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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 111 KB, 1170x646, wanker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53071228 No.53071228 [Reply] [Original]

Or is she in biz with him to generate press?

>> No.53071238

Attscking the globohomo lapdog was too much

>> No.53071243

When are they going after Jeffrey Epstein's clients? Oh yeah never.

>> No.53071268

Andrew is a grey magician practicing chaos magick whether he knows this or not. He knows how to channel people's energy and attention for his own ends which end up being benevolent and douchey at the same time (hence the grey magician part of it). If you really think he wasn't planning several steps ahead and riling up the normie masses and capturing their energy, focus and attention for his own ends then I've got a bridge to sell you. The guy is a master troll and always ends up getting away with it in the end. Real hilarious stuff to watch dispassionately from the sidelines. The more attention you give him and the more involved you are in whatever the fuck he's doing the more your energize his intent into manifestation on the earthly plane.

>> No.53071273

I mean, he was a shitty kickboxer that went nowhere and is almost cartoonish otherwise but damn, she really did him dirty and now he's going to spend the next 10 years getting railed by humungous gypsies in some Romanian gulag. I mean, what are the odds??

>> No.53071284

he has like a 78-10 record

>> No.53071337
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kek, he only fought one official K1 fight. The dude is a paper bag.

>> No.53071344
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She made the call.

>> No.53071358

Well done Greta, you saved biz from the relentless taintposting

>> No.53071380
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>> No.53071387

The claim that the romanian police needed a pizza box to act has no proofs. It is mostly shared by the leftist hive mind hungry for another Greta slay.

>> No.53071397

Also he is out already. Not sure for how long though.

>> No.53071410
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>no proofs

>> No.53071488
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> Talks shit online and acts like some big shot
> Gets arrested the next day

Second most embarassing thing that happened this year. Top 1 was Germanys fail at the world cup after the buttsex virtue signalling

>> No.53071492
File: 24 KB, 500x645, randy_savage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, desperate. All those screenshots and videos are from that faggot getting swatted in August

>> No.53071507

I don't understand, was he actually hiding from the police for a while? I honestly didn't even know. I've heard a rumor a while back about him being involved in human trafficking but I didn't know the authorities had him under investigation for it
Regardless of whether he's guilty of the charges or not, if he knew they were looking for him then he should have either turned himself in or done a way better job at hiding

>> No.53071520

>Greta said it so it must be true
t. Plebbitor

>> No.53071543

He unironically called the """cops""" on himself tog get even more press and will get released as innocent very soon.

It's all fake.

>> No.53071554
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seethe more

>> No.53071556


>> No.53071565
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>> No.53071636
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This lightweight faggot got OWNED by a teenage girl. ahahahahahahahahaa

>> No.53071666

he's not very smart

>> No.53071704

Fraudbros when will ever recover?

>> No.53072575
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>> No.53072675

it's not that it has no proofs it's that it's ilogical. The guy was in public all the time traveling and going to various podcasts. To think that he landed with his private jet in Romania and that the Romanian police didn't know about it is retarded and just shows how most people really are NPCs

>> No.53072715

I wish I never knew Tate or Thunberg even existed. Especially Tate though. I was blissfully ignorant of his existence until everyone started winging about him online. To this day I've never seen a Tate clip. He's an attention whore and people happily amplified him.

>> No.53072860

You could argue that the pizza box took him down more than she did
They've been waiting to arrest him for like a year
All they needed was proof him and his brother were in the country
High chance they would've just made another retarded video on a different subject that fucked them
If they were trying to catch these dudes idk why they don't just setup motion-activated cams outside of their houses. Maybe they would've done that eventually

>> No.53072877

I want to lick Greta's tight pussy so badly!

>> No.53072944

you really believe that bs? lmao he’s been around the world for a good while and visiting podcasts ppl knew where he was at certain times. Thinking it was the pizza box is just utterly retarded

>> No.53072954

she's so fit bros...

