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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53086962 No.53086962 [Reply] [Original]

Eve of 23 Edition


>Risk management:

>Live Streams:

>Educational sites:

>Options (do not trade these just because you read all these links)

>Free charts:


>Pre-Market Data and Live data:

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar:

>Boomer Investing 101:

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) calculator:

>Links for Elon fanbois




>> No.53086981
File: 74 KB, 432x288, rope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm putting more cash in my trading account

>> No.53086996

is there a universally acclaimed textbook for business fundamentals? what can i read and get a good grasp on in order to understand balance sheets and various metrics confidently and quickly?

>> No.53086995
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first for shotas getting raped by +2m tall ladies

>> No.53087012

What the fuck happened to Intel? I thought they were the good shit or did the CEO get caught sexting female interns or what

>> No.53087016

Had to use the line of credit to pay this month's bills again lads, feels bad man

>> No.53087019
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>balance sheets
lmao this dude is reading fundamentals and not just buying stuff.

>> No.53087021

Diversity happened.

>> No.53087023

The diversity hire thing isn't a joke anon. Its really that simple.

>> No.53087025

Security Analysis

>> No.53087036

Daily reminder that Finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage and capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. Ever escalating recessions, poverty, debt, wealth inequality, monopolies, disease, pollution, exploitation, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental, necessary and intended principles of it, NOT glitches. Greed, selfishness, lying, cheating, stealing, competition, conflict, slavery and war are behaviors highly encouraged and incentivized under capitalism. It is LITERALLY cancer and i dont mean it metaphorically, i mean it literally, it shares the exact same functions and principles as a cancer cell.

The freer the market the more enslaved everything and everyone else is and the more blood sacrifices need to be performed to "the Line god". An economy needs to be as regulated and planned as possible to serve the living beings needs and desires and be able to be adjusted according to our needs at any given moment/period. finance and stock markets are incompatible with life and are in direct competition

>> No.53087039

They went full woke. Quite literally cut the research & development budget in order to send those funds to the diversity department. Making sure the work force was diverse was the top priority of a modern company, their CEO said.

>> No.53087044

From my minimal amount of DD. Intel is drowning in debt and thier markets have is getting eaten up by its competitors. Sure intel is everywhere but no growth will come from things the company has already done

>> No.53087060

>Greed, selfishness, lying, cheating, stealing, competition, conflict, slavery and war are behaviors highly encouraged and incentivized under capitalism
Hate to burst your bubble commiechud but these are just universal human vices that can be found throughout history regardless of which financial regime is prevalent at the time. It's human nature.

>> No.53087075
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no bullies allowed

>> No.53087085
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please tell me 2022 was tech market's bottom


>> No.53087095

>what can i read and get a good grasp on in order to understand balance sheets and various metrics confidently and quickly?
dont bother, risk is already priced in

>> No.53087101

Have you sold yet?
Can't be the bottom until everyone sells.

>> No.53087106

I bought more

>> No.53087110
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You just explained exactly why an individual needs to make it to a position of fuck you in this world. And nothing is free in this world, not even the market.

>> No.53087132

haha university acclaimed haha

>> No.53087138

>be as regulated and planned as possible t
This meme died with the soviets. They couldnt plan their way out of a paper bag.
I read this in Goodmans voice.

>> No.53087159

Even if that was true (which it isnt) it still doesnt change the fact that capitalism encourages and rewards evilmaxxing. The typical "argument" parasites always spam "HuRR duRR HumAn NaTuRe" is completely irrelevant to the discussion.

If what you said is true then that is even more of a reason for humans to form societies based on cooperation rather than competition, war and conquest so to reign in the supposed "inherent" vices you are referring to

But it doesnt matter. Rightoids dont care about logic. They will perform any form of mental gymnastics to maintain and perpetuate slavery. This is your whole ideology. You worship slavery and will use anything that helps you reinforce it. Racism, sexism, authoritarianism, capitalism whatever. They are all just tools to you for the ulterior goal of slavery

>> No.53087166

Well let me know when you sell. That's when I'll buy.

>> No.53087171

Unironically thinking of selling my qqq and just DCA into the boomer Dow and spy

>> No.53087201
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How do I invest in America’s diverse future?

>> No.53087209

Here is all you need to know
You buy
You sell

>> No.53087214
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My wolverines need the strength of /smg/ if they are going to make it to the national title game. Take whatever your favorite waifu figurine you hot glue everyday, and wash it for once. That should be enough.

>> No.53087217

What nonsense. Every lifeform on earth is in competition with those around it. To not compete, is to be replaced, is to die & make way for those that did better. End of story. Your "empathy" has zero sway over mother nature.

