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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 558 KB, 715x1137, 104048746_xcmp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53074800 No.53074800 [Reply] [Original]

New Years Edition

>> No.53074812

Sell someone your wallet for a 10% discount then use that money to buy most of your XMR back. The other person will have to deal with figuring out how to get the XMR

>> No.53074834
File: 8 KB, 365x123, too slow and thats a good thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have everything from the moment I created the wallet and until latest block.
It looks like it's synced now after a rescan fixed it. Good thing I already had the blockchain.
I lost the unused empty accounts though.

Full node soon tm

I fixed it.

>> No.53074851

Will governments ever start mining xmr to be able have their funds secured

>> No.53074852
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>Actually I will call it now. The next influencer is Michael Saylor and he will shill centralised ponzinomics "defii" platforms that support BTC.
That would do well for my BTC bags I think, though it does seem very plausible I question how much power it would have, but he is literally the biggest BTC holder in everyone's mind so he might have enough influence if he starts shilling like crazy during a coke fuelled orgy.

>> No.53074871

North Korean hackers are already mining XMR through botnets probably, so that's a government operation.

>> No.53074872

>he is literally the biggest BTC holder

>> No.53074895

Not even his money.

>> No.53075034
File: 43 KB, 513x247, 1672424642704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why bother when the Ukraine exists?

>> No.53075097

I just solved the mystery of why some guy randomly appears and calls Asian men undesirable in these threads. I'm only half Asian so I don't know why he does this.

>> No.53075113

And whats the answer?

>> No.53075136
File: 135 KB, 1024x1280, touhou__tewi_inaba_by_sanzuri-d6rq2jd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People think all shills are Asian but the joke is on hom. I'm only half Asian.

>> No.53075265

Halfu is nice. Only the most inbred white would disagree out of insecurity.

Hinazuki Kayo

>> No.53075276

Is there an AMA next week?

>> No.53075285
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>> No.53075420

AMA this week was low-key bullish:

Kevin to spend two whole weeks in Middle East in Jan/Feb meeting regulators and investors

XCM tier revamp delayed because it will be launched with other measures to address XCM liquidity in January

Finally hired someone to take care of partnerships

>> No.53075451

AMA this week was low-key bullish:

Kev confirmed wife beater, strong leadership.

Kev shits on person for giving him bad financial advice, continuing in court.

Doesn't know what a "fair launch", will make a lot of money selling xcm!

>> No.53075515
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>> No.53075639

I'm going to buy and burn 10 XCM soon. 2023 will be a good start.

>> No.53076034
File: 441 KB, 1448x2048, 1645607297984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Oliver, really cool of you to drop by.
I wish you a happy and healthy 2023, I'm sure on behalf of everyone here.

>> No.53076121

Wow Eric Wall is actually a fuggin retard and a binancu shill
whomsta' thunk hehe certainly not I ehehe heh

>> No.53076166
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The most bat shit crazy thing about him is the amount of time he spends talking about multi-chain, side chains, scaling, he seems genuinely interested in this approach as you can see here https://youtu.be/b8JGBtzGkj4?t=188
>Number of posts about Chainweb:

>> No.53076197
File: 383 KB, 754x714, 1578522069381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm only half asian
fucking disgusting, why would you evr admit this in public

>> No.53076212
File: 914 KB, 2020x1380, crickets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, looks like a lot of trading going on over there anons! congrats on this, seriously.
didn't make the top 100 cryptocurrency exchanges this year! lmao! awww but don't worry, you can make the it into the list of top 100 cryptocurrency exchanges next year!!

>> No.53076229

chainweb is boring
solana on the other hand... now that is interesting tech!

>> No.53076263

S-st-stutter anon i-is that you?

>> No.53076300

just report this blatant paid advertising thread

>> No.53076339
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>> No.53077015
File: 77 KB, 600x750, 1668719165930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a while I thought about whether I should post this, but I'm going to do it anyway.
Please, realise you're on an anonymous imageboard where being anonymous is the default, what matters here is not your reputation, your name or your past, what matters is what you are able to contribute to the conversation or discussion.
Stutter anon as you call her has chosen to remain anonymous and it's therefore likely she wants to remain anonymous, you should stop calling people out and stay on topic.
If you cannot do that, other types of discussion platforms might be more suitable for you.

>>xxxx219 (You)
When I spoke about love last thread, I found it to be quite a coincidence that (You) posted about it a few minutes afterwards, even though I didn't get a (You) I felt like it was aimed at me because of the subject.
Perhaps I'm imagining things but I cannot shake the feeling there was suggestive undertone in there, mainly due the words "pretentious game".
I take ethics very seriously, now the ^above will look like I'm trying to prove a point, maybe things would have turned out different had history been different.
Different perspectives are fine, they are great even, they deserve praise and love.
However, love for all is not unconditional, it's conditional.
The conditions are written in the old book, in general they should be common knowledge; just do good.
Do good, and you will receive love.

The TL:DR is that I am stutter anon.

>> No.53077081

I just realized I've had my monitor on 60hz since may.

I am stutter anon.

>> No.53077234

I-I am stutter anon.

>> No.53077300
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>> No.53077440

man, I just upgraded my GPU, and the very first thing I noticed was that my monitor was set to 60hz

>> No.53077851
File: 32 KB, 384x512, 6b9da6d8f571306ced14d8c8f15e95bde7546bear1-750-1000v2_125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She had to be destroyed because some were envious of her funposting skills.
I'm sorry I don't want to share my spiritual views in details. If you want to discuss this, I believe spiritual forums are more appropriate.
The philosophical concept of goodness is often hijacked by unsuspecting minds who tend to play upside-down games of inverted networks of labels and meanings to trick themselves, but the issue is infinitely more complex than it appears. If someone believes she isn't biased, she is especially affected by it.

