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File: 232 KB, 828x522, 2D120733-62A8-4AB3-877A-BA0B300A0831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53070883 No.53070883 [Reply] [Original]

The boomer has only 200k saved in retirement. Anyone surprised with how low this is?

>> No.53070919

No, I'm not surprised. Because you need to understand this and it makes sense:

The lower and middle class do not understand money. That is all. If you do understand money, and you are still lower/middle, it won't be long until you're rich.

>> No.53070935

They should have sold Hustler's university subscriptions, sad

>> No.53070959

I hate this board so much.

>> No.53070964

I'm 25 and have $100k in stonks already, what are these boomers playing at? They've had decades working and golden economic conditions.

>> No.53070967
File: 355 KB, 828x1228, 709F976C-FF73-412D-B362-A09D6ACDB7C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m really surprised about this. Even the most basic of retirement setups beat this.

>> No.53070977

when you are retired you also get social security + any pension from your jobs. when you take into account that + only real expense at that point is food and you just sit in front of the tv all day long, its definitely livable on

>> No.53070980

You should learn to spot bait better.
Be a better bait biter.

>> No.53071010

dont worry your taxes will pay for his retirement benefits and multimillion dollar healthcare bills while he is shitting on you on social media and keeps supporting media jews and israel because his real estate went up another 30% this year.

We will all die under the boots of hateful disgusting wrinkled weak sociopath boomers. I wish corona took them all out.

>> No.53071062

The middle class is just fucked, all around. The rich become rich (or stay rich), by learning how to play the money game, how to manage their investments, how to flip properties, how different factors in the economy and markets play together to form likely outcomes and how to capitalize on them, etc.

And then the poor, because they are so poor, while lacking money and money management and growth skills, learn many other skills, so they can do them themselves, instead of paying fat wads; car repair, appliance repair, home repair, etc.

The middle class is fucked, though. Too poor to understand making fat wads, but too rich to know any applicable skills outside of whatever menial Excel job they work. Most boomers are like this. Sad. What a waste of life.

>> No.53071111

this is unsustainable as fuck. along with kikes, the rich and corporates draining us dry while paying zero taxes its pretty clear what the future holds for us.

only violence can solve this now.

>> No.53071126

Nigger you are in your 60s and you only have 200k for retirement after the longest lasting mega bull cycle for every single asset class on the planet in an entire 2-3 generations? Come the FUCK on now. Good luck trying to live on $200k for the next 20-30 years.

>> No.53071138
File: 2.99 MB, 576x720, Boomz.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I wasted as many opportunuties as boomers I wouldn't be able to look young people in the eye without feeling shame. But those shameless old fucks go around complaining about le millennials and le zoomers. God, I fucking hate them.

>> No.53071157

we gotta deal with them along with kikes. this is the only way otherwise our future will be foreverlasting corporate slavery, no family, no kids, stagnating wages, unaffordable homes, by the time we become the boomers healthcare will be non existent so you will literally get nothing out of being a wageslave taxpig for your whole life but atleast booms and kikes pocketed 60% of your monthly wages as rent money and your taxes.

The avg boomer paid like 60k in taxes in thier lifetime. now treating thier crotchrot for a year costs over 200k.

>> No.53071178

I'm sure they have a loving family that will support them once they retire :^)

>> No.53071187

But they're only talking about cash/401k savings right? Most boomers also have their paid off house which probably average $500k-$1M. Combine that with their social security checks and you can live on that net worth pretty comfortably.

>> No.53071204

If you are going to blame someone, blame your parents for fucking it up when Jews were creating media empires and leaving it to their children. If they succeeded it's because your people let them be successful when they were busy getting fucked up wasting their lives away.

>> No.53071233

They also have pensions and social security. Something millennials will not

>> No.53071234

thats exactly what Im doing. some of you are still mistaken when we talk about boomers. its not just fixed agegroup.
anyone over 55+ are def boomers as they are media slurping disgusting jelaous sociopath shitstains. many 40+ make the cut too.