>> No.53087220

>caring about sports teams in 2023

>> No.53087228

>(which it isnt)
yes it is. Slavery, war, selfishness, greed, all manner of sins and vices are ingrained in our history as a species. The only thing capitalism can be faulted for is that it makes commiting some of these acts easier, but it also makes it easier to benefit from the boons of these acts. It's up to (You) whether you want to take advantage of these opportunities or whether you want to moralfag while others turn a filthy profit. Here's your blackpill for the New Year

>> No.53087233

the authorities don't want you to know this but the children crossing the border are free, you can take home as many as you want.

>> No.53087237

Same reason you autistically play games like EU4 and CK2. Because I like it.

>> No.53087241

What is new is that this might be the first time in history in which members of a species, Boomers, deliberately work to reduce the resources available and fitness of their offspring.
Boomers are literally an abomination of nature.

>> No.53087246

>EU4 and CK2
Not nearly the same as giving ad revenue to muh based black athletes and jewish ceo. I pay for my games 1 and im done.

>> No.53087255

Jerome Powell in a 70s/80s dark fantasy movie

>> No.53087256

the govt is a bunch of retards. the free market isnt perfect but its not as bad as communism

>> No.53087258

I don't pay for the game at all so that makes you a cuck. I go to my parents house and watch for free. It's also a nice bonding moment between me and my father, but I'm guessing you were raised by a single mother like most of /smg/ and don't know that feeling.

>> No.53087259

somebody use one of those fancy AI softwares to paint this image

>> No.53087260

>the govt is a bunch of retards. the free market isnt perfect but its not as bad as communism
We don't have that. We have a corporate welfare state.

>> No.53087271

Imagine if the current regime had complete power over everything like a communist regime does. It would be so much worse than it is now. Communism is never the answer.

>> No.53087275

So if that is the case and life is just perpetual war and conflict then what is the point of humans creating artificial societies that simulate another layer of conflict and war on top of the already existing war of the physical world? No matter how you slice it, it makes absolutely 0 sense to artificially try to emulate the worse aspect of existence. If life is a simulation then we in our infinite wisdom have created a simulation within the simulation(double simulation) and added new unecessary and artificial threats and hostiles and inefficiencies and waste.

This can easily observed in the physical world too btw. The normal simulation of the physical world is stable and sustainable and all actors within the ecosystems exist in balance and harmony. The moment humans however created a double simulation, a global extinction event occured

>> No.53087281

>my parents house and watch for free
Its free because theyre still making money off ad revenue.
>muh broken home!
Kek sportscucks will always defend their fetish of watching black men slam into each other with deflection. So you watch the black on black slamfest with your mom and dad? They hold your hand when your favorite black runs the fastest?

>> No.53087296
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Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks.

>> No.53087297
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Don’t forget your ice bath /smg/ for better health, metabolism, focus, and gains in 2023

>> No.53087325
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>doesn't deny there is no father in his life
Kek, I knew it. Mom wanted a daughter and got you instead, and raised you like a girl. Football is a gladiator sport anon. It's a high test, battle between two teams. You'd rather worship people like vid related than tough, strong, individuals that aren't a sneeze away from being a woman.

>> No.53087337

Yeah you’re gay Anon.

>> No.53087339
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>being the same as europoors that are freezing inside their houses
I refuse. In fact i'm firing up my hot tub.

>> No.53087347

Well you are free to do that and continue leading a sad, lonely , miserable, painful ,stressful and hateful life into an even more pointless and miserable death. Not only will the life youve led be a pointless act but you will also have ensured your offspring(if any) will lead equally miserable, tortured and short lives. As a matter of fact in most cases you will be the one enacting the torture to them and breaking them

>> No.53087351
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Whew it’s a cold one this week
It’s for health and gains

>> No.53087352
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whats the deal with the eye bros...

>> No.53087361

Good. That’s a lot of rope

>> No.53087364
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You're going to lose

>> No.53087365

all the health benefits of an ice bath come from when you get out of the bath and warm up
you can literally just sit in the hot tub and warm up for the same benefit

>> No.53087376

Holy fucking kek I can’t believe these k*kes

>> No.53087394

Well considering /smg/.is wrong about literally everything, I expect they'll win.

>> No.53087397

Heh I was thinking about the same, but my gut tells me to hold

>> No.53087405

Well I only have four minutes left
Most of the ice has melted so maybe this one and as cold as I hoped
Can’t feel my feet or legs though which is nice

>> No.53087412
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I enjoy football.

>> No.53087447
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>It’s for health and gains
Yeah no, thats what the sun worshipers have fooled people into believing.

>> No.53087449

Having such a cucked webm saved on your pc tells you something about yourself, whether you agree with it or not.

>> No.53087470


2020 - COVID-19 (the chinese virus)
2021 - the VACCINE and PASSPORTS
2022 - WAR and INFLATION
2023 - ...

fill in the next scene from the clown world show

>> No.53087474
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You saying you don't have a cringe folder?

>> No.53087479

2022 was the multigenerational top

>> No.53087482

How do you normally make money?