>> No.53077937
File: 166 KB, 592x571, DNA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53077946
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>> No.53077948

Explain to me in detail what message you would like to convey with this post. Thanks

>> No.53077956
File: 321 KB, 587x689, Lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53077976
File: 281 KB, 1620x2025, FkBacTBX0AIVfJT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53078046
File: 18 KB, 626x350, Cuntmetro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53078049
File: 365 KB, 819x538, Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lab grown self insert garbage, I love it.

>> No.53078079
File: 18 KB, 350x350, Amogusmetro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

murcko-sama sussi

>> No.53078099
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>> No.53078326
File: 54 KB, 557x460, 1657671554327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sorry I don't want to share my spiritual views in details.
Thought you wanted to talk about love and specifically who was eligible to receive it.
If you don't want to elaborate where you're coming from it's fruitless to continue, but maybe you meant something different with your first post.
I'm not sure what to make of the rest of your post.
>If someone believes she isn't X, she is especially X.
That doesn't make sense to me at all.

>> No.53078362
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>> No.53078368

he's saying that kike sold his company to a bunch of niggers exactly like /polcels predicted
ergo, /pol wins again

>> No.53078378
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>> No.53078400

It's either pol or /pol/.
Writing /pol is like a weird freak accident.
Pick one instead of half-assing it.
Of course a /pol/tard wouldn't know better.

>> No.53078425

my good sir
do not shoot the messenger
i was merely translating the message of the aforementioned true gentleman

>> No.53078436

oh and there are 3 coinmetro threads now
one for each of the telegram trannies?

>> No.53078446

If in doubt, shoot.

I only see two threads?

>> No.53078476

it's easier to open the symbols menu once on a phone instead of twice
here is the 3rd one >>53078437

>> No.53078547 [DELETED] 
File: 703 KB, 2400x1800, Screenshot 2022-12-31 at 00.25.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to get a mail order bride gf in 2025 when I've made it.
What is your quintessential Japanese beauty?

>> No.53078553

Your animal coin seems to be dead.
Barely any stakes or unstakes this year.

>> No.53078555
File: 515 KB, 738x598, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is your quintessential Japanese beauty?

>> No.53078580
File: 284 KB, 1526x1600, police station.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flat and pigtails, got it.

>> No.53078582


>> No.53078593

>police station.png
wait where are we going

>> No.53078640

you didn't even notice the cute fang or the lewd shoulders, absolute pleb

>> No.53078704

It is what it is. Maybe it gets pumped and dumped in 2025. Price is low, I will grab some just in case. If it pumps randomly I can push profits in another shitcoin for exponential potential.

>> No.53078870
File: 40 KB, 366x424, 1660149490490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-b-b-but everything is low price, you must know something!

And underage.

>> No.53078928

She's literally alien royalty

>> No.53078931
File: 1.51 MB, 1920x1080, m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>B-b-b-but everything is low price, you must know something!
I know that I know nothing.
My theory is that if I pick up majority of BTC I am secured some gains. If I pick up some shitcoins and sell the first 10x and put it into some of the other shitcoins and sell when they 10x to put into another pump and dump or just BTC (paying taxes on all the sells before it crashes to zero of course so I don't get tax raped if everything dumps) maybe I can get a 100-1000x.
This seems more plausible than finding the 1000x today right now and going all in.

>> No.53078941
File: 146 KB, 640x672, 1611457423515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to do my crypto taxes

>> No.53079050

I am so bullish it's unreal.
I keep seeing posts like this every single day. You'd think they were copypasted from reddit or something.
In 23 hours I will prepare to buy. My patience will be rewarded.

>> No.53079078

What if the narrative this bullrun is BTC getting flipped?

>> No.53079111

What if that has been the narrative every bullrun and Ethereum and BNB is a Piece of Shit centralized scamcoin. XRP is just proof of approved nodes. None of them will flip BTC. Well, maybe if CZ pulls a Kevon and puts a minimum sell price on BNB for a while like CZ did to UST when it was crashing. Then, if BTC drops 80% and you can't sell BNB then BNB will flip BTC.

>> No.53079122

ETH is now fully betting on pumpanomics so it might be the narrative

>> No.53079137
File: 43 KB, 557x679, EZ8ANhbWAAsJdIL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U-uhm... You misunderstood my first post. This is one of the reason why I won't talk about philosophy. There are too many levels of detail required to effectively share the full extent of a perspective, and it's hard to navigate around all possible connective meanings mapped to all labels every reawders may rely on in order to design the most concise and clear explanations. Furthermore, external minds are scattered around various possibly inadequate stages of cognitive development, or may feel directly aimed by the discussion of generic types of bias, which is undesirable. If you're still bothered by the heavy "pretentious game" terminology, this is intentional. Engage in deep introspective work until only truth remains, while clearly distinguishing signal from noise.
I think I've already explained this view in the past, but absolutely everything deserves the highest form of love. Being alone in the void is insanely scary, but you can be proud of the miracle consciousness is.

>> No.53079176
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>everything deserves the highest form of love
based and kanye-esque

>> No.53079392

There's only one standard.

No, you're wrong.

>> No.53079488
File: 399 KB, 1189x868, EJVKy44XsAAk1AX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[nothing changed and everything is exactly the same]-vibe answers
N-not sure if comforting or alarming. It seems I over-stepped into foreign territory and must go back to the containment eternal solitude of mine.

>> No.53079590


>> No.53079605


>> No.53079611

You clarified that you intentionally tried to trigger people with your original post.
Once they try to discuss with you further you throw up barriers to not have to explain your position and basically the only thing you're saying is
>Engage in deep introspective work
which leaves me with very little to work with.
You'll have to make do with a simple "no".

>> No.53079618

attention everyone.
thanks for your attention.

>> No.53079734

kevin you fuck

>> No.53080023
File: 106 KB, 913x1200, 833FC193-A6B5-409D-A8AB-9F78B57D2287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t talk about spirituality because your mind has to be ready for it. Sometimes I feel like ignorance really is bliss. Look on YouTube for Buddhism / Non-Duality teachers who may guide you.

>> No.53080357

What kind of retarded meido would ban such a cute post about a mail order bride after making it with BTC?
Right before new years too. Rude.