>> No.53071241

>Implying you will keep your stonks investments until retirement
Doubt it

>> No.53071246

I put 200 dollars a month into my ROTH IRA and about 20 dollars into a 401k.
I just left it sitting a money market because the other options had losses over each year.
My job matches 10% a year.
Feels like a scam to me. Could just throw the money into my savings account and use it when needed.

>> No.53071257

what does it mean to "understand money" ?

>> No.53071261

The most basic retirement plans don’t function like your graph because market downturns exist and interest rates change as time goes on.
Also you don’t understand the baby boomer generation at all. Even the younger ones are 60. Most have their home paid off, they’ve gotten rid of their debt for the most part and they’re struggling with medical care. A lot of these boomers are taking their money and moving abroad to places with a lower COL where they can live on their social security alone.
Within a decade and a half there won’t be any boomers.

>> No.53071262


>> No.53071271

It just means you can describe all the symbolism and history of the symbols and pictures on each bill ranging from $1 to $100 bills

>> No.53071272
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Their retirement account is supplemented by their real estate.

>> No.53071303


Poker chips. The value of monies is leverage to create more monies. The things you buy with monies shan't be coveted, and will flow forth with adhering to the principles. When you begin to worship money, it will own you like onlyfans simps. It is a tool, a toy, nothing more.

>> No.53071338

Remove social security. Write us a check equal to what we payed into it. Let the retards who do not want to save for retirement let themselves burn and let the responsible adults prosper. I'm sick of paying into a system which likely won't even be around when it's "my turn" to receive it.

>> No.53071375

They're trying to get as many people as possible to die or suicide to save

>> No.53071412

bold of you to think any of this will be around or the same in 30 years. WW3 can happen, US might switch to some weird new currency, UBI might take off and you wont make the same money, massive inflation can happen in that time. 30 years is so far away it almost isnt worth thinking that hard about. i keep telling people, imagine describing how things are today to you in 2000. okay what do you think it will be like 30 years from now?

>> No.53071455

paid off house + 200k savings + pension + social securty = boomers winning.

>> No.53071485

my parents will only have $400k by retirement. they own their house outright and i hope to have a few properties within the next 10 years, so they could move in with me when needed. might have "the talk" with them and convince them to put the house in my name so the government can't claw back their estate to cover medicare bills (5 year medicare estate recovery law.)

>> No.53071499

>markets becoming more and more efficient
>third world slave manufacturing gibs drying up
>endless fountains of 7% inflation-adjusted gibs drying up
>first world purchasing power drying up

the next 20 years of investing will be nothing like the past 150 years of investing. a lot of these mentally retarded boomer adages will be proven wrong: buy the dip, the S&P 500 averages 7% so don't be afraid, etc.

>> No.53071660

>paid off house

No. They took out an HELOC to take the kids to disney, and again to remodel the kitchen, and again to get a new F-150. A lot of these overpriced properties exist because boomers need to pay back their 800k in HELOCs before they can actually sell

>200k savings
That's gonna go towards a down payment for a bungalo in north carolina

These might be safe, but if any of them happen to be city employees the city can literally go 'lol no thx 4 playing' and seize their funds. This already happened in Chiraq i believe

>social security
Also might be safe, but overall that's like...$3k a month? Maybe $5k if they were actually responsible?

>> No.53071672

the s&p has returned 12% for a decade, 7% is the average return including the crashes

>> No.53071699

you are not getting that LOL
it's all junk bonds, they will default

>> No.53071705

Look up US treasury rates right now

>> No.53071736

t. financial retard

>> No.53071777
File: 20 KB, 616x392, image_2022-12-30_102247120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea, they bounced off 4
do you know why?
cause the interest for a 4 is almost 0.8 T
how do you think they will finance their new spending bill? (1.7 T)

>> No.53071782

Its better to take the inflation hit while gaining 4% than losing 10%+ in the stock market while still taking the inflation hit

>> No.53071812

when rates go negative, stocks fly up, sweetie
low rates means credit growth and credit growth means OI skyrockets

>> No.53071826

also, you are not getting 4%
didn't you read the news? new spending bill needs money and the money will come from your pocket, indirectly of course, that way hit's harder than just taxing it outright
daddy FED will buy trillions in T bills

>> No.53071890

>The lower and middle class do not understand money. That is all.