>> No.53087484

Common Stock and Uncommon Profit

>> No.53087486
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I’m so close to killing myself it’s unreal

>> No.53087489


November 2021 was the multi generational top for sure

>> No.53087497

Sucking penises

>> No.53087534
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Everyone should have a cringe folder.

>> No.53087553

have you considered pirating a yacht instead?

>> No.53087564

>Rose: We're going through one of them (big events) right now.
>Buffett: Yeah, but I'm not going to get into discussing that particularly.
>Rose: Allow me this. I mean, this is having a huge effect on the world order.
>Buffett: Yeah, but it doesn't do me any good and it doesn't do the world any good for me to talk about it, so.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.53087565

In 2023, nothing happens. SPY +10% for the year

>> No.53087566

Ok, finished my ice bath
For fun, I took an IR thermometer and pointed it at my toes. Fucking 62F... I might lose that toe lol

>> No.53087591

He means noticing too hard is a great way to commit suicide via three bullets to the back of the head

>> No.53087595
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>> No.53087607
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The absolute state of Mumus. That wasn't even a real bear market.

>> No.53087608

>/smg facebook boomer levels at critical
See you Monday, /smg/

>> No.53087619

You don’t lose toes in a bath, you lose them to frostbite. Does it look frostbitten? I don’t think so.

>> No.53087618

See you Tuesday

>> No.53087621

Show me your friends and I'll show you your future. I only save that which I can manifest meaning from, and pepes. Not hedonistic golem brainwashing.

>> No.53087632
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>> No.53087641

Rate hikes are done. Thanks jpow

>> No.53087649

Now that the year is over, will everybody finally stop shitting their pants now on every little occasion?

>> No.53087666
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What are the chances that was the low?

Will J Powell drop rates back to zero and start printing in 2023 for anything?

>> No.53087670

is there something wrong with worshipping the sun? unlike the kike's one god, i can actually see the sun and it feels great to be in his presence

>> No.53087679


>> No.53087688
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What is /smg/ doing to celebrate another successful year of the greatest country on earth, the United States of America

>> No.53087693

me too! to make up for my 2022 options debacle. kek

>> No.53087694

I give it a 90% chance it was the low.

>> No.53087698

I will never save a TikTok it’s brain cancer

>> No.53087706

Rates will be up for all of 2023 according to the Federal Reserve.

>> No.53087707

high interest rates cause more problems for Tech companies (can't remember why). Do you think the Fed is going to raise rates at all in 2023?

>> No.53087713
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>that crying homer simpson overlay

>> No.53087716
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Its not hedonistic its laughing at clown world. Also not posting my friends on 4chan lol.
>feels great to be in his presence
Well they want to sacrifice you and your children to it so I guess you can be with your god.

>> No.53087717

I gotta get out of this country

>> No.53087722

Play _______ games, win _______ prizes

>> No.53087727

Yeah, I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Also, I hate to say this but... ”priced in”

>> No.53087732
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Don't worry I saved enough for both of us. Ro*ker's only source of cringe folder material comes from me.

>> No.53087736

are you confusing the sun with saturn? make sure to have a rabbi bite the tips of your sons cocks off

>> No.53087740
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VERY GOOD QUESTION. diverse future-america: Brazilian edition. Bullish or Bearish for stocks?

>> No.53087744

Forgot to say but I mostly save big tiddie anime girls....that is hedonistic admittedly.

>> No.53087752

Lmao thats perfect. Stupid men removing themsleves from gene pool and the woman can walk away any time.

>> No.53087753 [DELETED] 
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>> No.53087755

Samsung is already making 3nm wafers. TSMC is already at ~80% yields on their 3nm process if rumors are true. Intel is so far behind it's crazy

>> No.53087757

>are you confusing the sun with saturn?
No? Are you confusing the carbon they want to reduce with actual carbon?

>> No.53087759

How can trillions of dollars being drained from the economy over time be ‘priced in’?
It wasn’t priced in for any of the long durations the Fed was tightening or printing during the last 20+ years.

>> No.53087782

>Intel is so far behind it's crazy
Thats kind of what the chips act was. To give them government money to skip to the next gen.

>> No.53087787

They tried to skip to 7nm and it failed catastrophically. They still cant make 7nm at commercial scale

>> No.53087795

>the carbon they want to reduce with actual carbon
ok nigga now i'm confused

>> No.53087796

Yeah I dont expect this to go much better but thats a story theyll milk until 2025 or so.

>> No.53087798

The dollars don't evaporate ya doofus. When shirts go on sale at the store does money disapear? Ngmi

>> No.53087802
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what does /smg/ drive?

>> No.53087819
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I have a 2018 Lincoln MKX Reserve. Absolutely love that car and I'll be sad when it's time to get a new one.

>> No.53087821

Theyre not trying to reduce climate change, theyre trying to reduce population.