>> No.53080384

meido cleaning up the house :3

>> No.53080482

Coinmetro is insovent. CMX is a shitcoin
ByBit has excess liquidity. BIT is a realcoin

>> No.53080488

Kill yourself.

>> No.53080497

You replied to the wrong person

>> No.53080555

>implying I read the post
I looked at the length and number of paragraphs and gauging from the tone of the first sentence made a decision. I think everyone knows who it was aimed at so it is all good.

>> No.53081910

I can't talk to you anymore because your character has to be ready for it.
Look on WikiHow / Youtube for social etiquette or interactions teachers who may guide you.

>> No.53082229
File: 222 KB, 2289x2289, A7E647E1-CD07-458D-8504-F42DDC3EC9ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-terminology was simply alluding to the insane psychological damage and unwanted exposure I had to endure for a year because some mistakenly assumed I was “fake”. I’ve never said it concerned you, or anyone. If you feel targeted by it, you must look at your deep sense of self to test if it holds investigation, or if this is merely just noise. For most, it’s probably the latter.

>> No.53082653
File: 856 KB, 948x818, H3N5l3s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-naw absolutely everybody hates me, I'm leaving Kadena forever. I only wanted to help building the metaverse, but I can't contribute to anything involving "others". I keep making the same mistake over and over again, I don't know how to lie and always say things nobody wants to hear. I'm thankful for the unpleasant social experience, as I used to be incredibly naive. I will keep playing with blockchain/CBDC agnostic game-theory related ideas on Github, but I don't believe in cryptocurrencies anymore. "Financial free speech absolutism" is as much a meme as Elon Musk's vision of "free speech", as long as the survival of comfy moral values in decentralized systems isn't evidenced.
I wish you a happy new year, uncluttered by the noise of fools such as my self. Love you.

>> No.53082981
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Kek, this is ridiculous. How unprofessional.

>> No.53083061

It is very professional. He used his power a respectable figure in the crypto industry to conplain about the recent influx of racists onto twitter in his post where he passes the torch to IndyGeneUS, a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) owned by a black service-disabled veteran.

>> No.53083114

DNAlets btfo. Is this the Coinmetro equivalent of when Lition was flogged to that Vietnamese scam project?

>> No.53083248
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>I'm leaving Kadena forever.
See you tomorrow, also, you have your own threads.
>happy new year
Wish you (and everyone reading this post) a happy and healthy 2023.

They spelled 4chan correctly, which must mean they know what they are talking about, they've done their research.
Fortunately we're on 4channel, where users are civilised.

>> No.53083260

Nigger what are you talking about?

>> No.53083458
File: 425 KB, 2200x1891, 1672363800274970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-im unironically dying from biological aftermath of the considerable chronic stress experienced from all the scary messages i've received in the past, and i'm not even old. i hope everyone who hates me is happy.
i'm sorry if i was rude. crypto communities really gross me out.

>> No.53083783
File: 1 KB, 156x43, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning

>> No.53083840
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I'm not sure why you're telling me this after trying to trigger and belittling me.
Apparently I'm too unenlightened to even begin to speak about spirituality, what makes you think I'm a qualified therapist or medical professional?
I can only recommend you seek professional help.

>> No.53084105
File: 100 KB, 569x1065, >tfwthekadenacommunityissotoxicigotbulliedoutbeforeevendeployinganything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-you weren't the one addressed by my initial post. i'm still not sure why you took it personally. the literal title of the previous thread seemed to be attacking me, so i just responded to it. my vague answers were merely trying to express the fact any doubt about yourself can be disproved through introspection, since i tried to phrase it in a way the idea can be useful to every readers, not only you.

>> No.53084115

where did kadena thread go

>> No.53084266
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>i'm still not sure why you took it personally.
In my very first post addressing this in this thread I explained why, you could have easily cleared it up at that point, but instead
>my vague answers were merely trying to express
you chose to be intentionally vague in order to convey some sort of message.

>the literal title of the previous thread seemed to be attacking me, so i just responded to it.
The title of the previous thread was "Coinmetrooo" with comment "Winner Edition".

This is becoming tiresome so I'm going to call it quits.
Happy moo year y'all.

>> No.53084284
File: 229 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it normal to feel like I wasted a perfectly good evening meeting people and celebrating a pointless event when I could have been watching anime

>> No.53084408
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>could have easily cleared it up
i-i have to deal with insane social pressures and fears of persecution. providing clear definitive objects to my defense would've been impolite, and crossing a line i was unwilling to risk, as i wanted to keep everything neutral and impersonal. it took me too long to realize you were actually taking things personally. i excused myself to everyone.
>Winner Edition
who do you think they are badmouthing, im not that naive
>becoming tiresome
happy mew year all

>> No.53084721

>who do you think they are badmouthing
Someone who sperged out in our thread with 100 ips spamming long after we beat the PRQ thread in living longest. Then he gave us the most replies too for free.
We won >>53048578

>> No.53084822

>Winner Edition
>who do you think they are badmouthing, im not that naive
Hello, I'm the author of that sentence, it was in reference to a being alive longer than the prq thread and the guy who was mad about it.
I don't even want to say this since it's new years and I feel like we all need to relax but if you think that was in reference to you, you need to meditate harder.

>> No.53084832

maybe she means this thread >>53074870
but why not say that.

>> No.53084846
File: 299 KB, 1342x2048, 20221231_124802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you should stop being mean to her, you clearly don't care about being right and just want to fuel drama.

>> No.53084873
File: 181 KB, 1061x1500, 20221231_124748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so uh anon, why did you not reply to the post that shows the other anon have his 64GB ram, he spent a lot of fiat on that, and I just think not giving that post any (you)'s is very rude
what do?

>> No.53085068

I was too busy checking that I used less ram to look at the other half of the slash.
Did you use the extra ram yet? It’s on 7.7gb so I’m not sure.
I prefer giving You’s to frugal ways to get more for less. If you had bought used ram from China for $10 I would be more inclined to shower you with You’s because I am a poorfag.