Most people do not understand it at all, the boomers all thought social security would pay for everything. My dad had a solid well paying job for 40 years and oy managed to aave any money for us because in the 80's when he was about 15 yrs from retirement started a 401k. If not for that he would have not saved anything meaningful.
I larp as a poor in my social circles and there is just zero understanding about investing, they vaguely understand how bad inflation is but its more like crabs in pot, ot doesnt change behavior at all.

>> No.53071925

Well, its possible they had zero to start, etc...200k might be an insane victory.
But still, its bad because there is wvery reason to believe we are in a dead decade now, decline and crabbing for 8-10 years is 100% on the menu as a real thing.

>> No.53071937

Anon, keep putting money into those things, more if you can afford to. Seriously.

>> No.53071942

I agree, the US is way too fucking brown already. Anyone who thinks the US will still be a megapower when it is filled with shitskins is retarded
When is last time you heard about Mexican stock market? Exactly. US will fail and become dirt poor in next 30 years and stocks won't even beat inflation. All of it is the result of decades of lead brain-damaged boomer politics.

>> No.53071952

Ive tried to lightly have this convo with my mom about signing house over to a trust or me or siblings, it goes nowhere.

>> No.53071960

Depends. Is it 200k total in equity or 200k available liquid purchasing power excluding hard assets?

>> No.53071972

$8000 in perpetuity with social security and a paid off home is not a bad position to be in when you're an old fuck and no one depends on your anymore

>> No.53071982

typical boomer selfishness: refuse to acknowledge their mortality even if it will harm their family. much better to ignore reality and forfeit their assets to the state in the pursuit of endless (and fruitless) medical treatment.
>dr. shekelstein said i NEED a hip replacement and that these two dozen name brand medications are a medical NECESSITY

>> No.53072078

You understand that that's over for the next 20 years, right? Look at the Nikkei. That's what the SNP will look like in 2050.

>> No.53072102

The nikkei returned 2% after inflation in what everyone else has called the most dysfunctional economy in the world that has been in a recession for decades. It could return more but that's due to the cash hoarding nature of jap corps and irrelevant to index investors.

>> No.53072107

Around the same. I've more than that in crypto and fiat combined. Most like stablecoins because of volatility. USDC mostly, moved from Binance to SpoolFi when they stopped supporting them.

>> No.53072125

>pension from your jobs
Nobody gets those anymore unless you're a government worker. Even UAW members have lost their pensions. It doesn't really exist in the private sector anymore

>> No.53072308

That sounds about right - 2% real annual return for the SNP for the next 20 years. Meanwhile savings accounts will give 6% real return.

>> No.53072476

I remember this being in news cycle years ago, 3k of price of every new car at the time was for paying retiree pensions.

>> No.53072549

if they do then that's great, capital will simply rebalance from stocks to bonds until things reach an equilibrium

>> No.53072582

Does this include the $2 million cucksheds they all possess?

>> No.53073062

They have a paid off house and get a pension from the state.

>> No.53073137


The S&P500 has averaged like 10% annual return over the last century anon. I think it's a pretty safe bet that it'll continue averaging 10% as long as the US and our stock exchange is dominant among tye world.

>> No.53073178

The US is a nation in decline, with that said, I still think the SPX index is the best index to invest in when compared to the rest.

>> No.53073876


fucking kek and lel bro. This country is fucked and everyone knows it. That being said, I'm sure when the Chinese take over maybe some productivity will increase in this god forsaken nation.

>> No.53073911

>6% real return
Against 3-9% real inflation.
We are hopeleasly fucked, all you can do is hoard and pray that the ponzi keeps functioning.

>> No.53073976

yeah sure thing you leftie sissy, you're doing to do shit with your total lack of training and firearm skills. Keep coping

>> No.53074075

I will pretend to massage thier balls (Im pretty good at that) and then just rip off the whole package.

