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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 251 KB, 749x411, over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53075892 No.53075892 [Reply] [Original]

Take a step back and think about that. It was all good 90 days ago. Sure the price was $8, but you had the hype of what was coming. Sam Bankman-Fried was a headliner. Eric Schmidt was speaking on stage with Sergey. People on /biz/ were eating Big Macs with the Hamburglar. Since then, however

>Adelyn fired as Chief Marketing Officer
>Sam Bankman-Fried arrested and faces life
>Sergey's pal Celsius has bankruptcy proceedings
>Sergey's other pal BlockFi has bankruptcy proceedings
>SWIFT announced their are multiple possibilities for their next phase
>Enterprise abstraction layer is nowhere to be found
>Staking has produced a 35% decline in token price and a paltry yield below US Intermediate Bonds
>CCIP has been delayed to 2023
>Interactive Brokers has delisted Chainlink
>Grayscale Chainlink Trust is below spot and has lost 80% of its value from ATH
>Liquidation of OG's under $5 imminent
>Radio silence from the team as usual

This is all on Sergey. Where is he? No comment on staking? Enterprises? Abstraction layer? No, it's all unraveling. I predict Sergey gets arrested for securities fraud and/or gets btfo by a schizo

>> No.53075956

token is not a share

>> No.53075970

More like sir gay

>> No.53076057

This is a typical Michael post.

>> No.53076098

This man stole a lot of money from me. Ive been defrauded

>> No.53076119
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Reminder that this happened.

>> No.53076120


Not every criticism is mikey

He stole billions from everyone, and is currently as quiet as a mouse. He needs to face swift justice

>> No.53076148

Didn't read; never staking.

>> No.53076167

if you can truly keep this mindset when link will dump below 1$ ......

>> No.53076171

The streetshitting bums banging on buckets with sticks and flannel shirts on was really bad but I lost when this midwit fatfuck responded with "makes sense".

>> No.53076239

This was illustrative of this era, a waste of energy but supposed to invoke energy, in place of purpose.

>> No.53076256

token simply not needed :)

>> No.53076295

defi not needed
smart contract not needed
centralization > truth

>> No.53076314

i'm eating cheese right now

>> No.53076341

>Adelyn fired as Chief Marketing Officer
Made up, was never fired
>Sam Bankman-Fried arrested and faces life
Nothing to do with link
>Sergey's pal Celsius has bankruptcy proceedings
Nothing to do with link
>Sergey's other pal BlockFi has bankruptcy proceedings
Nothing to do with link
>SWIFT announced their are multiple possibilities for their next phase
There are 3. 1 and 2 have been tested. 3 is up in the air.
>Enterprise abstraction layer is nowhere to be found
According to you.
>Staking has produced a 35% decline in token price and a paltry yield below US Intermediate Bonds
How has staking caused this?
>CCIP has been delayed to 2023
For reasons your pee brain couldnt comprehend
>Interactive Brokers has delisted Chainlink
>Grayscale Chainlink Trust is below spot and has lost 80% of its value from ATH
ok and?
>Liquidation of OG's under $5 imminent
>Radio silence from the team as usual
Twitter says otherwise. Did you want a personal hand written letter of their progress?

>> No.53076355

fucking kek this was brought to you by the token holders
sergey got scammed they aren't even good at the dancing

>> No.53076389

>centralization > truth
nice try, archon

>> No.53076400

>wah wah sergey bad
lmao nobody cares faggot. I buy more every week. Go ahead and seethe at my post and tell me how you don't care what I do even though you obviously do and will prove it with your replies.
>What would it take for you to sell, anon
Swift would have to come out and summarily flatly deny any and all involvement with Chainlink going forward. There would need to be a very, very obvious signal that the wider finance industry and related sectors had chosen to entirely do away with their plans for the token.
If that where to happen I would be fucked anyway cos I have staked everything. As it is I'm going to be fucking rich. Mentally ill fudders can tongue punch my prostate. $1000 EOY.

>> No.53076426

you are a pathetic loser kek

>> No.53076442

you spend your days fudding Chainlink on this fucking dead imageboard. Pot, kettle, nigger.

>> No.53076463

>swift justice
that was intentional.

>> No.53076490

the network is literally dying as well
witness how bagholders will straight up ignore this post

>> No.53076503

I should have sold the minute I saw those fucking drummers. I KNEW at that moment why they called it "smart con". Its a fucking smart con.

>> No.53076507

Try again, ESL inbred lmao.

>> No.53076511

wrong retard they changed to v2 services.

>> No.53076539

>Try again
Oh I'm sorry anon, I assumed you could read.
Was that easier to read?

>> No.53076555

lol look at this raging incel >>53076539

bet it's down really bad kek

>> No.53076581

I'm up like 33x right now. I have to go now, I have a fridge full of delicious food leftover from Christmas, I need to eat some. I wouldn't usually mention that kind of thing in front of you third-worlders because it's cruel but you have already demonstrated that you can't read anyway lol. See yah.

>> No.53076593

v2 services are cratering across the board with the sole exception of Polygon

>> No.53076596

enjoy you will be well rewarded ignore retards but lets stay critical.