>> No.53085170

I put it in and booted it up to take the screenshot, I will try it later.
I also bought a GPU support since I broke the lock but I gave up installing it, need 4 hands for that and I don't have a gf.

>> No.53085320

>Jade Green, Royal Indigo, and Ruby Steel Crypto.com Visa Card users who activated their Card before 23 July 2022, 15:00 UTC will enjoy the merchant rebate benefits (Spotify, Netflix) available through their Card tier and subject to current conditions for six more months (until 23 January 2023, 15:00 UTC). Thereafter, cardholders will not receive CRO reimbursement(s) when spending with these merchant(s)

>> No.53085430
File: 454 KB, 1061x1500, 20221230_172004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should urgently realize some losses so I don't have to pay taxes on some of my tiny crypto profits I took.
But I can't be bothered to sell, what now, how retarded am I, should it be my highest objective right now?

>> No.53085895
File: 51 KB, 434x341, ExlHwZFW8AI1BCp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-i really got her mad... it's really over for me. it feels like i'm an alien who will never be able to correctly predict how external entities integrate my messages. i always expect others to read between the lines and see the subtle ideas being expressed. this is what i meant by "may feel directly aimed by the discussion of generic types of bias" in the same post where i implicitly don't clear out doubts. as i said, i was afraid excluding or including objects to my initial spergout would've been too impolite. "this is intentional" just means what it means, but it isn't aimed at anyone. i thought she was obviously unaffected by it and introspection would've quickly cleared the suspicion if needed. i was wrong.
i don't really get it but everything feels against me this days. you will never hear about me again. sorry, good bye. i love you all.
sorry i shouldn't have been so sloppy, but i really don't feel well. i love you too.

>> No.53086509 [DELETED] 
File: 243 KB, 512x512, 5423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever. I've had to endure so much for more than a year before I couldn't put as much energy into being respectful. I'm done.
Anyway, you are reality. It's just you talking to yourself (me).

>> No.53086677
File: 654 KB, 1000x1952, 20221229_161831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been thinking, is it possible for a person to be fully content? I guess the answer is no but how close can one get

>> No.53087184

Mahiro Oyama was just a normal erotic-game loving dude...until he woke up one morning as a woman! Turns out his mad-scientist little sister, Mihari, tried out one of her new experiments on him...with a disastrous outcome, as far as Mahiro's concerned! But Mihari is as determined to study him as he is determined to go back to his shut-in, game-playing life, and one thing's for sure...life is going to get a whole lot weirder from here on out!

>> No.53087283

Her new friend is very cute and kakkoii >///<

>> No.53087331
File: 70 KB, 494x482, AABF60C4-8EDA-4D78-B56E-B843BFE163C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re truly going to hate me based on words that weren’t even addressed to you, all I can say is that I’ve always tried to be helpful but I don’t know how to protect myself from bullying.

>> No.53087572
File: 1.35 MB, 4096x2304, 20221121_000840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blog post time. New years wish edition.
I have one unachievable dream. Most of my dreams are pretty achievable and realistic even if far out. But this one requires a miracle. It might not be impossible but very improbable.

I want a friend group, that is, my age, and, go on a long-is trip with them, something akin to a school trip.
I were on three when I was in school but I was too young and I fell into the equivalent of having dropped out before being able to do that.
I don't know what it is about this setting that I like so much, I just find the idea of a tight nit fren group being on their own in the midsts of their youth kino.

The crux of the issue with that is, something like that only seems possible in school or when the stars align, thiese days people's schedule and rampant loneliness (people not having friends to behind with) makes this near impossible.

What do, is this dream achievable natty?

>> No.53087685

>providing clear definitive objects to my defense would've been impolite
Why's that?

Badmouthing summer?
The joke's that Coinmetro hasn't been winning but it's winter season, when you say winter quickly it becomes winner.

>tried to be helpful
Deploy Kadena dapp with line go up!

After you've left the educational system and military draft you only lose friends.

>> No.53087700

I think the closest to "easily" achievable would be something like travelling to a festival in a foreign country together since a lot of people are into doing that no matter their finances. Not quite what you’re after though.
A more realistic goal would be one friend and being dedicated to meeting new people together on the trip.

>> No.53087961
File: 503 KB, 1280x999, 6711442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I deserve to be hated by default, or at least I can't blame anyone who want to distance themselves from me. The quality of my posts have been crumbling down from chronic stress and resurfacing traumas. I gave the people who wanted to break me exactly what they desired.
>Why's that?
I don't care who anonymously said what. No one in particular significantly feels adversarial to me, but it seems to be a case where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, such as my experience from imageboards was frightening without people realizing it.
>Deploy Kadena dapp with line go up
I'm sorry I really have to start over without social baggage. You will never hear about me again. I will probably only do non-financial stuff.

>> No.53088163

Everyone was supposed to like me, but before I knew it, I was being cuckolded by my mother in this NTR story!

Living in the same house as her, I was turned into a masochist in this depressing lesbian NTR story of despair!

>> No.53088752

You see there is a detail you're missing, it needs to be a group of close friends, not random people.

>> No.53088780

I’m not missing anything in the former if you’ve befriended them in advance for a long time. A lot of people are into festivals, but I also understand that’s probably not quite what you want. Just looking from a realistic viewpoint.

>> No.53088889
File: 942 KB, 2500x1667, 20221204_235327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's certainly a good point.
And you're right it's not what I am after.

Happy new year everyone

>> No.53088899

Off by one.
Happy New Year, gonna go buy some crypto now.

>> No.53089342
File: 16 KB, 321x328, Screenshot_20230101-005113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New years gift for QRDO holders

>> No.53090285

Anon… you almost made me happy, but it’s 10c still.

>> No.53090312
File: 615 KB, 1080x937, Screenshot_2022-12-31-00-14-03-52_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Randomx is always destroyed by stolen CPUs
WHAT did thanonie mean by that
Such is life on a low lequidity scam excahgne

>> No.53090411

He is wrong. CPU minable shitcoins with low hash rates get exploited all of the time but that doesn't mean the concept is flawed it means that scammers like Charlie Lee can't make their own worthless POW coins anymore. They don't need to anyway since making a worthless ERC - 20 token is easier.

