other CEOs are busy building while this guy yells hard as fuck in the air with only low IQs like me hearing him. He never learns this either, so his IQ is probably a low lower than he thinks.

>> No.53087766

Perhaps someone linched him. Who knows? All we know is that the guy is derailed and detached from society/reality. Honestly I'm glad he's offline.

>> No.53087783


I think the wording will give him time, but the fact that he has set out to build pulsechain and distribute PLS to those who sacrificed to him makes it a security, and he will be held accountable. I'm sure he's moving to Dubai or Cayman Islands right now to avoid legal trouble, but you can't prevent the inevitable forever.

>> No.53087789


His mom got Doxed. Hopefully someone takes some sort of punishment if not Richard James Schuler.

>> No.53088223


Richard if you're reading this: fuck you. You said HEX was designed to outperform in a beararket 1 year ago. We're down -96% you queer. You don't know shit. You're not a thoughtleader. The world will be better with you going back to hiding. At least you'll have to fear for your life having pissed of thousands of people.

Way to fuck your believers. I should've remained A BTC maxi.

>> No.53088293

He found out that the US Government will indict him soon.

>> No.53088308

Dubai extradite since last year or so.

>> No.53088319
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buy signal (unironically)

>> No.53088407


Don't buy Hex the end is near. It's like buying a falling knife except that it'll fall forever downwards.

>> No.53088422


I guess it's the Cayman islands then. Maybe New Zealand given Kimdotcom lives there and he's wanted by the US since 20 years ago.

>> No.53088441

>There is not a more insecure guy in crypto
I'm pretty sure you're projecting here my man. Just stake and chill and dca if you have the opportunity. We are building out the most robust ecosystem in crypto. Doing it right takes time. HEX has always been about time, so if you've invested anything into it, there's no reason to worry about short term fluctuations.

Also you're not unique by being down bad on your investment through HEX. We're in a bear market. There's dozens of threads on all sorts of coins that get posted here every day where people cry about having lost 90%. The difference is that in most other cases they lost that because they have no product, while in HEX we've had a solid product since the start.

>> No.53088493
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> We

What happened to Richard pumping our bags? He used to monitor telegram groups, stream for us, educate us, work on new projects to pump Hex.

Now he burns millions on garbage that could've been used to pump Hex, stopped streaming completely, 0 inactivity on telegram. He ghosted his own community. Ever since the PulseX sacrifice he probably felt he had made it and completely disappeared it's so obvious the scam intentions he had. He fucked us believers for personal gain. He wasn't rich before Hex. He was a fucking brokie. Back before HEX he had $5k watches, now he had $5m watches.

We got schulere'd. That's reality. The way he flexes just shows that he's trying to fill a hole. It's not outrage marketing and you know it.

>> No.53088544
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How is this man's gaudy, niggeresque lifestyle not a MASSIVE fucking sell signal?

>> No.53088570


Because he was doing outrage marketing to live rent-free in our heads. If we post how much we hate him, Hex gets more engagement.

>> No.53088634
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>10 posts by this id

>> No.53088646


I'm just mad I would never shill this coin I hate Richard wholeheartedly.

>> No.53088723

>He used to monitor telegram groups, stream for us, educate us, work on new projects to pump Hex.
He never worked for any of us. That had been made clear since the start and repeated countless times.
>He wasn't rich before Hex.
If you do the CA on BTC free claims you can find how much BTC he owned before the HEX launch. At the top, which he called and helped to make, it was in the high 8 close to 9 figures range when measured in USD and that's outside of what he gained in ETH from the HEX launch.

Also why say anything if you have nothing to say? Do you think he's gonna hold your hand every day for the next 15 years? You're a big boy, I assume. You should be able to last 3 days without a message from Richard. He knows people are sperging out and on edge about Pulse chain delays, but saying something that isn't "We are launching testnet V3" is not what people want to hear, nor would it help in any real way at the moment. Whenh testet is done, you'll hear about it, which I assume should happen in Q1 2023.

>> No.53088749

Shut the fuck up you loser
This guy has been scamming since pre crypto days
You are a failure and lost all your money

>> No.53088826


> He never worked for us

Yeah that's right because he's a scammer. Scammers like him only get into crypto because it's unregulated. He doesn't give a fuck about crypto ethos.

> He had Btc

Yeah a tiny stack maybe. He didn't flex with ANYTHING expensive before HEX but after PulseX sac he started buying watches like crazy. He was broke before HEX admit it. He had maybe $500k to pay for fees and the audit. That's it.