>> No.53073003

Get in line bro

>> No.53073019
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What are the financial implications of wanting to fuck Greta Thunberg bros?

>> No.53073090


I call BS. Can someone actually show an official source, police testimony etc saying the “pizza boxes” were what identified him?

He’s been posting nonstop (like literally nonstop, daily) pics of himself in Romania, including a home he owns, several identifiable landmarks. He’s been doing this constantly for as long as I can scroll his TL

Seems like NPC tier fake news

>> No.53073095


>> No.53073118

if tates convicted, he would be considered as the Romanian epstien

>> No.53073128
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She likely fantasizes on a daily basis about cocks stretching her super tight pussy and someone going balls deep until thick cum oozes out of her

>> No.53073162

This, same shit with Elon, they’ve both mastered the angle of getting normies whipped up into a furious rage which just gives them more publicity and even retards here fall for seething over both of them

>> No.53073174

>internet clown gets banned from everywhere
>slowly fading into irrelevancy
>new idea: starts shit up
>calls cops on himself
>leftist grifters jump on it because it gives them something to talk about
>no charges
>not arrested
>grifters farm more money
normal people lost

>> No.53073179

What the fuck is wrong with this bitch? You don’t talk about a man’s dick on a public forum. Fucking whore.

>> No.53073214

>biz on Greta normally: dumb bitch shut up
>biz on Greta after “owning” Tate: based /ourgirl/
It’s all so tiring. Literally who cares about either of these idiots
I’m so tired of internet drama on Twitter and e p i c clap backs getting literal news attention

>> No.53073301

It must be awful being trapped in your pathetic pattern-matching paint-by-numbers shitty brain.

>> No.53073392
File: 238 KB, 374x513, Screenshot 2022-12-30 at 15-59-06 8ea0019181adf8434f610a9c169081f95d72268ea4faf9e29eda39565c541dbc_1.jpg (JPEG Image 375 × 537 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys prefer sucking Andrew "ETERNALLY PWNED" Tate tiny-sized cock all day

I prefer eating Greta's brocolli smelling pussy all day

No, we are not the same.

>> No.53073423

He should’ve recycled that pizza box. Idiot

>> No.53073995

>9 posts by this ID
Are you okay?

>> No.53074030

what do you thinks sounds more reaslistic?
>cops getting his location from a pizza box
>feds getting passed information from multi billion dollar elites because tate pissed off their favourite propaganda tool

>> No.53074217

Extremely based and in the gno

>> No.53074289

he got dabbed on by a leftist useful idiot kid
embarrassing really, he lost face with this attempt

>> No.53074322


>> No.53074329
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possibly this
I actually believe this
he's won more matches than you, anthony
doubt it
i somehow doubt this guy was literally moving people into forced sex slavery against their will. something is not right about the whole story.

>> No.53074365

the charges are human trafficking

>> No.53074432


>> No.53074503

I'd love to see Tate fucking Greta hard panal pounding, while she screams "yeah, destroy my asshole like you would destroy the planet". I'd pay big money to see it.

>> No.53074518
File: 14 KB, 161x180, bald bull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy FUCK

>> No.53074631

In Romania if you murder someone you get 8-10 years. Unlikely he'll do even more than probation and then charges dropped. And gypsies are almost always small in stature. And Romanian jails are cozy for rich people. Only way these won't be true is if the elites purposely decide to make his life hard.

>> No.53074735
File: 22 KB, 524x572, 1672082631468308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the zoomer equivalent of.trust the plan Q boomers during the 2020 election (which was actually stolen and unlike this nigger who is 100% making money through systematic abuse and sex trafficking)

>> No.53074931

not on human trafficking charges retard. some girls are testifying against them saying they were forced to be there against their will. it's over for those retards

>> No.53074969

what are retard you are.
You just love buzzword u brainless monke

>> No.53075017
File: 569 KB, 2500x1664, lady-olenna-tyrell-game-thrones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a shock for me as well. I had never seen pizza work before. So it came as a shock for it to turn out as messy as it did.