Lol no. Where are your friends going to get the money to go on a long term trip? People are poor and you should hide your wealth.

>> No.53090438
File: 935 KB, 885x1017, 1672107982694716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>long term
1-2 weeks is fine. It's not about the money. It's about se
It's about time (age) and having frens in the first place, the things money can't buy. Don't focus on the things money can buy.

>> No.53090454

Not normal, maybe normal if you had something important to do, like tax loss harvesting. Anime is something you can do any time, tax fraud is time sensitive.

>> No.53090521

> Don't focus on the things money can buy.
This is a nice argument as to why you should lose your virginity to a prostitute.
For me, it's having friends who think I am a poor person with zero interest in money.
It's normal because New Year is a stupid holiday and counting down from ten isn't fun.

>> No.53090523
File: 71 KB, 1000x982, FCotFscWUAgQF4r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own 472 kadenas

>> No.53090658
File: 397 KB, 696x943, kitahappy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New Year is a stupid holiday
Autistic people value the value change of the current year value.
I haven't done anything interesting for new years ever since had a gf
>you should lose your virginity to a prostitute.
That seems like a bad idea. I don't want to have sex, I want a girl to put her head on my shoulders while we browse /biz/. Even writing this out lights a fire in my heart. How will sex ever compare.

>having friends who think I am a poor person with zero interest in money.
One time - this was years ago - I had a chat with a buddy on why he like'd a house in the woods more than the city, he then randomly said "I always imagine you in some kind of high rise penthouses looking out a huge window", I always found it interesting what he must have thought of me to come to that interpretation of my future, because I'm pretty sure back then I was just a loser poorfag when he said that.
So if you want your friends to not think of you in that way you probably have to do the opposite of beeing yourself. No?
Take this board for example, if you wanted your fellow posters not to think that you are an experienced based crypto chad, then you would have to stop with a lot of things that you do naturally, like posting loli hentai. Which I'm sure is not something you would like to do. Is that equivalence fitting or not at all because in real life it's people you know and or has something to do with jealousy.

At this point I'm just rambling. I'm just making the mistake that you're avoiding by doing this and feel like it will have terrible consequences. I at least make an effort to hide it but I'm not good at hiding things and end up being too open with people. And now they think I'm a big baller or something even though I'm down from ath. At this point I'm just rambling.

>> No.53090686

I’ve never counted down from 10.
I spent my new years eve on gikopoi again, it was comfy watching anime and talking about sex dolls and kigurumi.
Just bought and downloaded an eroge. Life is great.

>> No.53090770

>while we browse /biz/
I initially wrote /wsg/ because.. I don't even know why, so I changed it, I wouldn't know what board would be best to browse next to a girl.

>> No.53090792
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>So if you want your friends to not think of you in that way
I try very hard to make them not know how rich I am.
>you probably have to do the opposite of beeing yourself. No?
Not really, I would just have to end all my sentences with (as a millionaire.)
> Is that equivalence fitting or not at all because in real life it's people you know and or has something to do with jealousy.
Why would I want people to know I am rich?
>I spent my new years eve on gikopoi again, it was comfy watching anime and talking about sex dolls and kigurumi.
I can't believe it is still online.
Kigurumi are gross. Post that safe for work webm of them pinning one guy down and giving him a footjob and he exaggeratedly squirmed in his costumes so everyone can confirm my opinion they are gross
>Just bought and downloaded an eroge. Life is great.
You really do have life all figured out.

>> No.53090801

Fellow sisters, i hereby ask you for financial advise. I am the poorest of poorfags because i live of autismbucks. I should invest in a low market cap project. What on Anime metro should i buy that has at least a tiny chance to make me some good money?

>> No.53090806 [DELETED] 
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>anons opinion vs asian girl as raccoon
Tough call

>> No.53090817 [DELETED] 
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>Why would I want people to know
You don't want that but unless you try larping as a poorfag in every aspect of your life they will know and by that point you might as well be one.

You didn't reply to my favorite part of my post which is the how will sexo ever compare so I assume you agree with me.

>> No.53090850

Nigger >>>/jp/42176261
As the old adage goes you don't pay prostitutes to have sex with you, all women do that. You pay them to leave afterwards. Having a girl pressed against you constantly makes you wish they would go home.

>> No.53090853
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>> No.53090872

You need to stop being right all the time it makes everyone else look bad.

>> No.53091623

I’m gonna buy Qredo and THT, but honestly expect to lose all your money lol, at least the mcap is relatively low for both.
Mainly stack BTC because boomercoin needs our love and support.

>> No.53091651

Boomercoin needs people to actually use it not buy it in the hopes of selling to a bigger fool. Stacking BTC is not supporting it. Annoying local and online businesses to accept it is.

>> No.53091681

If we get more fools we may get more integrations, no?

>> No.53091743

Define integrations? Do they actually help adoption? BTC is used less than it was in 2018.
Number go up could lead to some more countries considering it legal tender or maybe using it as a reserve currency but when the only things that could make your investment successful long term are schizo theories you are probably on the wrong side of history. What is your opinion on >>53071009?

>> No.53091809

I tell myself it’s just fud so I don’t worry even though it is a real thing.
Worst case scenario, tether ponzi grasps for one final straw and goes insane pumping my bags?
Companies or countries putting btc on their sheet could be considered adoption at least.

>> No.53091992
File: 290 KB, 850x1512, Cute picture of Ilya depicting the current state of my investments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I tell myself it’s just fud so I don’t worry even though it is a real thing.
This is probably a good strategy for another halvening or two.

>Companies or countries putting btc on their sheet could be considered adoption
Only if you consider BTC a commodity not a currency.
An American construction company building a skyscraper in Europe will usually hold half of the budget in Dollars and half in Euro. That isn't adoption of Euro as a global currency that is diversifying risk.

