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53075363 No.53075363 [Reply] [Original]

The Incel problem will have to be taken care of at scale:
misguided men vill have to adopt atomization and liberalism

How to profit off of this given if you walk into a college town and propose to girls that they have to adopt conservatism, they would agree to assisted suicide?

>> No.53075397
File: 73 KB, 773x435, 95EB1840-45EF-4FA4-83E1-5E70530DDAA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53075428

The baldness problem will have to be taken care of at scale:
The pink pill is that the bald people do hodl haircomb

>> No.53075447

As a trap top, how can I get a husband like Andrew Tate? Asking for a fren

>> No.53075488
File: 486 KB, 408x270, ATUV5FhORicPCob- (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy vey, I wonder who treatened him

>> No.53075524

Is it possible to invest in limb lengthening and hair transplant businesses?

>> No.53075525

Am I literally the only incel on here who's fine with just fapping to free porn (nothing requiring any simping or payment, like OnlyFans) for the rest of my life?
As long as I have free porn, a pod to live in, food, the internet, TV and video games, I'm fine
I don't get this obsession with having to have sex, especially as a man who everyone acknowledges isn't sexually attractive and therefore won't get sex anyway. Sex clearly isn't meant for everyone, especially men
I know I sound sour grapes as fuck right now but I swear this is how I feel. Some anons will call it cope, which it technically is, but how else do you expect me to react? It's either this or be an angry guy like KentTV, those are my only realistic options

>> No.53075535

Making a deep fake of Tate and Greta would be probably really profitable. Just saying

>> No.53075547

Personally, I’d like to have a happy family of my own one day.

>> No.53075569


I bet that his haircomb does have 21 teeth.

>> No.53075584

Stop posting about that disgusting rapist and human trafficker.

>> No.53075607

I'd like that too, but unfortunately for us we're now living in a "the world owes you nothing" era. So there are some things as a lower-tier man that you'll just have to learn to do without such as sex and having children/families of your own. All you can do is focus on other things

>> No.53075654
File: 41 KB, 750x413, E29D8C0C-C866-432A-BAC5-A75DF0C65E8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps you are right, and it is hopeless.
But I will still try my best

>> No.53075715

Conservatism is for faggots. Andrew Tate is a nigger faggot.

>> No.53075734

Anyone has his backstory? Is he a CIA plant or just anti establishment and therefore hunted?

>> No.53075742

was this post writen by a bot? its just a word salad of buzzwords i have no idea what he's trying to say

>> No.53075781

Your wrong, it's a trap.
There is after life, but only fort those to repented.

>> No.53075856

Is this an AI-generated thread? Half the posts just seem like random words strung together

>> No.53075896

i just fap and occasionally go to thailand and philippines to get it out of my system, sometimes remote working there for few months
the thing with sex at least for me is that when i don't have easy access to it, i often grave it but when i get the easy access like in thailand, i kind of lose interest

>> No.53076106

How old are you and how long have you been living this way? I held up like you for 15 years until it started really bugging me and making me depressed.