>> No.53074166

No, boomers on the whole are awful at managing their finances, this is generation that started getting reverse mortgages

>> No.53074248

We're still #1 in tech, pharmaceuticals, and entertainment. USA controls half the world and the other half it doesn't control are shitty failing nations where they need to have police point guns at their unarmed civilians and remove basically all freedoms from them just to prevent them from rioting. I don't think America is going anywhere anytime soon, as much as traitors like you would love to be knee deep in Chinese shit.

>> No.53074261

sounds like my parents. not only did they abuse me as a child but now they are acting all cozy and friendly now that my household income is 500k. fuck

>> No.53074472

What's that exactly?

>> No.53074483

>USA controls half the world
Cool, but how citizens benefit from it?

>> No.53074550

You should see where the US gets a lot of their drugs.
Spoilers, imported from Asia.
>surveillance state, commies and kikes

>> No.53074584

"real return" means "returns minus inflation" anon

>> No.53074636

Also the middle class is acculturated to seek the highest standard of living humanly possible instead of living below their means and saving.

>> No.53074640


>> No.53074661


>> No.53075382

No country will be a global superpower in the future. China has zero hope of overtaking the US unless a miracle happens. India is India, and Europe has no kids to replace the dying boomers, unless you count the millions of Arab/Turk/African babies being popped out.

>> No.53075458
File: 426 KB, 720x866, satan wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomer has

>200k in their retirement savings
>200k in their 401k
>house worth about 600k or so since they bought houses in areas which went up a lot over 40 years while you retards debate whether putting 100k on a house in a ghetto in Wichita will be the good real estate play for 2050
>gets about 10k a year in social security
>doesn't pay taxes on house
>free good healthcare
>gets discounts everywhere

Boomers are retarded but you're only talking about savings, consider all the other stuff.

Also in areas where rent is like 1500 dollars, boomers can get rent for 500 dollars in senior apartments. Senior housing communities are like 150k a house in florida where every other house is half a million.

People don't understand boomers are getting a lot of shit for 1980s prices.

It's easy to retire on your net worth of 1 million or whatever if you're paying the same price for everything that you did in 1985 when you were only like 30.

>> No.53075482

>it doesn't exist
The contracts for people who started working at cuck corp in 1989 are always going to be different than for some 25 year old who finally landed his 'dream' job as a mech engineer for cuck corp in 2022.

People who started work in the 70s/80s usually have contracts which have 2x for overtime instead of 1.5x for overtime and pensions. It's only (You) who won't get a pension and will get paid less so they can pay the pensions to 70yos.

>> No.53075501

Saving doesn't work in inflationary periods like right now.

>> No.53075586

This is the thing I constantly tell my coworkers when they’re talking about investing.
Where do you think the world will be in 30 years?
But they don’t get it. If we even consider climate change impacts then a lot of things suddenly become clearer. Like real estate may very well be worthless if it’s near a major metro area that will be flooded or unlivable like Miami or florida in general. Electric cars are no better than regular cars if roads are extremely congested or private vehicles become unsupported by major cities due to lack of space. There’s a number of things that I’d you start thinking 30 to 50 years into the future you understand that what you want to have is a house and land way inland with access to water off the grid. But everyone has different opinions of what the future holds.

>> No.53075637

Nigger it's savings, not savings + assets. Their shit 50k home is worth 800k now plus their boat, sports car, and a whole lot of other shit they could liquidate. Plus after retirement, what else are they gonna spend money on?

>> No.53075790

>its not just fixed agegroup.
>anyone over 55+ are def boomers as they are media slurping disgusting jelaous sociopath shitstains. many 40+ make the cut too.
40-50 year olds are GEN X. Mainly latch key kids from their parents both having to work jobs after feminism. Our generation was the last to get to enjoy our youth without internet. No regrets at all.
We didn't get fucked as hard as younger millennials and especially gen Z, I feel bad for.

>> No.53075808
File: 300 KB, 610x401, Boombooms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The avg boomer paid like 60k in taxes in thier lifetime. now treating thier crotchrot for a year costs over 200k.