Tell sneako I want him to know it was me

>> No.53075082

She looks like a horrendous beast gyrkg4

>> No.53075121

Uuooooooohhh toxic bald man!

>> No.53075149

desu you're the only one seething like a retard about an e celeb spamming pictures of Greta Thunberg

>> No.53075214

i bet he's not here for financial advise either

>> No.53075416
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>> No.53075512

thank you, greta

>> No.53076028


Exactly. But, you can't forget, the Black magic he is up against is much more powerful.

>> No.53076722

>All they needed was proof him and his brother were in the country
It doesnt make sense that they'd rely on a fuckin pizza box to prove he;s in the country. how about just going to his house and seeing the lights turned on?

>> No.53076757

don't think he was seething anon, more like dying from laughing...

>> No.53076815

>scripted characters in the world narrative
it's just a reality tv show but the audience (you) think its real

>> No.53076847

great bants, the greta character is well scripted on this years season of World Narrative

>> No.53076938
File: 176 KB, 1200x1140, 1668864601944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldn't it be something if tate had to liquidate his crypto because of this? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/410218497/#410218497

>> No.53078067

This is bullshit, but I believe it

>> No.53078133

She has no boobs no hips no ass and the face of a 13 year old child. Her vegan diet has ensured that she will never be a real woman.

>> No.53078139

They are both fake and propped up. What happened to Tate was he went from asset to liability in the CIA ledger.

Simple as

>> No.53078181
File: 39 KB, 640x628, 352772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a fucking child.
Name a single person who is more propped up than her. What has she done? What could she have done? Her youth has been stolen away by people wanting to use her cute face as a poster child for politics.

>> No.53078185

Glownigger skitzo kike shit. He is a Jew plant proper up by Jew companies shoving him in everyone's face.

>> No.53078199

It's the Alex Jones astroturf schtick. See a movement (self improvement) and send someone in to nuke it. Classic glowie shit.

>> No.53078359

You could just say he's a white dude, anon.

>> No.53078376



>> No.53078411
File: 244 KB, 1024x1024, Tom_Stoltman_2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, to have neanderthal genes and autism~

>> No.53078524

Politics is showbusiness for ugly people and all the actors go to orgies together when the lights and cameras turn off.

>> No.53078542
File: 49 KB, 597x510, TateSoGay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He had to distract from this recent failure.

>> No.53078733
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Greta >/Pol/ incels

>> No.53078881
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Imagine thinking you could take on the Gretanator.

>> No.53078890

Don’t care go back to pol. Check em

>> No.53078982

>this entire thread


>> No.53079171

>he is out already
He's in 30-day pre-trial detention
>i somehow doubt this guy was literally moving people into forced sex slavery against their will
His actual day job besides being a full-time arsehole, he runs cam sites. He already got busted once when the US Embassy got a tip-off a 21 year old was being held against her will. The number of 'victims' is 6 this time, they've thrown in a few rape charges and its being handled by the Romanian organized crime unit. Like when the US Govt gets pissed and starts throwing RICO charges at you - ask Ross Ullbricht - this shit can (and probably will) add up to srs time. Hes probably pissed off the Gypsys as well as Greta by stating Romania would never charge him. A troll too far.

>> No.53079554

All that does is illustrate how much of a faggot that jew is.

>> No.53079624

>romanian pizza!! Hes in romania, we got him boys!
Hes already been swatted once before for people trafficing that turned out to be false.
Only question that matters.