>> No.53087824

You can't throw money at a team of retards.
You can't buy Intelligence points for diversity hires like its souls in Elden Ring

>> No.53087834

INTC is an obvious turnaround play on paper but when you see how management behaves you realize just how inept they are. Pulling off asinine PE stunts like claiming they will get the first order of ASML machines when ASML would never do that. Someone needs to go nuclear and just completely obliterate the C-suite and replace them with people with engineering experience like pretty much every other semiconductor company.

>> No.53087836
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>> No.53087847


>> No.53087848

>with engineering experience
Current guy is engineering i think. Extremely overpaid too. Not seeing a bright future for them.
Agreed. The money will just burn up just like its been for years already.

>> No.53087850

There has never been a funny woman. All women are whores.

>> No.53087854

You don’t know what money is. Do you know what the fractional reserve banking system is?

If money is not being evaporated due to defaults and loan repayments it is shrinking relative to the debts when interest rates rise and the Fed is selling off its balance sheet.
This might be too sophisticated a topic for you.

>> No.53087858

There's only one fundamental you really need to know - don't fight the Fed.

>> No.53087863

wtf i love foreigners now

>> No.53087876

It's only 5 years old. Warranty expiring?
Also women aren't funny

>> No.53087884

and i'm supposed to feel bad for the weak and stupid because why?

>> No.53087898
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Stupid question if someone would please indulge…

What time frame should my chart be if I’m using an RSI is 6?

Here is is at one week.

>> No.53087902

I guess economic conditions are softening

>> No.53087905

The fed raised rates from 2015 to 2019 and the stock market went up during that time.

>> No.53087906
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Here it is at one month

>> No.53087915
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If we're going a bit off topic about cars, you can just walk into a dealership and ask for a used car for way under price.
They'll bitch and moan, so just walk out. Do not negotiate. They'll run to you as you walk out the door.
They're fucken desperate for sales. The prices listed on their websites are artificial with the mindset that they are still in a bubble from 2020. They're your bitch right now. Do not negotiate.

>> No.53087916

2003 toyota ball of rust. I'm making only one new years resolution this year and it's to sell or donate or scrap heap that thing and buy something new(ish). If used car market is still inflated I may just do a lease. Buying new makes no sense in my area as the weather and road gravel/salt just destroys bodywork.

>> No.53087924

Also notice that most "jokes" are just them being whores. Somehow that's supposed to be funny?

>> No.53087933

That’s a ‘no’? You don’t know the workings of the fractional reserve banking system and how interest rates effect it?
That’s fine. One of us might learn with a disagreement.

Rates didn’t go high during this period. There were the Trump corporate tax cuts. Eventually when rates got near the puny 2% number there was a downturn in stocks and a crypto winter. Some say there was a crisis in the economy before COVID by the end of this rate hike.

>> No.53087936
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>weak and stupid
lol You see entire countries are freezing with the lights off and think 'oh that will never happen to me'? Better yet, they have all these retards fooled into thinking theyre suffering for a cause lol.

>> No.53087947
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>Down 22% for the year
>Up 15% the past 2 years
I am down about 33% from the Nov 2021 peak.

How should I feel about this?

>> No.53087949

why not keep it as a winter car so the new one you buy doesn't suffer the same fate? That's the way to go unless you live in some commie state with inspections

>> No.53087972

I don't have space for two cars because i'm poor.

>> No.53087995
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Still laughing at the SNAP/Coca-Cola revelation.

>> No.53087996


>> No.53088000

>there was a crisis in the economy before COVID by the end of this rate hike.
Yeah, I guess they lowered rates a bit and markets whent into overdrive before covid hit. I guess the fed wasn’t hitting their inflation target, inflation has been very low during the past decade. But why couldn’t rate hikes be priced in if everyone sees the fed projections? Wether they believe them or not or how things actually play out is a different matter, and that’s what the market is figuring out. Projections are rates will be lowered in 2024, sooner or later it will happen.

>> No.53088009

What happened

>> No.53088014

and you're a retard who will suffer for some cause as well when they tell you to. I already have my offgrid homestead where I worship the sun every day eat my dick

>> No.53088017

buy coca cola, most of their revenue comes from food stamps.

>> No.53088030
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>> No.53088049
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Turns out KO boomer is right to just sit on a sugar water stock. >>53088030
I kneel.

>> No.53088064

Someone link me to the post or thread a few threads ago where the anon was taking about past bear markets and how the next year after that wouldn't be a bear market?

>> No.53088068
File: 455 KB, 3500x2333, 79171521-61A6-4D28-B538-137F8A67ABF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy new year niggers, surely the bottom of this bear market must come sometime during 2023

>> No.53088070

Sure you do, have fun with your cold baths.

>> No.53088084

I think the statistics tell you there’s a 9% chance for two consecutive bear market years, so odds are 91% in favor of a gain this year

>> No.53088093

It happened in October

>> No.53088134

>why couldn’t rate hikes be priced in if everyone sees the fed projections?

