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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 103 KB, 584x468, 65464536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53087477 No.53087477 [Reply] [Original]

The bulgies aint gunna like this one. Looks like exponential growth after retards claimed no one would ever use PoR.

>> No.53087511

Until the price increases I literally don’t care about anything the Chainlink team says does or tweets.

>> No.53087516

Checked. Just wait until SWIFT is ready for the public CCIP release.
Friendly reminder: all you have to do is not fall for the 3rd world fud. That’s it. Just be patient. This is not being designed for us, they do not care about us. We are piggybacking on the greatest invention of our lives. People fudded automobiles, the internet, and even electricity.

>> No.53087519

That's a cumulative chart my statistically illiterate OP

>> No.53087525
File: 783 KB, 672x668, 45657683556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We only care about the price nigger, keep your CLL infographic to yourself

>> No.53087536
File: 607 KB, 559x499, 65312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The seething begins.

>> No.53087542
File: 41 KB, 477x372, proofOfNothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53087548

>deranged schizophrenics who thinks complaining about the price is "FUD"
hope you get beaten IRL along with CLL employees

>> No.53087561

Even link has acknowledged that PoR doesnt solve everything. Nice picture though.

>> No.53087574

Checked and /thread

>> No.53087575

The you won't understand why it is pumping. Link is the most bootstrapped network in all of crypto. Basically designed to one day leave every retard in the dust with no chance to catch up to link monks who endured half a decade of pain, paid fud and macroeconomic disaster.

>> No.53087581

Proof of Reserves is the first part.

Proof of Reserves - Liabilities = Proof Solvency

>> No.53087583

>The you won't understand why it is pumping

>> No.53087600

I like how they are desperately marketing every single milestone yet the link bagholders cry that this globohomo shitchain isn't shilling their project enough.

>> No.53087602

Cry about it. You will never cost average link at .30c

You will be shitting and pissing eternally because you didn't buy now either.

>> No.53087605

Proof of reserves doesn’t stop filthy Jews from being filthy Jews though so your fud is null

>> No.53087617

You didn't buy at 30 cents either because you've been dollar cost averaging for the past half a decade so your average buy in price is higher

Nice cope post nigger

>> No.53087623
File: 399 KB, 900x900, B99E5718-B81C-46D4-A95B-71183ADDAADD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bulgarian detected. Holy fuck how have you guys not figured out that you immediately out yourselves when you say the word “labs”. None of us say that KEK

>> No.53087646

Cool! The price action must be crazy!

>> No.53087662

Bought my entire bag at .20-.30 range. Staked and holding more in reserve. I'm sorry this boggles your mind, but we are built different and you will get what you deserve(nothing).

>> No.53087667

I don’t care about understanding anything about this coin anymore at this point anon I’ve been holding since 2018 and only sold like 300-400 Linkies throughout the entire journey (bought that amount and then some back the past few months). I really hope you’re right and we’re not just duped into fluff like what you wrote as bagholders. Obviously I’m not selling at this point I’ll go down with the ship but Jesus fucking Christ can we just catch a damn break? I’m tired anon and at this point the ladder just got yanked up a few more feet thanks to Kike inflation so now we all need an extra 2-3 million from our initial price points we had picked back in 2019 plus we’ve sat around watching niggers burn down our country and foam at the mouth about vaccines and masks and beg for more government over the flu. I’m just tired and getting older is all seems like more hope fades every year. But man if we can shoot past 1-2k in price it will all be worth it.

>> No.53087692

Catch a break? Not taking any profits at $50 isn't a product issue, it's a you issue. This entire reply reeks of mental illness and fictionalization. Either change your fud to something more believable or go outside and stop being an entitled retard. Have you ever considered creating or contributing to something valuable instead of being an entitled spoonfed faggot? You were never supposed to own this, you got thrown a bone.

>> No.53087734

I took small profits at 40-50 range but come the fuck on we all expected way higher prices than that for 2021 I was hoping 100-200 minimum. You’re right though I’m going outside and getting off 4chan for a few months because there’s nothing but FUD and demoralization on here, just gonna spend more time off the internet and keep DCAing into BTC and ETH since my Link bags are already packed. Best of luck.

>> No.53087751

$200 was never going to happen. I was torn to shreds here for calling an $80 top at best. $200 you’ll get closer to 2026.

>> No.53087760

>expected way higher prices than that for 2021 I was hoping 100-200 minimum
You forgot to take his advice about not being an entitled retard

>> No.53087792

this. Im sick of in for the tech, im not investing in a charity.

>> No.53087860

If u knew about link this long and didn't learn to fucking string up web3 apps you should count your lucky stars because you truly deserve nothing

>> No.53087891


>> No.53087908

how's your web3 nigga? Dont tell me you are the fag that've been making scams

>> No.53087965

How do i make web3 apps? I know nothing about computers except watching porn and playing video games

>> No.53087979

Uncle Ted FUDed all of the above.

>> No.53088056

he probably created a hello world web3 app, and think hes a genius or a parasite who created a lottery app. The only one who consistently work on things are LPL, and guess what they did? Rugged their investors.

>> No.53088174

>Rugged their investors.
You're a moron if you think this.

>> No.53088194

tell that to the people who lost their money, they put bancor to shame. Lmao

>> No.53088205

Don't think pointing out how you were just wrong is seething

>> No.53088213

LINK made it all the way to the top, right below BTC, it had it's time, it made it's peak, why didn't you people sell? What were you waiting for, did you expect it to go above BTC in marketcap?