Boomers are the worst. They rail on socialism but get free medicare while the rest of us are fucked.

>> No.53075821

>by learning how to play the money game, how to manage their investments, how to flip properties, how different factors in the economy and markets play together to form likely outcomes and how to capitalize on them, etc.
Wrong retard. They stay rich because they lobby the government to maintain the insane wealth loopholes for them and their families in the tax code whilst creating new loopholes all the time.

>> No.53075829

>The boomer has only 200k saved in retirement. Anyone surprised with how low this is?
This is not bad. My dad is a boomer and would be lucky to die with 2k in his bank account.

>> No.53075832

I don't understand this slot machine. Does anyone know roughly how much they are losing with each button press?

>> No.53076227

Don’t know if it is true, but one anon said these particular slots were in a “mode” where the winner in the group pushed the button the most, based on a specified time.

>> No.53076535

Well slots pay back about 90 percent depending on the casino so if it’s max bet at 3.50 a spin they are losing 35 cents a spin

>> No.53076585

$200K is terrible if you’re in your 60s. I’m in my late 20s and have about $130K in retirement.

>> No.53076609

bruh fr i could press that button way faster than those slow ass boomers

>> No.53076650

It's more common that you think. Lots of you have more money than the majority of boomers.

>t. Broker

>> No.53076685


>> No.53076793

The boomers have pensions and social security they didn't need to save

>> No.53076794 [DELETED] 

And neither of you have paid health insurance for 20 years had any children or bought a home. It costs half a million to get a child raised and through university. Best of luck without illness, divorce, dental bills, kid that needs spine surgery or all the other random shit you have no control over from traffic accidents to cancer to redundancy.

>> No.53077146

When stocks and investments your 401k makes go down, it just buys more shares of it instead. The assumption from there is that it will go back up at some point and now the more shares you have will be more valuable.

>> No.53077148

Hope you're right anon

>> No.53077241
File: 63 KB, 1024x854, 980127E4-3629-43AF-AEE5-5A7857CACF1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53077298

No, they are most retarded agegroup in 200years.
Ruined it for theyr parents, kids and grabdkids while wasting everything so they have nothing when they are old.

>> No.53077369

Zoomer hands typed this post

>> No.53077373

>worth 800k
Someone still has to buy it from them. But really most boomers don't have houses worth that much, they have suburban homes worth like 300k. It's kind of retarded to have your home equity as a part of your retirement plan though, you still need to live somewhere. I kind of doubt most boomers are going to retire, or at least not for more than a couple years before dying. They're all too afraid of the consequences if they retire in their 60s and run out of money because they live too long. Maybe most of them actually pull the trigger in their 70s.

Comfortable retirement is just a dream for most people. You're probably going to work your whole life, and if you do retire it's probably going to be pretty bare bones stuff. Your major expenses will be medical and possibly home maintenance if you own one, and you'll be pinching pennies on necessities like food, transportation, clothing etc.

>> No.53077378

boomers have no money bro

>> No.53077582

Somehow my grandpa born in 1932 managed to be retired for 35 years from age 55 to 90. Thank you, global proletariat

>> No.53077624

>Someone still has to buy it from them.
Believe me, they'll find a sucker. My gf's parents put their smallass oldass home out on the market and got their asking price within the month and they moved into a brand new larger home further into the countryside. Location is everything. The home my parents bought in 1999 they sold in 2015 for almost triple its value just because location. It's absolutely stupid how much money you can make simply by being in the right place at the right time. I agree on everything else. Most boomers won't see 80 due to their lifestyles.