If you want to know the answer you will find it in videos that expose the fractional reserve central bank system and Ray Dalio’s ‘How the Economic Machine Works’. Though Ray doesn’t make the counterfeit money part explicit.
To answer your question, the stocks will go down because there just won’t be enough money out there to earn. I don’t know how to track it exactly but it’s why companies earn when there is printing and lending and companies earn less when there are interest rates rising, defaults, and fear.
I could put it like this, if you and a pal were each given 100 Goy tokens by a Grabler and forced to pay it back with 5% interest you would have to get 5 Goy tokens from your pal and he would have to get yours for the debt to be repaid. 200 Goy tokens exist and 210 Goy tokens are owed. The economy is short 10 Goy tokens.
If the grabler liwers interest rates to zero and prints free Goy tokens the economy booms. If the grabler raises interest rates now you have to get 10 more Goy tokens instead of 5. This is the tightening.
Are you going out there in the stock market to price this in?

>> No.53088142

The war in Ukraine?

>> No.53088143

Buy when zoomers are on their hands and knees begging for a job

>> No.53088155

>a sad, lonely , miserable, painful ,stressful and hateful life into an even more pointless and miserable death
You just described life under communism. This is why people in commie countries very often flee to democratic/capitalist states. They hate it over there in perpetual misery, hardship and repression.

>> No.53088178

Ah yess, the old sell the oversold and buy the overbought index strategy. Bold move, let’s see if that works out for you.

ProTip. In the business cycle industrials tend to lag recessions.

>> No.53088195

Zero. New lows in January.

>> No.53088216
File: 49 KB, 1300x896, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive really lost my appetite for risk
my portfolio was basically 1000+ shares of Suncor until late november, about to deposit back cad$30K next week to buy BMO instead
i dunno, maybe i'll still buy $10K worth of oil then $20k into BMO

i dont wanna be cash any longer fuck it feels awful beving even 50% cash

>> No.53088218

>If the grabler liwers interest rates to zero and prints free Goy tokens the economy booms
So this is basically QE. Stock markets go up without it too, they just go up faster with it I guess.

>> No.53088221
File: 3.74 MB, 198x197, PARTYHARD71.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good afternoon /smg/. Today I am descaling my tea kettle and coffee machine.

>> No.53088226

Business must be looking good for KO holders.

>> No.53088231
File: 203 KB, 600x600, 1659045893019345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boys, we made it through 2022. Cheers to those who hung on and think of those who hung it (themselves) up.

>> No.53088237

What kind of beer are you guys drinking tonight?

>> No.53088247
File: 56 KB, 498x334, pepe-cringe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't soften his water supply

>> No.53088249

>Stock markets go up without it too

Mostly. That’s because of the fractional reserve backing system again, which needs to keep inflating the money. More inflation causes companies to earn more and stocks to be worth more than dollars. Though the market is most predictable when the Fed is stomping on the gas or the break. It’s there to backstop the whole counterfeiting scheme the banks are running.

>> No.53088256

It's not over yet. Still plenty of time to sudoku.

>> No.53088267
File: 915 KB, 1242x1230, 1645148292994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. I cleaned my coffee grinder this morning. Shit was clogged, yo.

>> No.53088278
File: 2.17 MB, 498x498, 1672260401902603.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did SOGU rug over Christmas?

>> No.53088281
File: 77 KB, 1039x692, firsttime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well wait until midnight to rope if you made it this far. Who knows? Maybe you'll have some Christmas Carol kind of experience with ghosts and whatnot.

>> No.53088285
File: 104 KB, 354x286, 27c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53088289
File: 179 KB, 600x600, 1650468488012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor SOLX baggies.

>> No.53088301
File: 60 KB, 1432x359, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phew, the worst is behind us right? It can't get any worse next year right? Surely bear markets only last for a year tops right? I won't be in 5 digit hell by this time next year right?

>> No.53088326
File: 58 KB, 780x690, 1621439981393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Schwab enjoyer.

>> No.53088328
File: 114 KB, 1080x1267, crying-laughing-at-this-v0-dmkdosbpts7a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your new years resolution

>> No.53088337

Making fun of women (but charmingly)

>> No.53088359

Do you not add more to the account?

>> No.53088372

I have no form of income other than my dividends. I live off of this. In other words if 2023 does not turn around I am probably going to live with my parents again or be a bum on the streets.

>> No.53088373

>I won't be in 5 digit hell by this time next year right?
You’d have to lose roughly -30%? Probably not going to happen to something like Spy

>> No.53088378

how does that tent work?

>> No.53088396

Not a large stack to get enough divvys to really live off. How much you getting per month/divy period?

>> No.53088411
File: 1.43 MB, 1125x1400, 1671851405399691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to found the real life version of Faro Automated Solutions. Not even joking.