>> No.53076646

fuck those threads
nobody cares about dead shitcoins

>> No.53076664
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Literally Bitconnect tier vibes

>> No.53076684
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We will be your slaves.

>> No.53076724

Retards working overtime to defend and deflect, anon just because you disregard facts doesn't mean we'll allow it like

>Nothing to do with link

I think Chainlink associating with Sam Bakman-Fried, Alex Mashinsky, Bancor, Terra Luna, BlockFi, and every other grenade in crypto has something to do with link

>> No.53077102

>I'm up like 33x right now.
how did you do it, anon? what did you buy?

>> No.53077421

I hope you get tomorrow off of work.

>> No.53078517

I'm the first poster in this image, surprised you still post it. I never responded to you before. 2 years later, I'm retired now with low 7 figs in my early 20s. Never made it to 8 but content that I sold link at a decent price and never looked back. Cheers demoralizer anon, I hope this screenshot will be used for the rest of time to dump on stupid linkies who bagheld the entire bullrun.

>> No.53078969

>Did you want a personal hand written letter of their progress?

1 for me thanks

>> No.53078999

Industrial Rhythm was pretty based. Better than Vitalik's furry dance offs kek

>> No.53079032

>something to do with link
Of course this is just COPE. Chain Link Oracles Power Everything kind of COPE. >>53076539
how do you know this place is dead haven't you read the gpt4chan frog bot threads?
>Grayscale Chainlink Trust is below spot and has lost 80% of its value from ATH
I can buy Grayscale IOU LINK for less than the token not needful sers price?
big if true

>> No.53079117

Ackually I was surprised they didnt get that chink rapper on stage to throw down about LINK. wouldve been based collab not finna lies

>> No.53079125

>has something to do with link
What should link be charged with?

>> No.53079189

do you think Sergey was in the right to extract over half a billion dollars to his private bank account?

>> No.53079220

Jews have a justified moral obligation to rob goyim. Sergey is not Jewish so at first glance you might think him another goy not so not so he is in fact a SHAbot goy which means Talmudic morals apply to him just as they would to Sam or Maskinsky. Plus the Jews would not be able to rob the goyim if they weren't so gullible so its completely justified. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk


>> No.53080478

Why are people gonna get liquidated sub $5? How does that work? Explain plz OGs

>> No.53080521

>something to do with link
If that’s the case I was the ceo of bitcoin to go to jail for having something to do with drugs and childporn.

>> No.53080764

You lend out 5000 links to aave for $5 a piece and get $25.000 in stablecoins. You use those stables to buy more link or other crypto. Price goed up, you sell some and pay back aave the $25.000.

However, if the price drops, and the value of those 5000 llocked link on aave is dropping below 25.000 you’ll get “margin called” and aave sells the tokens.

>> No.53081771

"Retards working overtime to defend and deflect"
The irony of you responding with this while being completely unable to deal with his answers is hilarious
You probably have to fud just to survive at this point - when the network matures and the token price soars there will be people on here with enough money to easily find and collect you and your family in minecraft. Never forget that.

>> No.53081966
File: 22 KB, 640x378, EA452AD1-5C1B-411A-AAA9-A97F6DAD9B9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duuuuuuuuuuuude the cult did nothing wrong
>broooooo just lose your entire investment, the tech takes time man
>duuuuude just be a cuckold like me

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH sup bitch. God damn youre a pathetic excuse for a man. Imagine rushing to defend the very person stealing from you. Aahhhaahhahahahahahahahaah woooooooooooooooooooo sub $5s coming bitch

>> No.53081977
File: 427 KB, 1125x2436, C7CDDA44-36CA-40A0-9BCE-3E9A242439C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duuuuuuuuuuude I ownded da fudddddderz by throwing money down le well


>> No.53081988

lmao hi freak. When was the last time you left your shack?

>> No.53082001

1000 stacklet what am in for

>> No.53082014

>its a heckin conspirathy guysthhhhh!!!!
>the 20 people who post on biz can move the price…why??? Because they JUST CAN ALRIGHT

Awwwwww our wittle babby having another bout of paranoia. Nice chart by the way, impressive. Remember when nexo and every other exchange were insolvent and Link was “breaking out”, faggot?

>> No.53082022

any time now, guys.

>> No.53082193

wew this sort of cope should be saved for the new year

>> No.53082199
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>> No.53082783
File: 302 KB, 1079x964, 2022 plans kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember this? Fucking KEKKKK

>> No.53083751

Bro, stop arguing with the fudders. They all hold link and just want to keep newfags and normies out. Anyone with an iq above room temperature can see past the fud. You're preaching to the converted. Get with the program.

>> No.53083763

bro thanks for bumping yet another dead fud thread, you sure showed the fudders now

>> No.53083985

>Anyone with an iq above room temperature can see past the fud.
>r-right guysth?!?!

>> No.53084014

they'll just announce a bunch of fake partnerships and business will carry on as usual
and by business I lean selling tnns to cult members

>> No.53085745

You’re a brainwashed homosexual