>> No.53077625


>> No.53077643

They said this in 1990 before desert storm

>> No.53077659

>massive inflation happens
>buy dogbonkfuckrocket coin
>make 10 million % ROI

>> No.53077660


boomers retire primarily on their real estate not their investments. seen this about 1,000 times. the investments just supplement their SS income, but their living expenses are low because they have paid for housing that they can borrow against if needed due to appreciation

>> No.53077670


lmao japan's economy is literally nothing like the us you dumb fucking 16 year old. did u just read about the nikkei on leddit

>> No.53077683

Ok. Im not a boomer but if you looked at me you would call me a boomer. I have 80k in some fidelity retirement thing. I dont trust that it will be there when Im actually boomer. Wwyd? Would rather just pay on the house with that money honestly. Or just stuff it under the mattress so to speak because 2023 is going to be pure shit

>> No.53078042

Zero knowledge on what the majority of your money is in. Typical. Figure out what the money is invested in, figure out if it’s a 401k or Roth, then get back with that info. The non meme answer is to leave it alone and let it grow. If it’s a 401k you will be assblasted in taxes.

Look at fees your paying, anything near 1 percent is high

>> No.53078350

>We're still #1 in tech, pharmaceuticals, and entertainment

Either bought up brains from overseas or Jewish. Americans can't do anything properly except steal.

>> No.53078761

>from stocks to bonds
Hahaha, no they need to go from Equities and real estate to commodities and private equity

>> No.53078768

401k. I cant find fees, probably written in small print on the titanic.

I just want to park it in fdrxx but it looks like that can possibly lose money too.

Can I put this in gold or something?

>> No.53078896
File: 53 KB, 456x718, 1652143186945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you earn more after taxes each year than the average boomer has for their entire retirement

>> No.53078937


>> No.53078983

So did they. What's your 401k?

>> No.53080559

They will be abused in their nursing homes

>> No.53080604

its been said but
>what is social security

Literally kill yourself retard

>> No.53080639

>the average boomer only has 200k saved for retirement
>the average american doesn't have $500 saved for an emergency

ive been hearing this shit for decades of my life, it's either a fake psyop or its true and proves that none of this shit matters because i dont see anyone going hungry in the US except for completely mentally retarded drug addled niggers

>> No.53080641

It means you are patient, understand the credit cycle and how to make money off of it, and understand the importance of saving/diversification/compounding interest.

>> No.53081026

i highly doubt the average boomer has 200k saved up. i really do not think the average person has enough self restraint or foresight to do that.

>> No.53081086

Most of it was locked away in a 401k so boomers can't touch it until now

>> No.53081117 [DELETED] 

they borrow or take stuff out of that a lot

>> No.53081153

I,'m 40 no job living with parents and literally nothing saved

>> No.53081370

my parents are legitimately overjoyed at the idea of giving up half their remaining wealth in estate taxes
fucking unreal

>> No.53081524


>> No.53081610


>> No.53081625

I bet this won't clue your dumbasses into the fact that most boomers aren't well off home owners, huh?

>> No.53081628

Damn. I have that much and I've only been working for a few years.

>> No.53081644

What the fuck, is this real? Are you real?>>53078896
kek this pic is awesome

>> No.53081651

They are still getting social security and other benefits that will be long gone by the time other generations get that old. They grew up in a time where the west wasn’t swarmed with nonwhites, a time without overpriced housing or education, all sorts of good things, all thrown away by them.
They need to get suffocated by the niggers they imported.

>> No.53081727

Problem with this mentality is that you're going to have a lot of people who don't save and invest for their retirement which means you are going to have a huge homeless and crime problem. Social safety nets help to actually save money in the long-term because then you don't have to spend money dealing with the issues of not having any safety nets.
If you simply kill poor people in the street, then I suppose this isn't an issue, though.

>> No.53081767

Yeah but he owns a home, something you will never afford.

>> No.53081775

That's good. Means that they can't rug on us.

>> No.53081849

boomers are legit bad with money
they grew up during a time of tremendous surplus, consumed it all, then ran up massive government debt just so they could continue consuming beyond their means
i didn't even have my first full time job until i was 26, don't have any education beyond high school, and in the last 11 years i've built up a net worth of 400k (no debt, no crypto)

>> No.53081855

>a net worth of 400k (no debt, no crypto)

>> No.53081873


This makes me feel better about my savings situation.