>A commodity is an essential good or material used in commerce to produce and manufacture other goods or services. Commodities are used as inputs in the manufacturing process and are often interchangeable with similar goods.
BTC isn't a commodity because you can't use it for anything. Adoption with a commodity would be an African company that uses a lot of oil buying tanks full of oil in their own currency and not keeping money in Dollars to buy the oil as needed. This can't happen with BTC because if Telsla for example buys BTC they will sell it for dollars when they need money not buy Lithium with BTC.

BTC is a failed currency larping as a commodity. ETH is a commodity because people actually can spend ETH as gas. I'm trans btw.

>> No.53092217
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Keep in mind it’s perfectly normal and healthy to be ~1 or 2% pretentious, as everyone needs to preserve their individuality and kindness to reality. My words were concerned about those who are ~98% superficial without other concerns than selfishness and climbing monkey ladders.

>> No.53092888

Is 27 k xcm enough to make it?

>> No.53092921

How does 16,199.91 Euro sound?

>> No.53093068
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Why is there no explanation in this of what exactly happens when you add additional hops to [redacted]? Is it just additional time as you wait for cross-chain operations? It seems like that could cause other problems. If I need ten hops isn't that ten transactions? What is the point of scaling 10x if each transaction then needs to be done ten times?

>> No.53093102
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Don't forget to stake on Coinmetro!

>selfishness and climbing monkey ladders.
That's what the world is, our entire civilisation is built on the idea of line go up, it's desirable and never ending.

>> No.53093142
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>> No.53093658
File: 1.24 MB, 1758x2475, 1672511971542928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's what the world is
No matters how much I get bullied because people want to bring me down at their level, I don't believe it. L_ve often loses in the short-term, but it always wins in the long-term. It definitely weakened my ability to trust, but it was unavoidable.

Although now I'm wondering whether or not I should be less naive and more assertive in how I defend myself, alternately to constant self-harm, self-criticizing and self-demonization coerced by fears of revengeful aggression. When you're mindful of others, it's more natural to be vague, hesitant, avoid arguments based on fallacious assumptions, and escape with bitter semantics, rather than having recourse to malignant attacks with lasting damage on a character's roots, but superficial perspectives won't see it that way. Abuser-type mentalities like to play upside-down victim games where the bullied is discredited for simply signaling being hurt. All of which contributes to the formation of a significant imbalance of powers between the unmindful body and the victim, biasing the perception of reality. Not to mention the double standards, for neutral example, considering "foolish" to somehow be more hostile than "retarded".

I don't mind being harsh against myself exactly because I don't care about what others think of me. I mostly help with analytical structures and concepts. I don't need any kind of self-esteem for this. I sometimes give a try to creative internal social experiments, such as acting as a loser to test how someone reacts when "winning" their own monkey games, and to see if they would realize this isn't what they desired all along, but it seems disappointing so far.

This is effectively x10 transactions in this context, but Kadena scales on both L1 and L2, since both helps. The latter solutions can design their own cross-shard Tx protocols at their eco-system level, such as they aren't constrained by the inefficient SPV build-up on base layer.

>> No.53093671

Sold! Give me your CoinMetro address so i could transfer the funds to you through a cross account transfer

>> No.53093780

>This is effectively x10 transactions in this context, but Kadena scales on both L1 and L2, since both helps. The latter solutions can design their own cross-shard Tx protocols at their eco-system level, such as they aren't constrained by the inefficient SPV build-up on base layer.
Thanks but I still want you to kill yourself because the wall of text you wrote before that.

>> No.53094181

What about the fact that [redacted] leverages graphic theory making SPV recipe transactions as light as they can possibly be? The amount of hops you add will never be 10, at most it will be 8 and that's when you need 1M tps for some reason. Right?

>> No.53094271
File: 58 KB, 640x640, 1671284359723912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What about the fact that [redacted] leverages graphic theory making SPV recipe transactions as light as they can possibly be?
Unrelated to the issue at hand. Post the 8 hop graph. I am curious how many chains each chain is 8 hops away from. If it is just one you could possibly make a LN who only serves the purpose of instant settlement between the furthest away chains. In fact the reason I started looking into this is I was trying to find a single use for the Lightning Network and am grasping at straws.

>The amount of hops you add will never be 10, at most it will be 8
Bearish. Counting in 8s is hard
>you need 1M tps
You prove my point here. You are counting in tens. Why didn't you say 800,000.

>> No.53094293
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It's only 734820

>> No.53094345

That chart goes up to ten hops. What do D and K stand for?

>> No.53094615
File: 11 KB, 175x217, DQflKEjV4AA3qcy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conscious subjects dependent on social structures are often subverted by the hostile behavior of dominant alphas through mimicry and survival pressure, as they are required to neglect the damages in order to benefit from the safety provided by more vigorous entities. But civilization is beyond such silly evolutionary legacy, it has effectively no essential requirement to sustain antipathy toward any subdivision of a collective in order to maximize effective growth and utility. Happiness is togetherness. It doesn't thrive in environments consumed by fear and division.

The unwarranted contempt for the resulting social products of interactions with INTJ entities is generally based on misconceptions about the nature of constructive minds, rather than the expected intuitiveness of classical perspectives. Subconscious differences and misunderstandings of the unknown should not be alleged as evidence of negative intents.

Any person who incites another to commit suicide or expresses discriminatory hatred, including when macerated behind a malevolent vapid sense of humor, shall be brought to the court of justice and dealt by legal frameworks providing proper impartial consequences to the immoral manners. The life and work of all entities should be cherished, and never exposed to blasphemous abuses.

>> No.53094689

Pseudoscience garbage. Drink bleach.

>> No.53094731
File: 403 KB, 1541x2048, D821ABF2-DCEF-4371-B778-128BC9DA8EAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only things I will drink are your seeds in my mouth, baggy.