>> No.53088414

I might be mistaking you for someone else, but didn’t you have a bond funds etc, not just stocks

>> No.53088416

Roughly 300-350 a month which is nothing but that all gets reinvested. Basically I am relying on that to be buying the dips/DCA and hope for the best.

>> No.53088423

oh shit, sorry to hear that man. I want to post my chart but theres no way to filter out deposits for whatever reason.
It folds over onto itself, theres an awning over the ladder but the ladder is where the deck starts. I wouldn't get one unless you plan to use them a lot, I fell for the gimick.

>> No.53088435

How can you both live off the dividends and reinvest them

>> No.53088438 [DELETED] 

Midwit math. That’s not how it works. I bet that guy has never taken an accounting class in his entire life.

>> No.53088455

Yeah what the other anon said, how can you use 350 to live off?

>> No.53088460
File: 52 KB, 593x366, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im writing a book where I do bad math

>> No.53088483

I'm not using the dividends directly. I just take out dollar amounts that I need each month. The dividend thing happens separately. Which means whatever dividends I get each month gets immediately evaporated. Since my monthly costs far exceeds it.

>> No.53088523

Ohhh, yeah you are dipping too much out of your pile im pretty sure. I think you can get it to work but should also get a side income until its built up. Also you can get a higher rate on bonds right now, even on bills so you dont even have to take losses on interest rate movements.

>> No.53088534

You should buy SPY and turn off your computer. Anything else and you will lose money

>> No.53088536

just ate the best steak I've ever cooked

>> No.53088537

Thanks but I would have liked to see the anons post, feel dumb for not saving it now

>> No.53088552

so you've been reinvesting $350 and then selling shares at a loss to take out money?

>> No.53088555

see this >>53088523 that's bad advice
your problem was bagholding thru the most obvious downturn ever
idk why you choose to do that to yourself but maybe next time don't do that instead

>> No.53088565

2022 ends with a bit of good news

>> No.53088566
File: 198 KB, 631x597, 1639716243615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the movie for /smg/ movie night tonight?

>> No.53088573

How much do you need annually for expenses? So you’ve been selling this year to cover expenses? It would be easy to calculate a required return rate on your capital. Taxes should be considered too.

>> No.53088577

Probably the best advice on here, though I use Vanguard. Don’t go down the “value” investor rabbit hole, either. The whole community is full of midwits who think that they’re the next Warren Buffett.

>> No.53088579

the castle (1997)

>> No.53088583

Oh I tried to get into trading and put money into things like XOM, PDBC, SQQQ early in the summer, but every move I made the market moved inversely to whatever action I took so I gave up on that. I have been really tempted to buy bear stocks again but the market has been steadily going down for two weeks now and to just now try to put money into that seems incredibly dumb to me.

>> No.53088584

Continuing to hate and disrespect women and simps.
Continuing to hate the government and central banking.
Read all of BOTNS.
Watch at least one anime that isn't shit.
Play some games on my huge backlog.

>> No.53088589
File: 37 KB, 220x327, The_Slumber_Party_Massacre_(film_poster).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53088598

You can’t find it in the archives?

>> No.53088599
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>> No.53088604

Yeah I guess, just lazy and unmotivated after a brutal past few months

>> No.53088605

not enough gay sex

>> No.53088606
File: 106 KB, 1024x567, 1645726261414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im watching train to busan right now.

>> No.53088611

Layer Cake

>> No.53088615
File: 893 KB, 4096x3518, 4chan biz chainlink bullish frog meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My broker is no longer offering ETFs but I can trade options in a margin account. I never traded options before. Do you pay interest of you have cash in account and hold long options? And what kind of options should I be looking into if I want to replicate UPRO or bet on raising interest rates?

>> No.53088620

I literally don’t care about this, keep this wine aunt shit out of here

>> No.53088622

>My broker is no longer offering ETFs
Wtf? Get a new broker dude. ETFs are as common as stock thesedays. You gotta phone call them to buy and sell too?

>> No.53088626

Does greta make any money?

>> No.53088629

Is Rocker here tonight?

>> No.53088635
File: 360 KB, 1027x859, 1660171173503419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My broker is no longer offering ETFs

>> No.53088656

Based broker

>> No.53088664
File: 285 KB, 798x644, 1656909525087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My broker is no longer offering ETFs
This statement doesn't even make fucking sense
Are they locking you out of leveraged ETFs or something? You have to click an agreement to buy those sometimes... but ETFs in general? No...

>> No.53088675

You're goal should be to live off the dividends from SCHD.
Best combo between growth and income imo.

>> No.53088676

>My broker is no longer offering ETFs
This needs further explanation

>> No.53088677

Get robbed

>> No.53088694

Downwards channel remains with lower highs so I don't think that was the low

>> No.53088705

I should have added, another New year resolution is to destroy every faggot poltard

>> No.53088726


>> No.53088727
File: 225 KB, 334x408, miko18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm here. Watching my wolverines get humiliated currently...