>> No.53079714
File: 172 KB, 1200x675, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picks a fight with a child, loses, gets arrested.
>muh hero

>> No.53080182

>being too smooth brained to see the point

>> No.53080310
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>> No.53080848

Trump is also a marketing genius but he wasn't very good in office. The Q stuff was extreme cope for the latter

>> No.53080895

That said, everything Trump did right was way more due to his intuition than 4D chess. Haven't cared to observe Tate much but my initial impression is more of a calculating sperg than a charismatic enigma

>> No.53080957

Is this shopped? She looks sexy here

>> No.53080973
File: 54 KB, 500x387, 3f284b4a-8798-4a59-bdce-62f48b679278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> trafficing

>> No.53081294

Proof they were in the country? Don't they get through customs and border check every time they enter the country. If the were wanted, all that they needed to do is issue an international arrest warrant in their name.. Most of the comments are so idiotic beyond belief.

>> No.53081362
File: 1.85 MB, 2250x1250, dkbrandon1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This lightweight faggot
The dude was a professional kick boxer. I'd love to see you say that to his face.
>>slowly fading into irrelevancy
Shit, I seriously never heard of him until the leftist shills started spamming him everywhere. l figured he'd be worth the while if they have this much hate and animosity for the man. I gave him a listen and found a new voice to listen to regularly .
>He unironically called the """cops""" on himself tog get even more press and will get released as innocent very soon.
>It's all fake.
>not on human trafficking charges retard.
He was detained and investigated. Someone had submitted a false report to the embasy accusing him of holding girls hostage in his home. Everyone in the household had to submit a statement and he was released after they found the claims to be false. Basically some shit for brains swatted him.

>> No.53082171

based schizo

>> No.53082192
File: 450 KB, 3492x1839, 00001431341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I gave him a listen and found a new voice to listen to regularly
and only £250 for a pimp PHD.
hows school working out for ya then?

>> No.53082429

I think he would get BTFO and go to jail for real this time, according to his movements as of late it seems like his conversion to islam was a grift and moving to dubai was him trying to get away from the law and he wss on the process of moving all his assets to dubai.

The forming a criminal organization charge might hold too because of The War Room, I remember him telling Sneako that he had a whole dox on him through the war room, if those fucks are willing to do that then they might be willing to do extreme shit.

>> No.53082438

Yea I have a hard time believing a pizza box was the magic treasure map here. Dbag Taint was all over the net already and supposedly there is a video where he shows his neighbors and his house. I think the higher ups just had their buttons pushed enough and found a good time

>> No.53082461

He could easily be found if the romanian police wanted to. He was in and out of dubai, you think they wouldn't put a lookout if his passport comes up?

My guess is they probably think they have enough evidence to prosecute them.

If it turns out to be they can't jail him he's going to be martyred and no one will believe anything against him anymore.

Even now, people don't believe, because the media jumped the gun accusing him of all kinds of shit with no evidence. And it's also true no women came out against him even though all kinds of media outlets contacted them to ecourange them to say negative things about him.

>> No.53082472

Greta didn't do shit but flame him on Twitter, Tate fucked himself. Shitty opsec, shitty left-wing-esque trolling with too many words, and first and foremost he's openly bragged on multiple occasions about how living in Romania is based and redpilled because the cops leave him alone which makes them look at best compensated for looking the other way and at worst incompetent if not criminal. If he'd just tweeted a picture of him filling up his Bugatti with a "I'm just not gonna sell it. I know, I know, I'm just not going to lol" caption she'd have seethed impotently. Instead he doubled down and screwed himself being prideful and made a mistake.

He's a grifting retard, she's an entitled kid that thinks they know everything, and this entire saga is both gay and has been repurposed as a distraction psyop.

>> No.53082483

Wouldn't Tate just get more publicity and popularity out of this mess?

>> No.53082486

theres definitely *someone* complaining here, they didnt invent 6 complainants. Consider, you are average camwhore whose site (provably) pulled in $50k per month, every month. You get pulled into a room here and given a simple choice - pay taxes, and back taxes, plus fines on all this undeclared income or go directly to Jail. OR testify you were held against your will and your pimp (whose in jail anyway) kept all trhe cash. Which option are you going for?