>> No.53094746
File: 411 KB, 680x680, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be less naive and more assertive in how I defend myself
>Abuser-type mentalities like to play upside-down victim games where the bullied is discredited
Like you're doing with this sentence? I like the transparency
degree and diameter
but I'll be honest I still don't know which is which, one, I think, is hops and other is amount of chains connected
huh, what am I reading

>> No.53094986

bottom signal

>> No.53095023
File: 1.53 MB, 630x476, 19204711.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the bottom.

>> No.53095030
File: 716 KB, 1523x2200, 1611680844959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a bottom, not the bottom.
This is the bottom.

>> No.53095131

I wanted to call the bottom of the market while also posting a cute bottom. You posted a picture of a man with a boner. Pretty gay I must say. I need to cleanse my eyes by watching the puffy vulva in the webm I posted gyrate

>> No.53095139

Calling things gay in 2023 is rather homosexual if I do say so myself.

>> No.53095162
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>Calling things gay
I called you gay.

>> No.53095370
File: 3.81 MB, 2589x3108, FTmpzz_UUAASzEI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Notes) How to protect oneself from the chaotic aberrations of unwiseful thoughtforms:
- Do not reply to attacks: No matters how hurtful or defaming they are, attempts to build a cohesive framework of understandings about personally intertwined issues in ping-pong games with neglectful entities will always result in stale projection, endlessly-mirrored arguments, goalpost transportation, and ultimately a superficial sense of socio-cultural "victory" for some arbitrary party, distinctly detached from the deep intellectual contemplation of Truth. One will not only waste their time, but will entertain doubts about the original claims as such "if this is false, then why are you defending yourself from it silly baka". They will also signal external agents their damages are effective, even up to delicate vicious circles between the weakened immunity of target and the misleading apparent requirement for stronger defenses.
- Go meta: Do not lose oneself in inconsequential details. Keep the mind detached from what seems to be happening, letting peace and clarity flourish through the composed unfolding of biological thought processes.
- Do not panic: Be patient. Do not let oneself controlled by fears, as things may get worse. Fears are usually the most important source of miscalculations and unpleasant perceptions, but always heal with time.
- Be loving: Never forget the richness and fundamental beauty of every perspective. Even villain roles may not deserve suffering. https://youtu.be/AkoML0_FiV4
- Appear strong and reputable: Respect yourself. Do not feel pressured into self-harm, as forgiving oneself is harder than any external causes. Respect one's own intelligence, even when others are belittling it (obviously while considerate of intellectual limitation in knowledge and biases).
- Do not expose yourself: Unless it's already too late (then this list is for you), don't ignore red flags. Getting closer to a potential source of abuse is rarely a desirable predicament.

>> No.53095426

>Appear strong and reputable:
This nigga just admitted he isn't strong and respectable and is trying to fake it until he makes it.


>> No.53095900

Are we as delusional as the baggies in this thread: >>53059880 ?

Volume has been declining for almost two years now. Is it over? Are we no better than LCX pajeets?

>> No.53095950
File: 175 KB, 694x982, 1614934872821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so about >>53008510
Does it make sense to double down on this idea or never do it again? I'm not sure if it's pathetic or genius. On one hand it's nice to give back to poorfag frens and could get me what I want, on the other it's very close to prostitution.

>> No.53095972
File: 89 KB, 445x445, 46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I'm sorry I forgot some important point in the list
"- Be humble: Everybody is flawed in their own way, including oneself. All perspective is meaningful and carries some truth about the Universe."

I respect you. I wanted to try not self-demonizing for once. You will never hear about me again, and I sincerely hope you have the most pleasant experience of existence possible.

>> No.53095983
File: 135 KB, 500x1200, 1641665732558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You've got a lot of things wrong.
Social cohesion contributes to happiness, people like to be around people who are like them, but that's very subjective.
Togetherness without common traits and shared values is destined for tragedy, you can't have that without rules and enforcement.
Fear is also a pretty good motivator.

It's nice that everyone has a story, but it doesn't matter on this forum, we don't have a story, there is no background, only fleeting, anonymous interactions seeking truths.

>> No.53095993

To be fair this is blog post central and I couldn't live without it

>> No.53096042

It seems like you are trying to avoid the personal the responsibility and fear of rejection and are trying to pass it off to subordinates. Or maybe you just hate women and are trying to minimise your interactions with them. I say bring it up one more time and see how he reacts. The sun is coming up and I am arguing with Bitcoin shills >>53095603 and I don't know why so I don't know why you want my advice on finding a partner.
It would be funny if he just made a Tinder account posing as you and found a girl who is your type.

>> No.53096064

>fear of rejection vs minimise your interactions
It's actually none of those, or maybe somewhere in between, the point I'd like to highlight is "what I want", the problem you see is that I doubt that I will be able find what I want and outsourcing the work seems like a rationale thing to do.

>> No.53096161

Trying to find a girl you really like to the exclusion of all others is retarded. Settle for something mediocre in the short term.

>> No.53096171
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go do bed as soon as possible

>> No.53096188
File: 138 KB, 600x298, 1672561210541268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You learned about crypto by buying ponzi schemes before doing research. This is the exact same thing.

>> No.53096433

If crypto is stocks 10x then girls are crypto -10x which means I with my 1 experience already did enough research,

>> No.53096491

So girls = stocks?

>> No.53096509

I made a mistake in my caluclations, somewhere

>> No.53097775
File: 649 KB, 1419x1758, 1657089656269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Higher social cohesion is always the result of union through the development and spread mutual understandings.
Not necessarily, alternatively you can eradicate insurgent agents to reach consensus.
Fear works until it doesn't, if you keep control mechanisms in place you can uphold the status quo indefinitely.
A system collapse works the same for a system based on fear as for any other system.

>identity leakages
This is nothing permanent, if permanent, it's intentional.
I, for example, don't use the same images very often so nobody can ever tell it's me.

See you tomorrow.

>> No.53099607

>I, for example, don't use the same ima

>> No.53101696

>Not necessarily, alternatively you can eradicate insurgent agents to reach consensus.
How much do Blockstream pay you per post?