>> No.53088728

Yes, but not enough money to fly a private jet like some other famous climate grifters.

>> No.53088739

Will you be doing a year end review update?

>> No.53088744
File: 217 KB, 393x385, 1647193442216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deserved for your bad attitude last thread.

>> No.53088746

Happy new year man.

>> No.53088755
File: 89 KB, 339x441, 123 - BLGV3iO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy new year my bhenchods and my bich basterds
my new years resolution is to start working and waste all that money on leveraged futures trading

>> No.53088761

Shit, nothin going right for Rocker.

>> No.53088765

I don't know, this game is pretty much ruining my night
You're probably right
Happy new year anon!

>> No.53088790

mine is to crush any anime poster I find

>> No.53088801

Going back and reminiscing about /smg/ 2022 will make you feel better
Or not, could make you feel worse, idk

>> No.53088802
File: 190 KB, 848x1200, happy new year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy new year bros
pivot 2023

>> No.53088807
File: 604 KB, 381x304, image0-2-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never going to happen friend

>> No.53088810
File: 423 KB, 498x371, ha-ha-simpsons.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53088814
File: 145 KB, 870x565, KR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine is to make more anime girl + company OC images

>> No.53088822
File: 268 KB, 1342x845, 4chan WW1 soldier meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have passport from EU country and I'm using tastyworks. Starting tomorrow a 1446(f) Foreign Tax Withholding Regulation comes into effect and because of it tastyworks decided to restrict trading of all ETFs, mutual funds and whatnots for all non-US accounts.

No, I will not switch to my national broker cause there's good chance of capital controls being erected. With broker based in US I have at least some chance I won't get screwed completely.
>pic unrelated

>> No.53088823
File: 73 KB, 768x1024, 1668012885650200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53088831

More like Poopigan.

>> No.53088832

>Imagine not being American

>> No.53088847
File: 84 KB, 720x714, 1663689134592383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mine is to crush any anime poster I find
Right here senpai.

>> No.53088858
File: 114 KB, 256x319, 1651677230003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and what the absolute fuck kind of commie bullshit is that? Who is your national broker?

>> No.53088873

This is why I didn’t allow any photos of my son the moment he was born. They look scary as fuck for the first day or two.

>> No.53088888

anon, most european countries have been free of totalitarianism for less than 80 years
im a german citizen yet i keep my shit at a swiss broker because you never know when they'll start implementing their ideas

>> No.53088896

>their ideas
whose ideas?

>> No.53088921


>> No.53088929

Happy New Years /smg/. Next year in Jerusalem!

>> No.53088933


>> No.53088936

the ideas of strong central governments everywhere
ban cash, know everyone's total assets at all times, control them (see Canada)

>> No.53088939
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>> No.53088945

Bro you don't understand, their P/E is 8 and the divvy is high. That's all you should look for in a company.

>> No.53088956
File: 304 KB, 770x775, 1615293266310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy new year fellow Yuropoors. May all your calls get heemed.

>> No.53088957
File: 244 KB, 752x575, Peter Lynch thinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, I thought it was the current year and all.

>> No.53088971
File: 180 KB, 1910x1069, boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>QQQ commercial during college football

>> No.53088992
File: 396 KB, 2195x700, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I have a steal for you!

>> No.53089040


>> No.53089050
File: 231 KB, 415x410, 1658334552400870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mike Green has interesting things to say

>> No.53089065
File: 83 KB, 904x864, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he unironically watches finance youtubers

>> No.53089067
File: 113 KB, 1249x734, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BNS has similar PE and yield (6%) but at least it looks like it might go up long-term while you collect divvies

only worth it if you can get divvies tax-free of course

>> No.53089076
File: 13 KB, 250x251, 1649019565918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ironically I didn't even watch the links I posted. Try again junior.

>> No.53089084
File: 247 KB, 469x452, 1666261042487018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're just admitting to being a paid shill?

>> No.53089094
File: 93 KB, 667x960, 1658945384451857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no I do it for free, out of the kindness of my heart

>> No.53089096
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>> No.53089109
File: 78 KB, 556x430, 1524747459832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't watch the videos I posted which I claimed were interesting
we don't like the likes of you around these parts, pal

>> No.53089117

>I was just pretending to be retarded!

>> No.53089120

I wouldn't lie, stop hating me for being honest. I didn't just watch those videos.