>> No.53088230

>Token not required

>> No.53088290

>This entire reply reeks of mental illness and fictionalization
>just ignore all the fucked up shit like the nigger lives matter libcuck riots and the forced "vaccinations" for the meme virus it's all in your head haha take your meds schizo

>> No.53088325

>optimising tokenomics = rugpull
You are too stupid for crypto. Sell everything you have and fuck off.

>> No.53089003

The psychology of the fudders is so simple a child could see through it. If they hate 'Linkies' that much, AND they think the project will fail; why aren't they encouraging Linkies to buy MORE of this doomed token? But no! Instead, what we see is a relentless campaign of 'you should sell', by an army of them, for years on end. Doh!
Amuses me no end, this

>> No.53089019

ok, you win, buy more

>> No.53089025

>4 seething posts and counting from a trailer park inbred
>this is best that nastyslob can do

kys kek

>> No.53089029

Web devs who can integrate a Web3 background are in a very good position. I'm sure you are a highly paid full stack/smart contract dev and know what you're talking about - seeing as how people who know their shit are always petulant assholes... Jk. Real people don't behave like this, but enjoy being miserable with your only outlet being delusional projections on an anime forum.

>> No.53089043

Have fun letting the psyops live rent free in your head while your life passes you by lol
>Son why are you like this?
>Because of the niggers, dad!

>> No.53089045

>Unironically buying Link for the tech.

You are a bagholder but mostly a dumbass. I assume you are also staking your whole stack lmfao

>> No.53089048

what would a basement dweller like yourself know about real people
keep bagholding

>> No.53089059

Based and checked

>> No.53089060

>one day

>> No.53089064

>Keep investing
No problem! Thanks for providing my evening entertainment. The only explanation for your behavior is being mentally ill, underwater on your bags, rugged, or simply too stupid to understand that some people unironically have been holding these investments for longer than you've known about crypto. See you in five year retard!

>> No.53089071

>see you in five year
ok sirs

>> No.53089074

Blah blah blah words words words

>> No.53089085

What the fuck is the point of this post? Even if you managed to get lucky and bought LINK when it was worth cents this same logic could apply to every other crypto that hasn't completely rugged yet and you would still have made way less money investing in LINK than basically anything else aside from ICP at this point. Most people don't get in at ICO or the very bottom, LINK was the worst performing coin of the last 2 years. Its price action is trash and I hate this piece of shit.

>> No.53089100

>Please sell

>> No.53089111

oh so thats why the token price is going down. just sold more, thanks!

>> No.53089121

>Won't you just sell?

>> No.53089133

>dude just buy the absolute bottom
How is this any different from swingies telling you to perfectly time the top and bottom? I own link but this argument is retarded

>> No.53089153

I'd rather you not sell since my entire bag is full of this smelly shitcoin, but if no one is selling then why is it always dumping?

>> No.53089164

It’s all bots bro check the volume

>> No.53089175

Checked and claimed

>> No.53089180

Would make sense as this thing manages to dump first and dump the most before everything else starts to go down a little bit

>> No.53089186

100 Checkems scheduled for deposit

>> No.53089193


>> No.53089209

Ah the 'angry bagholder' fud, yes not seen that for a day or two. Do you have much success with this method, and do you try other methods too, or tend to stick with this one?

>> No.53089223

ah, the "not so subtle pajeet-tier fud", yes I've seen you guys spamming here last couple of days
why is the shilling quality so terrible lately though, are you guys running out of funds?

>> No.53089235

You can acknowledge these things happened without letting it ruin your life. My issue is with Dunning-Kruger midwits who deny these things to this day because they only believe what they want to believe with or without evidence and gaslight anyone who contradicts them as mentally ill. tl;dr you are a faggot.

>> No.53089239

There's no uncertainty or doubt that the price dumped 90%, you faggots are even worse than GME/XRP baggies. Anyone left holding the bag at this point is pissed off, even the ones that are still above water have lost tons in unrealized gains. It's amazing how you take normal human sentiment and try to spin it as a "shill" when the only thing inorganic here is you. Are you one of those HR roasties being paid in LINK tokens?

>> No.53089259

how about you get ur lazy ass off 4chan and start doing some work. I didnt paid you write a code that takes 5 years.

>> No.53089265

Electricity not needed

>> No.53089266
File: 21 KB, 809x694, 2022ath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember the "LINK has made a new ATH every year" poster? wonder what he's thinking now

>> No.53089322
File: 47 KB, 327x357, flames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat pic
>exchanges, stables, wrapped coins, bridges failing left and right
>"guys that's actually bullish"
yeah sure sergey, sure

crypto is dead

>> No.53090310


>> No.53090331

He'll just wait for the new cope line from twitter then spam that

>> No.53091735

This is a chainlink thread. Go away if you don't like it. Ah but you won't. You're a fudder.
t. 60k Link staked. Lemme hear ya seethe

>> No.53091957

>t. 60k Link staked
You're lying and have 400 LINK but imagine going from 3 mil to 300k, holy fuck youre retarded lmao.

>> No.53091977

>fundamentally vertical
hodl the line marines

>> No.53092001

token not needed

>> No.53092006

i need it

>> No.53092272

>look, i made another chart that goes up. no, it's not the price chart