>> No.53082493

>amerinegro goes to eastern Europe to be part of organized crime

>> No.53082496

I'm not sure being stuck in a Romanian prison looking at double figures is really the best publicity for a grifter flogging 'lifestyle advice' videos

>> No.53082516

What I meant is more people getting to know Tate which some might be retarded enough to pay for his "advices"

>> No.53082520

He's since been jailed again after being released originally and is going to be in jail for the next month. Aside from being made a martyr it's going to kill his ability to make content and all it would take is another big "current thing" moment for him to fall out of cultural conscience and disappear. The idea this was done by him intentionally to get more exposure is retarded, plus he's now at the whim of the Romanian justice system which has demonstrated they'll basically do whatever they're paid to do. I'm guessing they got a bigger check to finally go arrest him than he was giving them to ignore him blatantly being in his own home in the country with an active investigation going - the pizza box was just a mistake on his part but it was the canary for if the Romanian police tried to play dumb.

Dipshit fucked himself over being prideful. Simple as.

>> No.53082526
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>> No.53082539
File: 375 KB, 828x730, 2C17BC75-9F3B-4F12-B987-5A927BFB09E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine saying that a legit kickboxing world champion got nowhere from the comfort of your mom’s basement. Lmao.

>> No.53082540

>tate tried to flex on greta about his cars
>she basically said he had tiny dick energy and to get a life and her tweet got 2.4mil likes
>tate is btfo and has no chance to recover
>goes how dare you and than waits 10 hrs
>makes a sad defeated video calling greta a male gender while sucking on a cigar and eating pizza
>gets arrested after getting btfo out by a 19yr old retarded terrorist
>tatequeers are going it was his le master plan you all got pwn3d by le master ruse tate
>we are now here

>> No.53082572

She’s not gonna sleep with you bro.

>> No.53082577
File: 792 KB, 1080x2378, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pizza crack was the killer tho.
Christ she buried him, then took a dump on his grave.

>> No.53082598

I've said it before and I'll say it again - he used too many words. That and the pizza box are why he's in jail, if you're gonna stick your dick in the hornets nest and make a living off of being a troll opsec is your friend and pride a killer.

>> No.53082599


>> No.53082654

good, I dont want her and her eco terrorist lifestyle near me.
oh wow I hadnt seen that other post about the pizza box. Both got over 3mil likes. BTFO with no chance of recovery

>> No.53083492
File: 29 KB, 716x724, 1635086427308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legit? Cmon bro, he only fought one recognized K1 fight. Had to quit because he got punched in the face SO many times both his retinas detached. doesn’t sound like #winning to me.

>> No.53083616

Perfect controlled duality.

>> No.53083623

You're a massive schizo faggot who's been shitposting here on your iphone for years, I assume you're some obese nigger or turkroach either way I condemn you and your family and life and it will end in prison murder or suicide.
Hopefully all three.

>> No.53083784

>>it's all so tiresome.jpg

>> No.53083825

>He thinks the government needed a pizza box to confirm he flew into the country despite posting videos of him hanging about Romania on every major social media account
Enjoy the end of year clown show, try use your brain to think what they don't want you to look into (bidden printing trillions)

>> No.53083851

Her comeback was lame "arguing with holes" tier shit and got signal boosted by twitter algos and s.oycucks.

>> No.53084141
File: 547 KB, 720x1440, 1672244826053152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does that tate penis taste anon? is it as yummy and butt tasting as you hoped? stay seething he got BTFO and ethered into the next dimension. 3mil + 3mil likes = BTFO with no chance to recover.

>> No.53084252

She looks like Sam Hyde

>> No.53084348

They detained him as an intimidation tactic. Everyone knows why he had the pizza boxes. Look who he's talking to. A slice of pizza (child prostitute) Some of you are blind. She was human trafficked and Barack Obama was her pimp's client. Tate is reminding everyone about pizzagate.

>> No.53084484

> "With 33 cars, you can go anywhere you want", he said to himself, out loud.
Kek. It's like he's trying to out speed his past or some shit.