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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53078292 No.53078292 [Reply] [Original]

Cuz ngl, the way I've heard it described just sounds like doing your job.

>> No.53078303

hello datamining fed
no feedback

>> No.53078308

Its gaslighting people to pay attention to something that isn't happening as companies mass layoff people

>> No.53078324

It's a retarded new word for what people have always done. It was probably created by some managers or media talking heads to justify why the reduced quality of service and higher prices can't be blamed on themselves or their puppet masters.

>> No.53078325
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Sounds about right. Thanks, anon.

>> No.53078339

It is. But the ruling classes and bosses need a way to coopt and pacify labor organizing and labor tactics. That is why by giving it a name they integrate it into the status quo and buissness and basically nullify it. They have done this with everything. Unions, striking etc. Capitalism consume and homogenizes everything until there is nothing that can possibly stand out of the status quo and threaten its control.

>> No.53078356

It's a word for keeping your head down and doing your job. It's a corporate funded psyop designed to use intergenerational resentment and boomer stereotypes about millennials and zoomers to justify clamping down on workers asking for more pay and better conditions, or just wanting to do their 40 hours and not a bunch of unpaid overtime.

The word was invented by the corporate media and corporate PR people, which tells you who's pushing it.

>> No.53078401

Also I think it's a psyop to normalise job creep

>> No.53078700

Very much this, with some justification for a few mass layoffs on the side.

>> No.53078722
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the way I understood it was you keep going to your job but you just do as little as possible

>> No.53078904

Half assing everything, if doing anything at all, on purpose out of spite. Regularly not coming in calling out sick. Shit like that. I hate my job why should I bend over backwards for them?

>> No.53079096

You do the level of work your being paid to do

>> No.53079136

It's like goldbricking, but different. Goldbricking is when you're doing the bare minimum with the expectation of eventually retiring with a comfy pension.
Quiet quitting is what you do when you either know you can do jack shit and not be fired or when you know that no matter what, you're going to eventually get laid off.

>> No.53079145

Hey I get 4 weeks pto and 14 sick days per year, you think I'm going to pay tax on those days when I leave?? Ha

>> No.53079168

one or all of the above.

>> No.53079359


This. And if it is real, it's because we're all just waiting for crypto to come back.

t. Guy who really would work harder if he wasn't about to be fucking rich any second now

>> No.53079386
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How to defend transgenderism with it though?

>> No.53079397

I believe the boomer counterpart term is sandbagging.

>> No.53079411

Most people feel pressured by their job to take personal sacrifices for the sake of being a good worker. If Greg calls in sick on your off day, YOU must come in because you're in working condition. If the new guy doesn't show up on his 2nd day, YOU must do the grunt work that he would have been tasked with. If your longtime coworker quits, all of his tasks will now be divided among the rest of the crew. Basically all of these things involve you being dumped with more work, without any extra pay or tangible reward. There are other sacrifices too, like feeling obligated to attend a company dinner that's optional, or feeling obligated to volunteer for some event on the company's behalf.

Quiet quitting is saying "I'm going to do MY work". If Greg is too sick, they'll have to find someone else because it's my day off. If the new guy doesn't show up, I can either fill in for his position or keep to mine, I'm not doing both. If that other guy quits, they're going to have to find someone to fill his position because I have my own job to do. And no, I'm not attending the company picnic or volunteering to clean the ditches to make the company look good.

Successful people already do this, and were doing it for decades. But when millenial wagies found out about it, it suddenly turned into "I'm going to do the bare minimum and steal from the company and write a bad review on glassdoor because fuck these people". It also started popping up frequently in the news cycle right before conversations about mass layoffs started happening, so it may have been a psyop to trick people into getting fired with "probable cause".

>> No.53079422


It’s just doing the bare minimum to not get fired or purposefully underperforming if you don’t actually mind being fired

>> No.53079442

pure tufta

>> No.53079465

Modern businesses rely on the idea they can hire one person to do the jobs of 3 people. This is why finding employment is difficult and "7 million" people are out of work and just stopped bothering to look for full time work. Choosing to do only what is in your job's requirements means that businesses lose money unless they hire another guy, which they don't want to do, they rely on you being their bitch and doing extra unpaid labor.