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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5307610 No.5307610 [Reply] [Original]

Just got up having my morning coffee laughing at all you losers panicking rn. If you know what you're doing, you're profiting right now.

>> No.5307648

I'm not even looking at the charts since I'm holding my 10k XLM for over a year until it hits $10 and I'm filthy rich

>> No.5307658

expand on that or delet

>> No.5307687

Damn right I'm comfy, I'm slowly gaining money whilst all these stupid NuCoiners and normies are shitting the bed. Brads are unironically buying £5 worth of 'Bit Coin' right now and getting ass-raped by fees before crying about it on Reddit. And what makes it better is knowing that because this is a zero-sum game, every penny those retards lose is a penny gained for me

>> No.5307693

also this, all comfy in the xlm boat

>> No.5307709

up 19% today. comfy af

>> No.5307757
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>everything crashing
>still up on ARK, both in sats and dollar value

I tried to warn them father.

>> No.5307755

i invest in 10 different coins with just 6k

>> No.5307801

not gonna give you all my secrets faggot lol, bought ADX and BLOCK recently, still up in both bu quite a bit lol. That's all I'll share

>> No.5307838

ARK is a trash lol

>> No.5307897

up 55% for the day. this shit is so easy

>> No.5307913

you do realize giving up your "secrets" benefits you right?

>> No.5307961
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I am not feeling comfy at all I have been sitting on my bags since 2011 got goxxed twice and cannot cash out!!

>> No.5308063

>filthy rich
The state of biz

>> No.5308109


it is to someone who's never had more than $1000 in his bank account and lived in slums his whole life leave me be

>> No.5308136

No it doesn't. I don't shill coins I believe in on biz. Only shill coins for a quick pump so I can sell.

>> No.5308216

I know you have a cunty face

>> No.5308249

yes but do you understand the concept of more people knowing about a coin bringing you more money as an early investor

>> No.5308543

You do understand when a coin is constantly shilled on a platform like /biz/ it scares off real investors (like me). Just look at the biggest shill in biz's history. If you don't know what coin I'm talking about I'm done wasting my time talking to you.

>> No.5308647

im gonna sleep well tonight.

>> No.5308656

And coins that are never talked about in /biz/ are obscure scamcoins. /biz/ will always have at least a few threads about the coins that are about to take off.

Anyway, have fun with your obscure scamcoins, I'm sitting comfy on my XLM

>> No.5309394


>real investors like me

lol okay bro

>> No.5309472

lol my "scamcoin" was xrb. Bought at 1500 sats, sold at 30k sats. Literally brought me from a poor guy with an ok amount of money in crypto, to a millionaire. It's been shilled here for the past couple days, my sign to sell. Watch it go back to at least 20k.

>> No.5309480
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Anyone else all in on Qtum? Stable as fuck right now and with further developments in the future this is prime for another moon boom.

>> No.5309506

DRGN ICO was never talked about on biz, until the coin was released. I put a $1000 in, worth over $6k now :) Most DRGN shillers here bought ath lmao

>> No.5309510

What do you reccomend wise anon?

>> No.5309517
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very comfy
we just know
wait 1 year and you made it
it's that easy

>> No.5309544

BAT is a real and great project, when it was being shilled here like crazy it raised a red flag for me, sold. Was very happy with my trade, bought back at 1500 sats last week and feeling comfy af about it :) should I keep going retard?

>> No.5309552

People that brag about their folio are worse than IQ braggers.

>> No.5309581

Oh, but there WERE tons of threads about XRB. They just were largely ignored. It's a good coin, bought in at 0.24$.

False. DRGN was shilled as well. Meant to buy it back then before it hit the big markets but no biggie. I don't think it's a serious long-term ETH competitor anyway

If a coin goes completely unnoticed by /biz/, it's shit. If it gets a few threads, it may have potential.

>> No.5309597

I recommend you DYOR and not follow what some fag tells you on biz or twitter

>> No.5309613

Feeling pretty comfy in REQ. Waiting for that shit to hit $1`

>> No.5309625

You're a tard I saw a bunch of ICO posts for DRGN I was just memes into thinking it was worthless though

>> No.5309634
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Very comfy indeed, just waiting out the storm. Bought some dips this morning

>> No.5309642

I do my own research, never hurts to see what others try and shill

>> No.5309647

BAT has appeared as well.

My point stands, the hidden gems are the ones to be eventually noted by /biz/, the shitcoins are the ones that nobody even on /biz/ bothers to mention. You have to dyor about which ones are good and which ones not

>> No.5309648

you retard the XRB shills started after it has already 5 xd

Do you know how to read? DRGN ICO wasn't shilled, only the coin after it was released, that makes you miss out on an instant 4x

>> No.5309663

I'm in ICX, so super comfy

>> No.5309712

How new are you? There were tons of XRB threads before and after IOTA bubble. Some anon said he was holding 300k, he must be in lamboland now

DRGN was shilled as well. Muh disney and whatever shit. These aren't your big secrets, these are public knowledge for anybody worth their salt to pick up

>> No.5309715

alright retard, if you've been actually following the biz shills, you must have one fat LINK bag, and another even fatter DGB bag, and a fatter heavier BAT bag from when it was shilled here (price was around 4k sats). Enjoy your bags, while I enjoy being rich.

>> No.5309719
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Bancor will flourish

>> No.5309777

XRB shilling didn't start till it hit top 100 on CMC, show me a thread for it before that. If DRGN ICO was shilled it was prob a thread or two, when I'm saying biz shilled coin I'm talking about multiple threads about a coin for days (like link), tell me that happened with drgn ico.

>> No.5309865

Kek, never touched link because I did do my research and it seemed fishy (is it really that useful and why couldn't companies just setup their own oracles, what's up with the development and radio silence).

It most definitely started way before it was top-100, newfag.

>> No.5309921

I'm comfy but also bored. Give me a suggestion on a cheap worthless coin to buy

>> No.5310027
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>high today: 16 btc
>currently: 15.5 btc
>yesterday: 12 btc
It makes me feel better, but not good enough to stop feeling bad. I hope new year will bring me relief from constant pain caused by mental distress and inability to resolve it. My whole life I felt like I can trust some people, those who think same way I do, rare friendship, ties that doesn't break, love that is forever. It's all gone. Illusion shattered. Only hobbies and unfinished work keep me from suicide.