>> No.53089126

i am going to bake a moist fresh bread

>> No.53089135
File: 1.82 MB, 853x480, 1667695528210681.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now.... would be TOO moist

>> No.53089154
File: 2.76 MB, 1341x843, sadad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes these things take time

>> No.53089170

unironically would
>day 8 of nofap

>> No.53089195

well done anon

>> No.53089215
File: 257 KB, 1678x1496, NNN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did NNN + 23 days
I might to NN2023. I'll decide tomorrow

>> No.53089448
File: 151 KB, 900x1149, 1672452512339046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long before O buy NNN? They are the only two commercial reits left and O just bought VAREIT this year which was smaller than NNN

>> No.53089461

fak, vice versa, NNN was smaller than VEREIT

>> No.53089483

Get to an 18 BMI, learn how to do makeup, become a femboy.

>> No.53089493

don't miss a gym day, finally get a six pack, start a dating profile maybe

>> No.53089508


>> No.53089635

my fellow autistic city builders: if you need something to play get against the storm.

>> No.53089690
File: 2.91 MB, 640x360, 1672319633639575.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man the wolverines fucking suck lmao fucking dumb rocker

>> No.53089742

I think for dinner I'll go alone to a Chinese restaurant to eat fried rice and look at Asian waitresses
Happy New Year's /smg/, wagmi in 2023

>> No.53089749
File: 1.07 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20221231-184436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy New Year frens

>> No.53089758

>I think for dinner I'll go alone to a Chinese restaurant to eat fried rice and look at Asian waitresses
Anon, you've already made it.

>> No.53089762
File: 764 KB, 3000x2006, 1672527421768320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mom and pop chinese buffets are comfy as fuck
also whats your favorite store aesthetic? something about home depot is top tier

>> No.53089765

You know if you stand the chopsticks up in the rice and put the bowl on top of a couple twenties they'll usually escort you to the bathroom for a happy ending. Just saying that's what I've heard, not that I would know my self of course.

>> No.53089776

No buffets around me, so have to go to a sit down place, but that's fine
Thanks for the tip!

>> No.53089836
File: 1019 KB, 600x338, hyped.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks comfy. Thanks.

>> No.53089850
File: 19 KB, 669x542, fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro I've been infomred the cookie I ate was a 30mg edible and should be kicking in about 1 hour, I'm already wasted and don't smoke

>> No.53089851

happy new year smg

>> No.53089853
File: 1.42 MB, 3072x2048, 1661733091046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Home along on new year's eve? You're awesome!

>> No.53089858

it's too late
you're gonna die

>> No.53089860

Thanks, looks like warcraft 3 vibes. But $16 is pretty high for an early access game but ill wait a little and see if its on sale cheaper soon.

>> No.53089877
File: 2.76 MB, 1056x576, 1671961229162673.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53089884

>waiting to buy the dip
As expected of you sempai.

>> No.53089894
File: 7 KB, 222x227, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight I'll be having lamb with a side of lobster stuffed pasta, with an appetizer of boiled seasoned oysters, and a nice glass of red wine.
Later for desert I will be having a home made chocolate lava cake with a side of vanilla ice cream.
Tomorrow I will purchase an improved vehicle to celebrate the next year.

I might be alone tonight but I refuse to be miserable. Happy New Years everyone! Thanks for the SIGA tip, you allowed me to double my net worth.

>> No.53089897

Don't sleep. If you go to sleep you will never wake up.

>> No.53089938

I ended 2022 buying leveraged longs and lost 12K in a month
I ended 2023 buying leveraged shorts and will make 12K in a month

>> No.53089977
File: 127 KB, 1050x1050, Dune-Baron-Vladimir-Harkonnen-Frank-Herbert-Homophobia-featured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your bussy has been moved to the top of the list...

>> No.53089980

SOXL will never go below 10 for another 4 years. See you guys at $50 in 2 years.

>> No.53089990


>> No.53089996

Buckle up, you are in for about 6-8 hours of paranoia and anxiety. I fucking hate edibles.

>> No.53090170

guys I don't want to live in canada in 2023

>> No.53090177

Since no one fucking bothered:



>> No.53090182


>7 bucks for a double burger with combo in 2013
>12 bucks in 2022
What new horrors will 2023 bring us. Can wendy's get a 2x in 10 years by december 2023?

>> No.53090191

Lol just go back to college, nerd.

>> No.53090208
File: 798 KB, 320x692, OF Ferrari.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically listen to >>53087209 & >>53087858.
The Fed has wrecked the real economy so hard since 2008 that literally the only thing that matters is the Fed. We are in a centrally planned economy controlled by the Fed. The market is one big beta extraction mechanism these days -- everything is correlated and it's just a matter of whether that beta is levered or unlevered. Understand that stocks are valued on discounted future cash flows, and if interest rates go up, those future cash flows are less valuable, and if interest rates go down, those future cash flows are more valuable. The Fed has destroyed real capitalism and real price discovery, so the only option now is to trade their machinations. This level of central economic planning would make even Stalin blush.

>> No.53090517

The market literally always dumps the day after he talks about bad news and you think it's priced in? It pumps in real time when talks about raising rates, that's the exact opposite of priced in.