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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53078250 No.53078250 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.53078343

big if true

>> No.53078499

36k by June confirmed.
Then another slump to 17k.
Then the halving.
Then 147k in late 2025.
Screencap this.

>> No.53078560

Look at how close it came to green in late 2021. It's painfully obvious BTC was due for a stronger leg up and got smacked by macrofactors. As usual, /biz/ is 1 year behind on its analysis -- they believe BTC will eventually dump and buck the cycle due to macro, when that already fucking happened.

Bullish as fuck. 40k EOY 2023, 100k EOY 2024.

>> No.53078701
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>> No.53078711

Do u see green in the yellow circle retard?

>> No.53078714

Zoom in on OP’s image a bit more

>> No.53078769

Based brainlet

>> No.53078866

Fran Finney's ALS cure dump from genesis wallets will make this happen praise kek

>> No.53078912

bitcoin will never hit all time high again

>> No.53078968

BTC dome theorist detected. I too believe in a flat price ceiling

>> No.53079023

just in time for the new year!

>> No.53079029 [DELETED] 

Answer me this. All of your modelling is based on behaviour during a now finished low inflation, low interest rate and (relatively) low electricity/energy cost all of which is dead and gone. Are you saying that the value of BTC in USD is unaffected by either USD inflation or interest rates? I think not. Don't get me wrong I think DLTs have a huge future not necessarily BTC, it is not even useful for buying drugs anymore and its transaction speed and fees are shit , its also controlled by less than 1000 whales making it a cartel commodity. However ...back to basics...BTC produces no return other than speculative price rise ABOVE inflation in USD. Inflation today in the US is 7.1%. BTC would need to have risen 7.1% in 2022 to break even BTC lost over 80% of its value in 2022 and lost that 7.1% against inflation, it is down nearly 90%. Sure we saw it go tpo 3K before and it came back but the problem is a lot of that was with borrowed money, I even watched people here debtmaxing credit cards to gamble on it, then consolidation loans etc etc etc All that is fucked now. People with good credit scores are paying over 5% for loans on used cars....money supply has contracted and is contracting. Assets that produce no cash flow return above inflation are reliant on ample and cheap money supply to support them. It just is not there. Crypto moves with speculative no dividend no earnings tech stocks on the nasdaq, Cathy wood toer thrash. May hurt but that is quite right. We saw thrash like facebook and twitter soar in price against cheap and increased money supply when their only business model was spyware adverts. There is also this endless human folly beyond the fundamentals changing, that patterns once observed always repeat, which is just not true everything from arbitrary geopolitical or political events (e.g. regulations or big illiquid scams like we have seen ) can absolutely fuck cash flows. Its a bad bet anons.

>> No.53079035

[citation needed]

>> No.53079041

Checked and green id

>> No.53079059
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holy moly!

>> No.53079062

This my prediction as well more or less.

>> No.53079064
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>> No.53079067

I'm sorry bro, not reading all that you're probably wrong

>> No.53079090

https://school.stockcharts.com/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=technical_indicators:dppmo:dp-pmo-bearkiss.png bear kiss

>> No.53079098

That's an impossibility unless the protocol fails. Bitcoin has a market cap of a little over 300B. That's nothing compared to every other asset. And Bitcoin has unique aspects that make it very unique and superior to most assets.

>> No.53079120

Yeah, its a fucking peanut again. biden prints more usd with a single fart :(
He gives it instatly to ukraine ofc, but this is not pol......

>> No.53079128

>it must go up, because... becaus... BECAUSE after red comes green

>> No.53079144

Calm the fuck down already fuckface, I'm sick of the constant bear bombardements. You're all acting like it's over forever and overdo it. Just chill and inhale some quality hopium for once.

>> No.53079155 [DELETED] 

I'm not though. Sorry. It is what it is. You would need the impossible miracle of low interest rates, stimulus cheques and a doubling of monetary supply and that can't happen. It is what it is. Right now you are losing money every day just due to inflation even if BTC could hold a value. If you can't read a paragraph, maybe you could not be buying BTC based on cargo cult tier halvening pattern hopium. Things change.

>> No.53079157

exactly, I never saw a blue candlestick before!