>> No.53101709

How long has Coinmetro had the sell wall issue now? Feels like it was all of last year, kek

>> No.53103466

almost two years

>> No.53103529

Three years isn't that long

>> No.53103900

You romanticise the concept of friend groups. Too much Anime perhaps. Friend-Groups tend to be filled with drama and people wanting to do different things and enjoying different things. They can be decent, but not in the way your stupid mind makes up.
>What do, is this dream achievable natty?
Even if you had those friends and all would want to go, it would not even be what you imagine most likely. Life isnt some Anime.

>> No.53103920
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>Life isnt some Anime.
Delusional poster detected, don't you have a "real life" to attend to or something.

>> No.53103948
File: 1.01 MB, 640x352, Bzhorn slap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since July 22

>> No.53104240
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>> No.53104616

Based and longpilled.
How do you calculate margin fees on Coinmetro? Do you pay fees on "positive exposure" too? It looks confusing.
How do I calculate margin ratio and liquidation point?
It’s confusing, needs more work for beginners (though spot is the way to go).

Why is OKB rank 10 in bear market with almost no volume? Looks very legit.

>> No.53105464

>Do you pay fees on "positive exposure" too?
You're borrowing in both cases, so I assume you do.
>How do I calculate margin ratio and liquidation point?
Margin ratio is calculated for you, liquidation can't be calculated because this is cross, well, really if you have one position on one pair it should be possible

>> No.53105536

Needs isolated margin too baka, so much easier and safer imo.
Only one pair of course I’m not a degenerate gambler. I only longed BTC with 1/4th of my deposit at 28% margin ratio and used the rest to buy spot.
BTC 30k EOQ1 bulltard mode

>> No.53105552
File: 134 KB, 491x329, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Needs isolated margin
>BTC 30k EOQ1 bulltard mode

>> No.53105563
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>I only longed BTC with 1/4th of my deposit at 28% margin ratio and used the rest to buy spot.
As your financial advisor I feel compelled to tell you that you are not mentally stable enough for margin trading.

>> No.53105608
File: 47 KB, 372x630, 1671806010642902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t use twitter. He doesn’t say when it does? His prediction is low value since everyone knows if, but when?
Calling 15k the bottom is a higher stake prediction which he’ll get some respect for since if it goes lower he is disproven, but 30k is inevitable if you even believe btc can recover. I cant believe FTX collapse only dumped BTC a tiny 25% lol

It’s such a small amount and instead of shorting the bottom or trying to time the top of a bubble I longed the obvious bottom while everyone waits for 12k like plebs. If I’m lucky I get some funds to fix my bathroom. If it goes down, well I’m gonna buy spot anyways every month and now it’s cheaper?
Anyways this time it’s different. I am as healthy as I could be.

>> No.53105824

Explain this pic

>> No.53105833

>I longed the obvious bottom
I think that >>53095023 but that doesn't mean number go up. A Crab market where over leveraged companies all slowly go out of business sounds fun.

>> No.53105944

Eastern europoor cornucopia on top of a Steve Jobs autobiography.

>> No.53106394

Thank you that does explain everything.

>> No.53108303
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>> No.53108444

damn.. this retard trying to call the bottom
and I was also long,,, fuck now I gotta move around positions

>> No.53108659

Be careful longing now >>53108270
The market is very volatile and we are in a recession.

>> No.53108673

I shorted
>Profit / Loss
>-0.12 EUR

>> No.53108745
File: 3 KB, 145x83, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for playing.

>> No.53108762

every single gosh dang post in that threamd is a bottom signal
2023 gonna be wild innit

>> No.53110993
File: 2.32 MB, 1300x1403, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be insider trading if say, coinbase had public insolvency rumors and the share price crashed for them to come out with the equivalence of a "trust me bro we have the funds" just so they can buy up the shares and then later on reveal that people should have trusted them because they actually do have all the funds.
It's not insider trading because the info was public, people just didn't believe them.
Or would the market instantly correct to the real value before coinbase could get a chance to buy their shares.

>> No.53111156

I'm not sure that companies can buy (presumably, in this situation) hundreds of millions or even billions of their own shares secretly, with no prior disclosure. And obviously any prior disclosure would stop panic about insolvency and correct to the real market value

I'm also uncertain as to whether the types of people and institutions who hold CB shares listen to Twitter insolvency FUD spread by BTC maxis and buttcoiners. You can even see this with Coinmetro. There is a huge difference in sentiment between actual shareholders (we talk) and the average XCM hodler (twitter, telegram). You could argue it's because shareholders are more likely to be Kevin cultists (I'm not convinced- I'd bet that most have a lower % of their net worth in CM than XCM baggies) but personal opinion is because their time horizon, the things they pay attention to within the business, and the news sources they listen to are so different

>> No.53111188

I mean don't do it secretly, buy it in the most public way possible and leave everyone dumbfounded.
>I'm also uncertain as to whether the types of people and institutions who hold CB shares listen to Twitter
Seemed to not matter with crypto coom.

Interesting xcm parallels you drew, not what I was thinking about when writing that though, I watched something about grayscale and some other btc fund that was trading below peg because of insolvency issues

>> No.53111201
File: 331 KB, 635x800, 1652308331370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(we talk)
Wait waht did she meany by that

>> No.53111487 [DELETED] 
File: 642 KB, 1287x938, &gt;&gt;53111396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting drunk off the AI high, it's too powerful

>> No.53112159

to actually reply to >>53103900
>it would not even be what you imagine most likely.
That's true, it never is. I'm always worried about observing things and jinxing things basically, not sure if that's the best way to put it but think it makes sense.
>Life isnt some Anime.
Right but how close can we get

>> No.53112645


>> No.53113764

>Would it be insider trading if say, coinbase had public insolvency rumors and the share price crashed for them to come out with the equivalence of a "trust me bro we have the funds" just so they can buy up the shares and then later on reveal that people should have trusted them because they actually do have all the funds.
This would be a dangerous legal precedent considering 100% of crypto companies have rumours of insolvency during bear markets.