>$600k 401kek
>120k employer pension
>$50k roth ira
>$400k home equity (ugh, still owe 740k)

>> No.53081891

i had done part time IT work while living at home, and had a net worth <10k when i was 25
my first full time IT job paid 45k, and my net savings rate was about 50%
my salary 11 years later is now 93k, and my net savings rate is still about 50%
so it's mainly just from saving, my non-401k investments have actually underperformed during that period, if i had just put it into the s&p or nasdaq i'd be over half a million by now

>> No.53081919

This. My parents bought a house for $60k in 1989 and it's worth over $500k now.

>> No.53081936

It's called a slot tournament. The slots are in 'tournament mode' where you don't put in money per spin. You get unlimited spins in a certain time window. You click spin, then the 2nd spin click stops the reels so you don't have to wait like 6 seconds for the spinning to stop. It's literally just button mashing and whoever gets the highest score wins real money or a prize or some shit

>> No.53081943

So I'm right, no you retards won't.

>> No.53081952

maybe the gov should just provide heroin that sometimes has cyanide in it
no reasonable person would ever accept it from them but some percentage of junkies in a pinch would roll the dice

>> No.53081953


yet if your parents want to buy a new car, it's quite possibly $60k.

modern monetary policy is a joke.

>> No.53082035

Why not just alternate with two hands

>> No.53082241

Anon, I think you have the right idea but you're forgetting the free market can destroy this. Good drug dealers will just verify where they get their goods or make it themsleve and sell "clean" heroin that their clients can trust. Pride brand image. Bad drug dealers will go out of business.
No doubt your plan would put a dent in the current drug user population though.

>> No.53082257

That actually sounds kind of fun. I prefer pachinko machines with big tittied anime girls though, personally.

>> No.53082263

the average person doesnt know shit about finances and the banks have no problem deducting various fees from them every step of the way. they have powerful lobbys and interest groups to keep the average layperson in the dark. its not even a boomer/zoomer thing, the average person even nowadays with unfiltered access to the internet is never taught anything about financing and has to teach themselves about it. big banks and large investment firms prefer it like that.

>> No.53082267

I hate boomers so much it's unreal

>> No.53082290

You just described the most conservative people in society.

>> No.53083016

but anon, if people dont consume and save instead, the stock market will crash

>> No.53084177

agreed, when i see an article about how "Elon musk sees 200billion in 'wealth' wiped away in a single year"
If you measure your wealth by stock values you hold youre in for a very rude awakening someday... most index funds value is in hyper overvalued companies and not cash cow Dow dogs

>> No.53084281
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>If you do understand money, and you are still lower/middle, it won't be long until you're rich.
This. If you are even halfway decent you can retire with several million. It will just take longer if you are in a bad job. All these people with no money are just idiots with no self control. Theyre not even human in a way. Theyre animals that follow instinct. Just browse and personal finance site. Couples making 150k and still cant find money to pay off student debt.

>> No.53084373

No because my mom just went back to work after 4 years of retirement. They had everything in 401k and social security was their only income.

>> No.53084385
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You should have 200k by 30s or mid 30s. By 60 you should have multimillions. If even low like 2-4.

>> No.53084429
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>while paying zero taxes
Ok tankie go back to late stage capitalism sub. No one intelligent should be paying taxes to this gov in this age. Besides this slavery was voluntary and americans chose their masters. No one was forced into this relationship.

>> No.53084467
File: 751 KB, 200x200, A46D6320-2FB7-4A64-BFB8-E408BEE4CFCA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hates boomers because they “have it easy”
>boomers retire with 200k only to end up destitute in 2 years
The eternal millennial. You losers had 10 years to make it. All you needed to do was throw $1,000 at anything when you were 20. Now you seethe at the working class instead of hating yourself for not doing basically anything at all.

>> No.53084507

My grandfather bought a house for $19,000 in 1972. It’s worth a million now. He’s been long dead. Never rich in liquidity. I had to buy that house for $800,000 from my aunt who retired only to have to go back to work because after relocating, 800k still isn’t shit after purchasing another home. We’re all getting fucked except for the 1% like Pelosi and friends. Direct your ire at those deserving of it.