>> No.53079185

Your making the mistake that the fiat monetary system is a rock solid system built on integrity. We are at the tail end of the US dollar dominance and nobody knows what the world is going to look like after. Bitcoin has been my bank account for 5 years now and it's been great for me.

>> No.53079203

BTC follows the nasdick now, do the analysis there instead

>> No.53079248

Do you think that all of a sudden we are returning back to sound money just because the Fed has raised rates? Do you understand the magnitude of unfunded liabilities and debt worldwide? Fiat is going to be printed til it becomes worthless, that's a pattern that's been repeated throughout history. Sometime in the future, when things start getting shittier, people will realize that Bitcoin is the only safe place to store your wealth.

>> No.53079292

You're wasting your time. People are either too underwater to be rational and need meaningless charts like OPs to cope, or they have schizo-tier theories on how fiat is gonna collapse 'anydaynowtrustme'.

I honestly wish they were right but they aren't, it's gonna be seriously fucking grim for all of us.

>> No.53079312

Just think that if everyone decided to go to the bank and withdraw their cash, there wouldn't be enough cash to make everyone whole. So the FDIC insurance that you hear about only means that the government will print that non existent money to make you whole, but what do you think that does the value of the money?

>> No.53079532

It's slow and does nothing.

>> No.53079570

>Ah, finally! I’ve cherry picked the right data to confirm my bias!
The more esoteric the charts the less likely the outcome

>> No.53079584

Macro economics are different this time around

>> No.53079615

Shut up nerd

>> No.53079653

Hahaha. So tell me the name of your shitcoin, what does it do and how fast is it? Do you know what what the trilemma dilemma is?

>> No.53079658

his shitcoin obviously is the one to solve the trilemma, just like every other shitcoin before it.
bitcoin is digital gold, simple as.

>> No.53079668

>This time it's different
YAWN. No it's not.

>> No.53079682


>> No.53079764

>i think not
>that was with borrowed money
>contracted and is contracting
and the rest is candy. thanks anon.

>> No.53079883

I just have to laugh everytime one of these retards say Bitcoin is old tech and it's too slow when they have no idea what the trilemma is.

>> No.53079942
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holy fuck the cope, dude, there's no hope, might as well rope.

>> No.53080362
File: 38 KB, 657x527, c41629e0-2223-11ed-8164-a5db16d5e01b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK GUYS THANKS you can stop with the fucking austistic screeching now

>> No.53080512

I'm retarded, how are you doing that PMO crossover?

>> No.53080601

Checked. Decent copium but I love me a good bear market.

>> No.53081879
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literally any other shitcoin is faster than bitcoin
>the trilemma
no one in the real world gives a fuck about some 3 way esoteric nerd jerk off jacking off cum into eachothers mouths. Normies like doge and shiba. that stuff does nothing. it solves nothing. plan your portfolio accordingly around what people want to buy or otherwise just keep holding your autistic L1 bag from 2021 like a virgin because thats all you will ever manage to HODL well. nigger

>> No.53082140

Doesn't matter what happens but just DCA. The trend will be around AI, web3, Privacy and the metaverse.

>> No.53082152

The meme season is not over yet. The like of Tsuka is still around and will do well in the next cycle. Folks are buying into web3 and the like of ORE is a good hold.

>> No.53082270

> Bitcoin has unique aspects
Lol like what? All it has is a capped supply, like many other coins. It DOES nothing.

>> No.53082277

I'll give one, it's unconfiscatible

>> No.53082297

How is it any more unconfiscatable than anything else? If anything its vulnerable to its transactions rolling back because its so centralised now in terms of hash power.

>> No.53082300


>> No.53082305

I found a seashell in the ocean today, I'm buying bitcoin

>> No.53082325

So explain to me how you can confiscate it? Only a retard falls for this low tier fud.

>> No.53082455


>> No.53082820

>That's an impossibility
Say hello 7% deflation

>> No.53082957
File: 56 KB, 450x437, bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is a shitcoin.

not buying your bags pajeet

>> No.53082980

Yea because macro events cant happen more than one at a time

>> No.53083470

what is this indicator?

>> No.53083789

Even if a shitcoin solved the trilemma, you think anyone would care?