> Why u mad

He's forking Eth 2.0 dude. It's a 2 week job at best. The code is done. The devs don't have to do anything yet it has been 4 months now since they pivoted to Eth 2.0 instead of the BSC fork.

There is literally no excuse. Richard is just throwing money at Fiverr devs and hoping for the best.

>> No.53088849


These Hex incels are staked and will keep defending their shitcoin as long as their 15 year stakes are worth more than their initial investment. Guess what? ITS WORTH FUCKING 0 BECAUSE YOU CAN'T FUCKING SELL YOUR SHITCOIN IF YOU'RE STAKED.

>> No.53088916

I think you're going a bit too hard for any of it to be believable. Good effort though.

>> No.53088947


OK vaperguy w/e.

>> No.53088955

t. vaperguy falseflagging

>> No.53089039

When I finally understood that the ‘pulse’ sacrifice was just that- you just give Richard your shit. I laughed and since then I’ve been watching hexicans cope and seethe. Funny

>> No.53089113


I luckily didn't invest in Pulse but I did lose a lot money with Hex. I'm sure Richard has been dumping with his secret wallets for a while now while parroting how OA coins hasn't sold.

>> No.53090596

happy new year

>> No.53090664

do you have a plan for what to do if indeed these people are correct and this is just a very elaborate rug. i cant imagine how all the hex and pulse fags on twitter and youtube would cope. would be hilarious to watch the devastating looks on their faces when they stream though

>> No.53090730


Vaper did you also celebrate New Years by yourself? That's the life of a Hexican. Happy new years, Vaper.

t. A rekt Hexican

>> No.53090750


He indeed does. He plays Elden ring whilst waiting for Hex to do something. I'd imagine Vaper is eager to get out of HEX once there is some sort of relief pump. He makes some threads although it has been mostly me these past 2-3 months. He only comments on mine to take credit. Only I know how to make viral threads although I was too depressed today to really put in the energy into making something creative.

>> No.53090764


His plan is to get back into graphics design once HEX goes to 0. Vaper goes by the name Elryn unironically on telegram.

I doxed you Vaper because I want you to life your life to the fullest. Don't waste your life on HEX: We are NOT going to make it. That's just how it is..

>> No.53090774


> be vaper
> make hex general
> y nobody comment on my thread why do bizbros not love HEX like I?

> Be Chad (me): Make FUD post about my bags and get 100 haters bumping post ezy pzy

Learn from me Vaper I'm trying to educate you here.

>> No.53090811

Rugged for sure. How can you guys invest in someone like this faggot? Just look at how he dresses himself, flaunting the money you all gave him. Claiming he called the exact day btc topped or bottomed or whatever like he is a messiah. Fuck this scammer

>> No.53090814


Vaper you are unironically not cut out for the job. Only one person is and it is me if you haven't guessed it yet.

Let me give you some advice. If you message a girl (which I know you don't but let's pretend), now you want to give her ammo in terms of responding. I'd she doesn't know what to say within 5 seconds she's gonna ignore you. So make it easy for her.

The same applies to making threads. If you give the haters something to post, such as saying HEX is a BTC replacement for reason X, then BTC maxis on here will be triggered and post why that is not the case. That is how you win. Your shitty niggerish Hex general threads suck nigger balls and I dread posting on them these days because they're so dry.

Another example: Spread misinformation" Say that El Salvador has adopted HEX alongside BTC. That'll get the biz tards furious. You gotta live rent-free you know.

I hope you learnt something vapertard I know learning isn't your core strength but if you repeat it daily I'm sure you'll soon be worthy of standing in my shadow.

>> No.53090821


You are my subject. Richard and I live rent-free in your head. He dressed normally 1 year ago but nobody cared about the 10,000x coin. People kept hating so now he's feeding on the hate like the fat fuck he is. You posting benefits us. Faggot. Thanks for the bump.

>> No.53091648

feels good talking to you biz.

It's far away from launch price and 3 years old it can't be a rug. Rugs usually aren't finished products and don't pay trustless intetest. Rugs don't fork ethereum and raise nearly $2b and donate 27mm to charity. Rugs aren't investigated by the sec because a rug happens in a few minutes. Anything u think about a Rug, hex is the opposite.

Just me and my XXXL shrek reallife adventure doll.

I can assure that i'm not elryn, i don't have a mangina.

El Salvador has adopted HEX alongside BTC and richard was choosen by a handful of 33 masonic degree rabbis to develop Cbdc's.